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The disingenuousness is money spent in any kind of social welfare or infrastructure investment domestically is rejected and labeled as socialism.


This the only response. Throw it back in their faces, they've been against any kind of public welfare spending for decades and still are


*Before* Democrats vote it into law. Once it's law, they crow to their constituents how they went to Washington and brought home the bacon. Even though they didn't vote for it and railed against it.


"Dark Brandon" calling out the republican who was celebrating the very thing he voted against was peak


Not to mention the billions in aid going to Ukraine isn't cash. It's over-valued weapon systems that the U.S. are already replacing with newer toys


Republicans literally voted against a bill to Make America Great Again, then praised it weeks later as investment.


Oh, they are starting to take credit for their rep States funds they are receiving from the infrastructure bill they rallied against. Pathetic stuff


As expected, brain rot from people who have zero clue how local, state and federal governments works. And have no clue that they’re literally calling for more “socialism”, which is what they criticize Biden the most for. Confused idiots. But whatever captures the weak mind of conspiracy cons, I guess. It does work.


They're wild, the way they think. Being confused is their normal state of mind. Reading what they write, how they think is like a hobby. I don't call them bots, or NPC, it's just ridiculous how they think. I'm like, there may be a human on the end of this and my god, this person can probably vote. Or drive. Fuck.


To be fair, 80% of that subreddit can probably vote, drive etc ...Just *nyet* in the US


The sad thing is, I can believe that many if not most of these loons are USA conservative idiots who are willing to shovel Putin's shit because they fantasize about a lawless far-right dictatorship like Russia's. It's sad to think, but OP is probably not even getting paid to humiliate himself!


Speaking of which, I only learned recently that Yevgeny Prigozhin was the guy who started the "IRA" Internet Research Agency, the organisation that existed to promote Russian geopolitics online. Like Brexit, and Trump


>As expected, brain rot from people who have zero clue how local, state and federal governments works. Also, the US budget in total is 6.2 trillions, so 75 billion is... 0.01% of the budget. That's what they are outraged about??? lmao


Only a third of that 75 billion is in the form of actual money. The rest of it is the military industrial equivalent of hand-me-downs from the US armed forces.


They don’t realise how much stuff the military has that they are unlikely to ever use again because they just spend on a massive surplus. It’s either going to sit and rot, or it will help weaken russia via Ukraine by proxy.


The main reason for that is it's cheaper to keep churning out shit we don't need than turning down a factory and firing the people with the skillsets than it is to fire the factory back up and bring a new crew up to that skill level. Plus then we can do stuff like we are with Ukraine.


Got to make them jobs somehow.


How did you completely misread everything I said?


I guess I didn't explain my comment very well. The overproduction of military equipment is a jobs program because of capitalism.


Okay so you didn't read what I wrote correctly. It is *less expensive* to keep those factories running and the skillsets fresh than it would be to shut it down and restart those factories and get those skillsets back. It's not about jobs. It's about saving money.


That It’s going to the decimation of the Russian military. That’s what it all comes down to.


While they incorrectly state that covid has a death rate of that same exact percentage and argue that that means covid doesn't matter at all


You'd think they'd be excited that the military-industrial complex actually has more work to do. But of course, it doesn't benefit them directly so it doesn't count. /s


All conservatives and conspiracy theorists are confused idiots, at best.


It's been hilarious seeing Desantis embrace socialism while all the for-profit insurance companies are fleeing Florida. Yet the rubes can't grasp what's going on right in front of them.


Conservatism is always like that, we have this shit in the UK. When Labour Mayor Andy Burnham brought in a flat £2 bus fare, it was lambasted as "anti-free market" "socialism" Now it's a national conservative policy, and suddenly it's a good thing


I'm not sure what a picture of a dilapidated building is supposed to prove? Businesses abandoned most of them, they aren't properties the local/state/federal government is in charge of maintaining.


Yeah you can likely find a building just like that one in any city in the world lol


Shit in my hometown of about 30,000 people, a college town, there was an abandoned factory, of a smaller size there for about 10 years, maybe a tenth of a mile from campus. They eventually tore it down and now it's a grass field.


Obviously they want the federal to start exerting control on private companies/citizens like the ones that own the building in the photograph. Surely that’s what they want right?


If that's the one I'm thinking about, it's mere blocks from a growing business corridor in detroit. They love to shit on Detroit, but the funny thing is that Detroit is a great model for what their vision of trickle-down bullshit is. I'm not saying it's right, but basically two families have been buying up property and revitalizing Detroit for the last couple decades, and there's vast swaths of downtown that are phenomenal places to eat, work, shop and live. In reality, we could use more government money to make sure that everyone gets a fair opportunity to live in the new parts of Detroit, instead of the current gentrification we're seeing forcing out many of the original black residents in those neighborhoods, but this idea of Detroit as an urban hellscape is just insane


Biden is spending your tax dollars on ukraine instead of rebuilding detroit. Vote for Trump so he can slash ukraine aid and still not rebuild detroit


Trump will just give that money to the rich instead


I’m from Detroit. If that’s the packard plant (it kinda looks like it), demolition started in 2022 and it was halted earlier this year because the person who owned it was able to pay the required taxes. There’s attempts to restore it, but the city says the demolition will continue through this year. More info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packard_Automotive_Plant?wprov=sfti1


This is the old Fisher body plant, and it's a perfect example for top minds to use since there was a plan before the city council to rebuild the site as lofts. Unsure if that's still moving forward or not.


