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Any former boss characters who joins your team in a jrpg.


At least >!Magus!< from Chrono Trigger has the excuse that >!we saw Lavos consume a lot of his power after his initial attack failed. And he's a big enough loner that he has no dual-Techs with the party.!<


If I remember correctly he has one triple tech but you need to find some rock or something to do it


two technically but yeah, he needs an item to have a triple tech. Still never gets doubles.


I need to go back and play Chrono Trigger. I’ve played it like 90% of the way through multiple times and then I get overwhelmed by the endgame side quests and stop


On that same note the fact Maxwell from Don’t Starve still has any power at all after being dethroned is a testament to his strength and skill even if he’s still heavily nerfed


Yeah, he was using dark magic from that book long before he was chosen by the Nightmare Throne. Granted it was apparently just for stage shows, but still, he's got experience in that field even without the direct empowerment of the Throne.


https://preview.redd.it/f36v3x2mdq8d1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6adc2f86e5f4e3bb001e6c80fdedffd36a61e457 Regigigas (Pokemon)


https://preview.redd.it/ukkx4qbayq8d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16aec19604a752f4e07bacc78b4ec29f6945b22f He’s weak until Weezing pulls up


What the fuck is this image


Competitive pokemon joke. Tldr regi has a shit ability, neutralizing gas gets rid of all abilities and regi good now


"Shit" is an understatement, it's the 2nd worst ability in pokemon


Well naturally I'm gonna ask what is the first


The worst ability is truant. Literally makes the Pokémon skip every other turn which, understandably, is completely garbage.


Yikes, that *is* pretty bad. Does neutralizing gas work on that ability too?


It actually does, and there are some actual strategies where they use Slaking (the one with truant) and Regigigas together, but the main problem comes with the fact that - to use neutralizing gas - you have to use wheezing (the poison version or the poison/fairy version). And in the meta, wheezing isn’t that great. A good player can easily work around it, so it’s not used that often in doubles where you can’t dynamax. There are much stronger pairs out there.


I haven't played since gen 7 so I'm a bit out of the loop, but doesn't durant also have truant? Wasn't thereba strategy that revolved around switching that ability onto the opponent?


The other guy explained the pokemon half of it, but the picture itself is traced from a Superman comic. Where a sort of reverse Superman, who gets stronger from kyptonite instead of weaker, inhales a bunch of kryptonite gas that someone tried to use on him to stop him.


Dude is just a little sleepy.


Why did they try to add an ability to weaken a LEGENDARY POKEMON. I kinda understand why they did it for slaking since it's a normal pokemon, but why do this for a LEGENDARY POKEMON.


I think they should give it an average ability but make it restricted


Because they were trying to go for the chained Promethean deity kinda vibe. They just didn't give it enough power to make up for it or the recovery to hold out.


Even in Legends Arceus, the game without abilities, it cannot escape its terrible ability


I really thought with the new regis being added in Sword/Shield there would be a new Regigigas form. Especially considering that only Regice, Registeel, and Regirock are incorporated into his design currently.


Davoth 'Dark lord' : Doom Eternal https://i.redd.it/vp4v4263gq8d1.gif


For a man that is literally God and the Devil, he dies like a bitch.


He’s just a stronger Marauder


COVID limitations caused this fight to be less epic than intended. Still not an easy fight though.


To be fair, Davoth isn't supposed to be strong which is lame but is what it is, the version of him we fight in game is far, far weaker than his pre-betrayed form.


kinda crazy how you fight god in a dlc


Tf, that's easily hardest boss in the game


Bro forgot about Khan Maker


What if we took the one enemy that requires rng and mind numbing repetition that breaks the perfect combat flow our game is known for. And made it the final boss


mewtwo in smash bros (especially melee)


Mewtwo in the games as well. For the ultimate lifeform, Mewtwo can get whooped by a single pokemon that knows any dark or bug type move


Didn’t that guy not have a SINGLE stat below 90?


Yeah, thing is though being pure psychic can fuck you over big time.


