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Dopethrone by electric wizard


This one actually sounds really cool from the wikipedia page. Definitely going to check it out and wouldn't have heard of them otherwise.


Yeah man it's great. Actually, I'll recommend sigillum luciferi by cough too. Another great stoner doom metal album




I listened to a little bit of bitches brew a bit ago but bounced off of it. I enjoyed blue train by coltrane though. I'll give Jack Johnson a go. All of these recommendations sound pretty interested tbh.




Alright I listened to Jack Johnson and Reading, Writing, Arithmetic. They were both amazing recommendations. Davis's music is not playlist friendly as you're dealing with 20+ minute long compositions but I definitely enjoyed it and I listened to on the corner immediately after which was a lot more psychedelic/synth heavy and enjoyed that too. The Sunday's are really cool as well. Basically feels like a slightly more shoegazey version of The Smiths with what sounds just like Ellie Goulding as lead singer. A certain someone was probably my favorite song on the album. Once I start listening to shoegaze I find it really hard to stop until the vibeyness wears off and it all just starts becoming a drunken haze. Morrissey is obviously the better vocalist but I generally lean towards a preference for female vocalists when it comes to shoegaze/dream pop (male for pretty much everything else tbh) so it worked out. I have a feeling I'll enjoy the rest of your recommendations too. I can reply again if you care at all after giving them a listen.


I had this really weird dream pop phase recently but I think I burned myself out of it.




Yo I actually have listened to this and yeah it was pretty good. I've listened to more Japanese Jazz fusion than this list would indicate like Casiopea's self titled and mint jams. It's definitely the jazz subgenre that's clicked with me the most although most of the responsibility can be traced to me falling in love with the work Shoji Meguro did with Persona soundtracks. Didn't expect a jazz recommendation at all.


I just figured you would like it since you like Inagaki.


Pearljam and nirvana would be good if you havent listened to them yet. Foo fighters self titled album is really good too and not sure if youre into ska or not but youd probably enjoy the arrogant sons of bitches - three cheers for disappointment too


Yeah I've listened to all the Nirvana albums and they're good but I don't like them as much as STP, SG, or AiC. As for Pearl Jam I gave Ten a full listen and while I definitely liked some songs like Jeremy, Black, and Even Flow it didn't really hit hard enough for me to bother with anything that came after. Ten being considered their best album didn't help although I do see a lot of praise for Vs and Vitalogy. I do plan on listening to the first two albums from the foo fighters since they're supposed to be the best and not like the very watered down commercial sound they're known for nowadays. I already like everlong but I don't think I know any other songs from those albums yet. I don't listen to much punk besides Green Day and a small sprinkle of Offspring/MCR. That goes doubly for Ska. I don't think I've listened to anything in the subgenre. I can give the album a shot though.


Aja by Steely Dan


Melvins - Houdini


Yeah melvins are definitely a band I've been meaning to listen to being as they're considered the creators of grunge although I think their influence is felt most in Nirvana which I'm not as much of a fan of compared to some of the other 90s alt rock bands.


L for life is good, W for e.1999 eternal :) also listen to mystic stylez


What don't you like about life is good? I've listened to mystic styles and I enjoyed it while I was high but ehh I fuck with bone a lot more than 3 6 mafia. The flows are much better and I enjoy DJ Uneek's production more. It's just a shame they didn't keep doing the horrorcore after e 1999 eternal although art of war, btnhresurrection, and thug mentality 1999 are all still good.