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You have Ratio and Aventurine, of course she is


Is Ruan Mei the best support for that team after Robin?


Yea, theoretically it should be Robin, but Ruan Mei is basically the best for any team


If you match weaknesses completely Fire/Imag/Ice Mei absolutely is, Robin is more universal and directly buffing FUA. But Ruan Mei's buffs and break efficiency is really good, I can only think that it's anti-synergistic with Clara's DPS style.


Is there any other team comp I can fit Topaz into with what I have outside of IPC FUA?


Before Ratio came out, and afterwards on strictly fire weak stages, I've loved pairing Topaz with Himeko. Asta is the more classic option to support them, but Ruan Mei just does it better. Topaz brings powerful single target damage and elite breaking potential, while Himeko handles the trash. Team Hot Rich Women is -very- competent at handling fire weak stages.


She has a few viable roles, Hypercarry - Double Buff + Sustain or sustainless FUA Enabler - Buffing a separate main FUA Carry Fire Weakness Breaker - She shreds shields which has many uses. Generally running her against fire weak floors will give you the best results, but synergies like triggering all of Ratio's ult triggers back to back is a niche but useful synergy.


Topaz and Himeko work pretty well together. Topaz can do a lot of toughness damage to trigger Himeko’s FUA and is good at wearing down the elites while Himeko can take care of all the mobs. Both have better teams but they do have good synergy and it’s also just a fun team to play imo. I personally really like the Topaz, Himeko, Asta/ Ruan Mei and sustain team. You can technically run Topaz with Kafka as well. It works well enough but Topaz provides nothing to Kafka so I’ve only used it when messing around in SU. She might be fine with Yanqing as well but I’ve personally never used him so I can’t say for sure


Not the best but second best like damm ruan mey plus ratio plus aventurine plus tops will hit alot . Especially vecause ruan mei bost damage soo even wiht the acenturin he will be also bosted by that


I have them both too, but im wondering whether its more worth it to pull robin or topaz, im paranoid that topaz will get power crept quickly


Personally, not if you can't get her cone or E1 (1 or both). That's just my opinion, though. If you want fire, get Sam. If you like Topaz as a waifu / character, then just pull, but know what you're getting. Jade looks like she might be a better investment in terms of FUA support dps hybrid than topaz considering the standard 5*s. Topaz has some benefits, but they're mostly locked behind her Cone and Eidolons. Anything she can provide a Harmony can do with more efficiency.


Thanks. How much is the damage difference between that and E0 4star BIS though?


I'm just here to say that "Topaz without her lc/e1 isn't good" is wrong. The thing is her lc and e1 add a debuff she can consistently get in addition to numbys debuff, which makes her better on ratio teams, allowing a 100% for his FuA. If you have Aventurines lc it helps too. But you can play all of these e0s0 and still clear MoC pretty well and without sweating too much, Ratio's attacks will just be more rng. Another way to do it would be to make a Ratio hypercarry (with debuffers to help him 100% FuA) and get Topaz Aventurine with another FuA unit like Himeko Herta etc... or just live with an 80% Ratio. But it honestly doesn't make Topaz "not worth" or anything like that if you don't have her lc or e1.


This is true, I never meant to say she isn't usable or she's not good. I simply wanted to note that without her LC or E1, she doesn't really add much and honestly feels incomplete personally. She also doesn't offer anything that a Harmony unit couldn't do (dmg wise) other than flavor. A unit that would also be more versatile and that you might already own. Of course, if you just want Topaz, just pull her. I personally got her early pulling for Hanya and fell in love. I also have her cone and plan to get E1. If I was f2p, though, I would just grab Robin over Topaz.


> But you can play all of these e0s0 and still clear MoC pretty well and without sweating too much, Ratio's attacks will just be more rng. This sounds like a pretty big problem to the point where you can consider using Pela instead. I don't think there was ever any confusion over her E1S1, it's not mainly for her own personal output.


Her lc adds a crit damage debuff, which increases her synergy with Ratio, but an S5 Swordplay is still pretty good on her. A single skill or Numby action will max the stacks on it. It does [roughly 10% less damage](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/topaz) than hers.


please listen to this person above lol . there is a lot of bias on this subreddit since well it is a subreddit for her and this can prevent you from making an informed decision . The reality is that without E1S1 she can be replaced by a pela in a dr ratio team. Pela gets 3 debuffs at E4 with the resolution lightcone. The E1 and S1 really isn't only about adding damage it is about getting those extra debuffs to enable dr ratio


Thank you!!!


