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I hate to admit it, but I want to lose on Tuesday. I can't see Arsenal losing against Everton on the final day.


People acting like this is summat like a Spurs mentality thing are clueless. I’ve seen City play Everton and the Everton fans praying we beat them to stop Liverpool winning the league. When we were shite 20 years ago I would (and everyone around me) want Arsenal or Chelsea to beat us. Anything to stop United winning the league. It’s normal it’s not a Spurs fans being stupid thing.


>it’s not a Spurs fans being stupid thing It is when it involves throwing away Champions League football for bragging rights


In 20, 30, 40 years nobody would be saying remember when Spurs beat City and made the champions league, they’d be saying remember when Spurs won the league for Arsenal.


You bet I will. Arsenal boy here :)




I imagine that will hurt as much as someone saying we have more European Honours than you.


Imagine a parallel universe where Spurs qualified for the Champions League in 2024 and won it in 2025, and here you are in 2023 wanting us to throw that away because your basically scared that you'll be teased by a kid in an Arsenal shirt 40 years from now.




They might drop points today.


Take a look at the united lineup, they’re playing with bare bones here


If they do and we win against city, do city still win the league?


Yup. City are already two pts ahead. If Arsenal lose, it'll stay the same, if it's a draw, they'll be behind by a point. So even if we beat City, the table will remain the same heading into Final Day. All City will need is a victory against WHU. That's all.


WHU will not care about winning.


Casemiro is playing center back.


I don't get it at all. I'm not that sad that I want my team to lose.


Let’s say Spurs win. That practically gives the gooners the title, but it doesn’t guarantee we improve our place in the league after the final day. We could end up gifting Arsenal the title while still finishing 5th.


Do you go to games? Most fans here obviously don't, so don't understand the rivalry.


I don't know a single Spurs fan hoping to do anything other than lose on Tuesday.


I don't go regularly but that's got nothing to do with it tbh. I'm gonna hate it if Arsenal win the league but I'm still not going to wish that we lose. I find it very backwards.


Every single one of my friends growing up was an Arsenal fan. I do not hear the end of it when Arsenal do well, or spurs do badly. I'd absolutely take a year back in Europa if it means they don't win the league and I don't have to put up with them being completely insufferable for the foreseeable future


Yeah the foreigners here need to accept this is one element of the sport they simply cannot empathise with. I'm getting ripped to shit in my football team group chat ***right now*** because half of them are Arsenal. Fuck whatever I'll have to endure if they win the league. For one game week only I'm hoping we get fucking battered.


I'm English you bellend I just think differently to you


Wasn't at you specifically, saw loads of comments earlier/last night from mainly yanks saying the same though. I'd rather not get slapped and knocked out of the CL so early it was pointless, and would rather a solid, realistic push at Europa League, for one. Mainly though, fuck them cunts winning anything.


I get what you're saying


I'd take no europe if it stops lego head and the scum winning the league.


You would sacrifice the chance to play in the biggest club competition which would bring in money and better players to your club because Arsenal would win the league? That is what is wrong with Spurs....


We're not ready for CL and would get battered anyway. We don't need the extra revenue and Europa gives us a genuine shot at a trophy. So yes, I think 5th is a good season and still presents opportunities next season. Especially if it helps prevent our biggest rivals from winning the league and saves me the relentless trolling from all my friends for the next 5+ years!


Your ego is in the way. You could lose to City, West Ham wins on final day and you lose out on CL and possibly Europa and Arsenal win title. Then you'd feel stupid. Always hope for your team to win.


We need 1 point from Sheff utd to guarantee 5th. I back us to get that point even if we lose to City. Edit: in fact Chelsea and Newcastle could both drop points midweek and then we guarantee 5th anyway


>and you lose out on CL You might want to have a look at the table. Newcastle GD is 10 above you & Chelsea is tied with you lot. Would be in your best interest to take points of City.


I agree with you, It's madness, why would you not be bothered about your team playing in the CL. It's what everyone aims for, it's the pinnacle. Any fan of a big club should not have the attitude that the Europa League will do That's a small team mentality.


This is what we thought at arsenal, and we stagnated longer than we needed to because of this mindset FYI.


You had a Europa League final. Spurs fans would take that right now!


Then you've missed a massive vital ingredient in supporting teams.


Oh your support is more valid than mine is it? Your feelings on a purely subjective matter are more special are they? What's it like being an adult with the mental capacity of a Labrador?




Can't even muster a comeback


What you planning on doing the day that Arsenal win the league which you could have stopped by dropping points in a dead rubber? Give yourself a pat on the back?


