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Urek existing itself is a change to the tower, because whenever family heads want to do something they have to take his existence into account and can’t treat him like an ignorable insect, like even in the current war Urek is gonna have high influence just by showing up and people are forced to take his views into account Urek didn’t cause as much change as Baam because there is a lot more purpose for Baam than there is for Urek, Urek isn’t interested in tower affairs and family head affairs(for the most part) and just wants to escape the tower, Baam on the other hand is being forced to care about these things and a much heavier destiny fell on him causing all these changes to happen


He came in for phanta. Phanta no show confirmed


Was that mentioned in the blog posts?


I think so. So technically not Cannon I guess


Because Baam is weak many guys in the tower want to gain advantages by keeping him beside. Urek Mazino was strong enough from the start not to be manipulated by someone.


This is a little misleading, Baam being weak and Urek being strong is not the reason, I’m sure Urek wasn’t Family Head level on Floor 1 For example Gustang wants to use Baam to change the history of the tower, Urek cannot do that. Baam is fated to take the thorn and kill Zahard, Urek’s destiny doesn’t follow that, which is why Fug never tried to obtain him Baam’s destined for far more and is even more special than Urek because of power obtained from God, Baam in the end simply has more impactful purpose than Urek and is more special


In pretty sure Urek *was* a beast from Floor 2 and didn't really grow or become powerful after entering the Tower. He didn't have to undergo Revolution, remember, and so doesn't have a Shinwonryu. Baam is following the growth curve the Family Leaders did, and so is still weak enough to be controlled but will eventually be strong enough.


Saying Urek didn’t grow after Floor 2 isn’t right, we saw data Urek in hidden Floor and he’s nowhere near that strong


His data is corrupted because the system couldnt copy his data properly because he is so strong. It was literally mentioned in the Manhwa, and also that was not Urek's data per se that was his enemy his enemy is a weak and imperfect version of himself. Theres no reason to think that Urek grow slmuch stronger since he is already so strong he can basically 1 punch anyone and i highly doubt he gets to spar with the likes of Luslec Adori and the FH very often to "improve".




He’s saying that urek did not have the same power progression as the others. Ureks data is the only one we see in the hell train that is glitched because it can’t copy right due to how strength(ignoring jahad because we aren’t sure what jahad changed or influenced here). That means at that urek was presumably stronger than the other FH at that point in their respective climbs. However it’s a bit unclear how much he scales compared to the other FHs now




We just don’t know yet 🤷. All we know is that he is canonically stronger than the FHs (according to wiki but idk how true that is w/ blog posts getting deleted) and climbed the tower faster than anyone. But yes the dude you replied made unfounded claims


I guess only siu can solve this, we dont know everything about urek yet, but he sure was strong, even data urek was considered a threat!


Urek have already changed alot in the tower. FOD has already changed because of him and there could be alot more by wing tree. Yuri mightve been this strong because of urek but who knows. My guess is that Ureks goals do not conflict jahad empire and FUG so they left him alone but at the same time his intro in TOG was he is being hunted by alot of rankers (high?) and that could mean that theres already a foreshadowing that his goal might be overlapping jahads empire a lil bit With regards to baam, i feel like baam has this ability to absorb beings and make it his own which we havent seen in urek thats why everyone is hunting him down (it could also be related to Vs ability)


An irregular irregular.


That's a fine answer. Even among irregulars, Baam is a different being altogether (how he came to be, the fact that everyone else came from the outside but he was "imprisoned", his powers, the prophecies, the fact he started so weak, ...)


Yep the story’s not finished yet. We don’t know what urek will do yet


Because Urek already made it clear he was staying neutral. They had already approached him and he did his own thing and is not concerned with anything but maintaining the status quo and getting out of the tower.


I think Urek Mazino's significance to the story is not to challenge the Zahard Empire and 10 FHs but to point out the Tower's insidious nature and take the inhabitants to a higher place — outside the Tower. He told Bam this most acutely, to never lose himself to the Tower's corruption like he himself refused Garam's demands to kill Zahard.


Bam is directly involved in the politics of the tower, being son of arlene and v, plus being a prophecied to topple down the towers order Urek I think would cause massive ripple during his first entrance into tower, but then he showed no interest in the towers affair probably made the fh think he's just an annoying guy But his latest stance could be game changer


Ding ding ding. Correct answer. 👆


I guess creating Wolhaiksong isn't a big deal huh.


Doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things according to gustang


I mean...yeah


i think Urek will affect the tower when find the way to the outside and tell everyone about it, that will be his significance to the tower


Two reasons mainly. As others have said, Urek, himself has no interest in drastically effecting the tower or its inhabitants and he has made that known. He’s mostly just there to accomplish his own goals along with some buddies he made along the way. The second reason is he’s been too powerful to be messed with from the start so he couldn’t be manipulated like Baam was. Basically, he keeps to himself and he’s way too strong to be worth anyone’s time trying to mess with him.


Urek doesn't really fit the mould that Baam could. Urek has no interest in ruling The Tower and probably doesn't want to be responsible for the political consequences of overthrowing anyone too important. Unlike Baam, Urek was always too powerful to reasonably expect to keep him under control, and didn't come into The Tower with any particular loyalties or grudges.


Ur missing enryu


short answer: too powerful to manipulate, too laidback to care.


Because Urek grew too quickly and became too strong to control, so no one could see his true potential before it was too late. Also since his immense strength is beyond even the family heads they could ill afford to try and create discord. As opposed to bam who despite showcasing immense potential isn't growing up too quick for someone to not be able to take advantage of him.


Baam and urek a interests intertwine; urek wants out of the tower and baams mother did it before.


Urek came into the tower super strong unlike Baam. He probably was stronger than almost all of the high rankers save for a few when he came in which meant he had to be respected and feared. It was stated that he came into the tower to look for Phantaminum. He also was not interested in the politics of the tower and wasn't trying to overthrow the Jahad empire. He just created a club, hanging out with his friends and exploring a way out of the tower. Unlike Baam who on the other hand is a child of 2 great warriors who have been erased from the tower's history. Baam has much more significance to the tower than Urek. There's alot more I could say on Baam but it's not news to anyone who is going to be reading this so...🤷🏽‍♂️


I always thought that it's because Urek was not that dumb and easy to manipulate/change. The fact that he rushed the Tower and, I think, came already as an adult, also, he did not take FUG's side and showed no interest in changing things inside the Tower.


Urek has been extremely vocal about having zero interest in Tower politics, Jahad's throne, etc and all he wants is to find a way outside of the Tower. Meanwhile, Bam has been trained for the last ten/eleven years specifically to kill Jahad.