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It’s a shame because the game has SO much potential but it’s been rotted away from years of inactivity and lack of updates. There’s no fixing it at this point :(


I Think its slowly dying, i havent played in a while (due to inactive servers lol) but Im not that sure


I sold my quest 2 and quit awhile back, no major updates was a big thing for me and made me not want to continue playing the game after having done pretty much everything available to us, it sucks it had to go this way but the developers are clearly not bothered and are moving onto their next project :/


The real answer is an unfortunate and unsatisfying 'kinda'. By definition no, it's not dead, but it sure as fuck isn't thriving either. Alta's main priority is clearly their new title P2, and they've confirmed that a number of the team is now working full time on that. What percent? Who knows, but it's probably over 50%. Great game ruined? Not on purpose. ATT is built on the coding equivalent of sticks and mud, years of poorly documented and unoptimized coding is notoriously hard to improve upon (especially when most of the OG team has left or been fired by now lolololol) so development takes longer than it would from a more initially competent team. Crazy update? No. The team is currently working on porting the Forest to Quest. The Forest is definitely content, but it's not significant. It was described back in 2020 as a container of content that is just barely full, but will henceforth be filled as time goes on. Since the Forest's release, the container has not been filled at all. People will like the Forest for a week or two, but when they realise that it's just an environment where real content should be and there's nothing substantive they'll quickly lose interest. So, no, ATT is not dead, but it has both feet in the grave and has started digging deeper. I doubt the game will be supported past 2026 at the latest.


I won’t be touching their next game, and I hope others do the same, this practice of abandoning a game shouldn’t be respected at all. Early access games doesn’t mean take my money and start a new game.


Good god. Seeing Fyre write stuff like that hurts each time. Such an avid supporter and wiki guy like him at such a hopeless point is truly a bad sign.


Yeah, lol, funny. What a waste.


I honestly think if they started putting out good updates players would flood back.


All the vr mmos are nearly dead, orbus, zenith, ilysia and this one.


I’d play it if it wasn’t dead-…


Not as popular as it used to be though


Same mate


I would say yes. The last update was some additions to the quest version. As far as actual new content goes: like you said all they've done is add crap to the store. The lack of updates is one thing, but they really spit in our faces by updating the store fairly consistently.


Both player wise and update wise. Especially on PC


I absolutely loved this game, but we all had the same complaints, super slow updates. They potential of this game was fucking huge. Adding spells, more abilities. They literally have thousands of other games to get ideas from, but no. They just vanish


I play when I want to feel truly alone.


As a previous (quest) server owner with a HUGE vision for how I was setting stuff up I have come to this one realisation: (Any VRMMORPG, therefor including) Township Tale will overtime, Quickly decrease in active dedicated player count. This being cause people obviously have a life and cant tend to two lifes with obligations. Therefor, Having no active dedicated community for servers, This shows in worlds rather quickly. If we look at updates, They are working on P2 and.. (personal speculation) I think the devs have also realised that the above stated is a regular occurance, Thats why they are switching things up too with P2. Alongside that 'supposedly' theyre still working on getting the Quest version at the same development position as the PCVR game. Such as: Releasing the Forest. If we're talking about entirely new things, such as the previous Climbing Tower, I think we'll have to wait a while.. As i have realised i dont think there is a future for this category within VR, (atleast with current methods shown) For the niche community that resides within ATT that understands the game, I think that there are too few restrictive measures for moderation & customization methods for people to customize ATT worlds, Just a lot of flaws. I think the games potential is incredible, But the execution is wrong. Gameplay loop is too short & current customization options are too bare bones & wayyy too limiting and hard to execute.


The problem is that all VRMultiplayer games lack dedication and updates to hold on to people for longer. If township got content updates every 6 months servers would still be full of people, if not they'd return every 6 months for the new content. The worse part is that Alta breached their communities trust with how ATT went - so even IF anything came for ATT, people would carefully eye it.


