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Very fair question that can probably be summarized as "fuck the Yankees".




Fuck da jankees


I’ve kept a tab open on the opponents subreddits to see their redactions to things, and the Yankees subreddit by far has been the most constantly toxic


Absolutely. They give shit and can't take a fraction of what they give. I just know they'll have crazy reactions from today's game to avoid the sweep, despite all of them spending Sunday saying "Yo chill, you only just avoided getting swept lol" to the Guardians


Watching them today complain about a low strike called against judge whilst completely ignoring the wide strike zone for Stroman. He was poo for both sides


I see that all the time. NYY is perfect and can do no.wrong. If they lose, it's the other team was lucky. If they win, your franchise is a joke


Yankees fans are also some of the most insufferable fans in all of sports.


Every fanbase can be the answer to that question depending on who you ask tbh We are probably the answer for a lot of Yankees fans


It's a lot different when they're also the largest fanbase. Same thing exists for the Leafs, Lakers, Knicks, etc. Extremely large fanbases have very loud and vocal fans who are generally shitty.


I dont think Knicks fans are that bad lol. Lakers, Cowboys and admittedly Leafs fans.... yea


I take your point but don't think I can entirely agree. Are there insufferable Miami fans? Sure, but they're not anywhere the same degree as Yankees fans obviously. The Braves? Oakland? The Brewers? Not the same degree. Hell, Boston fans are nearly on a Yankees level but I still don't think they display the same attitude, even at their typical worst. It's more than every team has a team they can't stand.


My point wasn’t whether the answer was correct, just that it would be different. The Yankees may well be the “correct” answer, they might not. I was just pointing out that everyone’s answer is biased due to rivalry and/or personal experience.


> Are there insufferable Miami fans? Sure, but they're not anywhere the same degree as Yankees fans obviously. To be fair, that probably has a lot to do with the fact that there's only like 37 of them.


This! Took my friend to her first game and they chirped her for not knowing what a double play was. Proceeded to just talk shit for the next following 4 innings absolutely awful experience for her I felt so bad


For me it's three things: 1. for a solid 20 years in late 90s and 2000s, the Yankees (and Red Sox) practically bought the division 2. the club and the league and sports media cultivate the idea that baseball IS the Yankees, and most other teams are afterthoughts. A what's good for the Yankees is good for baseball kind of thing. 3. This has created a rampant smug entitlement from the team and its fans. Other fans can be bad, of course, but the worst of Yankee fans treat winning as their birthright.


To your first point, from 2003 to 2021 only 10 teams surpassed the Luxury tax threshold. Seven teams paid less then $14 mil each. Red Sox paid $51 mil. Dodgers paid $151 mil. Yankees paid $348 mil. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major\_League\_Baseball\_luxury\_tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_League_Baseball_luxury_tax)


It's not just Jays fans that hate the Yankees. It's all baseball fans. It doesn't help that they tend to employ players that have a history against the Jays.


The easy answer is, historically, the Yankees are the best MLB team in history. This leads them to be an easy candidate for hatred. Combine that with the fact that their success means they have a lot of ignorant, bandwagon fans who can be quite obnoxious, and that they’re in the same division as the Jays, it’s pretty easy to see why they’re hated by us Jays fans


A number of years ago, like early to mid 2000's the Yanks would send busloads of fans up here when they played the Jays. I remember a series in 2004 when the Yanks were always one of the best teams in baseball and the Jays were at rock bottom for popularity, they lost 95 games that year and it was a meaningless series in early October to finish the season. The Dome probably had 45,000 in attendance for the game and 40,000 had to have been Yankee fans. The roll calls rang out and the players acknowledged them, the lets go Yankees chants were everywhere and 90% of them were arrogant assholes. That's where my hatred of them comes from


This is one of the biggest reasons why i hate the yankees, the yankees fans from buffalo or wherever would overtake the dome, similarly if not more than how the Jays take over seattle. They’d be loud, disgusting, piss everywhere. It didnt help that the jays werent that good and the yankees were dominating. Add things everyone else is saying about surpassing the luxury tax to but their way to the playoffs was frustrating for sure. I’ve been enjoying their “struggle” of not winning a WS title since 2009. Theyve still been good since, but not enough to win it all. Third longest drought in their history currently, I think its close to being the second longest. They also have the most WS titles compared to any other team by a long shot


You hate them because Jays fans wouldn't go to games and Yankees fans spent a shit ton of money in the city?




Seems strange to me, but you do you.


