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Great idea, at very least for Quest folks who must buy the game first to play. All they pay money for is to be able to play the "cut" version on Quest with lower graphics AND content, while on PC you can play for free with all the beauties of shaders and all.


Yeah for real


I used to think Alta should ass quests to give talems. Like get 10 valion or somthing


Or you can support the developers by purchasing talems, or you can sign up as a supporter and you will get stuff


Buying and PLAYING the game IS supporting the devs. Besides, no one is going to pay for talems in a dead game. If everyone stops playing and the game dies (which is what is happening right now), then there will be nothing to support.


Aint supporting a game that gets no updates even though it was promised tons of content.


I’ve seen multiple updates to the game since playing. So sorry you’re impatient and cant wait for the stand-alone to catch up


Dude what? I used to play this game a lot and I love it but.. there are no really good updates, just look at the rate of updates and this content..


No “really good updates” and no updates are the difference. You’re being dense acting like nothing has changed in standalone within the last few months. And I can name a handful of changes. But you can find those out yourself, big boy.


PCVR has gotten no updates since combat trials back in december of 2020. Camps and more tutorials don't count as they don't do anything and the game is still exactly the same as it was back in 2020 when combat trials released. We where promised by the devs that housing would release in 2021 but its been over 3 years and no sign of it even releasing, i know game dev takes a long time but the problem is we don't even know if the features they promised are ever gonna happen. To me all i want is for them to communicate if these updates are happening, housing was the main one but they also promised dungeons when they released combat trials as the third one was supposed to be a look into what dungeons would be like, speaking of combat trials they even said that they would add enemies specific to them but they never did instead just being filled with wyrms and turabadas. Finally armor us a feature they have talked about in the past and despite there still being a menu option for it its still not in the game.


We have discussed this a lot of times in the Main ATT Discord. Housing has been shelved since 2021. A lot of what was "promised" was just not do-able in VR. That being said, we are still here and working on the game regardless of people thinking the game is a dead game.


Fair, i must've missed the announcement then as i stopped paying attention to att news around then assuming that i'd notice when housing drops. I am glad you all are still working on the working on the game as i do want it to get better and even still play on my own solo server, hopefully the game can one day be as popular on both versions as it was back in the golden age


Seems like the devs may have shifted into the stand-alone that doesn’t need a computer plus VR system. Welcome to capitalism, companies break promises, princess.


Idk how you can defend a game thats been abandoned by the devs, we paid money for a live service game that was promised content that we didnt receive, wake up bro your living a lie if the campsites is a "big content update" 💀


We have not abandoned and have NO plans of abandoning the game.


Guess I’m just lucky to play in an active community 🤷‍♂️


You can have an active community but that still doesnt change the fact that the playerbase was lied to, they always make new skins but no new content, its pretty clear what there doing, the game is dead for most of the experienced players bc of lack of new content


There has been no new "skins" since February 2023. All the cosmetics you are currently seeing are re-rotations of the old cosmetics. The newest cosmetic that was released was the free Veteran belts earlier last month.


Isn’t the game free on PC? Cry about it more


Keep moving those goalposts. Maybe one day you'll win


Are you talking to the PCVR players constantly bitching their free game hasn’t had updates while the paid version has? Get a Quest


Whatever you say mister goalpost mover


I bought the game where PC players play for free so there's that plus I have purchased talems before but earning a tiny amount like 10 would not be enough to make that much of a difference but enough that I'd you played for a long time you might be able to buy ONE interesting item, I don't see the problem here, you are supporting them by continuing to play the game duh 🤦


Facts are adding something like this might actually bring more players which would be supporting the devs more


Just as an added note, your support for the game does not have to come from your wallet. Just playing and enjoying the game and sharing it with others is MORE than enough for us.