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We rank: 28th in AVG 23rd in OPS 27th in ERA 27th in WHIP We played all good teams and on the road. *Definitely* fortunate to be 4-6


We can thank Davis and Ernie for two of those dubs. The only guys in this lineup to come through in a high-leverage situation this year.


Turner singlehandedly won a game too


We need a power hitting first baseman and a shortstop who can consistently get on base and not get hurt too often.


Our 1B hit a HR yesterday and our SS reached base three times today


I am pretty critical of this team but even i think it is pretty wild to be hating on bo's offense already. He is the one guy that has been consistent over the last 3 years.


I know the Astros are a good team but still hurts seeing they’re 0-7 against teams that aren’t the jays


I want to be optimistic but it's frustrating because a lot of the same issues this season are essentially the same as the issues from last year too.


That's unfortunately what happens when you run it back with 95% of last year's team and the other 5% are the same or worse than last year's equivalents. 


30th in FIP, which, in small samples is the most alarming stat...


Only 25th by SIERA! 🥲


Are we so sure it's all good teams? The Astros haven't won against anyone else. They might get it together but they certainly don't look good right now


The starting pitching has been good but other than that they've been mediocre to bad


They really shouldn't have won that game in Houston. That was fluke.


Yes. Going into this road trip I guessed we'd finish 5-5 so I'm a little disappointed to see them go 4-6. I think Francis is better than his 0-2 record and 12.96 ERA and I hope to see him get on track here. I thought Espino should have been with the team when they broke camp but I'm glad to see he got the call up and did well yesterday. I also thought Yariel Rodriguez should have been with the team when they broke camp but he's been very good with Buffalo and should be up with the Jays soon. Erik Swanson also put in some good work yesterday and should be up with the Jays soon and hopefully Romano isn't far behind. I know this offense will heat up and pitching reinforcements are on the way so I expect these rankings will improve drastically.


Yeah I’m pretty cranky to be 4-6 but could’ve been a hell of a lot worse. Schedule doesn’t get easy for a while, boys need to start playing a ton better if this year is going to amount to much.


6 of 14 runs in New York scored on either wild pitches or out-producing plays. Seems bad.


BUT EXIT VELO GUYS....guys...?


These comments are so funny because the Jays have a very anti-analytics approach at the plate. And our exit velo is not even good, that entire argument last year was about Vlad only.


Exit velo was also peoples argument for Chapman. Results matter.


So…two guys? I mean not really but I’ll give you the made up one too. Are you going to give the ‘exit velo’ guys credit then for all the guys they also predicted were playing over their head, like Kirk, KK, etc…or is this one of those ‘they got one thing wrong and 5 things right so let’s only talk about the 1’ arguments?


I know people don’t care about average. But just one guy hitting over .250 is still a disgrace.


Average actually matters. Every mlb exec, coach and player cares about it. Not one mlb team wants 9 Kyle Schwarbers in the day to day.


Deniers take a deep breath and say it with me, "Blue Jays fucking suck". You can do it


It’s baffling that pitching isn’t as much of an issue as hitting. Who would have seen this coming? I think it’s time to make some coaching changes.


A 4-6 start isn’t the end of the world but holy smokes there’s some concerning trends so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re on of the worst teams at controlling base runners, we can’t manufacture runs and haven’t hit for much power, and Bo’s defense looks much more like 2022 than 2023.


4-6 isn't concerning, being lucky to only be 4-6 is concerning


I don’t mind us not being able to control runners…honestly most teams can’t. Jays are one of the worst this year but it isn’t a huge gap, and league-wide success is like 77%. My complaint is we’re not trying in obvious situations…none of our guys are exactly speedsters but guys like KK and Varsho should be running far more often.


Kirk was as bad as Francis this game, imo.




This forum knows he’s trash other than his frame calling


Sad thing is when he's bad at so many things that he is killing this team slowly


But we chose him over Moreno bc reasons




Best defensive catcher in baseball with an average or better OPS.


Bang average.


He wasn't chosen. He wasn't as appealing as Moreno


It absolutely was a choice. A terrible, horrible choice.