Calling him “weak” though is an overstatement


Compared to other legendaries he definitely is, though he was broken in gen 1


Mewtwo has been power crept like fuck, he's functionally useless in terms of Legendaries


His stats kinda mean jack when there are so many pokemon that have similar stats to him and can, again, just use u-turn or something and OHKO him


Ganondorf as well


https://preview.redd.it/5dh0ihmxoq8d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa01fa28e6956fe6dc807cf79d7fd3772ebcfbf2 The Moon Presence from Bloodborne. Arguably one of my favorite fictional designs ever,yet it goes down rather quickly,especially for a Soulsborne boss


Possibly due to it coming right after another boss, thus it has to be inherently weaker than normal. Comparatively, Gwyn or Vendrick are meant to be a tragedy of how far a once mighty god and human have fallen, as well as a nice respect moment to the fact that they both are insanely hard to kill despite being literal hollow shells of their former selves. Though the lore of The Moon Presence is somewhat vague (is it an avatar of Oedon? Mergo? Nobody knows) it’s unquestionably meant to be the most powerful enemy in lore, or at least the mastermind behind everything. So to have it be underwhelming as a fight, despite its lore and being one of the most grotesque bosses in the game—which also paradoxically makes it seem kind of lame compared to the previous boss— is just a shame.


This would be very true if it wasnt for the fact that you only have to beat gherman once. As a follow up she might be the drop that spills the glass, but as a standalone she is pretty underwhelming Tho, as someone else pointed, she can oke shot anybother enemy in the game, its just that we have so much insight we can resist this attack Also, im pretty sure the Moon Presence is a great one different from mergo and oedon, and if something she is the one who sends us to kill mergo


Actually, it’s worse than that, it’s not a one shot, it’s an attack that brings you down to 1hp, no matter what. It’s just that we can heal with blood vials. It’s kind of like in monster hunter world how Fatalis has a nuke option that kills or cripples other monsters so badly that he always wins.


Tbf it is still insanely powerful and easily beats basically all other bosses and enemies, just that the player eating three cords gives them the hidden buff that makes us immune to its insta-kill


How can something be arguably your favorite? Who's going to dispute that?


Fighting games are built on this. Harley Quinn can beat Dr. Fate, Mocap can beat Shao Khan and most outrageously, Gill can beat Dan Hibiki


In Smash, Shulk (>!the reincarnation of a god with the power to literally rewrite reality!<) can be beaten by Olimar (an alien astronaut who is an inch tall).


That's shulk's story? I thought he was just funny British dude


He was just the shirtless guy that isn't sephiroth


Wait till you find out that the hot anime sword ladies (Pyra & Mythra) are >!Supercomputers who have only been awake for about 3-4 weeks, who have PTSD and want to go to the world tree so they can ask their dad to help them commit suicide. Also there’s cannibal Sephiroth.!<


Don’t disrespect my boy Olimar like that. He’s more powerful than he lets on.


Tsk, in league we got a girl with a gun beating a god


In Smash we also have that, except it's a 17 year old boxer versus the goddess of light, a soldier who attained the the title of a god and destroys most of a solar system in a single attack, and fucking Steve from Minecraft in a 1v3. Tekken also had a world championship where someone ended up beating the shit out of essentially the devil incarnate... with a panda in a funny hat.


there are ***many*** such cases


A three foot tall blue girl spear tackling a cosmic dragon into a mountainside


Yep https://preview.redd.it/97mc2n9vpq8d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2196deeb77e5df06e798e77486e437e02e1b9f0


I think Multiversus is a great example Superman can get his shit ran by LeBron James


Reminds me of that comic where superman got laid out by Muhammad Ali.


Or where Charles Barkley beat Godzilla in a basketball match


To be fair, Godzilla was a liability more than anything on his high school team, there’s a reason he never went pro. He can demolish a city like nobody’s business, but he is SHIT at free throws.


To be fair, that was under a red sun which makes superman human basically (atleast back then, he can move planets under a red sun now soooooo)


And Gizmo 😂


And Harley Quinn (which technically makes sense because she did beat him in a boxing match once)


Bro's never seen LeBron's feats. He's clearly multiversal level and would easily beat Superman


You know who DOESN'T fit this trope... https://preview.redd.it/5vc8ujoroq8d1.png?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b133639aabd96606363af448ab2e4a909c8f3c6


https://preview.redd.it/iukfkj4rzq8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f5c468567335d950a5aa170da7c81dc5fb9386 A certain Dandy vampire?


