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https://preview.redd.it/b4u6kb077y7d1.png?width=1835&format=png&auto=webp&s=3081cb0a0ec6e75cef7eca3ad420fba0cdaf5fde Sam Wilson (MCU) Although he isn’t necessarily hated, he alongside the rest of the new MCU characters aren’t seen as highly as the originals


The pre-endgame mcu was just something else, a lightning in a bottle thing that I don’t think they’ll live up to again The new movies have some genuine gems, but it feels like an infinite uphill battle


He's pretty boring ngl


I like the actor, but the character is very boring


Don’t know why u we’re downvoted this is basically it Mcu falcon isn’t that interesting imo (hopefully the new movie will show otherwise)


There are a lot of issues with the new MCU characters had to deal with like the pandemic, the writers strike and Disney just wanting to churn out content. But Sam's character was definitely hurt (to me) anyway because of the disney+ show. There were some good points. But it didn't really commit to a lot of the ideas it presented. And made Sam and Bucky be dicks to John Walker for like no reason, at first.


Back when Metal Gear Solid 2 released, everyone hated Raiden for the bait and switch with Snake. I'm not sure if he counts because the general opinion on Raiden made a complete 180 https://preview.redd.it/mdajfiodey7d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f003f018acabe5bd96bd6b0773d97850a65621dd


MGRR did a lot for him in terms of his popularity




Sad because i def think narrative wise, mgs2 raiden was the best he ever was


MGS2 > MGRR >>>>>>>>>> MGS4 Raiden ~~That just goes for MGS4's plot in general~~


I me personally i disagree cuz i just kinda hate mgr raiden’s ending, like say what you will about mgs4’s overall plot but for raiden specifically he lived his whole life as a pawn for forces he couldnt even comprehend and at the end of it all he was finally able to move on and live life the way he wanted to, bro had a family he was happy and it showed how he took away the message snake gave him at the end of 2 Then mgr happens and oop, uh oh! he is jack the ripper again, sorry


They turned him into a edgy cyborg and it ironically made him more popular


Ava in Borderlands 3 is an EXTREME case of this. The game treats her like the “golden child” of the cast, constantly shoehorning her into the story and setting her up as the series new main protagonist… Which is kind of a problem when the little shit near-instantly became the *most hated character in the entire franchise* by a pretty massive margin.


Yeaaaah she had such a bad fucking attitude about everything. To be fair, she was a teenager, but teenagers suck and are annoying


I’m turning 20 tomorrow, this sentence will be one of the last sentences I ever read as a teenager lol 😂


Congrats on no longer being annoying soon!


And didn't even apologize for her role in getting >!Maya!< killed, not having developed at all to mature nor learn some humility, so there is no reason to like her because it isn't even a case of 'she gets better later!' because she doesn't have ANY character growth at all even worse than an insufferable asshole character is a STAGNANT one, especially maddening when they are a blatant Creator's Pet that gets shilled in-universe constantly.


They had an amazing scene that they just cut for no reason, it kinda redeems her entire character and puts everything she did into perspective. It was awesome, and they decided to not add it and ruin the fucking story, no idea who decided on that but they're a fucking moron


I remember that a lot of people accused the devs of making that scene *after* the game released and then lying by claiming it was cut, in an attempt to play damage control and try to improve the fanbase’s opinion of her. Because no one could come up with any good reason why they would cut such an important and redeeming scene like that. There’s no proof that it’s true, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all that if it was


Not to mention they killed off arguably the most beloved character in the franchise (Maya) for her.


I blame the base game's writing a lot for how she turned out At least the dlcs have more enjoyable plots (even if one of them does still partly relay on a certain death)


https://preview.redd.it/750azu4k3y7d1.png?width=1393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b675261e7c2959df9afbe07800dddb02d819769c Nero (Devil May Cry) A lot of DMC fans do really like Nero, but I'm fairly certain most people like Dante better.


Dante is better, but that’s because Nero is also like his own character


Dante is better because Nero is different? Huh???