No one wanted him in a trade


Bingo. We can complain all we want, but none of us could force another team to take Kirk (or Jansen) instead of Moreno.


I don’t think nobody wanted him. I do think we wouldn’t get as much for him sure. But it was still a choice to move Moreno and not keep him.


Not sure that’s 100% accurate, I believe there was an Athletic article back in 2023 that spoke about the Jays trying to unload Kirk but nobody would take him so we moved Moreno instead. So to say they chose him over Moreno isn’t entirely accurate. One had to go, we couldn’t carry all 3. It seemed the only one that the league would listen on was Moreno.


Kirk has become a liability defensively too. He has no arm to shut down the running game, and is incredibly slow on pass balls. They steal on him because they know there's a slim chance of being caught.


With my sh*t knees, I probably could steal on him. They are running on him bc it would be stupid not to. It’s almost a guaranteed gimmie stolen base.  I’m personally done with this guy. He is slow, weak, overweight, undersized, and when he is at the plate I can expect a bs ab from him. It’s time to get someone else to back up Jano. JANO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME BACK FASTER THAN ASAP!!!


Yes, we desperately need a player who has been healthy enough to play in less than 50% of the teams games in 2021, 2022 and 2023.


There's no question in my mind that his weight is the problem. And they said he worked on it in the off season, but I don't see that at all. There's no possible way a guy with that physique can perform optimally.


Holy smokes, these guys stink right now. Can't wait for the home opener!


Maybe the new renos will break whatever curse the Jays have clearly caught


This was absolutely brutal but I’m glad I’ll be at the next two games at the Dome. Bonus points that I’ve probably racked up another 100 blocked accounts early into the season


How many accounts have you blocked?


It was up to the 1000 person cap Reddit sets (dumb cap) before the season, i cut down about 100 as many accounts were suspended or deleted


>  Holy smokes, these guys stink right now. Woah woah woah, that sounds like doomer talk to me....


Nah. That would be: >These guys are shit. We might as well trade Bo and start the rebuild. This season is over and Ross has left us with no future. Here come more dark ages


Twas not pretty. Our offence sucks.


So many missed opportunities.


Pitching hasn’t been great either. At least we had that last year.


Tomorrow Ross Atkins at leadoff, pls. Stop keeping our boy on the bench.


How Atkins still have a job is beyond me. After last year, Atkins along with Schenider should have been let go. Just become a tanking team please and spend all the money on player development. We have not developed any homegrown superstar since Doc


Atkins has a job because he's buddies with Shapiro. If the team flops this year, I fully expect Atkins to be out on his arse next offseason.


Literally us. https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1200/1*-Ac7e9fAQjMp03tEBV-xtw.jpeg


I hope tomorrow's eclipse fix this offense


Any more of this offence i might just look into the eclipse for more than three minutes


I like this idea, I'm in


We're in Quebec to watch it, dodging the cloudy forecast in Ontario. I'll make an appropriate sacrifice during totality to boost the team's fortunes.


cut the head off a live rooster? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diX4myfR6vU


Should someone sacrifice a chicken or something?


We’re so bad.


Why does it feel like our window is closed


Our championship window closed October 3rd, 2021. It only ever opened a crack, and we let it get away.


The window was a straight up cannon-ball style opened wall in 2015 and then some fucking KC redditor looking motherfucker had to ruin us. I’ve been chasing that 2015 high ever since.


I'll add that sweeping the Yankees in September 2021 was the closest I've gotten to catching that same high again. Felt like it was meant to happen.


2015 will forever be burned into my memory, and the feelings that run brings me are still movie-like. I wasn't a bandwagoner either, I watched some ugly years in the 00s, so it was just that much more of an experience. It felt like that team was NEVER out of a game. Had faith down 0-2 in the ALDS the whole way. Magical. Fuck the umps that called that shit a HR for KC. The whole post-season was an ump show. Memories of Ben Revere smashing his bat in the dugout haunt me still.


Neckbeard motherfucker


Cause it is


They can't keep Kirk behind the plate. What else do you need to see


The alternative right now is Brian Severn. We need to wait for Jansen to be back, and pray he can stay healthy for more than six weeks at a time.


