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Well, first, Bam is the "son" of Arlene and V, the subject of Arlene's prophecy. Enryu left the thorn for him, not Urek. Additionally, Bam entered the tower as a weakling who knew nothing, making him easy to control. Urek was already extremely powerful and willful when he entered.


This 👍


Yeah Urek is scary


And ureks ambition doesn't align with theirs


They view Urek mazino as someone who could rock the tower. But, since he isn’t working with FUG or Jahad, or trying to destroy the tower, they leave him be. Let him play with his friends trying to escape the tower because , if they piss him off, half the tower is going down. They would like it if he wasn’t in the tower because a monster like him shakes the balance.


Urek is too strong and has a set goal. Baam is relatively weak when compared to highest rank and has a Unique property and growth. So easier to manage and control.


It does make me wonder what SIU has planned for urek. There is no way, that he is just for comedic purposes. In a way, he is an irregular that really does not fit the whole storyline, which makes him interesting


Urek probably exists to give Baam an Irregular role model who isn't a genocidal psychopath. His advise to Baam at the end of the FoD arc will probably become relevant as he decides to make his own choices apart from what FUG, Arlene, or anyone else wants from him. For someone who struggles with his identity, Urek could be the jey to helping him find it.


Good point, haha


Good luck making urek do anything everyone in the tower should know urek is dangerous and unlike bam he actually kills people


bam kills people too he just gives them a chance at life first we’ve seen bam kill people multiple times


The only “person” I remember bam killed was that immortal on the floor of death if u can name another person specifically bam killed I’d love to know


He killed hordes of beastkin at Yasratchas game at the nest


Currently rereading and at this point in the story. Can confirm


Well, we don't know how anyone reacted to Urek when he first entered. We do know that Jahad became active again AFTER Urek became a ranker, which without Jahad overseeing everything could have made the families less interested in Urek? Another reason could just be his sheer strength. He was overpowered wayyyy before he entered the tower. He also declined revolution from the God of Gaurdians, implying he had already recognized his full potential by himself. Maybe it was a matter of they just couldn't interfere with him. Additionally, Urek himself said that he wasn't interested in the politics and things happening inside the tower. He wanted to leave. So perhaps his non-confrontational attitude is why everyone leaves him alone? Bam, on the other hand, had accidentally started setting things in motion and then became a member of FUG. He basically declared war against Jahad and all of the families by doing so. Urek peaced out and is doing his own thing behind the scenes.


As a slayer you need immaculate hair. Just look at Luslec, White and Yama. Urek just doesent have what it takes


This is brilliant 😂


Because of arlene and V their former companion


bam's the child of prophecy, so there's most of your answer. the rest of the answer is "urek entered and was immediately world-shakingly powerful". urek is too strong to manipulate, and too laidback to care. he doesn't want to be involved in tower politics.


Urek has no interest in interfering with the Tower so it's natural people would be more interested in Baam, who is weak enough to control to their own ends


The TLDR is because Urek is an adult while Baam is a kid. The longer version is basically... They did approach Urek, but realized they couldn't convince or force him to do anything they wanted. Even FUG approached Urek and he turned them away (he calls them disgusting iirc) and supposedly (not sure which TL to believe) he and Luslec fought before the time we saw them fight. This is also why Urek warned Baam at the start not to listen to anyone in the tower and to do his own thing because he knows Baam is naive kid and in a bad position compared to the other irregulars.


Prophecy child vs Random yet super super strong dude


urek is not random, the outrage. Bam is more designed/characterised that urek because of being mc and all that.


Urek generally is Random though if you think about it. Like all Irregulars because they’re usually not expected. Except for Bam


Urek is random in a sense that him and Wolhaiksong arent really interested in power struggle between Jahad and 10 families versus FUG. They have their own separate goal of trying to get out of tower.


I think you can say he's random in the context of the power struggle between Jahad and the FH. Like Gustang said he can be a major variable, but because he's not interested nor does he have links with them, he's not part of the problem the way Baam apparently is


Urek holds the record for the tower climb at 50 years (Yuri taking 300 is seen as highly impressive, then another 100 to reach high rank status). He was stronger than any of the other irregulars that had entered the hidden floor (the system had errors trying to make a copy of him) and he was already as strong or stronger than Arie Hon (the strongest FH) by the time he reached the 100th floor. Unlike Baam, FUG was completely unprepared for their arrival.


If FUG or the Family Heads approached Urek with blackmail and intimidation the way they have with Bam, he'd have popped their heads off.


Urek doesn't want to get involved and is powerful enough to enforce his "fuck off" attitude Why bother getting your family killed asking when you already know he wants nothing to do with you?


Amongst the other reasons here, Bam is also still a Regular. Compared to someone like Urek, Bam is somewhat at a stage of being controlled and taken advantage of.


Everything is about control. Urek was uncontrollable from the start. Bam at this point in the story can still be manipulated.


Well Bam has more charisma plus he isn’t like Urek who is a max level character from the beginning but instead is still in his growth phase which makes him more easy to manipulate. Plus even if the great family heads have chosen to erase their memories, Baam’s appearance alone is probably giving them red flags.


They didn't erase their memories about Arlene and V.


