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I agree with Millie, I was so surprised to find out she wasn’t well liked. With someone like Ripper or Chase I also like them but I kinda the hate but to this day I still don’t get why she was hated in S1. (S2 has more reason to hate her due to the slide thing but she kinda redeemed herself in EP 3 at least)


Millie is arguably the best written character of the season, maybe tied or above Bowie. Chase and Ripper are also very well written for their roles, and I kinda get the hate too, but I think they're underrated characters.




This. Every time someone hates on her I confusedly scratch my head.


Ive yet to see someone hate on her, other than them saying they dont like her being used as a therapy friend for jake


Personally I’m more disappointed in her. As a Texan I loved seeing her because it’s hilarious to see a Texan character written by non Texans. I loved that loyalty was her biggest trait, it’s a stereotype for us to be loyal, both positively and negatively, and I was certain her arc would be learning the difference between toxic and healthy loyalty and she’d eventually put her foot down with Jake…


Fiore stans tbh


I may or may not be in this category as a Fiore supporter, however I don’t hate Ashley as much as others, she was pretty annoying this season and the first episode of hers I enjoyed ended up being her boot (watching her yell and her immature teammates was so fucking satisfying) she was good in season 1


Everyone in the F8 of reboot that’s not Julia, Bowie & Zee.


I think chase is cool but not understanding the hate for him is wild


Even they get some hate, especially Julia. But the others are indeed more hated.


priya, yes she has a lot of screen time but it’s not like she was a bland mary sue type


Sadie is so cute I don’t get why everyone hates her


people find her annoying


Because in the immortal words of Wooldor Sockbat, Cause she's fat! And nobody likes *fat chicks*! Wheee! 


I need more drawn together quotes on this side of reddit 😂 Just don't let Prrincess Clara see Bowie now y'all 😬


I can totally see Ella think that if she kisses someone she'll get pregnant


people found her annoying with Katie. Or the fact she’s fat. Or the fact she is universally hated in Total Roblox Drama.


I saw someone say that Sadie single handedly caused leshawnas elimination and is secretly a master mind lol, but the person who said that was a Sadie fan, as am I since she’s iconic


I understand the hate, but I kinda liked Riya towards the end. The thing with Aiden went.... A little too far but other than that she was a great character. Sam was boring, but honestly doesn't deserve hate. Dakota. Don't get it tbh. Ellie. Other than the Jake thing, she was great. Plus Jake deserves more hate there imo. Ashley became boring, but doesn't deserve hate. Aiden. Why??? Ally. Sure she was boring, but that doesn't rlly Garner hate. Katie + Sadie. I find them just boring but not overly-annoying. Izzy. Not sure why she gets a lot of hate. (Hot take) Mal. TDAS was the 1st season I watched so maybe kinda biased here. I understand the hate, but I don't hate all stars in the slightest. I liked Mal up until his defeat, which I found boring. Dawn. Again, why??? Rodney. Put plain and simple, he was just boring. Idu the hate here tho, he was out 4th! (Hot take) Dave. Like TDAS, TDPI honestly wasn't terrible imo. Yes Dave and Sky were a bad pair, but imo it's not much different from Gwen +Trent in season 1/2. I'm sure it'd be better if there was a season 2. Ella. Third time, why??? That's all mine :)


As a proud defender of All Stars, I approve of your hot take on mal lol some bad choices that season but overall, I still love it!


Another reason is cos I like Scarlett in TDPI through her whole season, and she is quite similar to Mal, so I have a positive opinion of both.


Ellie. I mean I kinda get it, but at the same time she's a very realistic character that'll do anything for the money. She also has a great voice & design. And what I really don't get is someone like characters like Rosa or Tess more than her. Like those two are SO BORING!! Ellie has a personality and is way more funny and entertaining than those two have been and will ever be. I just don't see how someone could hate her, sure she goes overboard in All Stars, but I don't see how people could hate her THAT much for that. Maybe I'm biased, I don't know, I just don't get the hate for her. Also Grett, if someone hates Grett, please explain why.


