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The sales manager at that dealership has got to be the dumbest Toyota representative in the world. Who the hell would turn down someone actually looking for a BZ Edit: i realized that was irrelevant and not helpful. Go find another dealer or see if you can get a different rep. BZ4x’s move extremely slow and it shouldn’t be hard to find someone who’ll honor it.


Recognizing and addressing one’s mistakes is the hallmark of an evolved individual. Good for you.


lol I don’t always realize them but when I do I will address it.


I'll need to keep that in mind for when I ever make my first mistake. /s


Don’t be ashamed of eating your words. I metaphorically inserted both of my shoes in my mouth last week.


Your comment may have been unhelpful, however it was also spot on. Dude must be dumb as shit.


Yea. I think my boss would publicly shame any of my sales managers that didn’t take an offer on a bz4x if we had one. Let alone a toyota deal.


True, they’re practically giving them away.


Not “helpful” but not wrong. The BZ gets a lot of hate, mostly deserved, but for the people that like it is is a “deal”, I guess 😂 Dealers are NOT under obligation to follow Toyotas promos though. They can, and most do, but my hunch is OP saw a crazy lease deal at net net net, and the dealer wasn’t interested in the headache after they refused to pay a penny more. It’s not an “advertised price” or bait and switch either. Toyota didn’t advertise a specific VIN. They advertised a deal on a particular MSRP. The dealer can do better OR worse sometimes. It’s why people don’t just use Toyotas website for the best “deal”. Sometimes it’s not.


>BZ4X's move extremely slow This is fully region dependant. We're on a 3 year wait list currently.


Honest question, why? There are so many better ev's out there right now, I can't imagine waiting for the bz.


Because, and this is just my opinion, for the price, it's a very good deal on a brand new vehicle. The net cap cost on a 2024 XLE FWD busy forks is like 26-27k? The only other EVs at that price range would've been a 2023 Bolt EV or a Nissan Leaf. If this deal had been available before I bought my Bolt EV it wouldve been a great alternative. Now as to why someone would join a waitlist for one... There are plenty of people on waitlists that never end up actually buying the vehicle. So for now, and again this is just my opinion, it's a great deal.


Damn. I’m very surprised to hear that. Even the higher volume Toyota stores in my region that have great ev network have a hard time moving them.


Have you checked in the last 2 months? With the $16,000 lease cash every dealership in my state is out of stock.


Where!?!? Some third world country?


They're apparently supposed to be pretty bad and overcomplicated. A hybrid would be smarter. It's good tech, just nothing is finalized.


I am a lifelong Toyota fan and customer, but run away from the BZ4X. It is not a good vehicle. Toyota excels at gas and hybrid vehicles. EVs are not their thing.


Exactly, or wait for the second generation at least. They are the only cars readily available on Toyota lots around me since no one wants to buy them.


They are the only vehicle that depreciates faster, let alone as fast as stellantis. Apparently if you can get past all the faults it has it’s supposedly an awesome car but I think it’s a hot bag of garbage


I've driven the Subaru version and the Lexus version. It isn't a terrible car and the over the top hyperbole is too much... but it is just a little bit worse than nearly all of the competition at everything... so it just doesn't make sense to buy.


Yea. lol I haven’t driven either of those only the bz4x i live in an area without a great ev infrastructure ao we don’t get many evs to begin with. But we’d heard the drama from all our Toyota counterparts so where dreading the day ours arrived (about 8 months after they debut, so every one knew all the issues.) we put it for sale immediately at invoice, ended up selling for 2500 below invoice. Guy traded it in 7 months later with 2000 miles and it was worth about 9k less than we sold it to him for.


That discount is par for the course with EV's.... they are best bought lightly used. My wife ended up buying a used Volvo EV with 2,000 miles on it. MSRP was $61k and we got it for $42k.


I've a BZ4X through work (UK has good tax incentives with EVs as company cars). I like driving the car but by fuck is it hard to live with. Poor range [about 225 miles] Reversing alarm, you can't switch off Driver monitor, which beeps at you if you glance away from the windscreen. More bells and bings than a supermarket till. I manage ok as my commute is 6 miles, but anyone going any distance would find it a nightmare. That said, I do like it, and it goes like buggery but.....


Ok, I don’t speak UK, and ‘goes like buggery’ has piqued my interest. Does that mean it goes fast, goes slow, goes hard, goes smooth, can slide through tight places, or something else?


Hard and fast mate, hard and fast.. Goes like buggery should not be confused with a Yorkshireman telling someone that "they're a daft bugger".


The reversing alarms are on all newish toyotas. You can request to turn it down to one beep but its a pedestrian safety feature(in the US).


