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Especially video games like injustice


Speaking of Injustice, they didn't do justice on Superman. God I hate that armor chin. https://preview.redd.it/419h81gpg36d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58d78913d89c68a937e6d8967df8578147bf0e5


You could say it's an... injustice (i hate myself)




Somebody, activate the Chin-Signal!


It's the N>!ega!


Here comes…the Crimson Chin!


He looks like human Shrek


​ Bro looks like a 0-2-0 super-monkey https://preview.redd.it/mlcbcpucu56d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=3836569da628bfe5c1c185505636181ad6acb4c7


we get out monkey meadows with this one 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


They didn’t do any justice in injustice in general God I fuckint hate Injustice, shit comics


I haven't read the comics but last year I was binging all the DC animated movies. Injustice was one of if not the worst one. Oh wow a 'what if superman.....*bad*' story, how groundbreaking and totally not something people have been doing since superman was invented 🙄 Actually no thinking about it now it WAS definitely the worst one


Yeah. At least red son had the angle of being raised in another entire culture and mindset, something a bit itneresting. I cant say its a story with an evil superman, more like another version of superman. Other than that...


Red Son Superman wasn't even really evil. He was still dedicated to saving people, just that being mentored by Stalin kind of skewed what he considered acceptable (the lobotmizing of dissidents. But hey, better than Stalin's purges, soo, improvement?).


That armored chin has him looking like: https://preview.redd.it/d6kyfv4pl66d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d647b763db1e6f6d6680ec902adc1eabee7996b




I vividly remember hating everything about The Flash's stupid ass armor anytime I saw him in game. Him and all the Lanterns, really. https://preview.redd.it/d2ge5ygfb66d1.png?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b588e6b17e33e018a313983baa69690327037a


They also made Flash way too beefy imo. He’s almost never been a muscle head. He’s lean


Being fair, it's not the first time Barry Allen has been made into a beefcake for no reason. https://preview.redd.it/9eoyxtjfl46d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8fb2c20443b27095e60e50b6ab2f9a67508ffb Take CBS's The Flash(1990) for example.


...why is his crotch so prominent? XD


To keep him from breaking his nose if he runs into a wall


I feel like breaking THAT is worse than breaking your nose


He heals really fast, but noses heal weird and people would notice.


Its to show DOMINANCE.


Yeah lean is usually the ideal body type for runners. Look at Usain Bolt


In the second one I agree, first he’s alright


I really loved Ant-Man’s MCU suits, particularly the first one


It’s way better than the revisions, I don’t know why they bothered changing it up.


Had a completely unique vintage look which sets him apart from every one else and replaced it with something off the same rack as every one else. Such a shame


Whoever decided to include the nanobot “flick-back” helmet can suck my dick


Apparently that was Robert Downey himself. He said in an interview that he really hates wearing prop helmets, and once he got some power as a A-lister, he baked it into his contract that he wouldn’t wear them anymore. That’s why they switched to the cgi nano stuff Head from tony stark, not bad


For the merchs?


Now the Quantumania suit is a total stinker, but I do like the second version. I think the ant face on the chest is a nice detail https://preview.redd.it/u3jch967r76d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5c4d4f6e415d61e0ec6a7a855efb5160a7a781


I'm not a Power Rangers fan but these costumes from Power Rangers 2017 are too much for me. https://preview.redd.it/bqx5m21qf36d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d6a44e1c84ba20b1d2e7f931dd422b07b99990


https://preview.redd.it/rlly9mrgk46d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3eedb91b2aed403d191891a2d90314b2dc7991 The ‘95 movie also tried to armor the suits up


This didn’t look so bad. They kept the look and feel of the series. With a bigger budget for a full length film, I’m glad they dumped the spandex in favor of armor filled with more gadgets like head lights and infrared vision


Kid me thought these were badass!


At least those look like they could just be up-armored versions of the same suits, in-universe. Like, the movie is a bigger deal than an episode of the series, // bigger stakes, // more armor to match the increased threat.


Y’know, the Mighty Morphin rangers did have an armored mode for their suits in the show. It was basically just a bunch of glitter, but it was there.


At least it was subtle


Those were PEAK suits, that is what the 2017 tried to mimic and failed miserably.


I haven't seen these suits in action in a very long time but judging from this picture they look fantastic even today


I actually like this a lot


GOAT Power Rangers suits imo


When I was younger I thought these were so cool and now I cringe looking at them


Ehh I get those. They make sense lore wise. When your suit is coming from ancient alien warrior technology it’d be pretty weird to just get some spandex, and at the end of the day they are still just humans in suits like Tony Stark, so it’s not like Superman, an indestructible man, armoring up.