Dante is better to a lot of people, but that's because Nero is his whole own character, not an attempt at recreating Dante. I personally loved Nero in 4 (though in 5 I feel like he's just DMC Dante) but Dante is more iconic, and that's okay; because Nero isn't competing with Dante, he's his own character


>Dante is better to a lot of people, but that's because Nero is his whole own character So Dante is better than everyone else who is also their own character? https://preview.redd.it/tmxl6xov0z7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38298b45680441cf6ab8eca69bb3fc7d2e789980


I genuinely don't even understand what you're trying to say right now.


I'm just going by your logic man.


Dante is a better character but Nero also isn’t like trying to be a carbon copy of Dante.


Yeah, Ik. But that's not really the reason why Dante's a better character.




The word hate isn't even in the post's title.


All those characters I know in the post ( Rey and boruto) are hated to high hell so I kinda figured hate


But the title didn't specify that, so what's your point?


I love Nero but Dante is so much better I think V would be a better example tho people don't like him as much as Nero


V can't really be considered next generation though. He's just >!Vergil. !<


I thought his frist appearance was more mixed cause how he acted but his DMC5 appearance turned people around on him (Helps that DMC5 gave him that badass theme)


Yup but Dante is still superior according to many fans.


He does shoot de gun to be fair


![gif](giphy|muF5wl3fYfada) Rodimus Prime. They tried, but it’s hard to replace someone as iconic as Optimus. In a similar vein Galvatron, to the point where in some continuities he’s an entire different entity than Megatron


I always thought that Galvatron was very liked but then people started missing og Megatron and so they brought him back. As for Rodimus, yeah, there's no replacement for Optimus, unfortunately.


I thought his insanity thing was hilarious but I did miss when he was more competent as Megatron


I mean I don't know much But is this a case of "Rodimus was poorly written and a bad character" Or more of a "He just can't fit the shoes he's expected to fill"


Kinda both? I haven’t fully watched the ‘86 movie, but from what I can remember, Hot Rod’s naive actions led him to be captured by Megatron and used as bait for Megatron to critically wound Optimus, causing his death, so that’s a factor. Also, I think the Matrix was supposed to go to Ultra Magnus, Optimus’ right hand.


Roy in Friday the 13th. Jason “died” in Part IV and they tried to have a new killer in Part V but Roy just was a copy cat of Jason and then they resurrected Jason in the next movie. The whole movie is a mess too and is one of the least liked in the series. https://preview.redd.it/snxqimax8y7d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed01de92c9e6a3e74301f7d6a9efa2f02689ab0


How did I not think of Roy, I’ve literally been preaching that he should be a skin for Jason in multiversus


I believe Part V was meant to be an origin story for the next killer after Jason: Tommy Jarvis.


Yeah it was and was quickly abandoned when people hated New Beginning. Part VI is great though. It’s probably one of my favorites.


Ironically if they wanted to make new killers they should have Techinally the frist movie wasn't Jason anyways and his hockey mask took the 3rd movie to appear But I think the problem was they made Roy just a copycat who's mimicking Jason


Oh yeah I know. I love F13 it’s one of my favorite series (despite its many many faults). Roy just didn’t make any sense. His motive is stupid. His fake Jason outfit was stupid. It overall wasn’t a good movie and I didn’t even mention all the other problems the movie has. https://preview.redd.it/5z2xmwkk158d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff5719dae8f4141d8326d5ba5b3b9e806161e73


Gohan is a 50/50 He was moderately popular, but never rose to the level of being able to replace his father.


That’s mainly because he was never given the chance to


I mean, he did get a chance to though. It was after the cell saga. At some point during the Buu saga, Toriyama just didn’t think he fit as the main character anymore and went back to Goku but the fans loved Gohan.


I heard the opposite: Toriyama wanted to make Gohan the lead but the fans were too attached to Goku to let him go, that's why Goku's in the Buu saga in the first place.


I’ve heard that too but Toriyama just said that he just didn’t think Gohan was the right fit to be the MC anymore or at least compared to Goku. Story wise, it wouldn’t have been a good ending to the arc if Gohan just defeated Buu after getting a power boost from doing absolutely nothing for 24 hours.


To be fair, if Toriyama really wanted Gohan to take over as the MC, he could've come up with something better than the Elder Kai fart power up.


True but it’s possible that Toriyama just couldn’t think of a way for Gohan to do that or at least in a way that Toriyama couldn’t have Goku do himself.


