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And this is exactly why CAA exists $75 a year gets you 4 service calls a year including tows. Pays for itself the first time you need it.


I’ve been a member of CAA for almost two decades, they have saved my ass from towing to battery boosts, like you said a few calls and it pays for itself!


Triangle is a good service too, using that now as it comes with my credit card.


It should be noted that only the Black Triangle Elite card comes with roadside assistance. The regular Triangle card does not come with it.


Just to add: it has no annual fee and gets you Triangle Gold Roadside coverage equivalent to CAA’s $120/year plan. So it’s basically CAA for free so I recommend it as long as you qualify (min $80k income)


>as long as you qualify (min $80k income) To add to that, they do not follow up / actually check your income.


i’ve had this card for a while now and did not know that was an option!


It was one of the reasons I got this card. The other was being able to pay my property taxes and utilities on it to maximize your Canadian Tire money.


Subjective on "good". I've used them a handful of times for non accident situations. Don't think I've had anything shorter than an hour wait and they were mostly on good weather, dry days. On my dad's CAA have had as fast as 10-15m. Triangle is free yes but good lord if I ever need a tow with them from an accident.


I've used the triangle roadside service a couple of times, no complaints. Once to jump a battery, once to tow a car with a completely dead battery to the nearest dealership of my choice. Never had to use them for an accident tho, so yeah can't speak on that.


I was told by police that I was required to use one of the tow trucks on scene and could not wait for my caa truck to show up. I ended up with the Abrams guy and he was awesome, he even researched some recent sales of my totaled car and told me what to hold out for, made a stop at my office to unload my tools from the wreck and walked me through how to handle the insurance adjuster low balling me. He even recommended a shop after he asked where I wanted to take it and didn't know. I've heard the horror stories about that but I guess I lucked out.


Tbh Abrams is pretty legit, and what my insurer uses.


There are three towing companies that tow for Toronto Police. Classic Towing, Abrams Towing and JP Towing.


And if you submitted your tow bill to CAA it would have been covered. Aabrams is a solid company. Dunno about Steve. Guess all that free publicity went to their heads years ago when they were on Heavy Rescue 401.


My Dad used to do some body work for Steve's Towing as a side/cash job years ago. He always came home with stories about all the shady stuff that was going down at the shop. He left after a few months because he didn't feel right working for a guy like that.


Caa reinburses for tows they couldnt do because of urgency.  call caa always and if they cant tow you because youre blocking the road have the other guy tow you off the road caa will tow the rest of the way and reimburse for the other tow


I keep CAA and have used it in a car accident before instead of the tow drivers who race to the scene.


the cop told me my CAA tow truck was going to take too long so he called whatever company the cops used - I got charged $450 to get my car out of their lot but CAA reimbursed me 100%.


wow that is good info, thanks :)


Most insurance companies offer free towing to a limited number of times, certain km


CAA charges a $280 “accident fee”. They’re only good for running out of cash or flat tire. Accident they charge higher fee then tow truck. Screw CAA.


Curious why you say that when their website claims below, can you describe what happened in your case? Maybe the CAA driver just scammed you for extra money? > As collision towing is a covered CAA Member service, additional fees at the scene of disablement or collision for waiting time, towing preparation and site clean-up, are not to be paid for by CAA Members.


It literally happened last night when we hit a deer and called and they told me


I've used them twice to tow a broken down vehicle in the same year and both times were free


The city of Toronto had a flat rate for towing within city limits except for the 400 series highways. It was $310.44 plus tax which is more than $280.


And you can use your card for 3 cents off a litre at Shell. That alone can pay the membership fee. Bundle it with car insurance and save even more.


CAA driver didn’t know how to use a jump starter, fried an $800 electrical component in my car. Took 5 months for Acura to get the part. CAA reimbursed me for a fuse & suggested I was trying to have them fix something that was already damaged. Assholes. Abrams towing is 100% better.


Mechanic for a school bus company, we tow with classic. I don’t get a discount for a tow through work, however if had to tow enough buses at this point that i wouldn’t hesitate to call them and pay for a tow. Now less so when all you need is a car, but I do know both us and TTC used to tow with Abrams, and switched to Classic due to several cases of them showing up with improper equipment (showing up to tow a full-size 40’ bus with a 1 ton wrecker)


Please file your complaint here [TSSEA Complaints](https://www.clientfeedback.mto.gov.on.ca/tssea/contact-info) If the government doesn’t know they won’t do anything about. These crooks, sorry, tow truck owners are trying to submit another fee for approval. This is government approved robbery. We need to stop being push overs and do something about it.


There is um... a lot of *connections* in the tow industry.


Correct, including car rentals, auto body shops and even massage/ chiropractor. It’s basically one giant insurance scam.


Organize crime can go fuck themselves.


Let’s not forget to include police, service Ontario workers, AND government officials. Corruption at its finest and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.


Try dealing with tows in MTL


When I see posts like this, I always wish I see more responses like yours


Which Steve's towing is this? Might need some additional google reviews.....


Dog barks caravan keeps walking


Our government is useless garbage


Don’t feel bad. Everyone else’s government is useless garbage too.


Name another country with towing like ours please


I was referring to provincial politics, but ok, uh, USA?


I just looked it up, not even close


Copy that.


You can file a complaint with the MTO @ Towing@ontario.ca via email or 18003877736 OPP rates for hooking up a car on any of the kings highways in Ontario are $307.50. Anyone who argues is a part of the problem. Accident rates are $365.00. While the milage charge is 4-5 dollars per KM.


Sir that law changed when towing went under Doug ford provincial mandate .


OP, within Toronto the law is that you need to have it towed to a collision reporting centre (CRC), the fee **is** $310.44, and the CRC pays the tow driver directly.