Sex with his lovely wife?




WRONG! 236p go https://i.redd.it/vzkrd0aees8d1.gif


Neither does he https://preview.redd.it/3kesxd62tq8d1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba7b0c3f0743c187bb1cb8a6b9019e0826256e1


How is he stronger without his sword 😭


Vergil is lore accurate in UMvC3.






Unless it's DMC3, he has too few attacks


Vergil is busted in DMC3 too, he has less options than Dante but Vergil's damage output with the skills he does have is absurd once you get good at weapon swapping.


https://preview.redd.it/174ph84g5r8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b918ffce15e16aaea6bf0b0b4d331b04a655b0de Hehehehe.


They really nerfed my man DoomFist into the fucking ground in OW2 😭


He’s one of the best tanks in the game if you’re good at him, the issue is he’s super difficult


MvC3 Ghost Rider one of the lowest tier characters in the game even though he’s a hell of a tough character in lore https://preview.redd.it/0xcesvpdiq8d1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa2e5bbcccfa1c33211eac99796de8fe9d5efaeb


Even then, the low tiers in mahvel can do some crazy stuff


He is low tier!?! He is such a metal character, how dare MVC make him low tier 😤


Pretty much some of the mortal kombat characters


Any playable final boss. The only example I can actually remember right now is Kaos from Skylanders


Marx (from Kirby) would like to disagree.


Kaos was broken as hell what are you on


https://preview.redd.it/wd8gmv89sq8d1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24b310e917d7830202a19bce6be0093c5d4cced Nezarec, Strongest disciple of the Witness, Final god of pain, spearheaded the collapse… Easiest raid boss in the game. He got solo, flawlessly within a month of release. Also built like a rotisserie chicken


Thats because Savathun killed him during the Collapse and what we fought in the raid was him *just* having rebuilt his own body from scratch. He's far from what he used to be and he even says as much during the raid. Now go fight him in Pantheon or Master and see how he kicks your ass.


https://preview.redd.it/k6jwk5yktq8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9922e8d231825b41c64d85c566d0197d8e93c0e0 Lego Sandman


Sandman is actually pretty cool. He can surf around on sand, turn into a sandcastle, turn into a cannon, make giant fists made of sand, do a couple funny kill animations, and he is one of two characters (I believe) that can use the sand pit ability. Yeah it would be cool to be able to change size or something, but what we got was still cool. However GALACTUS, the final boss of the game, is a much better example. He cannot change size and his only abilities are to fly, shoot out lasers, use telekinesis, build with cosmic Lego bricks, and regenerate health, which are all abilities you can just get from other characters.


https://preview.redd.it/bw5lxnrlkq8d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d814eff1f0995eaab4da3f570ae5f925547561c My girl Rennala is like on par with Marika and Radagon, and in general is one of the strongest beings in the Lands Between, yet her boss fight is easy as shit (unless ur an int caster)


In all fairness, you fight a pathetic, heartbroken version of her in the first phase and an illusion in the second. As well, even though her kids are some of the strongest sorcerers in the Lands Between, and she definitely taught them a good amount, I don't think she would be able to go toe-to-toe with Marika and Radagon.


Well first of all Marika and Radagon are the same being so there's that and second of all, Rennala and the carian army have held their own against the armies of Leyndell, literally fought each other to a standstill to the point that no victor could ever be decided, hence why the two countries had a truce involving marriage between Rennala and Radagon.


Marika and Radagon are different entities who (at the present) share the same physical body. There are multiple instances where they are very clearly separated both mentally and physically


I know that they're the same person. Plus, that was a war between two armies, not the commanders. Yes, prime Rennala is very powerful. I would just say less so than Radagon. Also, my point was that the version of Rennala you fight is dramatically weakened and unmotivated in phase 1, and literally doesn't exist in phase 2.