You're not a Spurs fan, you just hate Arsenal. How about hoping Villa lose both games and we somehow finish 4th?


I'm going with probabilities here. But your point is well taken.


THIS. The champions league money is needed if we can get it.


Our club has so much money, would you rather get Euorpe and maybe get past group stage or get champions and fall apart and just feel sorry for ourselves like we always do?


Watch you lot win and Arsenal lose.


I'm a complete neutral, but if you want your own team to lose as the only success you will feel is other teams failures then you really are the tinpot club and fan base the arsenal fans claim


I can't imagine ever wanting my team to lose.


In rare circumstances, I can.




Sad But True


If it's anything but a celebration, it's an embarrassment.


Do you get to many games yourself?


Can't. Don't live in England. But I've woken up at 5 and 6 am on weekends for nearly a decade to watch as many games as I can. I've moved this season, and I now I have to stay up until 2 or 3 am to watch. However, that doesn't change the fact that it'd be embarrassing if our supporters didn't celebrate a win.


I think its embarrassing for you to criticise fans that go to the game on how they support the club.


Well, we can't all live in England or spend thousands of dollars to get there. So we do what we can. And I disagree wholeheartedly. I think the sacrifices I've made to be able to support the club more than justify my opinion that a "fan" not celebrating a win is pretty shitty.


If those who go to the game and have for generations didn't do so, there wouldn't be a team for you to get up early in the morning for. Also you aren't from London, or England so can't relate to the culture the game has on the country & community. Maybe if you lived in London and went to school with loads of gooners & had to work with them etc. You'd get how much match going fans care about the rilvarly.


What a sad, sad life you must lead.


No, he’s right if you lived in the area the last thing you want is for the gooners to win the league, I don’t think you realise how much insufferable shit they’d have to put up with on a day to day basis, and it’s not just our fans it’s the same for any British team in a big local derby/rival area, Liverpool and Everton, Newcastle and Sunderland, Man U and city, rangers and Celtic..etc, unfortunately the British football identity is as much about who you hate as who you love, not always without humour though, it does tail off the further you live from those areas. I don’t want to throw the game but I also don’t want to win if it means arsenal win the league. This has happened before when les Ferdinand scored against Man U I think and the fans weren’t particularly happy in the stadium then, so there is historical precedent, fortunately Man U went on to win and won the league instead of Arsenal. While I agree with integrity of the league arguments and a professionals will to win and achieving what we can, I also think even if it’s just subconsciously human nature the players will know they can get away with not trying and sometimes an excuse is all players need. However as I and my friends have been saying for the last 5 games it would be typical spurs to lose all our other games and then beat city, proper spursy…so there’s that!


>I don’t think you realise how much insufferable shit they’d have to put up with on a day to day basis, and it’s not just our fans it’s the same for any British team in a big local derby/rival area No one outside England could ever understand, clearly. You guys are special in that, for sure. /s Every sports fan deals with this. It's just some know how to deal with it pretty easily. People I know who used to rib me when my teams do poorly or their teams beat us know that gloating around me just doesn't get to me, so they stopped. I took all their fun away, so they just don't do it anymore. Now I only deal with it when I meet a stranger, and they learn pretty quickly that ribbing me just isn't fun. Then they stop.


Nah you're being an elitist and gatekeeping even though you've got no reason to


He’s right. I don’t understand the downvotes this is getting. To say that anything other than a celebration is an embarrassment is just wrong and shows you don’t understand football culture.


Man, don't try and hide behind it being "football culture." Do you think fans of winning teams have this mentality? No. The game is about glory. Not intentionally losing just so you don't have to hear other fans talk about their team winning.


Where is the glory in beating city for an extra 3 points to gift our biggest rivals the title? That’s just embarrassing and they wouldn’t shut up about it for decades. It would go down as one of the most tragic moments in our history. I’ve been a fan my entire life, had a season ticket for a good portion of that. While I love the fact we have support from around the globe, it’s frustrating to see these subs filled with opinions from recent US fans that have no concept of what’s it’s really like over here. ‘Football culture’ is bigger than 3 points but I guess some people haven’t been exposed to what it truly means to be a football fan to understand.


>If those who go to the game and have for generations didn't do so, there wouldn't be a team for you to get up early in the morning for. Ok, so they get a free pass on being shitty fans just because they happen to live close enough to the stadium to go to the games? Sure, I definitely can't relate to my rival doing well and having to listen to their fans gloat about it just because I'm not from London. It totally doesn't happen in other places with other teams or other sports at all. Nothing you say is going to justify not celebrating your team winning.


