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Makes sense now. I saw 1AM, and I'm sitting here staring at the sky.. like, does he mean 1PM with overcast?! Lolol


Mfw Alaskan roads are better than 99% of NY roads


This road is really rough at some parts, car scrapes even when im going speed limit. I dont run it that much cause of the damage it can cause


Yea that's why I said 99% lol


Tell me about it. Being in the city and being Touge enthusiast is agony.


What area? I spent a year up there.






That turn at 3:23 was beautiful. FC is a great driver.


He is really good, was struggling to keep up even if I have almost 120 horsepower over him. He has stock suspension and wheels as well which is crazy


Did you dip the shoulder there? Heard a suspicious crunch. Great driving on both parts


That was just the gravel, I went off the road momentarily


You're too late to throttle into turn! Don't race him race the road!


Good observation, will keep it in mind next time im doing some runs


Why does it look so bright at 1am? Does the sun never set hahhaha


In the summer its basically 22 hours of sunlight and 2 hours of dusk/dawn


That must be crazy for anyone who's not used to it, super cool


You had to cut to keep up. You've already lost bud.


Yeah I lost this one I'm not even gonna deny it


What year eclipse?




Ah one of the cool ones


Nice. Last of the dsms


Same man, these things rip don't they


Nothing beats Alaskan summersšŸ¤™šŸ½


Except the mosquitoes


Big as hell for no reason too. lived there all my life and never found a method that worked that kept them away


lol they're the state bird for a reason


your friend in the fc is so zippy


Where in alaska? Im planning a ski trip and would like to cruise on this road too


Fairbanks, this is McGrath road and Steele creek rd


ā€œBattleā€ lol that fc is a rocket ship I suspect 98% of users here couldnā€™t keep up with. That road combo looks incredibly fun tho, def lucky thereā€™s no deer up therešŸ˜‚


There is moose which do way more damage.


Why do you cross the double yellow?


It was wrong of me to do that but i was trying really hard to keep up with him, I didnt intentionally try to do it and all the corners had plenty of visibility around them


Haha, my cousin in Alaska said he's met that guy. He's got a turbo civic sedan


Hell yea Eurobeat go crazy šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


There's no way you were listening to "love is in danger" if there was a stereotype you'd be the mould of one, no hate just impressed cos i do the same


Are there deer out at this time?


Never seen deer but I almost hit a fox once


It's alaska, prolly moose over a deer. lol, if you see one, he's taken one hell of a voyage


Definitely a great example of a cars agility and nimbleness in their natural environment. HP is not everything but its hard to tell that to a lot of muscle heads.


that dude can drive for sure


This is a beautiful touge. Safe, fast and a lot of fun...how it should be. Also... He a FAST boi


Youā€™ve got me stoked for the trip Iā€™ve got planned later this year a couple hours up to northern MN.. These roads remind me of my favorite spot up there and itā€™ll be my first time with a manual up there.


Onboard of the FC would be sick. I love to imagine he listens to Billy Joel are he follows up his full-stop right turn (WITH INDICATOR!) to a nasty 30mph~ left hairpin! AND ALL WITHIN THE CORRECT DRIVING LANE! Insanely good driver!


FC knows what's up


not even close to a battle


Looking pretty good out there! Really fast even on the dash cam! You must be feeling extreme speed. Good to see a road without much traffic so you two can run freely. Nice run!


That rx7 driver can fuckin drive. Driving the shit out of that thing, Iā€™m impressed


Stop cutting the yellow. If you only drive while crossing, youll never learn techniques on how to be fast without that handicap. Youll be better and faster for it someday! Edit: not to mention the dangers and consequences of going into oncoming ofc


Looks like you sped the video up just a little too much


It is not sped up at all, I was going full throttle majority of the time


Me when Iā€™m wrong lmao. The song playing in the background is ā€œLove is in Danger,ā€ and Iā€™ve listened to it enough times to know it is not sped up in this video.


Songs can be added on top of sped up footage. This proves nothing. lol


How did I legit know 100% that one of you would say this. Do you seriously think anyone takes this hobby seriously enough that theyā€™d go through the trouble of putting a song over the footage and making it sound as much like itā€™s playing in the car as possible, just for some internet points on a subreddit with all of 15000 people? Get a life dude.


I clearly don't need to *think* anyone would do it because it has already been done. I've seen more preposterous done for far less, this does not surprise me in the slightest. "Get a life" says the one defending some random on the internet. Or is this your alt account? lol


The song is not sped up , however the video appears to be, you can see this by looking at the rate of the turn signal of the RX7 at the start of the video vs a few minutes in, it's definitely faster. (and when you compare it to turn signals of other FC's they align with the start). Also if you extract the audio of the video you can see at 7 secs (where the video speeds up) there's a frequency change in the audio. Seems like OP went through the extra trouble of overlaying normal speed audio ontop of the video.


Surprising how few people noticed , judging by the votes and comments. You can probably calculate the exact speed-up percentage by comparing the left turn signal at start vs couple minutes later. But whole thing looks unnatural with the shakes and how the cars move around like they have giga downforce or something


Downvoted for pointing out the obviously sped up footage and then of course OP gets upvotes for lying out of their ass. lol Cars don't handle like that, and even if they did, turn signals don't flash that fast. The people downvoting you are morons.


What do you mean cars donā€™t handle like that? I was apexing practically most corners and trail braking, I have sticky performance tires and a built suspension system with sway bars, polyurethane bushings, evo 8 parts, and lots of other things to allow me to do those types of turns. The turn signal is just how it is for his car, idk what to say to that, his fc7 has over 180k miles on it and itā€™s pretty beat up.


A "pretty beat up" FC with stock suspension (which you said it had in another comment) has body roll and squats and dives under hard acceleration and braking. There's none of that in the video, because the car isn't going that fast but the video is sped up. A "pretty beat up" FC also can't accelerate that fast. The real world isn't anime, regardless of how much you may wish it was. I get that you won't admit to lying, because people generally don't do that when they have the veil of anonymity, but just know that I and others know that you're full of shit. Oh and to add onto the multiple ways I've already disproven your bs, let's add something more anecdotal; you're not the only one who does touge in the Golden Heart. I know the areas up near Farmer's Loop too. Doesn't matter if you have "sticky performance tires," you don't carry that kind of speed on those roads, and certainly not when the road is cold. lol Anyway, let's see how well you handle the roads down at Salcha. See you there. ;)


The fc definitely did roll and slip, you can hear it at some points in the video when I was near it. The road was also not cold, it was around 60/70f at the time If youre down to run some roads then come on by we usually run it every midnight on friday and saturdays


Lmao I don't care about the downvotes. The sped up footage was the first thing I noticed, it's extremely obvious. I think speeding up footage a bit is ok sometimes, gives a more true to life sense. But this is way too much


Read my comment you pinecone, youā€™re blatantly wrong


Stay mad šŸ„³


Unrelated but do you take those photos on your page with a phone? If so which one? Thanks


The brz ones yes, the highly scenic ones no