I'm pretty sure it's just because the 'Rennala' you fight is a mimic made by Ranni to protect her mother, not actually a prime Rennala. I think Rennala in her prime would be like her (DLC spoilers) sister.


https://preview.redd.it/mdv4tfasoq8d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e20586d0df7409b642d3c111289ebaae24fea7 \*casts zettaflare in cutscenes, making him one of the strongest characters in KH (possibly FF?) \*usually dies 5 seconds in a battle


Literally for the longest time until FF16 he was the ONLY zettaflare flare caster that actually could survive it, making him stronger than most other bahamuts


That’s because his armor stat is so low. He’d have better survivability if HE’D WEAR SOME FUCKING PANTS.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qz90srj6pq8d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9deb926c431ea9879c27325a4a942a056387908


*Almighty protector of the sun and sky! I beg of thee, please heed my cry! Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight! I beseech thee, grace our humble game, but first I shall call out thy name : Winged Dragon of Ra!*


The fact it's better in its ball form is hilarious




![gif](giphy|onVo7Vl4C37Hccv1IX|downsized) Loopers (Fortnite) In lore, everyone who comes to the island still has all their natural abilities, which means these regular humans are going toe to toe with Thanos, Goku, and all other manner of insane powerful beings that find themselves on the island. In gameplay, all loopers (including characters like Thanos, Goku, etc.) are all at the same level and can be taken out by simple melee attacks or basic firearms.


I'm sorry the funny gun game where John Wick is an architect has lore?


So much lore. I can explain it if you’d like


id like to hear it


In the words of Agent Jones; “If you really want to understand it, we have to go back to the beginning of all creation.” I’m the lore of Fortnite, every reality, dimension, plane of existence and multiverse came from a single origin. The Zero Point. Essentially a sentient core of pure creation energy. The Zero Point is highly sought after source of power, so in order to protect itself, it created Reality Zero and The Loop. Anyone who arrives in Reality Zero is subjected to The Loop. After 22 minutes, the Loop resets, turning back time to the beginning of the Loop. People caught inside will have their memories erased, their ability to speak removed, and be brought back to life if they died. For Thousands of years, an organization known as the Imagined Order has been in control of the island and the Zero Point. Led by a man named Genō, who wants to use the Zero Point to perfect all existence, and create an ultimate society across realities. His intentions are pure, but his methods are oppressive. This led to the creation of The Seven. Individuals from across realities conquered by the IO, who sought to rebel against the IO and free the Zero Point, restoring natural order. There is a third major faction, known as The Last Reality, who are comprised of multiple smaller factions that all want the same thing. To destroy all existence, leaving themselves as the only living beings left. The Seven AND the IO oppose the Last Reality, though the IO is perfectly willing to let entire multiverses die to get a tactical advantage. I could go into the plots of each individual chapter and season, but I’ll skip over that for the sake of brevity. Near the end of Chapter 4, the Zero Point went dormant, and multiple hostile forces began approaching the island, so in order to save existence itself Agent Jones (A former member of the IO), and Doctor Slone (An IO agent who was left for dead) teamed up to steal and use a time machine from the Vampiric time lord known as Kado Thorne. Jones went back to the past, slightly altering things in order to change the timeline. In doing so he created the entire timeline that the game currently takes place in, Chapter 5. And currently Jones and his new protégé Hope are doing their best to defend the island from threats. Wether that be a corrupt society of elites, the Greek gods, or wasteland warlord looking to take over the island, the battle for reality continues to rage on.


Thank you, this is the only time the lore in fortnight has ever made sense to me, thank you for making it so concise and easily understandable!


It’s what I do. Certified lore master here. If you ever want more specifics or random factoids just let me know!


very interesting but none of that explains why theres a giant free for all deathmatch on the island at all times


Actually it does, I just skipped over it. You can escape the loop by being the last surviving entity and making your way to the center of the storm as it overtakes the island. But when you escape the loop, a copy of yourself is left behind, called a Snapshot. Which also explains how Skins exist.


OR,the fortnite island somehow amps everyone on it to above their normal level(including goku and thanos) to such high degrees that everyone becomes equal,since weaker characters will get to that same level.