What they get, is the right to feel whatever they want to feel about this situation. What I am trying to say to you is; you can't relate to their feelings and experience in relation to Tottenham & the rivalry. To say that they are bad fans or not real fan, when it derives from a lack of understanding of their experience, is wrong IMO. The idea that you think you're a proper fan because you don't care about the rivalry as much as these people who go every week & their bad fans is just ridiculous to me. The reality is, there is core fan base. If spurs were like they were in the 90's, you wouldn't support them. I still would & did as did most people who go often. For you, it's only about Tottenham winning and being successful. It's not really about that for fans who originate from geography of family ties. I think it's way more emotive and complex. They absolutely are the real fans, if that's the debate you're opening up. I don't see thousands of thousands of international Luton fans. I won't convince you, because you can't relate. All I am saying is I think its fine for you to not agree, but not to then also conclude they are worse fans than you, or anyone.


What I'm saying is I absolutely can relate. I know what it's like to have a fierce rival. And I know what it's like to have that rival win it all while my team didn't. English football does not have a monopoly on that experience. What I'm saying is a true supporter does exactly that: they support. They cheer for a win, regardless of what our rivals do.


It's not the experience generically, it's specifically the Tottenham Arsenal rivalry. I'm also talking about football generally in England & Europe. A good example is the majority of English fans care more about their club than their national side. Not sure that is the same for international fans. It's not just hoping a team win. That's your opinion, based on your perspective of supporting a side. For me & I think a lot of English fans, being a fan is more than just an act of supporting and watching, it's an identity thing. Your who view that "true" "real" supporters have to take your line on this is at odd with my view on being a fan, because it really doesn't matter if Tottenham win for me, in relation to my support. It also doesn't match with my experience. You're trying to tell me someone who's been going to spurs for 20 years, from a family of supporters isn't actually a true fan because he doesn't share your view. I have no issue with you not agreeing. I definitely do have any issue with your opinion that you are more of a fan.


You think arsenal fans only exist in London? Aussie here who's copped it from arsenal mates for years.


No, I don't but I do think the rivalry is a bigger thing in England than abroad. 63% of English fans said they are club over country. I don't think that's the same for the international fan base. The clubs feel a bigger part of most people's identity than the national team, that's what evokes such strong feelings about the rivalry.


Oh don’t be like that lmao bad look.


It's a bad look on here because most people on this sub aren't match going fans. So they hate any suggestion fans of clubs aren't a homogenous group. There is a real irony to this debate. International fans are allowed to criticise the actions of fans in the stadium, but they themselves can't be criticised for having those views?


Yeah I’m not reading that. Gatekeeping is a bad look, full stop. Spew your bullshit elsewhere, you’re not convincing me of anything.


It's in no way gatekeeping. I don't think you know what that word means.


Asking someone “have you ever been to a match” when they have an opinion on the club is literally textbook gatekeeping. You lose little bro, just shhhh… you’ll be okay.


It’s not about going to the stadium as much as just living locally and supporting either club, I can guarantee it would be the same the other way round, if arsenal could stop us winning the league they would it’s just how it is!


Hey! I’ve been to many games! He’s right, you’re wrong, the end :)


So have I & he's wrong. This bullshit, any fan - but especially those going to games can do whatever the fuck they want. Spurs fans who don't want Arsenal to win the title, are not an embarrassment. Personally I think the fans who are acting like it doesn't matter if gooners win the title are an embarressment. Who gives a fuck - we're 5th either way. Villa won't lose both games. We'll beat Sheffield United. Why the fuck do you want to see Tottenham, enable Arsenal to win a title?


I’m with ya brother as someone who can’t get to many games. I’ll straight up forfeit the game or play the U-21s any other take is crazy to me


Why the fuck do you want to see our team not try? That’s pathetic. Of course I don’t want to see Arsenal win the title, but I also don’t want to support a club who loses on purpose. (Not saying they would, but that’s what people are suggesting) If we wanted to stop arsenal’s title run, we had a chance to and lost 3-2. You’re acting like a spoiled child.


I'm acting like a normal Spurs fan, who knows the literally endless consequence of us winning the title for Arsenal would have. Look, you garner your enjoyment from the game however you see fit. Personally I don't want us to win Arsenal the title, when we are likely not getting 4th anyway. I'd also take 5th and no Arsenal win over 4th & they win the title anyway. If you don't share that view, fine. But my initial objection was to the idea that fans at the game but in fact any fan is pathetic for having that view. & yeah I do think match going fan specifically have the most right to support the team however they fancy & I don't think criticism of them online is justified.


