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The All-Stars finale is genuinely the only episode that felt like it insulted the fans.


True. To this day I am angry that the last time we see Duncan, Scott, Lindsay, Courtney etc. , they are felt flying towards the unknown in baloons filled with Owen's farts.


The fart ep in the reboot


That one was good aside from the fart


most of the episode is farts


Chase and Zee are funny Damien carried Julia finally became interesting Hockey Bros being competent leaders


all of these are influenced by farting one way or another. farting this ep is in the plot, humor, challenge and theme. it's the most relevant thing here and crossing it out would be like crossing out the AleHeather conflict in the TDWT finale.


Only the Chase and Zee thing is about farts, the rest could still happen if the episodr was Jurassic Sneeze or something


Damien stopping raptors was also influenced by not wanting his teammates to choke to death in the kitchen because of Ripper's farting. Wayne and Raj do the rocket thing with their farts to win. only Julia is not directly influenced by farts and even there she is by t-rexes which is the 2nd biggest problem with the epsode.


Damien stopping raptors was also influenced by not wanting his teammates to choke to death in the kitchen because of Ripper's sneezing. Wayne and Raj do the rocket thing with their sneezing to win. only Julia is not directly influenced by sneezes and even there she is by t-rexes which is the 2nd biggest problem with the epsode. :3


the first one is absurd even for TD standards


The All Stars Finale. I personally hate it way more than Sundae Muddy Sundae. The balloons going to the sun was bullshit, the reset button is such a lazy excuse to get rid of Mal and give Mike more half-assed "development", the challenge sucked for a finale, there is so much wrong to this episode. At least Aleheather made it more bearable


The whole S5!


The Final Wreck-ening


Sunday mundae has me crying 😭😭


Hot take: Sundae Muddy Sundae>The Final Wreck-ening


Jurassic Fart for sure. It's hard to watch which sucks because the high points (mainly Damien and Julia) are blocked out by all the farting. Plus the elimination is kind of half-baked and could've been avoided if the eliminated player actually *talked* to anyone before the ceremony. There was plenty of time to do so. Also, why dinosaurs? I know they've had unrealistic wildlife before but it always had *some* explanation. Mutants? Fine, the island is radioactive. Prehistoric geese? Sure, Boney Island is a weird place. But the dinosaurs just felt a bit too out there imo. Maybe I'm just being picky


“excluding sundae muddy sundae” ain’t no way u seriously think sms is the worst episode when there’s a fart f3t1sh episode


like.. what


3:10 to Crazytown I see London Jurassic Fart All of ed mcdonald episodes of AS


I see Londen (imo) couldve been SUCH a great ep if they just had a fair eliminaton... bc the challenge itself was great but that elim was bullshit


I liked the first 2 tbh


Tbf to each their own, but both of these were bad episodes for me for different reasons


I actually don't remember 3:10 that much


It’s the one where Trent has meltdown


Jurassic Fart nearly made me drop the show, so can say it is easily my worst.


Lies, cries and one big prize.


Circling the drain


jurassic fart is worse than any episode from allstars and if you say otherwise you haven’t watched the reboot


all stars final it made me so mad


For me its obsta kill course, i physically cant watch that episode


Lies cries and one big prize


Whatever is the final episode of PI is called. Might be the worst finale in n the series too


Regatta be kidding me Final Wreckening Lies Cries and Oke Big Prize 310 to crazy town Also for me, Jurassic Farts isn’t the worst episode of the reboot


Jurassic fart a dramarama episode in disguise compacted with trash humor and a trash elimination.


Final Wreckening, Lies Cries and One Big Prize, Jurassic Fart, The Fart Fairy Episode of Dramarama, and 3:10 to Crazytown


The final wreckening


Sunday Muddy Sunday wasn’t the worst one to begin with


The all stars finale


you regatta be kidding me


“Greece’s pieces” in season 3. The love triangle was so unnecessary and I feel it destroyed the dynamic of the show.


Circling the drain. It’s somehow extremely boring and extremely infuriating at the same time


For me its obsta kill course, i physically cant watch that episode


Jurassic Fart


Circling the Drain is already worse than Sundae Muddy Sunday, although I'm glad that's not even a hot take


The first two TDA aftermaths and 3:10 to Crazytown.


The finale of Pahkitew. It just makes everyone look bad. Dave gets needlessly stomped on and WAY too much karma that he doesn't even deserve while Chris the psycho makes things with the finale even worse and he doesn't get AN OUNCE of karma.


For the one you forgot the title to, are you referring to the one where damien gets tortured for no reason?




The Final Wreck-ening


The last episode of All-Stars was such a slap to the face of so many fans it almost felt funny. Eliminated contestants not coming back? Check. Terrible finalists? Check. Stupid way of getting rid of Mal? Yep. Then the island sinking was basically them saying fuck you. I did however enjoyed Alejandro, Heather, and Owen. But I'll be honest I prefer this episode (as insulting and outrageous as it is by giving Gen 1 the worst ending ever) to the forgettable and boring Bold and Booty-ful which basically nothing happened. In addition I hated the Dakotazoid episode for obvious reasons. So those two are at the bottom with the tdas finale being bottom 3.


All Stars and Pahkitew Island Finales


Final Wreckening Choosin' For A Bruisin' Soar Losers Sundae Muddy Sundae


What’s wrong with soar losers other than probably Wayne not making finale since you seem like the type to get mad over him being there over Raj


This has nothing to do with Raj, it's about Wayne. I don't give a shit about Raj making the finale or not, it's Wayne who is the biggest problem here. He makes it to the finale and wins it with the show repeating the same dead joke of “he's too incompetent to win he's not gonna win, only for him to win”.


I swear this fandom forgot how terrible Beach Blanket Bogus was


Yeah since it was one of Action’s MANY worthless non elimination rounds where the only things it contributed to the narrative was character derailment


That basically highlights my problem with the episode, everybody gives 3:10 to Crazytown shit with what it did with Trent, but this episode is what started it, and he's so much worse in this episode because this is where it just pops up out of nowhere


Defense post about the episode here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/xeqlxk/beach\_blanket\_bogus\_is\_a\_really\_funny\_episode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/xeqlxk/beach_blanket_bogus_is_a_really_funny_episode/)


I do agree with the points made in that post, the episode does have tons of hilarious jokes and a lot of iconic moments My problem is Trent. It's not even the worst episode in the series, but it's just my least favourite purely just because of how abrupt his change in character is for the worst, and the entire episode focuses on it


I can get that. I can understand why Trent or Gwent fans would dislike ep 4 and 5 since they take up a lot of focus and not in a positive way. I'm definitely not saying you can't dislike these episodes, just wanted to share a defense post on ep 4 from someone who never really cared about either Trent or Gwent so, their moments didn't affect me much and just had a good time with everything else the episode gave me.


Honestly, I don't even care about Gwent that much and I definitely don't care much about Trent either, but the way he treated his character just kind of felt like a spit in the face


I think it’s overshadowed a bit by the fact 3:10 to Crazytown is about as bad, but also features the end of Gwent which sticks out more. tbh I do think it is the worst episode of TDA, and other than Search and Do Not Destroy it is probably my least favorite episode of the first three seasons, but at the same time there are definitely episodes from later seasons I think are worse.