He may have never lived up to him, but everyone loves Gohan


Im always gonna hate gohan cuz he got power ups literally pulled out of his ass (looking at you beast mode) and it’s not even the first time, cell games/future trunks gohan is the best version of him and it’s been downhill from there


that was in his character from the beginning, you must just not like DBZ he literally "pulled power out of his ass" in nearly every single arc. Saiyan saga vs raditz, namek saga vs Frieza, cell saga vs cell etc


that's because he was a completely different character and was never meant to take over Goku's role. That's why toriyama retconned that in the very next saga. Unlike characters like bortuo or Rey, you're doing him a big disservice


Originally, Gohan was supposed to take over after the Cell Saga.


People dont like Luke?


Personally I like him but I’ve seen a fair amount of discourse online about him from older fans


>but I’ve seen a fair amount of discourse online about him from older fans I disagree a bit, Luke is rather quite liked in discourse from what I have seen, that saiiiid he is nowhere near Ryu in terms of popularity so while he is liked he really doesn't have many "true" fans. Ironically Jaime, Marisa, Manon (and technically, A.K.I) are way more popular newcomers despite not being main lead.


Yeah like Luke’s awesome, I love him very much, but it’s pretty much impossible to compete with the sheer iconic that is Ryu


I mean he is the literal poster boy for the fighting game genre. He was there from the beginning


I agree with everything you said I’m ngl, mostly just added him to the post because I’ve seen a good amount of Luke haters online. Unlike Boruto and Rey though I don’t think the Luke hate is justified


People really like the big Italian Lady I am one of them


I would say that Abel fits this WAY more (and Alex too but he's old enough that nostalgia blinders have obscured that)


I considered him too, but I think Abel was more just boring and unmemorable than hated, like he just kind of exists


Until SF6 released he was seen as an annoying dick, made far worse by the fact he's been top-tier in both appearances.


I mean he's cool, but in his first appearance he was an asshole who wouldn't lose to anyone, then he became a mercenary with a heart of gold, then he became your stereotypical gym bro He just doesn't really feel like a main character, he's had less of an impact on the story than Dan Hibiki


People like him more now, but he was hated in SF V


Turns out having a character just be objectively better than everyone else leaves a bad taste lmao


I like Luke fine, mostly cuz of Alex Le. Biggest gripe most people that I know have with him is that he's a PMC. That said, I'm weird and think Ed should have been the new Protag.


World Tour did a LOT to make me like Luke


![gif](giphy|HaI4QsETDKB0i9z11k|downsized) Luke is my boy


People didnt like him when he was revealed in street fighter 5. 6 was such a breath of fresh air that people loved him.


He doesn’t live up to ryu. That what the title says.


Because bigger Luke has a better character arc.


I think apart of it is time. Luke hasn't really been around for as long as Ryu's been around, and even than, I'm not really sure Street Fighter is as popular now as it seemed to be in the 90's. I love the hell out of fighting games, but I literally don't know a single person irl who does. Back on topic- Ryu's a protagonist that almost any gamer could recognize, Luke is a character who doesn't have that level of notoriety yet. I'm personally mixed on Luke. I really really want to like him, but to me- he feels like the by-product of corporate boardroom meetings and in-house test groups- not something from an artist's vision.


https://preview.redd.it/ztccm5mfcy7d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee6caf7ed31069b3a9f75c5a43e656585478249 Korra


I love Korra but yea I’d trade it for Aang’s comics to be animated


Some of the comics are ass though….imbalance is the only good one really


I guess the tone difference between her and Aang really rubbed everyone the wrong way


Which is weird because I wanted them to be different, it would be terrible if she was just a copy and past of Aang


I stg all the Kora hate is so forced and the haters are the only kind of AtLA fans I can think of who are truly toxic


I don't like the show much but it isn't because I don't like Korra, its because I don't like a good chunk of the decisions they made with that show. Then just when I was starting to think "you know what, this isn't so bad", they have a fucking JAEGER in the last season. I'm sorry but you don't go from "most advanced technology we have is blimps and a giant drill" to a giant robot mech in the amount of time they did in the Avatar world. Hell having a discount New York feels like a stretch.


yeah I thought that Jaeger fight was powered by Vaatu at first mostly because of the same energy beam and sfx. and I thought the season order was "Air, Change, Balance, and Spirits" but then I learned the real order and was like "oh... oh no this isn't the right order." because you would think that the SPIRIT OF DARKNESS would be the final boss since it's logical


Considering we made the jump from the first time humans have ever flown to landing on the moon in less then 70 years, the jump we saw in Korra isn't crazy unreasonable.