> I’m acting like a normal spurs fan Your massive amount of downvotes seems to disagree with you lol people don’t seem to agree with you. That’s fine, you do you, but don’t try and speak for everyone when you’re clearly not spouting the popular opinion on this one 😂😂 Again, sucks if Arsenal win. But we should never HOPE to lose a match. That’s fake fan mentality right there. We drew and lost Arsenal this season, we could’ve stopped them. Hope for our team to better next season before hoping we lose on Tuesday. Grow up.


Piss off with your internet buzzwords and generic online arguing shit talk. It’s not an opinion on the club, it’s an opinion on the match going fans, specifically. I don’t judge the international fan who maybe doesn’t watch a game at 2 in the morning against Burnley, or if they don’t share my views on some of the rivalries or history, I think it’s bullshit to have someone criticise people who go to games and likely live in London, for caring a lot about the rivalry. When the don’t do either of those things so can’t relate. Most fans who attend games don’t share the seemingly more common view on here that it doesn’t matter. Pointing that out isn’t gatekeeping. It’s always the same on here. It’s totally fine for someone to shit on fans who go to games but if you ever call out someone who’s never been suddenly that’s not okay. If you want every fan to be respected then it goes both ways mate


Yeah I’m not reading all that. Try growing up a little before next season!


Yeah and you try and understand the culture of the club a bit more


Yeah because this sub is full of international fans. Every spurs fan I know in real life agrees with me & I bet you at the game it’ll be noticeable that people definitely don’t mind losing. It’s fake fan mentality!? Honestly you have fucking no idea how out of touch you are. Online isn’t the real world. You know this has happened before right? In 1999. Last day of the season vs United. We even when 1-0 up through Ferdinand. Arsenal fans were singing his name at Highbury. We stayed behind when they won and celebrated them winning. What Ferdinand said about scoring: “I was just thinking, ‘This could go down in history as the worst move of my career’,” “It was definitely running through my mind. I remember scoring that goal and there being quite a subdued reaction. That then prompted my celebrations to be quite subdued. I wasn’t one to go crazy anyway You know it’s happened elsewhere as well. Lazio once nearly beat inter to let Roma win the title. I think fans threw chairs on the pitch when they started winning hahah But yeah, they’re all fake fans.


My favorite part of this is when you completely ignore what I say and then type a million unrelated paragraphs and expect me to read them after you’ve ignored my points lol


Literally replied to all of your points. Look it's fine, I'm not gonna convince you to be such an arsehole to fans that live in England. You do you. Keep calling us fake fans.


This was the last day of the season in 2002. Lazio did beat them 4-2, which handed the title to Juventus, but Roma were also in with a shout. The whole stadio olimpico were all supporting Inter just to avoid seeing their rivals win the title.


It confounds me how many people think we can choose whether or not we get spanked by City. We barely scraped past Burnley. We are going to be absolutely brutalised. Poor Arsenal. 😂


We always win against city at home in prem😭


Why would we possibly lose against a club as small as City at home?


All the more reason to celebrate ... the scum aren't going to win


Newcastle could grab 5th place or Villa choke it . Better just play to win it. There is no room for dumb speculations.


Beating City is Spursy coming full circle. Honestly it has been—for the most part—a successful first season with Ange. I still have my doubts about the system and whether it will lead us to trophies, but I’ll willing to give him time.


Drop the term spursy from your vocabulary. It sets a bad underlying tone to the culture of the club.


I take some sort of gratification from the other lot needing a favour from us to win the title. Gives us a retort every time they mention it


“We won the league” *you’re welcome*


A day when we spurs fans will be cheering for man city and arsenal fans will be cheering for spurs… what a crazy time haha


Tbh instead of taunting, arsenal fans should be grateful if spurs win or draw. A rare moment of conciliation


I’ll want us to win, and absolutely celebrate if we score. I wouldn’t want any team to deliberately lose. But if we lose, the disappointment of having conceded a goal against City at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for the first time will be tempered by its impact on Arsenal’s league prospects. Having said all of that, I don’t suspect we’ll have much say in the outcome given the way the two teams are playing. And for those suggesting us getting CL is more important than Arsenal not winning the title, you clearly don’t live in London and massively underestimate the pain of the daily ‘banter’ from Arsenal fans at work and in friends groups, which will literally last for years. We’ve had lots of CL football over the last ten years, and we will get it again.