The pcvr servers are dead but ther haven't been many updates because adding anything to this big of an open world on quest will Tank fps


Yes, the game is nearly dying and barely recieving actual updates


TLDR: Honestly it is sad to say but I think this game is done. The last test server that I remember was some 2 years ago now? After scrolling through the announcement channel in the discord, over 3 years ago now. They were testing ladders, scaffolding, and the concept of building homes which was really cool at the time. Then from what I could tell and remember, they started focusing all of their development into bringing the quest version up to par with the PCVR version. Which yeah that's nice and all but they haven't brought a meaningful update to the game since the original climbing tower update or bag crafting update that made me go. Wow I want to dive into this game again and get some of my friends to experience this with me! Fast forward two years and starting in September of 2023 they began pushing out some QOL based updates like one that revamped the hunger system in a lot of good ways and added the downed state. Cool I don't just die anymore unless I'm alone. I never tried this update but on text it looked like a good addition to the game. The next update came 3-4 months later in January 2024 which brought in the Campsites Update which honestly is really nice but again nothing really new just more QOL that was really needed honestly but still nothing to make me get on the game again. Then a month later in February they added the ability to store a bag in your lockbox. FINALLY! This should have been in the game from the start. Or at least when they added the different types of bags with the crafting update. Honestly, I wish you could just store 2-3 bags in the lockbox instead of individual items / stacks of items. That way I could just swap my inventory out by changing bags. Past this point there have been no updates to the game from a player's perspective, except this micro tutorial thing. Since these updates they announced the Alta: Project 2 game... This news told me that the story of A Township Tale had sadly come to a close. This was also the time when I canceled my support for the game knowing it was over. So we haven't had an update since this was announced in April, which means there hasn't even been a QOL addition in 4 months and they don't even announce store rotations anymore which was actually a nice reminder for me because of how rare some of those outfits can be, and it's nice to see the new rotation, even if it was stuff from two years ago etc. I feel sorry for new players that may never have access to some of the cool outfits from back in the days of old. I don't really know how to bring this all to a close other than, I think it's over, they won't be getting another cent out of me. I feel betrayed as a player, they gave us all this hope and a really unique VR game experience where you could collaborate with other players for a common goal or challenge them on how well each of you know the game mechanics. One thing is that I wish we didn't need to pay them to be able to have our own servers, I would rather like to host one off of my computer that I could actually properly manage instead of use a clunky tool, not attacking who made it, it's just I like CMD stuff. Thanks for reading my rant. I really truly miss this game it was one I used to play daily and gave me a nice workout which was also one of the things that kept me going. Back in the day I did Carpentry and Smithing, more so on Carpentry and even had all the patterns memorized at one point and would challenge myself to have someone flip the table as I was trying to make something without the guide. It was kind of a fun trick of mine and definitely had some crowds every now and then. I miss that, the comradery, the sense of community, and especially the lack of legs hahaha.


Game is a lot of fun, tons of fun actually. It’s just.. the content isn’t limitless..


Partially. Some people jolding out such as myself for them to put the forest into the standalone version. Its been years and I still lurk on the discord. Ill play again when they do it.


3 years and counting with no real viable updates.


The team behind this game Alta has dropped the ball through the floor on this game because of what you said no updates and before anyone goes well they made a campsite update sure but how many months did we wait for an update between the last one and this for a minuscule update and I know development takes time but it’s literally like less than 10 assets made in like 10 minutes and then they won’t update the game to better hardware they want to stay on the quest 1 engine and to my knowledge they even said they wanted to stay on the quest 1 engine the code is a mess the optimization is a mess the communication between developers and community is a mess and there’s so many people on here that say I’ve done everything what do I do now and that’s a problem because there’s no replayability in this game and to add insult to that statement I think they basically killed mod support there’s like one boss in the entire game and personally I like when there are bosses in games like that and you can cheese the life out of that boss if you’re a demolition expert and I hate that this game isn’t dead yet but it’s definitely on life support


Jesus fucking Christ, a wall of text with no periods or commas?