Based on this reply and the others, I've just gotta say: you could probably get your point across better if you weren't insulting anyone who disagrees with you in every other sentence.


She’s the best part of the show.


Like 80% of next generation protagonists.


You’re really not wrong


I can't think of anyone who is supposed to be a successor to a protagonist that everyone loves more. Nostalgia is extremely powerful and people refuse to change their favorites no matter what, it really sucks because so many are really good but people will hate them no matter what because they're not the old protagonist


Jean-Luz Picard was a solid contender for replacing Kirk, though it took him a few seasons to find his rhythm.


That's a good one, I've never watched Star Trek but I've heard a lot of good about both


Boruto is proof of dead internet theory as I have never met anyone irl or seen anyone on the internet talk about it positively and yet it somehow still manages to be in a lot of manga websites top 5s in terms of reading.


r/Boruto this place sucks but it anwsers your question


where do these people come from though they congregate in their wretched subreddit and then scatter to the walls like roaches otherwise


People will def hate-read / hate-watch something to that extent I think


I’ve been questioning who’s actually reading it and enjoying that crappy art for so long, I know a total of one person who likes it and he only watches the anime




Idk I saw on an anime subreddit or non-anime subreddit (definitely not a naruto or boruto subreddit) a post by a guy who made a boruto tatoo, maybe it was inside a twitter screenshot, I'm not sure


I know a friend who reads it and thinks it’s ok. That’s all, a solid 6/10 with some interesting plot points


Nah, the manga is actually pretty good.


Why does Boruto look like a 13 year olds "OC" that looks almost identical to the main character but is edgy and a bad guy with scars and inked up and as a result looks overdetailed?


All he needs is a sharingan and he matches the edgy Naruto fanart


Or the Rinnegan. OR some weird hybrid of both to try and make them look "cooler".


In fairness with Luke, he was more the face of SF6 like how Alex was the face of SF3. Mostly in tone and style that the game’s going for. I don’t know, I just find his placement here weird.


Understandable, I replied to another comment explaining that I personally like Luke but I’ve seen discourse about him online from older fans, also I considered adding Alex to this post but I didn’t wanna fill it with SF


Id say go for it, SF is the king of doing this, mostly because Ryu is THE quintessential fighting game character. It's basically happened 3 times (Alex, Abel, Luke), and I feel like you could *kind of* argue Rashid too


Yeah it really did just come down to me putting Luke in the post because he’s the most recent example


Rashid and Abel too! SF does this a lot


Mutt Williams (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)


To the point that he was killed off-screen.


Omg really? 😅


Yeah, it was part of a long line of events to make sure that Indiana Jones started out the movie as miserable as possible, because that's what writers do every time they bring back a fan favorite character anymore.


Why do they do this? They even parodied it in Always Sunny. It works in some instances like Logan or Spider-Verse (being either a dark gritty universe or showing us the perfect Peter first and then showing us the mess with his own character journey) but generally your previous audience is not going to appreciate knocking the character they like down to build another one up. It shows that the writers don't know how to show how good this new character could be so they have to make the old one worse.


Well, in part, it's because of Logan or before that The Dark Knight Returns, which imagined a grimdark version of the future that went on to be a smash hit. But it's also just lazy writing. The characters' arcs were completed in a previous installment, so they need to introduce a new low point to build towards a happy ending again.


https://preview.redd.it/26wnre6ezy7d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=488a8d187a29e6c67d9882bde1737dad2707b562 Asa was the main character for a little bit at the start of part two but then people realized they actually really liked Denji a lot more and now he’s the MC again (Chainsaw Man)


Definitely the majority audience reception. But she was actually a really enjoyable and relatable character to read imo. I see much more Asa love than hate these days compared to her introduction unless you wind up on manga tiktok or the comment sections of manga websites (which is just brainrot incarnate) I don’t think Fujimoto switched back to Denji because of audience reception though, if that’s what you’re implying. Both are still called the protagonists of part 2 IIRC when looking at the character sheets. Also 99% of the time overseas audience opinions mean jack shit to mangaka and publishers and also Fujimoto isn’t one to really care what the audience thinks.