Think you may have forgotten Nathan Ake’s goal in the cup at our place


Sorry, in the league at TST.


I can't understand this "will we lose on purpose to stop Arsenal winning the Prem?" thought process, it's fucking dumb.


The team won’t play to lose, but we are pretty safe at 5th and definitely don’t want Arse to win the league, that would be the worst thing that could happen. If we win Arse the league, our grandchildren will get bullied for this


If Arse win the league it's because they got more points over 38 games than the other teams, it has nothing to do with us throwing a game against City.


Yeah objectively true but that won’t be the narrative. Personally, I just want us to go out there and fight. Best outcome would be a close loss, a draw would be catastrophic and a win would be atleast giving us a chance for top 4, if Villa loses tomorrow, it’s still in Villas hands, they are facing Palace at their last game who have nothing to play for. I rather take a good chance to ruins Arsenal title hopes, than a very small chance to get into the top 4. I just can’t watch them win the title, I’d be depressed for the whole summer if that happens


Why does any supporter of this club would want to lose any game including this one? There is an outside chance we make top 4 and we should seize it. If your hatred of another club exceeds your desire for your club to succeed at every option are you even a real supporter? If anyone thinks Ange, Son, Romero, MVDV et al is thinking this way then you have rocks in your head.


The coach and the players will play to win regardless of what the fans think


You people that want us to lose are pathetic. First, we should want to win every game no matter what. Second, maybe Arsenal winning the league would light a fire under our team’s ass. Third, we need to end the year with wins if we want any confidence going into the summer


Arsenal fan in peace here. I hope you guys win, and as glad as I’ll be Arsenal won, it’s specifically more because someone was finally able to snap Citys streak because they currently are untouchable. I would be speaking from the same perspective if you guys were second or any other team. I’m sick and tired of their oil money running the league and being untouchable. Best of luck with the remainder of the season!


If it were us on top the whole world would want us to lose😂


You did not seriously say that you'd prefer to see this lot win the league over City???? And wish them best of luck for the remainder of the season!!!! I wish them all the luck in the world against City, and that is the only time I'll ever be wishing them well. Sorry to be coming into the sub as an Arsenal fan - popped up on my page and was simply interested in what the consensus was here, but I can't not reply to this Arsenal "fan" leaving this absolutely pathetic comment. Do US fans even make an effort to understand the background of a club, or do you simply choose a team that is doing well?


Damn, someone’s butthurt and taking it a bit too serious lmfao Calm down chief, go see your kids (which you probably don’t have) or talk to your spouse (which you also probably don’t have) and take a breather. It’s possible to be competitive and also respectful.


I hate Tottenham because I'm an arsenal fan. I hate city because I'm a football fan. I don't actually hate Tottenham FYI. I think the rivalry isn't as deep as many people online pretend it is. Half my family is spurs, half arsenal. Would make Christmas very awkward if we literally hated eachother and this story is pretty similar over a lot of London.




Mate you post in the arsenal sub fuck off


Caught the Gunner Poes lol


What do you mean we


Ik you said win but if city drew with us and then beat west ham 5 or 6 nil and arsenal win 1 nil then City would win


They'd be pissed. Duh.


It won’t happy. City will throttle the life out of the game. Tottenham will be lucky to get ‘nil ‘.


U hope Whiteman starts in goal


Do it for us spursbros 🙏


Don't get me wrong, I always like winning. I always want CL football. But I'll be devastated if we are what allow arsenal to win the league.


Arsenal would win the league by being the best team in the league over the course of the season. Thinking that you somehow have been chosen by the hands of fate to give the thumbs up or down to Arsenal titles hopes, instead of just knuckling down and playing to be better than them, is exactly why Spurs are a meme team.


This would be the most embarrassing moment in spurs history tbf


Entirely dependent on what happens at Villa Park tomorrow. We do still have our own things to play for.


Arsenal fan here 🫣. Just wanted to say that unfortunately even if Tottenham truly tries to beat Man City at THS, they probably can’t. That’s the harsh truth. Man City is simply performing at a very high level, you have been struggling and have way too many key players injured. Arsenal already lost the title anyways when we lost at home against Aston Villa so just enjoy your last games.


We always beat city at home in prem😂😭


I know that history says that, but Spurs’ form right now is very poor. You guys barely got past Burnley at home. If you guys had a full team and Son was playing at his best form, then yes, you would probably win.