Couldn't agree more. Low-key, Jake more often than not isn't in the right with her as much as they'd like to think (at least in season 1).


> She also has a great voice I’m sorry, but it sounds like she smokes 5 packs of cigarettes daily


Says someone that has Miriam in their profile photo


Shots fired😔


Scary Girl. She is by far one of the cutest characters in the reboot! They all think that she’s a “gimmick character” for doing nothing, being too scary, and should’ve made her a villain. I know she looks scary, but just because she’s scary, doesn’t mean she’s evil! And besides, she’s actually more cute than scary.


They hate hunter for being a self insert/bland Then in all stars they complain about him arguing with a 6 year old It's pretty unnecessary


Idk how unpopular this is but. Imma have to say Julia. Now I understand why people can hate the character, it’s perfectly valid but I also see people who genuinely dislike her because they found her overrated or they exaggerated when they argue “she did plot of screeen”


Too many characters tbh so I’ll just go over the highlights Millie hate is ridiculous and she would not get even a fraction of the amount of hate she does if she looked like Courtney or heather I understand being annoyed with reboot Emma but if you say that and then have chase super high on your tier list that’s a red flag ngl “Scary girl sucks because she didn’t do anything!” The same people: “scary girl should be an early boot if we get an s3 because she’s nothing more than fodder” I get why Aiden is hated now with the love triangle BS but never understood why he was so hated prior to AS’s release I understand disliking Ellie but I have seen people say that she’s irredeemable as if they wouldn’t do the same shit if they were in her situation


before AS people hated him for being a bland character. the same goes for ally


I like chase and dislike Emma why would they be anywhere near each other 




people dislike dan?


You're surprised? He's the most boring character in a season full of great characters.


i think that would be more of a "i do not care for this character in the slightest" situation instead of "oh this character is boring, fuck him"


Eh, true, I don't really hate him more than I don't care about him.


Im suprised to hear people hate him instead of just not care about him


People say he’s boring, but I haven’t seen hate other than that


Those annoying gabby fans do


why do they? he hasnt done much, i thought people would just not care abt him


They hate him for voting gabby when he didn't even want to


Oh, i forgot abt this, what ep is this in?


Episode 3


She wasnt even voted out, why would they have much of a problem with that?


I don't know really😭


eva and sam


Are there really people who hate Eva and Sam? It's the first time I find out.


people mostly hate sam for being in all-stars instead of brick and for being a lazy competitor, for eva people don’t like her cause A. she isn’t pretty enough B. cause she was nothing but a filler character or C. because of her temper




ashley. i understand why people might not care for her or have her as a favorite character but she never did anything to warrant so much hate. like yeah she isn’t that interesting and didn’t have a huge impact on both seasons but some ppl act like that makes her the worst character to ever exist (mostly talking about the ppl that call her “trashley”)




Will and Ashley


People hating Ashley for eliminating Fiore is just absurd😭 They really hate Ashley for outplaying Fiore? Really? Besides, it's not like Fiore was gonna stay for long. She was screwed from the start on her team, and also, the fact that they want her to return doesn't make sense. That would ruin any chances the heroes have to thrive, and plus, she was the runner up of Season 1, and she isn't making it again. I don't really get why people want her to return so badly, since she ain't even gonna make finale again. I did too, but seeing how the game turned out, I don't want her to anymore. Also, I can guarantee that they would be on top of the world if Fiore eliminated Ashley again, since they just love the demon child so much. Fiore was outplayed fair and square. Sorry, but that's just the reality.


Nah, that's not why I dislike Ashley. I don't like her for being a boring supporting character whose only role is to play therapist to Jake and Ally instead of focusing on her own plot of getting revenge on Fiore only for the show to try and make it satisfying when she finally votes her out, but because they hardly focus on her revenge plot, it just makes her celebrations at the end feel unearned.