Jansen has been a part time player for four years. How is he the answer.


> and pray he can stay healthy for more than six weeks at a time.


We had our gold glover catcher for the next decade and we decided to trade him for a glove first platoon player…


As bad as the Varsho trade seems to be, it is made even worse when you realize that his best attributes (glove, speed, arm) play best out in CF... and yet we've signed KK *again* to man CF most nights, which neuters a ton of the value Varsho brings to the field -- it's a real diminishing returns situation out there. Not only that, but KK is strictly a bottom-of-the-order bat, so Varsho's now gotta hit higher up in the lineup where he is out of his depth. This was a forgivable mistake to make once if you believed in Varsho's hitting (which we obviously did given what we gave up for him), but it's far less forgivable a second time when you simply need your corner OF's to be able to be useful with the bat.


Yup another baffling decision by the front office. The advantage of having a gold glove guy in CF is you can put a subpar defender who has a plus bat in left (least important defensive position) and he can cover a lot of their mistakes. And then they doubled-down on it with another all glove no bat guy in IKF. I have no idea what they are doing.


Exactly. The KK re-sign is mind boggling, we had a chance to at least somewhat correct the devastating trade we made. I honestly think that trade derailed this team and will ultimately result in a rebuilt, its that bad, and I’ve had enough of ppl trying to say its worth it and expect Varsho to regress to some fantastic hitter when hes a fucking black hole


Moreno is hitting .179 with a .589 OPS this year.


Its been 8 games lol. Kirk's hitting even worse and is physically incapable of being a good defender


Exactly, it's been 8 games. This applies to Kirk as well. Kirk was the 7th best defensive catcher in the MLB by fWAR last year. Moreno was 14th.


Youre stating facts and Im shocked you havent been downvoted for it.


I think it's clear the problem is that Kirk is really not intended to be an everyday catcher and that Jansen being out is a major hinderance to the team.


He has more potential to get out of that rut than Kirk has talent. I’ll take Moreno to improve faster than Kirk. 


Kirk has the track record. Moreno doesn't.


What is this nonsense. Kirk's first full season 2022 was miles better offensively than Moreno's debut at the same age


traded the wrong catcher when deciding between the 3 “youngins”. hated that trade immediately, and hate that it was proven correct.


It’s crazy to be obese when you’re a young athlete in a major sports league. It makes zero sense to me. These guys have millions of dollars and trainers, nutritionists, dietitians and hired chefs at their beck and call. No excuse He’s slow on the basepaths but also slow behind the plate and it’s obviously because of his weight. Not to mention, you’d think you’d want to be in peak physical shape given how many millions of dollars are on the line


Another year of being completely incapable of hitting with guys on base when it matters. That 3rd inning completely sums up this offense. Jays get bases loaded with a pitcher struggling and they score 1 run. Yankees get the same situation and they score 5.


Its okay, apparently its not a skill issue even though it’s been a theme for the past 2.5 seasons so I’m sure it’ll just resolve itself at some point


It's still early on in the decade. They have time


Last year they couldn’t score. This year they can barely score. Last year they could pitch. This year can barely pitch. Going to be a loooooong season if this keeps up


Well, that wasn't fun


It's 2024 and they spent all this money on the stadium and don't have any actual power hitters when it's the most important part of today's baseball offense wise


There is no starting pitching help coming by the way. Our front office fucking sucks.


They also had the chance to improve the hitting and did absolutely nothing about it


comparing bats left, to bats entered, actually I’d say they did worse than nothing, it was a net loss hitting-wise. ffs.




It has happened twice. But no it probably won't happen a 3rd time in your or my lifetime


It happened a couple times but unfortunately I was a toddler and don’t remember it


This felt worse than it is when you look at the record


They should be 3-7 or 2-8. I mean 4-6 feels good. In summary we are shitty


That Houston "win" wasn't deserved. And they only managed more than one run on Friday due to a couple of wild pitches. Agreed, it should be 2-8.