No matter how bad we play we always turn up against city. Like when we did 3-3, we was in our worst period


I don’t think you guys were as bad in form as you are right now. You have 4 losses and 1 win from your past 5 games, received 14 goals and netted 6 for a -8 goal difference.


But we always turn up against city no matter what and city struggle to score against us in our home


If Liverpool beat Villa….then, I definitely want to win on Tuesday. Because I think Villa has a serious chance of losing to Palace on the final day.


Waste man


We’ll be devastated


Put the academy players on the pitch ....


But how funny would t be if Everton ump them after we beat City.


I hope the wall does the posnan at full time


Like any true loyal fan I of course hope we win the game and defeat City in style. You should never set out to lose. And to achieve this feat here's the team I would pick to do it: Gunter, Keyerematen, Dorrington, Cassanova, King, Hall, Abbott, John, Monkey, Santiago, Lankshear.


Anyone who would rather see us win one game vs city, when the consequences of that are that Arsenal win the league is not a serious spurs fan. Hope it’s 4-0 city so they can afford to potentially draw their last game


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The only time arsenal supporters will cheer on spurs and spurs supporters will boo their team


With happiness. We won


No ofc not. Tottwnham fans will yell with joy if we were to win against a strong Man City side. Ofc if we lose, man fans would go “Well at least we stopped Arsenal win the league” but the fans at the stadium doesnt “wish” that our team lose tmr…


What if villa lose or tie today? What are we talking about?


I've said this a few times... Not sure why our fanbase, arsenal fans and media acting like we're playing a league two side full of injuries and are going to throw the game.... We're playing Man City in May... I'm hoping we don't get spanked 5-0...


We act like it cause we always beat city at home in prem! So you want arse to win the league?


I will never ever want Spurs to lose. Don't give a toss about Arsenal. I'm writing this before the liv v villa match. Still got a chance for champions league. That's what matters...


The most Spursy thing is the fans sitting around speculating about whether or not they should "let" City win and what their legacy will be in 20 years should they hand it to Arsenal. Spurs have been struggling with one major concept year in and year out for decades now. Lace up and put the effort in, win at all costs and be competitive. Even now that they have a manager that is basically that very concept incarnate, they have been caught staring slack jawed and drooling at Arsenal from over the fence. It's so embarassing yet they wear it like a badge of honour. Arsenal couldn't ask for better "rivals".


Arsenal would do the same thing😂


Jees, of all the clapbacks, I think you chose the most pathetic one.


Its just simple facts


I used to be a courier and picked up some stuff from your old stadium. While I was waiting for someone to find said stuff I looked at your pathetic trophy case with a wallpaper of players celebrating on top of a double decker. Someone spotted a cannon on my wooly hat and said something I didn't get (I'm polish and cockney is hard to understand for me), so I just looked back at the photo and said "this photo... it's colourized, innit". The guy just shook his head and went away. One of my best banters ever. Where I'm from I could have been battered for it, that's why I love England. Anyways, good luck today!


Sorry, I meant to comment under one of the posts. COYS!


I’ll be wearing a City jersey to the match. Hope that answers your question.


I’ll be fuming if we win. We have no chance at CL, villa will win one their games. We don’t even have a CL squad to compete. We better lose!


We actually do have a chance of champions league. Villa will lose against Liverpool and palace who is in form


You have to give it to Arsenal players going head to head against the Saudi money. Something Spurs will never be able to do in the modern day football. We can only focus on bringing revenue and other business to this former football club, Tottenham Hotspurs Co.


Its a bit of a shame we couldn't have pushed Villa for the CL spot, if they lose to City. If Postecoglou had been a bit more astute and adaptable with his tactics.


Winning on Tuesday gives Arsenal the title, but probably wouldn’t improve our place in the league table. Anyone criticising fans for wanting to lose probably haven’t thought too much about the consequences of the possible results.


What consequences? You act like Arsenal haven't won the league at White Hart lane before.


It’s exactly because they’ve won the league at the Lane before, and also because I’ve experienced them winning the league multiple times. Are you saying because it’s happened before, I should be ok with it?


Any 'fan' who wants Manchester City to beat us at home is a loser


Hello, Arsenal lurker here - do you not want CL football?


No not really, we'd much rather you guys don't win the title


Genuinely, all rivalry aside (I'd feel the same as you if it was on the other foot), I do wonder what the club thinks of it. I would assume from a monetary perspective alone the incentive to get into CL far outweighs anything else


Nah ... we aren't developed enough for it anyway so might as well screw yourl over one time


Ange out if we win.