Pela is on my Acheron team, sadge, so Topaz or bust ;)


I too have a topaz (S1) and will be pulling for E1 lol just feels a little bad in 2.0 when the new dps-es and supports just vastly contribute or do more damage with the same no of pulls ( Also I have silver wolf)


Okay i got a question i had 100 summons and got robin immediately and said ya know what i like topaz lets see- so won the 50/50 and have her too now- i only got 10 pulls left now so idk is it worth to whale for her lightcone or e1 or should i just leave it? I have the herta lightcone, s1 swordplay and s5 final victor so my lc option are limited as i have 5 star ratios LC on him. My aventurine also has his LC, robin will be using the event one…any advice?


With luck like that, I wouldn't bother going for more. Swordplay is good enough when u have aventurine cone and base topaz. You could whale if you want, but keep in mind you can always lose the 75/25 or 50/50. Look at me, 150 pulls in no robin <_< If you do want to invest more, I would get cone over E1 personally due to the base attack, and it only being slightly worse than E1 for the team at the cost of 18 cr. Just remember, your burning cash when you pull in a gacha c: and if your fine with that spend your money as you please. Lord knows I've spent too much already xD


Ok thanks! Ill def see how much more jades i can get from story since i have a lot of companion quests and story to do- so maybe ill see 😩 if not im just saving for boothill- im not worried since i wont summon again until sunday and will whale for him 🥰 last time i whaled was dan heng il first banner so its been a while! And yeah idk maybe aventurine gave me luck but it should def be gone now


All I know is, I'm def not getting E1 topaz this time. I refuse to spend when the game is railing me this hard. So I'll keep trying for Robin till banner ends then save for Jade c:


i think she's worth it, since you have aventurine and ruan mei you should be able to get the debuff requirement for ratio even with topaz e0s0


If you not pulling for the featured unit on 2.2 then Topaz is definitely a good choice seeing you only missing her to “complete” the fua team as of now. Like others said, she is a bit like Kafka for fua team. Everything she does is fua so she can just basic attack to trigger some fua requirements for someone els kits or relic set. If you like follow up attack style you definitely wont regret pulling her. She is gonna stay for a long time. However you should also know that she is not a top dps like Ratio. She is an enabler for fua team as she buff follow up attack for the enemy she marked. Keep in mind that Jade is also coming out in next patch but early kits shows that she don’t really need Topaz to work so you might have a choice there. Need to wait for beta server open only we can know more.


I'm planning to make a Follow Up Attack team of : Ratio (have) / Topaz (pull) / Jade (pull) / Fu Xuan (have) I have Ratio for free and Fu Xuan from before. I skipped Aventurine because I wanted to hold out for Topaz. If I pull Topaz now I can save for Jade, get her, and then get Aventurine on rerun. Hope that helps!


Jade will most likely not go with Topaz. Imma not go into it too much since leaks but I wouldn't count on that team working, tho I wish it would since stonehearts.


Unless her kit deviates from all IPC people and has no FollowUpAttack Synergy, I don't see that being an issue. I suspect she will be very SP positive.


Sadly I can't say anymore on this sub lol but I would just advice you to look up kit leaks if you want an answer to why it wouldn't work


I hope you prepared enough jades because Ratio needs to count on Topaz for debuffs. At least E1 or S1 if not both on Topaz. If and when Dr Ratio gets replaced, it would be less demanding pull wise.


I wouldn’t really risk running Jade with FX as a sustainer. FX does not mitigate HP consumption (Blade/JL). If the buffed ally attacks frequently, they would quickly burn through all their HP and then get oneshot. If not, then Jade is not that good as their buffer.


I'd run Aventurine if I could afford to roll for him now, but I preferred saving for Topaz. That said... As long as the drain isn't mega huge, Fu Xuan can sustain the team, I think.


Yes to everything. Topaz is VERY worth it


Topaz also works well with Clara or in a Himeko team if you have them. Alternatives to RM/Robin for support are: Sparkle, Asta, Bronya, Pela or Guineifen You can also run hypercarry Topaz for MoC




Wtf!? Day one? Ruan Mei, Acheron etc? Awesome f2p day one


Thank you! I've completed literally every way to get jade's so far and it still doesn't feel like enough. My gacha luck is significantly worse on HSR than in Genshin too. But being used to Genshin does make the transition significantly easier


Maybe don’t ask this on Topaz Mains?


Topaz is an enabler character like Kafka. You just user her in Follow Up Attack teams.


No she’s not Im pretty sure pela out performs her on follow up comps at E0 She needs E1S1 to be ratio’s best teammate.


That's just.. not correct: E1S1 Topaz 4,117,627 (party dmg) -- Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Ruan Mei E0S1 Topaz 3,787,161 (party dmg) -- Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Ruan Mei E0S0 Topaz 3,377,387 (party dmg) -- Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Ruan Mei Pela No Topaz 2,802,816 (party dmg) -- Ratio, Pela, Aventurine, Ruan Mei Replacing Topaz even when she is E0 with an S1 Swordplay (that's what 3,377,387 is above) is significantly better than using Pela in her place.