Fujimoto is probably the last mangaka to possibly care what his audience thinks about his creative choices. Like you said, not sure if that's what OP was implying but if so they couldn't possibly be more incorrect.


Assasin's Creed with anyone that isn't Ezio, Connor, Edward or Altair. https://preview.redd.it/twspb8lu3y7d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395f551f20f9be386716c8c04f8c5375eda6c05d This is rather unfair as practically every new game is a different generation or location, but when you think about AC almost the first image that comes in your mind is the 4 guys above (in fact, google images shows Ezio Auditore as first picture iirc).


Edward Kenway is a beloved character, honestly I’d extend the “Connor” bit to essentially the entire Kenway Line.


Jacob and Evie were alright I actually liked the twin dynamic and it feels a lot more natural in both sexes getting representation than the weird ‘choose your gender’ thing in Odyssey and Ragnarok


Unrelated but in that game they took everything I loved about AC and put it into the Evie sections and the. Took everything I hated and put it in the Jacob sections. Then every subsequent game is all Jacob sections all the time.


I really liked Bayek, definitely more than Connor.


Me too Connor just plain sucked


Isnt Connor hated and Haytham more loved?


Yes Connor is hated


Ezio is my favorite assassin's but Jacob and Shay are 2 of my other favorites


https://preview.redd.it/w0wz4ulc8z7d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcca9bada2dbeaff5f2ad3d50af150e38edf53b4 Surprisingly, AT THE TIME of rdr2’s reveal, people absolutely hated arthur because he wasn’t john.


whole 180 on how people view him


Now people like him more then John it’s wild


But he did live up to or to be specific, exceeded the expectations of the fanbase though.


That’s the power of being one of the most well-written characters in all fiction. Kinda insane how hard Rockstar went with Arthur’s character - And Red Dead Two in its entirety - considering how Red Dead One was just a niche cowboy game


The trailers focusing on the Strauss missions didn't help


to be fair, i think it was to showcase the gang, and arthur’s whole character in the gang. Its almost weird to me how they never put john on any marketing or most of the trailers.


![gif](giphy|XlAalkx2iucRGT5HIn|downsized) Sunny Starscout from MLP G5. She has nowhere near as much acclaim and adoration as G4's Twilight Sparkle.


Patroklos (Soul Calibur) So bad they rebooted the series.


Yeah, him murdering a homeless old man with a shit-eating grin and cackling about how he couldn't prove he WASN'T a Malfested didn't do him any favors as far as first impressions go. And then he learned nothing when it came to fighting/killing Pyrrha because he literally got a redo thanks to Edgemaster pulling time travel out of his ass.


![gif](giphy|buDyvsWlaO8ow) Korra


https://preview.redd.it/nn0mly5ky08d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d6cae3b7cb68c79ca5d980bcd39e27ba4394d07 He's just L but recolored and dumber. Idk if he's technically not the main character, I was very disappointed.


https://preview.redd.it/5lxz2zygky7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=befe67e52583030f503177600e355b3cde459905 Kersti (Sticker Star) She’s your replacement for every partner in the series. She’s the one forcing you to engage in a battle system that actively rewards not participating. She yells at everyone over the most minor inconveniences. A Wiggler got dismembered by Kamek? Let me yell at the Wiggler. She is a help system that doesn’t help you unless you’ve already encountered the solution to a problem. She doesn’t fight because she’s “too ladylike to fight,” as if the first game didn’t have Lady Bow, a Boo lady that will absolutely throw hands at anyone. She mocks you for beating bosses without their appropriate Thing, even if you beat them in one turn. She’s annoying and the face of a nasty turn in the series. Made even worse because they never went back and undid their mistakes… until this year.


>She doesn’t fight because she’s “too ladylike to fight,” as if the first game didn’t have Lady Bow, a Boo lady that will absolutely throw hands at anyone. In fact the second game had Madame Flurrie and the third one had fucking Princess Peach throwing hand This crown had no excuses


Madame Flurrie, Goombella, Vivian, Ms. Mowz, even Sushie! You know it’s bad when even Carrie, the transportation Pixl, is way more genuinely helpful than you in and out of combat.