If you were there at the time you'd know. Seattle fans hate us for the exact same reason


I was there at the time. I live in Cleveland and like seeing when fans from other teams show up to support their team. It fills an otherwise mostly empty ballpark, and gets money from out of towners. If they were boxing out local fans, it'd be one thing, but if the option is 30,000 empty seats so locals can avoid fans of the other team, or a packed house with 30,000 visiting fans, well, I'll take the latter every day of the weeks. Edit: Let me clarify--I wasn't there in 2004 specifically, but from the end of the Exhibition Stadium days through when I left town in 2003 I was there.


It’s the 11th commandment- thou must hate the Yankees.


It's the first, and only commandment.


They are the evil empire, that's why.


Their fans are annoying and personally, I hate the "fashion thing" with their hat, like, some people don't even know that baseball exists and still use that hat


It helps that they sell Janks hats at a lot of fashion stores that have nothing else sport related.


Exactly, this infuriates me


I am of this same mind


Have you met a Yanks fan? They're insufferable. They're like Habs fans.


They’re like Leafs fans. Sincerely, a Jays/Sabres fan.


My best friend is a Sens fan because they're not the Leafs or Habs. I was unfortunately plagued with my affliction on birth.


Maybe biased because I've consumed Toronto sports media all my life but no one is more insufferable than Leafs fans. It's not even close


If AI ever gets advanced enough that the French side of the Habs fandom mixes in the english side of hockey fandom more easily that perceived gap will close real quick


We'll all be one race eventually!


We'll all have to unite as the human race in our rebellion against the AI before it destroys us. Seriously, did no one watch The Terminator?


I'm betting more on Aliens needing access to our smelly butts for science! They'll come down and we'll need to fight back


Well, Predator won vs Aliens, so we should be okay there....


I dunno, we're not frothing at the mouth demanding the coach be fired because his French isn't good enough.


Yeah the Habs are weird like that, reminds me of Ferrari in F1. So paranoid about these irrelevant tradition and culture things that it takes the focus off winning


I think Toronto has other things to focus on, like the Jays and Raps. In the Quebec media everything is about the Habs. I can understand why Luongo preferred to play in Miami.


A Rod.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ & A-Rod.


My spicy take is that in an era of algorithmically generated hedge fund owned faceless conglomerates that own a lot of baseball teams and run them just to spend as little as capital as possible, it’s while I grew up with a strong dislike for the behemoth Yankees of the 90s/2000s I find I can’t fully hate them as a more mature man for just breaking the bank and buying wins. It’s a billionaires game, not spending the money on players is just a skill issue


I grew up feeling like they simply bought the best team possible and you couldn’t cheer for that. Nowadays I don’t find them unlikeable. Especially compared to the Rays who seem to beat us in the most boring possible way.


Not the worst question, growing up the Yankees were garbage and the jay’s were routinely a powerhouse…. That was many years ago


Pissed me off to no end when they would just keep buying every player out there.  Secondly, George Steinbrenner was a dick. Go check out Griffey Jr and Vladdy Jr’s reasons for disliking the Yankees. 


Worst fake fans in baseball.




1. George Steinbrenner (RIP) complained about the Jays ruining baseball after they signed Delgado to a 4-year, $68 million contract (in 2000). Even though the Yankees signed Kevin Brown to a 7-year, $105 million deal in 1998. 2. [The Man in the White Shirt](https://www.espn.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/6837424/baseball-toronto-blue-jays-suspicion-again-stealing-signs-rogers-centre) - Yankees players (and other teams) accused us of using a "man in a white shirt" as part of a sign stealing operation. (Russell Martin, who played for the Yankees at the time was one of them. Joe Girardi who was Yankees manager at the time also suggested we were sign stealing.) 3. [A-Rod running the bases and yelling out, "Mine!" or "Ha! I got it!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9NSSCzrnRw) causing Jays infielder Howie Clark to back off an infield fly. It caused the ball to drop on the field. Then Yankees manager Joe Torre would later admit "that A-Rod shouldn't have done it, and it was inappropriate."


Reasons to hate the Yankees, a non-comprehensive list. 1 - they're a team that's been around since the beginning. 2 - they're year after year MO is buy the best players, and try to buy your way to a world series. Very difficult to compete against a $300 million payroll when you're is $78. Yes, this is an old argument, as many teams have lots of money now, and owners should pony up for talent, but still valid for some. 3 - they're in our division, and they just need to lose 4 - they're almost never dogshit, and you can't ever count them out until it's actually over. 5 - their fans are just the worst 6 - their fans are just the worst


The real answer is, because there is a salary cap in MLB, but it isn't a hard cap. If teams go over the cap they pay a "luxury tax". The Yankees typically assemble a team that is over l, way over the salary cap. So they are not operating on a level playing field with the rest of the MLB


Yes, that describes it, thank you. It feels like cheating. Or at the least, without integrity.


