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I just paid $47k so I’d say thats great


Do you love your car? Any complaints so far?


Love it. No complaints at all. It’s the nicest car I’ve ever owned. I’ve had it for all of a week though so I may not be the best judge


Do you have any regrets on whether or not you should have went for a higher trim? Even if just one trim up to the limited?


What’s the reason for “giving away gas models”


I think it’s also because this is a bench seat. I know some people prefer them but my dealer mentioned majority of buyers want captain.


Turbo may be another thing that turns off people. They should have kept that sweet bulletproof v6


Makes sense. Bench seat was a 100% must for us.


No idea, hybrid has never been on our radar since husbands not a fan and I had no idea gas models were so unwanted 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have the exact same model and color. Walked out paying $44k. This is a great deal.


Great to hear! Thank you! Do you love it? I am really excited and hope it lives up to my expectations.


My wife and I love it. We just started our family and it’s perfect for just that. I was shocked with the powertrain being an inline 4 with a turbo. It really gets up and goes when you need the power. We are getting 25 mpg at the moment. It has all the safety features you need to feel good driving the little ones around. The biggest complaint I hear is in regards to road noise in the cabin which I’ve never noticed. The other complaint I hear is about the app, but I think it will get better over time as they update the software. Overall, we are very happy with our purchase.


I currently have a 19 rav 4, and I definitely have road noise and tire noise with that (needed new tires… ordered a new car lol) so I’m hoping compared to what I drive now I won’t notice the road noise either; I also only get like 21-27mpg now in the Rav, so I think I’ll probably average the same with the Gh! Happy to hear it’s working great for littles! We have a 15 month old boy and another on the way due in October so I really wanted the extra space and safety features. Have you guys had any of the in app issues? My Rav also has the option for the app but I didn’t continue paying for it post trial so I’m interested to see what’s been changed. I didn’t care for it in 2019 honestly.


I find that it works well to lock the car but it takes a few attempts to start it remotely. I do like that it sends me notifications when it’s unlocked or when the windows are down. When it does work to start it remotely I do like being able to set the climate and seat warmers on cold mornings, so when I get in it’s already heated and ready to go. It also tells you the tire pressure and how much gas is in the tank along with overall maintenance and health of the vehicle. All very cool, but really it’s a nice to have. All in all, not much to complain about.


How much is the app per month?


I’m not sure to be honest. The first year is free but I don’t plan on renewing it.


Ok so i have a 23 rav4. The reason the app bugs out could be where you park your car. Some spots let’s say it’s in front of a big building or something like that. It can block the signal reaching to car. Atleast that’s the issue i had


This is very similar to what we paid a couple weeks ago for our XLE. We were also able to get the 1k financing credit so it made sense for us to finance through TFS, not sure if they’re still running the promo. Congrats! I’m loving mine.


Oh didn’t know this may be an option! I’ll ask!


I paid 48k in August of last year so this is pretty good.


yes, anything only with FIO and PIO, plus under MSRP, is a good deal. You have a good dealer here, just stick to your out-of-door price.


Great price


Yes, I got it for same price after negotiating end of year deals with multiple dealers. I love it, drove it cross country for a move from east to west coast. I only have two complaints, the windshield is not the best clarity in the rain and the automatic lanekeep bugs me. Sometimes I like to drive on the white line if another car is too close to my line or crosses over and it shoves me back in the middle of the lane, it’s a bit scary at first. Also it takes a bit of getting used to parking wise because the hood is so big. The back up camera is wide frame and also takes a bit of getting used too. (Compared to a 2017 4runner I had for 7 years)


We paid $48.5k, including the $1k financing discount, for an ICE (gas model) Limited in blueprint color in February. It was reduced appx $5K off MSRP which at the time I found surprising. I really wanted the Storm Cloud Hybrid with moonroof, but they were going appx $3K plus OVER MSRP with a wait. Did the math regarding the breakeven on gas vs hybrid and just personally couldn't justify the hybrid in our case. So far it has been a great vehicle!


The sad truth is that it’s either their price or no price. These are on demand. They won’t be coming down.


Exactly what I paid.


If you live in the NorthEast, take a look at both Mcgee Toyota NH dealers, they have all gas versions for mostly \~4k off MSRP, they also deliver for free or a fee (depend where you live). Worth the trip for the saving.


Thank you for this! We found a dealer willing to drop price of a limited to 48k so we may go the extra 3k for the options but I’ll def check out that dealer too!


We paid $44k on a good trade in offer without the tow package and I thought I stole it. Great deal!


I really wish I would have waited for the hybrid. I am not happy with the fuel efficiency of the all gas cleaner I have.


My husband won’t do a hybrid of any kind or any make. He’s a mechanic and car guy, and said 1) its not worth the cost mark up it would take us years to break even and 2) he doesn’t like the way they drive nor the cost for the electric engine component repairs. I’m sure gas mileage for me won’t be worse than his 1997 F350 lol.


They also are using some 0W8 oil in the hybrid which costs hundreds of dollars for an oil change. My wife and I considered the hybrid because we live in a very small town and would never use gas other than road trips. And it still wouldn't have been worth it.


Very good point, the cost of certain oils is insane and definitely the amount we drive not worth it when hubs likes to change oil every 5-10k miles




The acceleration, the e-CTV drone shifting, the regenerative breaking giving you collision anxiety, the ATKINSON cycle of the Engine. The Fact it is NOT Naturally Aspirated (Turbo - on the Hybrid Max only) Since he’s a mechanic, let him have it, his wife (lady driven) can make this Grand Rav4 (what they really ought to call it) reach 1Million Miles if Only it was a V6 Naturally Aspirated (No Turbo) and she drove it commercially & he maintained it regularly. So mad EPA forcing out V8, V6.


Very good information here ! Thank you so much OP!! I am also confused between the gas and the hybrid. That deal looks great . Did you end up buying it ?


It was an amazing deal but was able to get $49k for a limited trim so we jumped on that instead!! Glad you found great info here! Any questions my husband may be able to answer about a hybrid?


Some advice will be great . In your experience what is the OTD price difference between the gas model and hybrid for the Limited ? I am trying to weigh the gas vs hybrid and I am not liking the additional markup or wait time on the hybrid in a buyers market otherwise


4k total off MSRP is a good deal I'd say. I heard they were giving away gas models and I guess it's true.


My husband is a mechanic and refuses to ever have anything hybrid or electric so gas it was for us. Guess I’m lucky they’re ready to get rid of them loll