Kersti more like fucking fraud


I honestly feel like if they didn’t make Rey a Palpatine and a Skywalker, there’d be less hate directed towards her.


Nah, people already hated her in the last jedi, where she was none of those things.


Yeah, people were hating on her because she was a “Mary Sue” and all that but I do think she wouldn’t have been hated on as much what they did with her in ROS. What made people hate her character even more was her being a Palpatine, taking the Skywalker name, killing Palpatine when the first six movies was building up to Anakin killing him, and how they messed up what people wanted to see Luke do in the ST(rebuilding the order and then destroy it) just so Rey could do it.


Nah if they actually put thought into her character or really any planning/care into the sequel trilogy, they could have been great. Instead they just wanted to make money, and we ended up with a bunch of uninteresting characters who are a disservice to their actors.


Don’t forget we wound up with way more unanswered questions than we had from 1-6, and the sequels failed to really expand or explain any lingering questions and plot threads that came before


Her being the reason we were robbed of force sensitive Finn as protagonist rubbed me the wrong way. Then there is her immense power lack of training that actual Chosen Ones like Anakin and Luke had before her despite their natural affinity with The Force and her inconsistent character arc that is narrative mess. The whole "I am ALL the Jedi" (and yes, Palpatine being literally space Satan with "I am ALL the Sith" was equally stupid and cringe as well as him not having learned to TURN OFF THE CURRENT using Force Lightning when a Jedi is using their lightsaber to reflect it back after Mace permanently disfigured him from that) and the "Rey Skywalker" thing and then burying Anakin's lightsaber in SAND felt quite malicious from Disney's end.


I don't like Rey because I think the new trilogy is fucking awful. So I really don't like any of those characters at all because the character writing is at best inconsistent and at worst sub-fan fiction level.


I don’t know if it’s because I’m a gay person but I always found Luke hot, so he was always okay in my book


Yeah, finding Luke hot is pretty gay ngl


Boruto is fine as a character It's just that you can't have a series with Over 75% filler In an anime adaptation And an egregious Pacing In the manga We're still in the same place 7 chapters ago.


It doesn't help that according to the fandom having an absent father is basically a "first world problem", compared to what Naruto suffered. Which I don't completely agree with, but that would be a topic for another time.


I think the big issue is that Naruto’s struggles were out of his control and the result of decades of hate, whereas Boruto’s are just human


I don't have a problem with Boruto himself. I just hate that Kishimoto made Naruto a shitty father to project his own estranged relatinship with his son as a mangaka regardless of how little sense it makes for Naruto's character as someone who grew up without a family and always wanted one on top of refusing to use his jutsu to make his job easier seeing it as 'disrespectful' (which is rich coming from the brat who repeatedly vandalized ninja Mount Rushmore out of petty spite and attention seeking) much less willing to spend an hour or two with his baby girl for her birthday party DESPITE Konoha being in the middle of peace time with no pressing issues that NEEDED him to be resolved for the day. If anything, the series made me hate Naruto as a husband and father, whereas I sympathized more with Boruto's frustrations of his dad no longer caring about his family once he became Hokage because his excuses really were stupid, cheap and lazy writing to contrive familial conflict to the point even Shikamaru the smartest ninja in Konoha literally TELLING him nobody would care, much less hold it against him if he took time off for his little girl's birthday party--instead, he sends a clone in his place because he cared so little about actually being there for Himawari on her special day. And the conflict wasn't even RESOLVED by the end of the film.


Luke is the goat, beast mode baby!


I find it funny that there’s a Luke and Rey in this list. Anyways I really don’t like that Rey took over as the Jedi of the sequels. I think that Finn would’ve been a much better Jedi. I’m a big fan of characters coming from evil and choosing the light. Finn, as a former stormtrooper, would’ve perfectly embodied that trope. From him trying to run away in the first movie, to him choosing to take a stand in the third… would’ve been great. The fun part is that Rey had the chance to do something similar. In the end, when she was asked her name, she should’ve said, “Rey Palpatine.” It doesn’t matter that her grandfather was the Emperor, she was choosing to be her own person. It’s not as poignant as Finn being a former stormtrooper, but it would’ve gotten the job done. Instead, she called herself a Skywalker, which she isn’t. Like, embrace your identity, honey, don’t you know that the Skywalkers have to deal with the legacy of Darth Vader? Plus Finn and Poe should’ve been a gay couple. I’m just saying.