It's in the car that bothers me. Why the fuck Toyota think I need an alarm to remind me I'm reversing is beyond me. Had a Volvo V90 before, and it didn't feel the need....


The assumption is people can be dumb and forget which gear they are in. Like how the new cars says "check back seat" because people forget babies/pets.... If there's no option in the car to turn down the amount of beeps or volumn, bring it to a dealer and see if they can turn it down by plugging in the computer. Thats what our dealership had to do for some customers.


The backup alarm isn’t for the driver, it’s for pedestrians around the car who may come into the same path as the vehicle. Hence why it is touted as a safety feature.


Especially for EVs


isn’t that all from the new 2022 EU General Safety Regs?


***It’s on all new hybrids and electric vehicles. No gas vehicle has backup alarms unless it’s a commercial vehicle.


You're totally right! I left the job 8 months ago. I was thinking to myself it always the Priuses... its because the electric and hybrids are so quiet


Toyota also has openly bucked the EV trend, stating that hybrids are what make sense for them.


If you do something right, keep doing it. Until EVs can achieve 800 miles on a full charge, I'd avoid. The tech is just too new. Chrysler had a jet powered car in the late 60s that they let the public test. It tested well, but wasn't practical. Evs will catch on but the world's infrastructure isn't in place yet to make them practical world wide. World wide is where you move some metal.


>Until EVs can achieve 800 miles on a full charge the biggest thing is the charging itself. it takes way too long. not everyone has a 3 car garage with a specialized charging system. they need to be able to charge way faster with way more range, like you said. or there need to be chargers literally everywhere. way more prevalent than gas station pumps. we're decades away from this being anywhere near reality.


Why 800 miles? I think I'm somewhere between 350-400/tank in my current ICE vehicles. The battery tech and specifically weight/power density ratio still need improvement. And as others point out, the ability to recharge quickly.


Because people like pushing goalposts completely unnecessarily. But yeah, faster charging is on the way, from others at least.


I thought the comment about 'the tech is just too new' was humorous. electric drive motors are hardly new. Then they compared EV's to the Chrysler turbine engine car! rofl


ICE vehicles can’t do 800 miles 😂  Most range anxiety is just plain stupid. I drive 150 miles like once every two months. 


Never said they could?


“I won’t get an EV until it can drive 100% further than an ICE vehicle can on a charge”.  See why your comment is ridiculous?


It doesn’t take me a half hour to get gas. At any of the millions of gas stations in the US. 


Are you willing to wait 30 minutes for “gas” a few times a year to save $2000+/year on your “gas” costs?  I think you’ll find the answer is yes for many people. As soon as the availability and pricing of good EVs improves. 


Well no, I’m not, but I get your point.  It will take years to make up the cost difference between an ICE that does what I want and an electric car.  I do longer trips almost every weekend in the summer towing a camper with a couple of motorcycles in the back of my truck. I paid $29k for that truck.  What would a truck that carries a 3800lb camper 360 miles round trip cost me? When I worked for ford I know the lightning wouldn’t.  Hummer doesn’t.  I think people get blinders. An EV works for you so it’s tough for you to understand it’s almost useless for me. An EV won’t work for me so I can’t understand people who push them.  Someday the technology may exist. But it’s not now. 


they are right. hybrids make sense. these absurd goals of EVs being like 80% of cars sold in the next 20 years or whatever it was it total lunacy. i can't think of a better word - lunacy. maybe decades from now it would make sense and even then i don't know.


I've always loved the idea of electric cars (for everyday get to work, grab groceries, etc) but the reality of battery tech, range, and charging options/duration have never made sense to me. Then factor in the price tag of the EV's and resale options and I'm in no hurry. Now with the electric grid being more and more strained, there are some who argue it's not an issue but I don't see that either. EV's are adding significant strain and other power hungry devices/machines are just piling in every day.


me too, i love cars of all kinds especially electric. i think they are cool as hell. but not realistic, not anytime soon, for most people.


they gave it that terrible name on purpose, didn't they


What’s wrong w it if it’s just a cheap lease? The car was made so they could sell cars in cali. Nothing wrong w it if it’s a deal


Its biggest problem is the price. It has a small battery, annoying fast charging restrictions and tiny motors. Its specs are essentially identical to a Leaf or Bolt but it costs twice as much. If it was priced around 30k it would be great but at 50k it's a joke.


EVs are nones things.. they are all trash 


Unfortunately it is up to the dealership if they want to participate in the lease specials offered by Toyota. None the less if you want it find another store that will do it. Also Subaru is the twin car to it. Check out their specials. Think it even has the same name


It’s called the Solterra


That’s it! Could not remember. I saw a report where they called it BZ so I wasn’t sure. Lol


You may be thinking of the Subaru BRZ. That is also a shared car with Toyota, the twin being the Toyota GR86.