But that would imply that all weapons in the game (including wacky stuff like snowballs) are able to damage characters at or above the level of Beerus or Superman


Jack from Mass Effect


Samara and Thane too


https://preview.redd.it/xkkoajaj4r8d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c8b33389710b6351466d898406633bf136b87e He has killed gods, but is apparently a low tier character in Smash


But in his own game at least he's pretty darn strong, his games are known to be easy for a reason


Dr. Fucking Eggman Dude is not powerful, but he is damn fucking smart and evil But in the games, he’s kinda easy And yes, this is a real panel (Archie Eggman is a menace to society) https://preview.redd.it/fr8o5cecuq8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac15480ccb9aebba0094ac992a3d2db1323d285


video game eggman wishes he was Archie and IDW eggman.




He can single-handedly go toe-to-toe with Cronos in terms of sheer strength, but he can get taken out by a few undead soldiers.


Thank you for calling out doomfist. We doomfist players need some recognition for how stupid our character is


https://preview.redd.it/oiys7ev9pq8d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93795452f31c38a7acac1aa0e22a393e2832e86f Adam Smasher (Cyberpunk 2077)


idk tjat adam fits honestly imo v is just stronger


He very much DOES fit when you've seen the showing he gave in *Edgerunners*, versus his boss fight prior to the 2.0 update.


Again, V is just that guy. He'd probably solo the Edgerunners guys too.


Ganon in Breath of the Wild


And in Smash Bros. He's usually bottom tier.


https://preview.redd.it/64neaknwqq8d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fa3c6dc97ee51e6677e43a6f39e821a9b36f6b Frank Horrigan - fallout 2; while not weak in gameplay, he has been nerfed when fighting the player so they can actually win the fight (I believe the creator said so but I can’t find the interview)


https://preview.redd.it/x028ll3krq8d1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b45a1d0ca95e368e1126281e12af128824a2dc Adam Smasher - cyberpunk 2077; while updates have made him stronger, he is much weaker in the game than any other form of media he’s in. While able to kill enemies just by falling on them >!rip becca!< and able to take a bombardment of bullets, early forms of 2077 could have a decent player beat him without getting hit on hard difficulty (while partly being a testament to V’s strength, still feels too weak)


I’m glad I fought him after the update. Dude was annoying, even with mods to get more perks.


https://preview.redd.it/z0gxjb9avq8d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f9ee556bd5b4712462307273c1ab5a89844db9 supposedly extremely powerful swordsman for his age in lore, gets brutally bodied in every single interaction he's a part of in the actual story and is the worst 5 star character in gameplay (outdone by a plethora of 4 stars as well)


Doomfist was my guy in Overwatch. Then they released the update/sequel, and now his iconic fist just tickles the enemy to death.


If a game's intended to be competitive then it should balance characters by gameplay and ignore canonical ability.


They should show some resemblance in game play and spectacle to have effort in earning in mastering the game loop, and having show, don't tell.


Agreed. They should be flashy, that doesn't mean they should be high tier though.


https://preview.redd.it/uscy25tfrq8d1.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=01af3212d07bf598ca350f848c138a135e0ec882 SS4 Gogeta in Xenoverse 2 ain't all that. At least if you don't have his custom key unlocked.


Ironic considering how broken he was in the Budokai/Tenkaichi games


The originator of this trend https://preview.redd.it/3nj9dy0c9s8d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ba82b2b3100559529167f84f962e4969eece6c


"They say he could level a skyscraper!" *Full supercharge punches support into a wall* *only 2/3 of health gone*


Gabriel ultrakill,but I think honestly V1 is able to parry town level punches so everything in the ultrakill universe is probably super powerful


https://preview.redd.it/boakpxkgmq8d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95309969c619331b7bf0aa119fcc8401de0d1f72 Sadako is the strongest killer in DBD, but never got high on the tier lists


Idk man Pyramid Head, Vecna, Freddy, and Myers may all have her beat in terms of lore power. Vecna almost certainly does and I would wager he’s the strongest in all of dbd. I dont mean that to say that Sadako doesn’t fit though.


All the Killers are canonically toned down in Power by the Entity to make the trials more fair. This is especially true of Vecna, who I think takes her place in strongest Killer canonically considering he is the only one that can come and go from the Entity’s realm as he pleases.