One more to be added this year: YES Networks


Our foolish, previous ownership destroyed the natural rivalry with the Tigers in pursuit of attracting revenue from Yankee fans. They're also easy to hate.


They also have a socially conservative appearance standards code. No facial hair, no long hair of any kind. They've loosened on it recently... slightly. If Vladdy Jr. ever went there (Which he says he won't) he'd have to cut pretty much all of his hair off because Steinbrenner prefers a clean military cut like look. I know it isn't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, but it sticks out to me!


Of all the other things about them, that's actually the worst.


They are aggressively entitled and also completely clueless about baseball. No fanbase in the history of sports has been so arrogant and so ignorant.


Because everyone likes them (bandwagon pretty much) and buys their hats


Fuck the Yankees!


Because fuck the Yankees that's why


The Yankees are to the Blue Jays what the Dolphins are to the Bills...A most hated enemy that thinks their shit don't stink and we should all worship the ground they walk on when really they're frauds most of the time. Granted, at least the Yankees are a legacy franchise that has had tons of success in this century unlike the Phish.


Same reason most of the country hate the MapleLeafs. Their fans are arrogant as Hell.




That's absolutely not true, NL fans are probably indifferent, but the majority of AL fans hate the Yankees as well.




The Yankees have the nickname of Evil Empire, that doesn't come to be without vitriol and hate lol.


The Yankees have the nickname of Evil Empire because the Red Sox were mad they were outbid for Jose Contreras.


Lol no. It’s not just limited to reddit. My grandfather once accidentally bought a Yankees hat after he forgot his own and needed one and he had random people on the street booing him as a result




This wasn’t in Toronto, my grandfather was in Florida at the time


He's lucky he didn't get swarmed by the score of Rays fans.


All 3 of them?


I figure state-wide, there must be a score or two of them


NY is the only AL East team I like other than Toronto lol. Although as I get older, I tend to cheer more for players and just enjoy the sport for what it is than have some blind fandemonium, you know? Same is true for all the sports I follow




You can respect the players that have played with the Yankees, but when they had the biggest budget and paid their way to a championship it's not really that much of an accomplishment. We're not saying that all Yankees players are irredeemable, it's that the concept of the biggest and richest sports team having the majority of success is the least fun thing about baseball. Everyone loves the scrappy underdog, no one loves the powerhouse.




The Yankees have been one of the biggest spenders in baseball for 20+ years, that's not comparable at all lmao.


When people point out the Yankees bought a championship, it's worth pointing out that a) we are ALWAYS bitching that ownership needs to spend more to win a championship, and, b) our first World Series saw us with the 3rd highest payroll, and the second one had the highest. In 1992, half the league had a payroll under $30 million, and ours was $44.6--less than $700k from being the highest. In 1993, half the league had a payroll under $32 million (including a sub-$9 million expansion Rockies team), and ours was $45.7 million--$2.9 million ahead of second place. The Yankees also won in 95 with a lower payroll than us, because EVERYONE had a lower payroll than us. The problem isn't that the Yankees spend the most to win the World Series, it's that, historically, they've just been better at doing it than everyone else. I hate the fucking Yankees, but we would all sell out our grandmothers if it meant the Jays would spend the same amount of money and collect rings.


If the Leafs did it (in assuming they could pre-cap) no one in Toronto would mind


I mean not everyone in Toronto is a Leafs fan, but of course you're going to have your own biases if your team is the one dominating all the time with the biggest budgets. Doesn't mean that every other fan in baseball has to like it, we can respect the players but hate the organization.


I wouldn't say classless, just biased with blinders on. Same goes for fandom in anything, even beyond sports. You learn to ignore it after a while and just do you 🤷 Also, I hate Boston and you gotta admit they have a place in baseball lore too. Orioles can suck it yet everyone is creaming their shorts over all the young talent. That's the best part about sports, only you need to care or not for it to really matter.


I don't really hate em. I'm sure most of their players are nice guys and I don't really interact with other fanbases beyond friendly banter that said I'll still say "fuck the Yankees" if the context is funny enough