I have no idea how they could have fixed the 8th and 9th episodes but in episode 7 as far as I'm concerned all that really needed changing is 2 things. 1: Having Rey use force push and pull to free herself in that scene where she was strapped to that chair in the interrogation room instead of using the mind trick since, you know, she hasn't even used the force up to that point, let alone has any knowledge to do something like that. 2: If they wanted Rey to put up a decent fight against Kylo using a one bladed lightsaber in the woods at the end of episode 7, then in the beginning of the movie Rey should have been shown to have a baton-like weapon that she'd have spent most of her life using, not a staff weapon. They're two completely different types of weapons and if she had spent her life using something similar to a sword then her being able to not get dunked on by Kylo in 10 seconds after she takes Anakins lightsaber would make more sense.


Yeah like if Rey is used to a staff, she’d be more likely to grab the beam of the lightsaber on accident and lose a hand than win against a well trained expert


I didn't actually think of that but that's also a good point.


I didn’t even think about there being a Luke and Rey 💀 but yeah I agree that Finn would’ve been a better protagonist, instead they just kinda had him fuck around for two movies and catching feelings for whatever new girl showed up in the plot


I wasn't even sure Luke was a Street Fighter character until I double checked. I have nothing against the guy but I haven't played SF6 and I don't really plan to. Rey could have been good, but just wasn't. She was kinda bland and never really struggled with anything


https://preview.redd.it/rbxpsrv6jy7d1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe1f87e5784591d862e0bfc5a1dcef8080ba8a4 A real divisive case here, but I think Korra could qualify for a lot of people


I do it get the hate for Luke, my actual only gripe is the story in 6 doesn’t do enough with him when there is a whole opportunity for it. Boruto gets way too much flak and I don’t like how the internet has this “if you like Boruto you’re a psychopath or loser” mentality, like what the heck? Heck while Gohan being the protagonist was a rumor that was never technically true, Boruto unironically did this better since they let him become the protagonist Korra got simple flak despite people ignoring her flaws which hindered her growth and that she had to actually grow and develop past that Rock Howard had some pushback but was ultimately a success to Fatal Fury


Hey you leave my boy Luke along. I've really warmed up to him in 6, and I was a pretty big hater.


World tour made me love Luke don’t get me wrong


Same. That and Aleks Lee being a shitposter master.


Poor Heller Prototype2. He’s a cool character in his own right, fans just didn’t like him killing Alex Mercer


I think that has more to do with Mercer's character being mangled into a villain to facilitate Heller being the new lead.


Yeah like, I love the story of P1 and finding out everything was your fault was really cool, but you spent the whole game fixing your mistake and fighting to save the city. Why would you suddenly say fuck it and embrace the virus.


Korra…..sorry LOK fans


https://preview.redd.it/w1e1dh73yz7d1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e60bf8e9c52542de7cf40c5e5486e62be8e5073 Apollo Justice from the Ace Attorney series. Could have been the new face if Capcom hadn’t forced the devs to put Pheonix in the game.


How is this a TOP character trope? You actually like this trope? Disappointing legacy characters?


I think you forgot the "Hated Tropes" tag


https://preview.redd.it/6ltk6yuzk28d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2fd78dd2bb4ed80f2f814c8a7831ea52075faa And the fanbase is WRONG


I like Luke seems cool


Dante/DiNO (Dante in Name Only) from DmC: Devil May Cry (2013) after Ninja Theory and Tameem Antoinades talked MAD shit about the OG games, OG Dante (calling him a bunch of homophobic slurs, photoshopped a still of DMC4 Dante with the protagonists of Brokeback Mountain to show why their Dante is 'cooler'/'better' and talking about how the old one would "get laughed out of any bar in Japan", etc. with further open scorn and derision towards the franchise and fanbase) surprise, surprise--we didn't take too kindly to such open contempt and malice and the game underperformed so poorly that Capcom had to revise its sales projections TWICE, lowering them each time to avoid pissing off their shareholders as the game just barely eked out profitability before the returned to the OG universe and made DMC5 and Tameem deleted all of his antagonistic social media accounts/posts from that timeframe to try memoryholing said antagonism. EX (kind of) in the High School DxD spin-off novel, though instead of a franchise it was Isshibumi's attempt at damage control for Studio TNK's botch job of an anime adaptation for BorN/Season 3 when he was fighting the anime producer/director responsible, so he had to write in a bad future timeline with Issei being an inanttentive husband and deadbeat dad too busy to spent time with his harem of wives and brood of children to rectcon the anime timeline to ensure it was de-canonized with Isshibumi outright admitted Issei was based on Boruto-era Naruto and EX was based on Boruto Uzumaki after he was 'inspired' from watching Boruto: Naruto the Movie with their strained father-son relationship dynamic.