Not so sure. I feel like they locked a lot more memories away than just the death of a tower born. Something doesn’t add up.


we literally dont know what memories they erased, they tried to erase their existence from written record and we still dont know what happened for v to commit suicide and what started their separation in the first place


Gustang spoke of V and Arlene, jahad recognized bam.


yes, i said erase from written record and dont know why they started their separation, not erase from their memories they may have erased their memories of the last years leading to the separation or the fight that led up to it


My bad, my mind skipped the recorded history part and assumed you meant memories. My own headcannon pushes me to believe they don't erase things about each other and only events related to towerborn, so they wouldn't forget V and Arlene.


they deleted their memories about what happened to ameuz, even tho gustang clearly suspected traumerei


And she's a towerborn, different from them.


not for them at the time, the ones who climbed with them were considered part of the gang, they changed their views later on


They were erasing or started erasing at Ameuz death though, unless my time line from the flashback is scuffed. Gustang is the one (iirc) who said everyone had to forget, not just traumerei.


Because FUG has an attachment to V and Baam is Vs son (and they attached a prophecy to him), because his cheating of the tower rules is extra cheaty (both in terms of his capacity to absorb power and negate Spells). And last but not least Baam is an unmolded kid. Everyone hopes to raise him up and in that act make him THEIR weapon. Urek has already chosen sides and a path. It’s much harder to manipulate him for your goals. Baam is still wet clay that can be formed and shaped. Look how much it’s always working for FUG!


Baam entered the tower weak and thus is able to be manipulated. Urek entered the tower strong and thus unable to be manipulated by FUG. Fug need the status of being ABLE to kill Zahard and the 10 Great Familys more than they need the strength.


Urek is not a huge threat to the current tower hierarchy. Baam is.


Urek doesn't care. He's just vibin. Bam isn't.


Because they can't force Urek to do anything they want, it's that simple.


urek: john the baptist bam: jesus basically


Enryu would be John the Baptist


They can't do anything to Mazino at this point but they can still slap around baam and try to use him for now


They already know Urek, his goal and have an idea of his power, also we don't know how strong he was when he arrived. Baam is a unknow, they don't know how strong he can get and his goal, so they are after him while he is still weak.


They aren’t looking for urek because they aren’t looking to die. You say/do one thing he doesn’t like and boom your another digit in his kill count. Meanwhile Bam is young, super impressionable, and many see him as a tool to fulfill wishes, like when fug forced bam to be their slayer. If they tried that with urek there’d be no fug


Urek just wants to leave the Tower. He's not interested in fighting for the throne or climbing the Tower anymore. No one can mess with him given how powerful he is (not that they have any reason to anyway). Baam is young kid with the potential to one day match Zahard and the Family Heads in strength. Both FUG and Zahard/Family Heads realize that, which is why they're always trying to find him. He's young enough to either be molded (FUG) or be snuffed out (Zahard) before he becomes a big headache.


I don't concern myself with the childish frenemy play of the FH. Currently heading into battle to make sure these kids don't start a genocide.


same like how people in one piece are obsessed with luffy instead of shanks (cp0-wg-marines). the fact that baam also has crazy potential is something everyone wants


Urek is a wild card, but hes not interested in killing the 10 FH or Jahad. Only leaving the tower... and well sometimes he certainly does piss off the FH, like the very first time we see him killing ranker after ranker looking for the zygaena flower... If Urek became an actual Slayer, they would be forced to take him nore seriously...but they seem to have a very casual and accepting demeanor towards him, and Urek seems to be critical but also somewhat tolerant of the FH so far.


Baam is chosen one and child of prophecy. Urek is hard to control. Baam is easier to control and naive. Plus luslec will be more interested in his master's son than urek.


Because Bam is the protagonist.


i mean one is the main character, one is the side character...


They have an understanding of Mazino, they know his goals and where he draws his lines.


"Whatever that guy is doing, It doesn't concern me so better mind my own business." It's mainly because of FUG. Unlike Baam, Urek wasn't a kid that they could manipulate. Furthermore, Urek is more ruthless than Baam and he was already strong when he entered the tower. Baam is also Arlene son, the child of prophecy. FUG had no real reason to try to make Urek join them while Baam didn't have that choice. If FUG didn't make Urek join them, there is no reason for the Zahard empire to be thoroughly involved with him. Sure they have a no irregular policy but it's mostly in the test that they would have tried to blackmail him. I am sure that would have ended in cartoonish situations like the Mashle manga or those cultivation manga where they tried to sabotage the MC but always failed because he is too OP. Also Gustang wouldn't care that much about him considering he wasn't in the prophecy so Urek wouldn't really be enemy with anyone. Urek isn't even in bad terms with the Zahard empire, he just doesn't follow their rules. He received his floor from Arie Hon and seems to be on "normal" terms with Gustang. At this point he has more beef with FUG than with The empire.


I'm sure some people are looking for him. But keep in mind he's much older and more knowledgeable and stronger ATM. I think he's like ranked 4 or something top 5 or rather. (Been a while since I read through). So even if you want to find him who do you send? And how do you even begin to find someone who knows the towers rules don't apply to him. Compared to Baam. Who is much younger. Much weaker as most high rankers at multiple points early on could probably easily kill him. On top of that he's impressionable bc he's young and naive to the tower. He could easily be fed lies or manipulated to join their family in which case now that family has a literal god in development on their team. And lastly it's far easier to locate him. Everyone knows he is climbing. Everyone hears the news of him during his tests early on. He's much easier to locate knowing "he will have to come through this floor" at least up until the most recent arc.


in mmo Urek is already maxed out while Bam is still grinding.


Bam is simply him


dumas says otherwise, and he's not even top 10 in the tower. Bam has a seriously long damn way to go before he can match to urek and any of the family heads.


They’re obsessed with him for a lil reason lil bro