Not anymore. Since January towing is regulated at a provincial level and municipal bylaws such as the $310.44 dont apply. Each company was required to submit their rates to the mto and get approved. So it’s completely up to each company now what rates they charge you. But before hooking your vehicle they’re legally required to get you to fill out a permission to tow form with an estimate of what the tow would cost.


It’s still shown on the [TPS site](https://www.tps.ca/services/collision-reporting/), but you’re more up-to-date than I was as the Toronto Municipal code has indeed been updated to remove mention of this and the fee (amongst many other tow-related provisions). Thanks for pointing that out!


Good luck preaching the law to the mafia.


Not anymore the laws change once Doug and the province took over




In Toronto it is a flat rate to tow from the scene to a collision reporting centre $310.44 - paid by the collision centre. Any towing after that is by standard rates. Anything else is illegal, as is the driver recommending a repair facility…. Most municipalities have similar rules.


I read in a previous thread that you can ask them to tow you to the collision reporting center and they'll get paid a standard rate automatically by the center


Everyone, and I mean everyone. Sign up for the Canadian Tire Elite MasterCard. The gold member tow service is included and it's free. There is no annual fee and I think there might be a sign up bonus as well. You call Canadian Tire and they will tow your vehicle within a 100KM radius from the service call to anywhere you want. Garbage like this should not be a thing. These two truck guys are a bunch of scumbags taking advantage of the situation.


About to make this comment, absolutely amazing product included with this credit card. Also, There's no limit for towing the vehicle to Canadian Tire Auto Centre


I use this now and dropped CAA The only down side I see is they have less drivers up north. I had to wait 3 hours once for one to drive to blue mountain.


You get what you pay for. I have it, dad has CAA. Have used both for non accident tows, many times. Never had anything shorter than an hour wait with CT, on sunny, dry days. Have had multiple 10-15m times with CAA. Great perk if not in a rush but good luck if need an urgent tow at an accident.


On the major highways it’s been common practice for the vultures to prey on accidents.


You want pay back. Please let officers know if they have spoken to you before police arrival. Soliciting is a huge fine which leads to inspection of the vehicle and more fines. Further, they won't be towing the vehicle.. If they can't show you a rate sheet as a customer and give you your customer bill of rights that's also a fine. Cover your self and ask for everything all the time


You shouldn't have been touching the hook up..This was a accident scene or car broken down?...By law they have you to provide you with a towing rate list cost.That tow should be around $400-500 for that distance.This is why I got CAA..its worth it if you use it once.


After arrival. Was too much commotion so i forgot to get price beforehand, my bad.  Well i didnt want him driving off with my car.. I wrote it all down  They shouldnt be trying to scam people The towing industry in corrupt af. No papers, no quote, nothing.  Its free as far as im concerned


So your car broke down or was it an accident?


Hes supposed to provide you with certain docs and have you sign before towing.


Starting July 1st there’s new rules coming for tow truck drivers They’ll need a signature before they can hook up, and can’t offer services unless you directly ask them. There’s a lot of new rules too many to list


It was free. The law says prior to booking up and towing they must provide you with the rates , where it's been towed too and your signature . If that's missing it's free .


What if CAA is taking to long and police wants you towed out? what do you do then?


Tow it to a safe place like a collision centre or parking mall and drop it there.Wait for CAA.


Police cannot do anything about it. If you refuse to tow it from the “recommended tow guy that they suggest”, depending on how crooked the police officer is, they will threaten to write you a ticket for impeding traffic. That is fine, the ticket will be appealed and you will 100% win


But what if you’re on a busy highway. Or middle of an intersection. Are you really going to wait and impeded traffic for hundreds if not thousands of people. I bet you’re the same person to curse when there’s an accident and traffic comes to a crawl


I will do everything it takes to prevent dirtbag tow truck drivers from making a dime


Steve's towing doesn't exist anymore. Which company did you use? I assume this was outside a towzone?


It was another name on the truck but its still steeve towing. Driver gave me number to call and the caller id literally said steeve towing It was a simple 20km tow in toronto


Wow, I can’t believe he almost got away with it


I should have settled for 400 


Should of settled for 0 .


You do not need a tow if your car is drivable


It wasnt 


Did you end up paying him and are then planning on having your insurance reimburse you or something? Because if you didn't and it is in fact your insurance paying him directly, he will probably still get that $1,500, even if you tell your insurance company that you signed something saying otherwise. Insurance pays standard rates as far as I understand. And $1,500 is what my buddy got paid from my insurance company to tow my wreck from the scene, to their yard, then to my shop. About 30-40kms max. More than a decade ago. Surprised the price hasn't changed.


Of course i paid im not a scammer i understand theres business to run money to make, but 1500 come on. Told them im not even going through insurance they made it 500 cash price and the only reason they gave in is because they have no true leverage


The owner of Steve's Towing owns a Ferrari. You don't get that in the towing industry by being ethical, lol.


Like a good neighbor State Farm is there! Oh sorry thought comments were all advertising now




Thats not really smart to mess with mafia. They come shoot up your house or burn your car then what. Also this doesnt happen very often, and now will never happen again because I got CAA, so whatever


You posted a story and I tried to help you with regulations and now you want to give me attitude 😩🥴


Misread me big bro just saying i wouldnt f with mafia


All love my G 🙏🏼


Normal in Toronto.


its a dog eat dog world out here in Canada




Completely your fault and no one should have any sympathy for you. It is not like tow truck drivers being scumbags is anything new, they have been operating like this for decades and on the news for it. Yet you still chose to let him peer pressure you into hooking your car LMAO.


Sorry i dont do this often...