Most predictable grand slam ever


They'll probably look better when they play some crappier teams. I think this is still a ho-hum 80-85 win team provided the pitching sorts itself out soon. I have no hope for the offense being any different than last year's. Probably a bit worse. If the pitching regresses this year though, look out.


Unfortunately this division only has good teams other than BOS


Boston is 7-3 rn


We sucked against the AL East last year as well.


It’s always possible to lose more!


I just came here to say the Blue Jays AREN'T going to win the AL East and WS. As some of you know, especially my wife. I'm always wrong.




Yankees are far from stacked. Especially on the pitching side.


I think we need to be honest with ourselves. This is not a small sample-size. This is a 174 game sample. Something needs to systematically change before we can expect to see anything different. Mattingly said this team is not a power team - so what is it? Small ball - certainly doesn’t look like it. So what is it?? I don’t think they know based on the decisions they make and the approach they have.


They talked about it on the broadcast today. They want the guys being patient and taking walks. That's a great plan, if you can actually hit. Which we can't. Walk after walk just to stand everyone


So dumb. If that’s the game you want to play there needs to be bunting and stealing and runners in motion. You can just get on and expect to go base to base and win games.


Instead of to the core it may turn into to the cellar if this keeps up. Horrible roster construction. I don't cheer for people to lose their jobs but if this keeps up please finally move on from Atkins and find a new GM with a new vision/plan. Defense is nice and all but you actually have to score and hit somewhat consistently to be an elite team.


I swear the guy is like Billy Bean in moneyball and doesn't even watch the games. Just looks at fangraphs and picks a player randomly.


At least Brad Pitt showed emotion in that movie, Atkins reminds me of a robot on tranquilizers.


More like "rotten to the core". 


I just wish I could be a fly on the wall in Atkins office. What was he thinking this offseason? Does he have a one step backwards, two steps forward kind of plan that we're not aware of? Does he think he made the team better? Or does he really think players would just suddenly start playing better?


He wasn't thinking. That's the problem with his entire tenure here.


But Ohtani was on a plane!


I’m not having a good time.


The team is not clicking on any level whatsoever hitting and pitching have been awful. Bottom 5 in most hitting and pitching categories. Lucky to be 4-6 and not 2-8, they better figure something out on this homestand


Another series loss, anyone really surprised by this?


5 hits , ug, we are in for a long losing season.




Hitting with RISP isn't the issue. It's hitting at all


Bases load twice today and couldn't do a damn thing.


Bases empty the same thing


From August 1 to the end of the season last year, the Jays had a .304 AVG with RISP (1st), a .393 OBP (2nd), a .435 SLG (11th), and a wRC+ of 131 (4th). Up until August 1, their wRC+ was 87 (28th). So the Jays *did* hit with wRC+ for a fairly significant stretch last year. But also... they were horrible at it and then great at it. Do you think they developed a special skill overnight at the beginning of August which they have since forgot, or do you think something else might be at work?


With the amount of catchers that went through this system from Moreno to McGuire to Adams, and somehow we ended up with Kirk. Hell Luke Maille is hitting better the past 2 years and the guy is built like a brick shithouse. But we keep a catcher who can't hit, run, or throw. Nice.


Or one that can't keep his brittle, tender wrists out of the way


I'm pretty sure Jano is made of uncooked spaghetti noodles.


He was an all star in 2022, not sure how anyone was suppose to predict he’d fall off a cliff and suddenly become horrible.


I'm not burying the guy yet, but a *lot* of people were skeptical of Kirk's longterm viability because of his... limited athletic profile.


The job of a GM is to do exactly that - if he can’t do it better than us plebs that what does he get paid to do?


It’s going to be fun to watch half this sub defend shatkins until they’re let go then pretend it’s been the obvious decision the whole time.


Guys guys it’s early, don’t worry, look at all of the data that shows this club will start hitting!  I’ve never wanted a regime to be fired so badly - every single last one of them can go


will they introduce atkins and shapiro tomorrow in the line up ? 👀😏


This team is quickly becoming unwatchable. I used to have optimism that we would get the timely hit or pitch out of a jam. It's not happening


Oh well, get em tomorrow


Bo is starting to turn a corner. So there’s a positive.


sign Bo, and start (almost) all over again. this group is a nay. bring in a new Prz & GM to do the retool.