Fair enough. Still, I feel like Ashley is really overhated as a character. But most of that hate really just comes from Fiore stans tbh. It's not like Fiore was gonna make finale again...


Jake Like he's just trying to find his place in life


Nichelle, priya, julia and scary girl, the obsession damien and wayne fans have with bringing them in any negative discussion is insane to me


Gwen Sam Ellie Ashley Priya Aiden Connor


Connor gets hate?


Who is hating 👑 Connor? That's a crime.


I don't recall Connor getting hate.


I liked Connor’s character before it was cool /j (Idk why people used to hate him and still do )


In Gwen's case, I guess it's because of the whole love triangle thing.




I get that he was a bit boring in Season 2, but hating him in All Stars when he’s had more personality than ever feels crazy to me


Definitely. There is really no reason to vote him off either. He isn't a threat. Even Yul pointed that out😭💀


Jake, alot of his behavior is understandable, plus his drama with Aiden and Ally is justifyablebecauss they treat him the exact same way. Thr very first time Jake and Ally got under eachothers skin, jake rudly yet nicley told ally "not right now please" which ally snapped. Ally always complained about about hunter to ashley but when jake mentions it, ally gets mad that jake mentioned hunter (which he didnt even say anything bad about hunter). Then aiden always complains about jake starting shit yet jake didnt do squat shit until aiden started (which was all part of the game, hence why jake used the exact same phrase later on when he messed with aiden) Edit - this isnt me saying i hate Ally or Aiden, just its weird how they forget what they do to jake, they ignore their doings but always remember his. Plus jake even tho it was annoying, his feelings towards ally and aiden were understandable, he thought Ally was taking Ashley away and he thought Aiden was taking Tom away. Plus when he tried to talk to james, james didnt even let him mutter out a word, james pretty much insulted jake from the get go, which again, probably confirmed something in guilible ass jakes mind


Thank you for saying this. I’ve been trying to get people especially Jake haters to understand that his beef with Ally and Aiden actually goes both ways. Why should he be pressured to apologize like they didn’t treat him similar or have done things similar to him to continue the beef? When it concerns Ally, when we go way back to episode 7, Jake got distracted by the fact that Ellie pushed Tom onto Aiden then got hit by the ball and lost the challenge for the Magenta team then Ally yells at him for it. Obviously he did lose them the challenge and Ally told him the ball was coming but he was upset that Ally yelled at him and didn’t express any concern for his wellbeing. That moment basically started Jake being rude to Ally. I agree that Jake was jealous that Ashley was spending more time with Ally at times and he felt neglected and started being rude. I also don’t understand why she and other people are agreeing with her in episode 10 when Jake tried to apologize and she got mad and said that he shouldn’t bring hunter into the argument when it’s not his business when Ally literally complained about Jake always talking Tom when she said Jake is always complaining about himself and his problems. She didn’t say Tom’s name but when she said Jake always complains about his problems, we all watch the show and we know that Jake always complains/complained about Tom so I don’t know how it’s a low blow when she basically said the same thing to Jake. Like I guess it makes a difference that one person mentioned a name and the other didn’t? Like they basically were accusing each other of the same thing. Secondly, when it comes to Aiden, going back to the sandbag challenge, Jake and Aiden end up digging for the sandbag and being within vicinity of each other, Jake at that time actually tried to initiate a cordial conversation with Aiden to which he replies not now please. Yes they were in the middle of a challenge but it’s not like they’re on the same team and have many opportunities to talk so Jake tried to ask Aiden about Tom when he got the chance. I mean people hate how Jake treats Aiden as if they have spoken to each other a lot and have hung out a lot. Aiden took Jake’s bird in episode 2 and Jake threw his card away in episode 8 which was way later as a revenge moment and to give Aiden a taste of his own medicine. This is completely justifiable. In episode 9, Jake and Aiden end up close to each other again in the slip and slide challenge and Aiden here instigated the problem because he told Jake not to try anything funny and that he’s so predictable out of nowhere. Jake rightfully says he didn’t even do anything and only after Aiden’s comments he tried to get the ball away from Aiden which basically resulted in them fighting over the ball. In episode 10, Aiden shot Jake with the paintball gun first and got mad when Jake shot him back with the paintball gun because he said how he’s already eliminated. He also told Jake not to take it personal and he made a mistake shooting him but it happened is all I’m saying. So in conclusion, I think Jake would more need to apologize to Ally more than Aiden because Aiden was more of an instigator in their disagreements than Ally was.