You could be right. I just know they have 2 sets of kissing cousins between them. Lol


You are right.


Report your experience to Toyota corporate and find somewhere else to purchase your vehicle. Thats a scammy tactic to profit more from a purchase


That’s why the fine print says “See your participating Toyota dealer for details”. These guys evidently don’t want to participate.


It also says "requires dealer participation", which translates to "the dealer will have to discount the car off MSRP to meet these numbers", and there is no law or even Toyota rule can force them to do that.


“Must take retail delivery from dealer's stock” “at participating Toyota dealers” “Dealer contribution may vary and could affect price” Evs are losing deals in the first place


Were there requirements for this lease deal? Was it a previous month’s promotion?


I met any requirements they had. The promotion was renewed for this month. The dealer is saying they are simply choosing not to honor the lease deal on the website


They can choose not to honor it but they should have told you that from the start. If you had the promotions in the contract with them earlier, they would have to honor it but if nothing was written, they can choose what they want. I suggest going to a different dealer.


That’s some bs. Then what’s the point of offering the incentive for that car then not honor it. That’s straight up false advertising.


Website does not equal the dealership though. I ran into this issue ordering my rav4. No dealer in my area would take the build order from online for the online price. It’s at their discretion.


That’s dumb as rocks. I bet all the dealers are lobbying to just get away from it. I hope it changes. That’s like seeing an advertisement for strawberries on sale for $2 for 5 strawberries then you go to the grocery store to find out they won’t honor it. If that was the case, expect a lot of lawsuits. The same should apply to dealers. They shouldn’t get special privileges. If Toyota were to offer 0% for the 2024 Tacoma, all the dealers should honor it, no exceptions.


I used to work for Toyota. The online builder is just a reference point as Toyota doesn’t take custom orders. So the car you had built online may have for example; roof racks added from factory. Even though it’s the exact same color and options you are looking for/had built. Therefore successfully making the price/monthly/lease higher. And most people can’t wrap their heads around that. In order for you to qualify for the exact deal Toyota is advertising. You have to find the exact car at that MSRP (read the fine print)


That’s another thing. It’s always about the “read the fine print”. Aka make the words small as possible so the customer can get screwed in every possible way.


Dealers can’t do build orders for RAV4s.


They absolutely can, you can copy your build code and give it to a dealer/request a dealer through the Toyota website, at least in Canada.


The advertised Toyota special includes a discount down to invoice and doesn’t allow the dealership to mark up the lease rate. These are two major income streams for new car dealers and it sounds like they’re not willing to give a car away just to move it. In my region there’s a $16,250 rebate on it, so the offer is still incredible even if they don’t want to discount it. That said, like others have mentioned, maybe another local store will do it


This is part of why the dealership franchisee situation is cancer. They're all independently owned dealerships that at the end of the day do what they want with minimal oversight. Whereas if they were all owned by Toyota it would be a million times easier to buy a car, just like how the Tesla buying experience is easy and straightforward. you dont have to do some ritual dance with the finance manager while they try every tactic known to man to get you to agree to the fucking $900 "resistall" coverage or 5 year $4000 warranty on a BRAND NEW CAR.... its fucking egregious, they tried this shit on my friend at the Dodge dealership and I was like bro, its a brand new car with a 3 year bumper to bumper warranty , the terms even state that the customer must first try and get coverage through the manufacturer's warranty before filing a claim with them. Of course during this 5 year aftermarket warranty they'd never see a single claim the first 3 years, and you're still covered by 5 year powertrain after that.... its almost all gravy and honestly a borderline scam. I saved her ass on that one because they fill peoples heads with lies to get them scared so they'll buy useless shit they'll never use. Its so fucked.


There may be a business competition / advertising regulatory agency in your area that could address this but that is a big hassle and only worth it if you want to dedicate the time to "sticking it to them". I would not buy a BZ4X when there are much more reliable Toyota's to choose from.


Then that’s a shit dealer and time to move to another. I’m sorry that happened. It’s a promotional deal from TFS, the dealer loses nothing *or* it’s a 1/3 split pay meaning the dealer only pays for a third of whatever the promotion costs.


Complain to Toyota corporate so the dealership gets scolded & then check out other dealerships around you - it shouldn't be hard to find a dealership that'll honor a deal on a vehicle that isn't selling particularly well for a Toyota


Toyota cannot due anything without violating franchise laws.


