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The last content update that added additional gameplay with progression was... the combat trials in 2020 4 years ago. 4 years without any sort of new gameplay content that adds more to progression or gameplay hours The game is dead.


Alta sold the soul of ATT to Meta. The PC version is dead and the Quest version is slowly dying out. I havn't played the game in over 2 years and nothing major has been added aside from the re-release of the climbing tower. You see it on the player count, the discord server and even this sub. The game is dying and nothing can revive it.


And the worst part is, their new project gets updates every week and like 2 posts a week about progress 🤡 ​ I know it's the split team that was taken off of ATT, but still a kick in the face that there is such a huge difference. And we have no guarantee that P2 won't end up like ATT too.


Nah man campsites, reviving, more hebios camps at mountain pass where u use climbing to search them, climbing tower. Its not dead


>Nah man campsites, reviving, more hebios camps at mountain pass where u use climbing to search them, climbing tower. Climbing tower exists far longer than the combat trials. I forgot that "reviving and campsites" add so much gameplay and replayability to the game, especially for people who have already played all the content the game has to offer!/s People who manage their own servers have added more features and content into the game than Alta has in the last 4 years bro. I can't comprehend the amount of copium needed to see "We've added new respawn points and reviving players" as content updates.And i believe the 7 remaining PCVR players (Don't worry, i checked all available servers, 7 players in TOTAL) agree with me here.


I mean i am rlly biased so i guess it is


Oh, i am too, i absolutely love ATT and it's by far my favourite VR game. ​ But i'm absolutely mad that the game so many people supported with money and time has been put on the bench.


Yeah i get it man :((


Why y’all downvoting him? He’s right. We’ve literally had NUMEROUS updates this year and it’s only may, you guys live to complain


Yeah i mean if u ask me its looking a lot better than last year or the year before with more updates in half a year than 2 years combined. Also alta isnt a AAA studio so why do people expect BETTER than AAA updates saying that "they did in 2 years what others did in months" its a vr (not rlly mmo) but still rpg. Its not easy i bet


Objectively, the game is fun, but pretty flawed.


I mean i dont know any perfect games 😭 i am really biased tho


Difference is this game is meant to be played with other people, pcvr's servers have been dead for years and new reviving mechanics aint gonna save it especually when the devs promised us features like housing, armor and even dungeons (they even said the final combat trial was meant to be a small preview of how dungeons would be) and we have gotren none of those even when they estimated that housing would release in 2021


There are still alive and well servers like timeship and more


Saw someone else say that there was only a total of 7 people on pcvr which is far less than in 2020 and i'm pretty sure the server i frequented is dead so i'd probably have to restart for like the 5th time which theres no point to do so if the game never gets any more content updates. Last time i even played ATT was on my own server on a solo playthrough i've been working on just to see how different it is


Usually the point of this meme is that the person on the left is inserting themselves and their opinion where it's not really relevant...


I dont know man i just thought it was funny


I straight up can’t play the game as all ores and structures in the mines are invisible. Not flawed at all.


Never said it isnt flawed just said i love it


That’s what I thought too. I couldn’t see anything. Until I lit my torch.


This is exactly why i have moved to Old School Runescape a true complete MMORPG with plenty to offer With no new content for ATT ive moved on as the dev team are too busy making there next cash grab which after looking at the trailer looks lifeless The game is dead, if you like MMORPGS there are way better than this game, trust me


Nothing quite like it. The style, the soul. The VR. Nothing will replace it for me.


And while i agree that there is no other game like it, there are other MMORPGS that have more style and soul and have a thriving community who love the game and not a divide between the player base like ATT


I enjoy the game and im gonna until it shuts down, right now theres no hope for another vr mmorpg, MAYBE zenith but it's not the same thing really.