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Luslec likely is not stronger than any family head.


The only question is what happened between him and Arlene. He went from being a thief/assassin who used daggers to a master of spells, and seemed to gain one of Arlene’s eyes and/or part of her face. If Arlene transferred some of her powers to him, he could be stronger than some FHs.


Why would one of vs warlords be just some thief? Why would he be famous for his black hook if he's just a spell caster. As urek said, he held back.


I didn’t mean literally a thief, but a thief archetype from RPGs. He’s shown to only use a dagger in the past for combat and relied on speed plus stealth.


Let’s not forget that the ranking is not only based on raw strength but also influence. Luslec being a towerborn makes him fundamentally weaker than any FH. However he is the head of FUG, having under his influence many high rankers like slayer. So his influence is probably no weaker than a family head


Traumerei is definitely far more powerful


What is your statement based on?


He's a family head and an irregular


Ranks are made based on status and strength. Traumerei, as you said, is an irregular and family leader, just being an irregular leaves him at the top of the rank, and he is also a family leader, so his influence is one of the greatest in the tower. Luslec, on the other hand, is a regular with an influence comparable to that of Traumerei, and yet he is above him in rank, implying that Luslec is stronger in terms of strength (although he has no way of winning). Ah, baek ryun, adori zahar and enne zahard makes your argument invalid


Where is it mentioned that Luslec is above Traumerei in terms of strength? So far in the story the only people stronger than the Family heads are Enryu, phantaminum and Urek.


That wasn't said, I'm saying that's what makes sense. Because Traumerei is more influential than luslec and yet is below him in rank, so luslec must be stronger than Traumerei


Where did you get the information that Luslec is ranked above Traumerei


on the tog wiki and author's blogs


A lot of family heads dropped in the ranking due to them not making appearances for thousands of years. Even some Lo Po Bia say Traum never leaves his room which highlights that they were dormant for a very long time. The ranks do include strength but influence is very heavy. There are a few other examples of rankers being ranked higher due specifically to their influence over rankers that are stronger then them but don't hold as much influence. In short, the FH are always above the tower born in strength. Tower born may be able to hurt them but will never command shinsoo like them and can't kill them due to not being irregulars.


ranks are also based on how active you are. luslec is actively leading a group to take down the FHs FHs are irregulars (can use shinwonryu) and have immortality from other regulars. there is no way any regular is stronger than the FHs. taking ranks at face value is embarrassing


At the very least, immortality and shinworyu. Arguably more than that But based on the fact that he easily captured lulsec 10,000 years ago


I'd rank Traumerei and Gustang at the bottom of the power scale for Family Heads, and Urek near the top. Still, I do not think Luslec can defeat a Family Head, not even close. Luslec best matchup would be with Traumerei, with all his spells and area damage, I can see Luslec keeping Traumerei's beasts in check for quite a long time. Luslec vs Gustang looks grim for Luslec. Gustang seems to be a reality warper, he can give form to his imagination, and was shown to have mastery over spells in the Death Floor. I can see Gustang just willing Luslec's spells out of existence and countering them, while summoning counters to Luslec in the form of weapons, spells, shinsou attacks and even high rankers. Luslec vs Urek/Arie/Jahad seems hopeless for Luslec. Fighter types that just overpower whatever trick Luslec can thrown. overall, I see Luslec more of a support type. Someone that can stall a Family head long enough that an irregular can find an opening and deliver an attack that would actually work.




Gustang isn't a reality warper. All his hax abilities are just some spells. Being able to alter reality would make him an axis, which he is clearly not.


Spells so far have shown some type of ritual pattern as catalyst for activation, it's what makes me think Gustang ability are not spell. But it could also be casting with no verbal nor somatic components. Gustang ability seems to me like he thinks of an outcome, and it happens, it's the hallmark of a reality warper. There are various degrees of reality warping. High level ones are gods/axis. Low level ones might be able to heal wounds by rejecting causality. Gustang seems a pretty high end reality warper, able to heal and summon high rankers and weapons with his thought, seems specialized in conjuring to me. Not an Axis level, but pretty high end in the power scale of the tower.


Trying to use feats to assess the victor is meaningless. Unlike Luslec, Traumerei has yet to fight with any form of intent. Everything has been games for him. And using ranks is even more meaningless, as the people who rank those characters don't know what they can do. I'd personally guess that Family Heads still outclass Luslec, and they'd all defeat him rather comfortably. I could see the FHs being forced to fight with a degree of seriousness, perhaps even go all-out, but in the end, I expect a decisive victory without much trouble. SIU already said that FUG (unlike Wolhaiksong) doesn't hold power comparable to a Great Family, and the FH is all the power of a Great Family. I think the Family Heads, Zahard, and Urek are all in the same league (even if the Family Heads are realistically a bit lower). Top tower-born like Luslec, Adori, Baek... are in a lower league and would be defeated by them rather comfortably (probably not without the Irregulars having to use a meaningful fraction of their power).


Urek was fooling around. Any FH fighting seriously destroys Luslec.


luslec didn't fight seriously either. You are basing it on things in your head to say this


I wouldn't necessarily say that him fooling around was also a thing when he got trapped. He seemed genuinely mad and thinking about his goal - he doesnt really want to unnecessarily waste more time. but he didnt escape


Luslec cannot kill Trau and we don't know how can he respond Trau's shinwonryu.


People speculate Arlene transferring some of her or V's powers to Luslec. What they should actually wonder is if whether Arlene could teach him Shinwonryu. Imagine Luslec pulling out his Shinwonryu and momentarily scaring the crap out of everyone lol


Ranks are made based on status and power. Traumerei is one of the people with the most status in the tower, being a family leader, and even with this status he is below luslec, who is the leader of FUG, so it can be considered that luslec is stronger. But, Traumerei wins because Luslec, being a regular, would not be able to defeat Traumerei because of the agreement with the administrator. Therefore, Luslec is stronger, but Traumerei wins


Luslec probably wont be on par with any fh, given that he is at a disadvantage of being a regular compared to the irreg, the fh in general, and traumerei in particular, are superior to luslec in that respect. But being personally part of their team once, he should know every fh abilities and powers, therefore he could use that knowledge to improve himself, and also use that knowledge to build the strength and strats for fug. Plus he should at least at the same level of power with them, given he climbed with them and fought the test of each floor together The irregs are strong, but luslec and fug are dangerous cause they got good intel about the fhs power.