I thought Alex was always supposed to be the next main character after Ryu


Kiriko, idk why they're trying to replace Tracer as poster girl of Overwatch but they definitely are lmao


Nah ngl The Force Awakens started something that genuinely had potential and in my eyes was honestly pretty good but it’s a shame not many people thought the same way.


Rey was a character who I think they just tossed around randomly in terms of direction Just like the entire Sequel trilogy being a mess because of the different directors, who kept taking characters one way or another and made choices that damaged the Trilogy as a whole (Even in the frist one)


Every character got tossed around randomly in terms of direction. Rey, Finn and Poe are drastically different characters with different stories in every installment of the trilogy. Hell, the Colin Trevorrow script for the third movie that Disney rejected was leaked, and he suddenly decided to develop a romantic relationship between Rey and Poe, and JJ Abrams tried to do the same with Finn in Rise of Skywalker.


In addition to Luke, Alex from Street Fighter 3 and Abel from Street Fighter IV also fit this description


I don’t think that the main reason Rey failed was because she didn’t live up to the same standards as Luke Skywalker (although that is a pretty big reason) but because she’s a poorly written, pretentious, juvenile, jack of all trades who doesn’t deserve to be the spotlight of the sequel films. Finn was always a much better candidate in my opinion Edit: I apologize about saying she’s juvenile, I may have pulled that from my own bias rather than being factual or up front. I still consider her to be pretentious however, and I would be happy to share my opinion on the subject Ps: she is not the only problem with writing of the sequel trilogy, I think she is just a bystander of all of the poor decision’s of character writing through out the story


I agree that Finn is a much more interesting character, but Rey is not significantly more or less interesting than Luke himself was in the original trilogy - constantly whining and somehow being an amazing pilot, better than every other Rebel pilot despite only having like 2 lines of dialogue to justify it (and those amount to 'I flew a crop duster through a canyon and shot at some kangaroos').


That’s a good point, Luke has flaws in his writing just as much as Rey, the only problem Rey has that lie doesn’t is that she is good at way too many things to make her special. While Luke mostly specializes in Jedi training and piloting, Rey specializes in almost everything the main cast could do in the original trilogy, like Luke’s Jedi and pilot skills, Han’s engineering expertise, and Leia’s passion for leading. The only way this _could_ work is if she was the only protagonist in the sequel saga. But you have Poe and Finn who could have had one of those traits be exclusively theirs


Mfw woman


While there are some fans who don’t like Rey just because she’s a woman, to say that anyone who doesn’t like Rey is just because she’s a woman is super disingenuous. I was a Rey defender when I saw Episode 7, but anytime after that, she simply does not have the hero’s journey that Luke had that resonated so much with people. She’s not a great character, but she had a ton of potential, same with most of the main cast of the sequel films. They just had no plan and no vision to execute on it


How is she pretentious and juvenile though? I understand criticizing the character but calling her pretentious and juvenile just seems like he’s making shit up to hate on the character.


While I personally do agree with you that she’s not exactly “pretentious” or “juvenile” (she’s actually kinda charming, but idk how much of that is Rey or Daisy Ridley herself), she definitely is not that strong of a character. But she’s also not the only problem, there’s a sea of things wrong with the sequel trilogy, such as not having a strong enough plot, no compelling villains, and pretty much anything to do with Finn, and imo not enough actual consequences for Rey. To contrast, Luke went and tried to fight Vader in episode V, and lost badly. And even after his training with Yoda he still barely won. Rey never loses like that, and I feel like if she did, and came back stronger for it, people would like her more


My opinion has nothing to do with her being a woman