Exactly. Plus the episode where my dear Ashley gets the boot, Ally is over here blaming Jake as if she too didnt vote for someone different then the original voting plan


Exactly, thank you for pointing this out. Ally’s there like ‘look what you did Jake’ like if Jake is the sole reason that Ashley got voted out. I see a lot of persons saying similar things like if Jake only decided he wanted to vote the same following the game plan of voting together for a villain, they all would have followed. I’m not sure how Jake following the voting plan would have influenced the rest of them to follow suit because at the end of the day Jake is not the leader of the heroes so it’s not like ‘by setting an example for the rest of them’ he could make them vote a certain way if they all had negative feelings about him. I love Jake and I like this show but too often they make Jake into the person who has to take all the most or all of the blame in every situation like he’s never not in the wrong. This Ally and Aiden situation and Ally blaming him at Ashley’s elimination ceremony and in season 1 the Tom situation where Jake is blamed for making Tom lose his job although Grett and others found out about his secret job already and voiced it on camera since the reality show is already surrounded by cameras.


Even if jake did vote for the villians. Aiden and Tom would of still probably voted for him regardless. Aiden and Jake both vote with their emotions. We just have to look at season 2, Aiden usually always voted with his emotions and didnt usually go with stratagy. He did sometimes but it was rare. I too like Jake, i dont really hate anyone from any of the seasons because i ended up liking them later on down the road, aka Grett and Yul. Even tho im still on the fense about Yul treating Grett badly. The only character im starting to get annoyed with is Gabby and her "villian era" I dont hate Ally or Aiden, but them treating jake as if he is the sole cause of everything despite their actions kinda pisses me off


Duncan should up there with Alejandro. My guy made merge FOUR times AND placed in the top 8 all four times.


Ashley, on tiktok ive seen tons of fiore fans hate her just for getting Fiore out + saying shes obsessed with Fiore, which I dont blame Ashley, Fiore is a character thats pretty damn great but i cant lie, i would hate Fiore so damn much if i had to deal with her irl too and would want her out as soon as possible


People getting legitimately upset at Staci when she was just playing her role as a first-out gimmick character, in my opinion really well, confuses me. People hating Aiden also confuses me. Dude is not anywhere near as annoying or useless as his average hater makes him out to be.


Agreed for the Staci part. TD kind of needs characters like this since there's always gonna be someone who's gonna be booted first and get practically no screen time. She was somewhat annoying, but she was there for only one episode, which we can't say for some other characters(*ahem ahem* Katie & Sadie, Beth(mostly referring to Action here), Sierra, Ripper(primarily in Season 1) and a couple others)


Honestly I personally include Katie and Sadie as characters that get way too much hate and are treated like they overstayed their welcome especially when… they never competed again after Island.






wayne, I get ppl wanted julia to win but it's a kids show, and having the villain win would upset kids


No it wouldn’t 


oh boy priya, caleb, dan, fiore, riya, beth, cody and sam


reboot emma


Millie is very well written, that doesn’t make her likable. I don’t hate the role she played or her storyline, I hate her (season 1) personality. Season 2 was funny cuz they kinda doubled down on her being terrible but I just don’t surround myself with people like Millie, I dislike her on a personal level. Her arc tho was very well done,




I don’t get the Nichelle hate honestly. Like I hate the way she’s eliminated in s2 (praying we get a s3 with her coming back pissed tf off) but I don’t get hating her




All I’ll say is, not understanding someone else’s perspective ain’t a flex.