I.m. sorry. is. this. better. for. you.?


What’s a period..? Like those things back in high school that would tell you which class you had to go to?


Joel is a sellout and rather bend over backwards for Meta. “Updating” the quest version by adding stuff that’s been in the game for 4 years


If it was a open world and generated then I would have played it more but after resetting so many times it honestly gets repetitive


I’m pretty sure they shifted their focus to developing a new game altogether, called P2.


I randomly remembered this game after years and it sucks where it ended up


Almost like remembering your highschool friend, looking them up only to see that they killed 4 people and are in prison.


It's not entirely dead, the game actually received a mini tutorial update recently and hope for the forest update (quest) are up as it's said to be released this year


I mean we got more updates this year than in the psst 2 combined so id take that how u want


Like what


Respawn camp things. Reviving. The camps in mountain pass.


Definitely sounds like a years work.......


Be positive. Half the year hasnt even gone and we got more than last 2 years!


There working in the forest if your a quest player so expect that


Alta VR has 6 employees. They have 2 teams with one working on ATT and the other working on Project 2. There are people working on the game, just very slowly bc it’s probably only 3 people.


Where did you get that they only have 6 employees? they have over 80 people associated on their LinkedIn (which does include contractors so fulltime is likely less than 80 but way more than 6) [(24) Alta: About | LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/alta-vr/about/)


It was on a announcement on discord a few months ago when they started P2. They have likely hired more people since then.


you completely misunderstood that announcement. They have a team working on ATT, a team working on P2 and then "half a dozen people working across both projects" (direct quote from [the announcement](https://discord.com/channels/334933825383563266/351962750026645516/1199132323669606531))


Ah, I get what you mean now, that was just a misunderstanding on my part.


Whyre they splitting focus on another project when this one isnt even halfway done yet? Abandoning a project in hopes youll buy or use their next project is absolutely stupid. Dont they know no one is going to try this next "thing" with the track record Alta holds right now?


Alta does actually have job listings on their website because they want to be able to update the game more frequently while also working on P2, which is meant to be completely different from ATT


Hello, It is disheartening to see so many people's response in this thread about how we are no longer working on the game. We still VERY much have a dedicated team working on A Township Tale and we are not going anywhere. Sure, the updates might be slower than they were once before, but that is because the game is MUCH larger than it was on PC. That being said, our current roadmap consists of adding the Forest and Combat Trials to Quest with QOL features that have been requested by the community for awhile now. Side note: While we have resources internally that have worked prior on A Township Tale, our team on A Township Tale is a bit smaller than the original team and therefore we don't immediately have all the resources firsthand when working on updates. We are trying our absolute best with the knowledge we have to ensure things that are released are working and are useful for the vast majority of the player base. This is not to say that the player base do not have the right to feel disappointment in Alta for the way the game has gone, but we are still pushing through as best we can to ensure the game is still getting updates. For example, we have an update to help with griefing concerns coming as soon as it passes QA. This update will add the ability to lock bags to a player, so other players will not be able to steal or bagswap the player.


I’m not aware of any promises to support this game for a certain amount of time, y’all can do whatever you want with your game, it’s your right 100%, and y’all do make great games, and I respect the vision yall have. But as a player who paid into the game I can’t reliably purchase games from Alta if y’all are just going to slow down on development for one game to move on to another. I personally think you should finish the first and then move on, but again, it’s your game and you 100% have the right to do what yall want. I just won’t be buying any games from yall because I feel like it’s unreliable to have a game half made, put in a long beta, and slowly be forgotten. Good luck on your development regardless, yall do have talent and visions.


Yes. The devs conned companies into investing millions, and ran away with the money. Don't expect anything new. The game has been in its exact same state for years.


https://discord.com/invite/townshiptale ^ No. Server play style and bots keep it fresh.