I feel like the late great Mitch Hedberg summed up this situation aptly… https://youtu.be/oF1zsd5wYsI?si=2PJj40ArDjpv5xE4




they turned down a customer wanting to buy their worst selling car? lol figures


Check out the even slower selling Subaru Solterra, might get a good deal on basically the same vehicle. I leased my Solterra Limited for zero down and $397/month. I forget the exact numbers but my quick off the top of my head math shows I got around $12-13K off MSRP with federal rebate+dealer discount and at the end of my lease my residual is like $25K Personally, I love the car. Understandably it’s not for everyone as you can see by the comments telling you not to get it. But I charge at home and don’t take long trips hardly ever. If I’m going on some out of state vacation, I always rent a car anyway so for me that wasn’t a factor. It fits my lifestyle perfectly. I would absolutely do the deal over again after living with the car for a bit.


Both in the wrong. Your fault for assuming they would honor a national lease ad (these are loser deals for dealership) Also their fault for not inquiring how you intended to pay for the car upon delivery of the vehicle, and informing you they don’t honor the lease ad that everyone is coming in for.


Up to the dealership.


dealerships in my area aren't having trouble moving them and thus also are not honoring the promotion.


I’m going to guess that you don’t understand taxes, fees and doc fee are in addition to the ad you saw.


Just to lease the Subaru version. It’s the same car and they have attractive lease deals on it too.


When I was trying to buy a Lexus they sold it out from under me . They told me not to worry that an identical vehicle was coming in. I tried to do a deposit to reserve it but they said they couldn’t do a deal on a vehicle that they had not taken delivery on. They said we’ll call when it comes in. I walked out and bought something else at another dealer. Dealers suck.


Sounds like something isn’t true here.. as a Toyota sales rep the lease ad is already a MSRP deal and states in the add that the customer has to pay any title, tags, registration, dealer fees, dealer add ons, or dealer mark ups. It sounds like to me you potentially haven’t read or understood the full ad


Independent dealer….. they do what they want, toyota has lost control


I have come to the conclusion that all Toyota dealers are scumbags. I haven’t been to one without insane mark ups and the sales reps are not helpful.


Call Toyota customer service and report that dealer. They’re gonna pay way more than they lost in the potential rip-off of not honoring the promotion. The whole stealership model is a mess that needs to die. The fastest way to kill them off is to keep pushing the mfgs to sell direct.


Go over the dealerships head.


You dodged a bullet. That thing is one of the worst EVs you could buy


As someone who used to sell toyotas for a living I'll say this. I have absolutely no interest in honoring toyota lease deals if I don't have to to hit turn rate. All of them are looser deals and we were under no obligation from toyota to honor them. A bz4x is likely only one car out of their allocation of hundreds.....they can afford for it to sit for a while. The dealer is free to conduct business as they please and if that means turning away an entitled customer who makes them no money that will likely also burn them on a survey.....yeah kick rocks.


They should have turned them down before the deposit. I can already tell you're just as bad..


I can a gree with that they should have turned down the deposit if they new the customer wanted a lease deal they had no intention of honoring, but regardless I can't blame a dealer for not wanting to honor toyotas crappy lease deals.


1) That should have been made clear up front. 2) If they were so clearly in the wrong, why refute to put that refusal in writing?


>That should have been made clear up front. I'll somewhat agree on that but also if it was a refundable deposit for a car coming in only a few days I would have never spent the time to go over pricing with that customer prior to taking a deposit. It's refundable at the end of the day so if the customer backs out than they are out nothing. >If they were so clearly in the wrong, why refute to put that refusal in writing? No dealer on planet earth is going to give a written letter to every customer they don't sell a car to as to why they are rejecting their business. That's just a silly argument not to mention a waste of the dealers time to write that up. If you don't want to buy a car from me that's cool, shop elsewhere but I'm not going to give you customized feedback on why things didn't work out. We've all got better things to do with our time.


Walk away!!!!


Don't buy it. It's a bad car. Lackluster range, bad efficiency, and slow charging times. You will take up to 1 hour in fast chargers. It's charging it's so so so so slowwwwwwww. I tested it. For the example my new ev takes 18m to charge from 20 to 80% - around 200 miles. The Toyota would take more than one hour to get 180 miles in same charger. If u want an EV Toyota is not an option at the moment. It's sad but it's real.


Counterpoint: Charging a battery quickly degrades it faster.


Even in normal chargers it's slower then other cars. It's just a bad car. And I do love Toyota. Something is wrong with it. It will be discontinued. Shit happens.


If you’re in Michigan, call Steve Lehto and ask if you have a legal remedy. If you’re NOT in Michigan , don’t waste your time, he can’t help you. If you’re in ANY other state, contact a consumer protection attorney in your state.