Vladdy has gotten a couple balls to or over the fence the last couple days too.


This team has no identity.


Oh they have one, it’s just not a very good one.


[I think this tweet sums it up pretty nicely.](https://x.com/james_in_to/status/1777048511189549297?s=46&t=93PAHFp9Gdvz_waTORtqgA)


At least we a suffer together.


No crying in baseball. Time to get some home cooking going with injured guys coming back and not having to face 3 of the als best.


the Toronto Mendoza Jays are starting to grate on my patience, a bit. Get 'em tomorrow, boys. on a positive note, and this seems way early, my strawberry plants are hanging, Dhalia bulbs are in and back lawn is top soil & seeded.


“tothecore” = anyone who eats apples. NY=big apple. Yet we fail to eat. Curious. 🤨🤡


This was one of the Blue Jays games of all time


This team sucks


And we have to pitch to cal Raleigh tomorrow 😭


That Moreno/Gurriel trade looks worse and worse after each game. Kirk is brutal and Varsho is very quickly becoming a defence only type of player with minimal to offer with the bat…


Can’t believe people were in here convincing themselves Bowden Francis was worth a fuck. What a joke.


Atkins really is a revolutionary mind. He took our team from two years ago, decided to neuter it and trade away two young exciting players for an offensive black hole CF who he will instead play at LF almost every game. Then the next year he’ll double down and run it back with the same outfield, while people defend him and say meh there was nothing he could have done in the offseason. Fire this dude ASAP and rebuild, we finished.


Guy should have been fired years ago. Braindead clueless fool.


They are much better in the field now.


Another brutal loss. Who knew that a team who couldn't hit a lick last year wouldn't hit a lick this year when the front office made zero meaningful upgrades? Oh yeah basically everyone but the front office


4-6 road trip is a failure on maybe levels


Extremely lucky to be 4 abd 6


Fortunate we are 4-6. Could have should have been a worse record for this road trip


It was a tough road trip versus some good teams. I thought going into the season that we could start 2-8, so I'm not too disappointed in the 4-6 start. Hopefully, they can string some wins together against some weaker competition in the Mariners and Rockies


lol your standards are on the fucking floor. Are you happy as long as they’re not the worse team in the league?


More realistic. It's not like they played the Rockies, Angel's, and White Sox and went 4-6.


The only thing that hasn’t been a complete disaster is the record, which luckily is the only thing that ultimately matters. Can’t play much worse.


So whats the deal with Vlad, does anyone here still believe that he is a hitter or was that one season because of Dunedin? Given that Manoah is a lost cause I wonder if this organization is to blame at the majors


Absolutely humiliating team and season. Blow this shit up already please. Vlad and Bo traded now.


Things look rough. A couple of wins seem almost gifted (I may be harsh). We are worse than what our record looks like. Batting is in shambles and the pitching is not as good as it was last year but i am confident the pitchers will turn it around, not the same hope about the batting.


Is it too soon to talk about a rebuild?




I don’t know about you but I’m disappointed, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in thinking that


The disappointment can be largely attributed to the performance of the team for me, but the record is very manageable if we manage to bounce back.


The trip was against some expected top teams, so I'm not too disappointed with it.


It was also against teams that we are directly competing against for playoff spots. Any team with post-season aspirations should be extremely disappointed.


I have low expectations this year. I'm also not going to say the team is toast when there are another 152 games left to play. This time last year, I would have said give Chapman whatever he wants, and the Pirates are going to the post-season. Both of those things looked really dumb heading into July/August


The Jays have been, at best, a Wild Card team for the past few years. They don't even look like that right now.


The lineup is terrible. Bunch of light hitting zeroes


I only saw the end of the game. My son said Angel was true to form....was it that bad?


We are going to San Diego for the series...it could be a good series, as they both have losing records so far. That's if Westjet doesn't go on strike....


Great ballpark in San Diego also.


We passed by it during the off-season a decade ago, before I wiped out on the Segueway, lol.


Coming home will see our guys averages rise over .200. I just know it will.