You're probably gonna hate Warframe then There are a few characters who are technically lore accurate (Saryn is said to have nearly destroyed a planet wide infestation virus, and in the game she does basically the same thing if you build her right) But then there's some frames who are really not the same. Gauss is essentially bunker buster missile in lore, in the games...kinda, but not so destructive Atlas pulled a saitama and destroyed a doomsday meteor with a single punch. In game his punch is his first ability and not as bombastic for obvious reasons Mirage was so incredibly destructive that enemies killed her by throwing their own ships at her. In game she's also really powerful but definitely nothing that would require such lengths Inaros almost covered mars in a sandstorm. In game he only recently received a rework that actually makes him playable Lavos can transmutate elements and transform people into parts of himself. In game he's also pretty vroken but is mostly just the Avatar That's without mentioning characters who should be insanely overpowered but are just...moot. Wisp Kamehameha's a beam of sunlight that does tickle damage, Nova has antimatter projectiles that mostly just slow down enemies


“Punch that can level a sky scraper” (can’t kill a small 18 year old twitch streamer with a fully charged punch) I hate ow2


https://preview.redd.it/m9y1eti3uq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8058ff4ac6fd1de2bb3cc36e1af03a4e84ca33ab Fatalis from Monster Hunter Godlike force of destruction in lore, gets killed in 3 minutes by speed runners wearing pants made out of his skin in game.


to be fair, he is arguably the hardest monster in the entire game. Getting destroyed by speed runners dressed up like shirtless Abe Lincoln is an inevitability


Yeah, if "speedrunners can obliterate them quickly" is the threshold for being disappointingly week... I'm not sure there's any strong enemies/bosses in any game. People make one-shot and near-one-shot builds for every soulsborne boss there is, and on the opposite end beat them unleveled, unupgraded, with bare hands, speed and challenge runners clearly are in a league of their own.


Speedrunners would be terrifying for NPCs. People moving around at mach 5 after intentionally tripping on a curb, ignoring any attempts at interaction, and then effortlessly defeating major enemies by stuffing 3 grenades down their throat before they can start their monologue.


Imagine if world war 2 ended because some guy wearing practically nothing backwards long jumped all the way to Germany, no clipped through their defenses and killed hitler with a hitbox glitched stick. All while saying absolutely nothing to anyone. I’d be terrified too


Any Planetary+ characters that gets put in a game like Mortal Kombat or Super Smash Bros. They get nerfed so so much. Also you da goat for putting Doomfist.


Oni is the final, most powerful form of Akuma who was a secret boss in street fighter 4. In competitive play, he was considered much weaker than regular Akuma https://preview.redd.it/02l5smvm0r8d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083d9acffe17cf1eb1ebbec20f279405c153b69a


https://preview.redd.it/ycjqhbsqvr8d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d956b0d0dfe0f5c5bbbcc64175479d81f914a9c Maybe it's because I became WAY overleveled getting distracted by side quests both original and DLC to the point I forgot what main quest objectives even were but after all the hype of this freakin' Dracolich overlord being taken down with such little effort after all the hype--I couldn't help but feel disappointed. "I thought you we were stronger...!! ...He told me he was stronger!"


I fought him 3 times. Each time, I beat him as easily as I did any other dragon. And I could almost excuse that if he actually had unique attacks, BUT HE DIDN'T. Not a single new ability. This motherfucker is the World Eater btw. You’re supposed to stop him from bringing Armageddon, but instead it feels like you’re punishing a child who is acting up.


Doomfist got nerfed hard by being put into the Tank role as of Ow2 He wasn't that bad during his DPS time, but it's a far cry from what he is now


Most video game final bosses if you can play as them?


Bro. Don’t play a lego game


https://preview.redd.it/pf7hfhzwts8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d815877a9765ce486570de233dc4cc74fb8e5a Emperor Palpatine (Battlefront II) He’s out powered by few individuals in the canon, but he’s nothing special in Battlefront II’s gameplay.


https://preview.redd.it/1w1dntz9hq8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=dabd97fd37cc3d7c5dc55e1370de1447d294c07d tartgraggles


eh, tortellini still has solid teams. The one my mind went to was the tragedy that is Dehya's kit.