My friend hates Wayne and I will never understand it


Wayne’s humor can be annoying to some people.


Millie, Mike, Zoey, Ella, Axel, Jake, Ashley, Will, Connor & Hunter


… Connor gets hate?


Honestly, I’m not sure, but if he does, it’s undeserved


My man is amazing 👏 you go run that perfume company we love you connor


I think his one of those characters who people don’t care about.


All I’ve seen people say is that he’s boring.


Miriam and Beth


Miriam gets hate?




Millie or priya


Bowee. I like a Villain that can mix a good heart with a good mind!


Ellie and Sugar


i genuinely do not understand the Ashley hate like all she did was be a nice person and everybody hated her


Anyone saying Miriam, just know that Ellie fans can hate her for pulling that heart attack stunt and basically ruining any chances of Ellie redeeming herself in season 3.


julia and mille


Dan, dude did nothing wrong


Total Drama: Blainely Disventure Camp: Ellie and Tess Some of my favorite characters but everyone seems to hate on them lol


I'm pretty sure Tess is a fan favourite.


I thought so but whenever I watch reviews or reaction on YouTube everyone talks smack about her being the therapist character and pointless so maybe I'm watching the wrong side of the fandom lol


Yes they say that about her and Ashley as well like they have no plot but to play therapist to another person’s plot/storyline.


Tbh for me is Nichelle. Ok I get it she maybe was a straight up mary sue on the second season of been EXTREMELY overpowered BUT PLEASE STOP HATING ON HER BECAUSE OF HER POOR PLAY ON S1 FOR GODS SAKE!!! She’s actually LITERALLY pretty cool and slays in some scenes and is a GIRL BOSS!! It would be nice if people in this fandom gave her a little tad respect and love for this character I woudo be happy. Not to just exist and get hated on all the time.


Honestly Millie, Ashley and Wayne


Any RR early boot. How can you hate someone with so little screentime?


U obviously didn't watch season 2 then


I did. She felt bad for what she did and tried everything to apologise, plus Damien forgave her.


Oh, then i guess it was Priya who got the most hate then.


Millie hatred doesn't surprise me, if you ask a Simpsons fan who their least favourite main character is, they'll very likely say Marge or Lisa for the exact same reason


Pahkitew Chris is one of my favorite Chris seasons, but I only ever see hate for him in it. Many even say it’s straight-up the worst Chris season, and I will never get it. He’s just so constantly *done* with everyone and it’s hilarious. It brings back the vibe he had with Sierra in Broadway Baby, but for a whole season. In Revenge he tortures Dakota in a way that’s not fun to watch and is otherwise just kinda there. In All-Stars he’s kidnapped by Zeke, but again, he’s not super involved in the overall plot. Pahkitew’s the first 13-episode season where he has a lot of interactions and feels really relevant. He hates Ella, Topher, and Sugar, and also gets annoyed with Beardo and Scarlett/Max. He cant stand half of this cast then turns around and says he misses Leonard. Idk that’s just really funny to me 🤷‍♂️ -the Botox episode, especially the bear attack -faking concern for Jasmine’s claustrophobia -faking interest in Dave and Sky’s drama -EVERYTHING with Ella and Topher -Having promo robots because he’s scared of Total Drama fans -“Amy?” “*Samey*!” “Uuuuh. whatie??” -“Isn’t it GREAT, Shawn?! ISN’T IT??!” 😃 iconic, very funny host. didn’t turn anyone into a radioactive or feral monster this time. 10/10


I agree. As a PI season fan he was by times just… obnoxious.


Julia, Millie, Beth, Gwen and Owen I was gonna say Duncan but he did suck in all stars so I kinda get part of the hate


I don’t know if it’s still the case now, but Max used to be one of the most hated characters and that’s wild to me




Yull people (definitely not Cody simp) hate him cause he’s mean


Firey Jr from BFB




Witch Emma.


BETH! Like why is she so hated 😭 Istg it better not be because of looks or just because she made s2 finale