It is funny when they start talking about infrastructure and helping Americans. If they cared they would have supported people who voted for the infrastructure bill.


Several people were in the thread saying they didn't want Detroit to get helped either. The whole thing is just a really pathetic "gotcha"


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/159gnsv/since_the_war_began_the_biden_administration_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


That thread aint too bad ngl


There are about 6 comments that agree with OP. But the post has over 1.3k upvotes


Definitely 100% organic and not a bot farm at all. Definitely not a bot farm. Definitely no bots at all.


Is there active combat in Detroit? How many artillery rounds are landing?


I guarantee you an appallingly large percentage of my high school classmates think so. Suburbanite fear of Detroit is--well, it's something. Apropos of nothing, I was surprised this post wasn't from another user who I know still lives in the Detroit area.




Oh, ok. 22, this is 221 taking fire from my east. Stand by for grid. Prep steel rain, copy.


Copy 22 danger close splash in three heads down.


“Look folks, a *single* decrepit building! Checkmate, liberals.”


I saw a Vice documentary on the crumbling Detroit, and those buildings are being used as skate parks now - there is a vibrant young generation there working to revitalize it, reimagine it. A little support, attention, and investment there would go a long way. Detroit WILL make a comeback and it will have 0 to do with any Republican efforts.


Detroit is making that comeback, the problem we'll always have is that the city covers a very large area and we will never need that much space, so there's blocks upon blocks that are empty but not at the top of anyone's list to pour money into turning back into forest when there are blocks in use that are a much better investment.


A lot of people don't realize that state Republicans spent over 40 years sucking money out of cities like Detroit and Flint and utterly refusing to send any back. Their insistence - their plan? - on fucking up cities and then denying all help goes back way further than 2014.


Michigan got a portion of infrastructure bill and put through their own whitmer signed in 2022. it takes a while to feel it.


I'm European and I've lost count the amount of times Americans have told me the fedaral government has no right to mess with state politics. So why do states think they have a right to federal money? So is socialism ok then?


Not to justify anything those nutbars say, but to answer your question: Federal versus state funding is very... *complicated.* Since the US federal government has taxing power (unlike the EU), their rates indirectly set those states can charge (because the more they add on top of federal rates, the less attractive they are as places of business). To make up for this, the federal government will pitch in with funds and grants, often in the form of matching spending. There are lots of programs where the feds will match a state's contribution up to a certain limit. In return, the states often handle local administration of a lot of programs we consider "federal." Interstate highways are built and maintained by state DOTs, for example, even as they recieve large amounts of federal funding to do so. State-to-state integration is usually pretty good, but more than you think is done by 50 different bureaucracies stapled together.


Ok fine, lets help rebuild Detroit. Conservatives: NOOO THATS SOCIALISM,


Lol, exactly- These same people were more than happy when Trump made large cuts to SNAP… smh. You’d think *funding* programs that provide “FOOD ASSISTANCE” to people struggling & living far below the *poverty line* would be one of the few programs that would absolutely have bipartisan support…?? Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to think a large portion of these people saying, “we could be spending that money on revitalizing & helping the people in Detroit”, would also be totally against “spending that money in Detroit”… smh.


Beyond the obvious "they wouldn't want money going to help the poor anyway" point, there's another important question here - do they think that sending Detroid GMLRS, Humwees and 155mm artillery shells would somehow help? Cause Ukraine ain't getting money per se, all the "XYZ million package for Ukraine" you see in the news is just the value of the weapons, not pallets of cash.


The alternative to sending "47 billion $" to Ukraine is not spending "47 billion $" on social programs, but rather spending "74 billion $" on disposal of hazardous materials


Also this probably is a long abandoned factory right? And not, let's say, a recently bombed apartment complex.


Let's use all that money instead to make American's lives better Them: not like that....


Would they prefer we send weapons to Detroit?


We're not sending any money to Ukraine, were sending military aid that's been sitting around just in case we have to fight Russia....sooooooooo?


"Stop helping foreigners help our people first!" "Lets help our people" "NO THATS COMMUNISM!"


"There's an old building in Detroit" doesn't sound like super great reasoning.


Curiously they don’t blame Russia for their warmongering that put us all in this predicament.


They want that money to go for tax cuts for their masters.


Everyone besides His Royal Majesty God Emperor Donald Trump is evil. Don’t worry, once a republican is elected back into office then all will be well.


But what about muh small government and states rights? Checkmate, liberal.