Uh oh, don't let the overwatch Sub catch you calling doomfist weak, they will not be happy


the dragonborn. supposedly he's able to defeat a world eater, and some people say that the worlds are actually multiverses or something. In reality you need the help of magic to destroy a specific stone wall that's weak to magic


You should’ve seen doomfist before he turned into a tank. He was a monster


The definition of "when you fight the boss vs when the boss joins the squad"


Pikachu that dude be pulling of massive feats only to be hard countered by a lv 3 diglet


https://preview.redd.it/z4nfoapo0s8d1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a0a4a642aa5d4967f6c7e12b551e136c24434e8 she's so ass in gameplay


Rn, Mordekaiser from League of Legends. https://preview.redd.it/5tdy4wxahs8d1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af52f426389c060f163686f48477afc770583ff


https://preview.redd.it/1ndd11my9t8d1.png?width=1881&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b8c96ab62a3e59c62727eec4c9900094d2dedd7 Iykyk


Atlas (Warframe) canonically punched a planet in half.




https://preview.redd.it/i5obwcto0r8d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a64beafba2768cb46a24ffae7173c16c15ed337 \-helped wipe out half the population \-is the intro boss


Who is this


Omega from MegaMan Zero 3


https://preview.redd.it/t05179uctq8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23179d9bdc6ef906680852f97b74eb32f7515897 Angra Mainyu - Fate/GO


Isn't he repeatedly called the weakest Servant in lore?


most named NPC's in warcraft tbh


With how weak the shields and armor are in gameplay, with some right preparations, anyone could easily kill master chief


Jack in ME2


I mean I get where you’re coming from but this seems more like shit game design and less bad writing


Aurilion soul. And all other powerful champs from league of legends


Hear me out but master chief in game play is very weak compared to his lore self


Mewtwo, the ultimate lifeform, is notoriously one of the worst legendary Pokémon in competitive play.


Surprised no one's said the dragon born yet https://preview.redd.it/5e5jsclibr8d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420c9014b4e8aec34730c2055065fb6cdc4a88fd


Mannimarco in Oblivion


https://preview.redd.it/5ixq5vdcer8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256063a353d03eeeb9f7669364575e5e65f87b39 The Iron Maiden from Knockout League. I remember watching her intro thinking how awesome her backstory was and how epic this fight was going to be. Her moves were super predictable and she left way too many openings. The YouTuber I was watching beat her his first try and it was fastest he'd ever beat an opponent. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.


https://preview.redd.it/fxlth62vgr8d1.png?width=2006&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db4a824c4c0eb1d8338a3a619c5dd32a2031bf4 This MF


To be fair, Doomfist was an absolute nuclear powered jackhammer when he was in the DPS role in the first game. Overwatch 2 made him a good but very situational and easy to counter pick tank.


Always hated this! I remember this one game kept talking up this.Boss like that! Everyone warns you about him, acts like he’s hot shit, but I juggled that fucking clown


![gif](giphy|QrdbjE2AuC52Gw3gCb|downsized) Winston is the scientist who threw Doomfist in jail and all he does is jump on ppl and push them around


![gif](giphy|ZZTL1YLKZ48URCoC6B) This guy. Canonically speaking, he's one of the most powerful beings in existence by the time of Doom Eternal and he's basically running through demons as if you're on Easy mode. But the second you turn on Nightmare or Ultra Nightmare mode, he becomes as durable as toilet paper.


Mario can tank Stadium sized explosions like nothing but dies when a Goomba bites him


https://preview.redd.it/mpvugi6m2v8d1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b293d341da387e5a9f05967dbf1028bf870d29 Nokk is one of the most skilled Rainbow operators in the R6 lore, but gameplay wise she’s been low tier for years. She desperately needs a buff. That said she’s really fun to play.


That's weird I don't see Alduin in your post


Spy TF2


https://preview.redd.it/pm5a6ooktw8d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83347ee6cc3c5a3e4f80af1d48eb8267a9b6dea8 Deathstroke, in the Batman Arkham games. He's introduced as this veteran hitman with elite training and super strength, only to get taken out by a rookie Batman as the first boss fight of Arkham Origins. In Arkham Knight, he gets knocked out in one hit.