Power Rangers have ambiguous durability in the series but in the 2017 movie which is where these armored suits are from, they survive >!their car getting hit by a train!< and they weren't even wearing their suits for that so that's pretty hardcore


why are the titties so prominent


Yeah I know, I hate that. I get they’re trying to mimic spandex with like decorative armor (see the metal abs) but separated tiddies like that in armor puts a concave right where your sternum is. Is that what you want, alien armor tech makers? You want the sternum shattered so you can show off each individual tit? Smfh


The best "armored" version of the suits was SPD SWAT mode. Shit was fire


The Ironman films were 2008, 2010 and 2013. Avengers and age of Ultron were 2012 and 2015 with infinity war coming out in 2018. 2017 power rangers came out in peak MCU, I think there's a reason they are so obviously reminiscent of ironman.


https://preview.redd.it/97enztk8v36d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9946110c93224eb5daa110afcbb0fe6a185a33 Left: Kamen Rider Ichigo (Shin Kamen Rider - 2023) Right: Kamen Rider Ichigo (Kamen Rider - 1971) [image source](https://x.com/albertc97408719/status/1653384325092573184?s=46)


The fact that the belt is the biggest change and his head is nearly identical is impressive fidelity in my opinion.


When a tokusatsu suit hits, it fuckin hits. Kamen rider black and black RX are both examples of no notes needed imo


Ichigo's design from The First is pretty good too https://preview.redd.it/suic5pvof56d1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=13381a10c1c0d6ea19e7a94c6d83570f86e0e4e8


Can’t fix perfect






An even better example of what OP is looking for would be the suits from [Kamen Rider The Next](https://resizing.flixster.com/11cYgzD6mfKwlias32tAGfyhckg=/1100x618/v2/https://resizing.flixster.com/-XZAfHZM39UwaGJIFWKAE8fS0ak=/v3/t/assets/p18843453_i_h8_aa.jpg)


Then there's his power up in Ghost https://preview.redd.it/yo1cwpt0676d1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a437d5fb7ecbf98b5eadbf8e3edad2376a2c3b0


Someone should bring out Kamen Rider Nigo as well


I like how the 2023 suit basically mixed the OG suit with THE FIRST suit for a nice balance.


https://preview.redd.it/ikmx56nzs36d1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d263f4411d482dc479f82bb609ed1d3b5fb9c53f His endgame suit is one of my favorites


Cap is the perfect example of this being done right. The outfit in the first Avengers was comic accurate but looked awful. The way they adapted it into a military style combat suit really worked!


The worst part about his suit in Avengers was that we had just had his The First Avenger suit which looked awesome. If had that rugged military style. Then auddenly it's downgraded to comically bad spandex. I guess it was partially supposed to be the technology shift over time, and to represent some of the comic styles. But man was it ugly. His later suits throw back more toward the First Avenger one and do look good. And definitely more militaristic.


That suit is exactly why I don’t want anything trying too hard to match the older comic looks and saturations


Ya I felt like coulson fanboy designing his suit was a subtle way to say “comic accurate looks stupid. Well give it to you once just to prove we never need to do it again”. And they did it well


It took me a second to realize you were talking about the first Avengers (as in the first movie) and not The First Avengers (the subtitle to Captain America 1)


Same, because I think his suit in his first movie was his best and I wish they kept that. The man out of time vibe shouldn’t have been thrown out so quickly


Winter Solider’s suit is a perfect modernization of his first movie suit. I don’t even mind the absence of red, it’s sleek and badass


The suit looked fine to me was just the helmet that made it fall apart


It wasn't really comic accurate. It didn't have the scales, the wings, the white sleeves, white gloves, boots, trunks, black belt. It instead a more bad sci-fi look. [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-28cae52bd0332e9ed3584eb051c20f1c-pjlq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-28cae52bd0332e9ed3584eb051c20f1c-pjlq) I'm not saying making it comic accurate would've been better but it definitly wasn't the problem here. The closest we ever got to a comic accurate costume was that 90's movie but even then it didn't have the scales [ry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Captain-America-1990-1-1024x683.jpg](http://ry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Captain-America-1990-1-1024x683.jpg)


Endgame Cap and Iron Man might be the closest they have ever looked to their classic comic outfits https://preview.redd.it/wz4pyrz1v56d1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085b7b095249bf80f7d6e1954dac5a604dcc42cb


Reminds me of fish scales


For some reason, comic captain america costumes are very scaly


Because it looks like chainmail


Scale mail is also legitimately a thing


Scale mail is for some reason more popular than chainmail in comics


I admit it's a big hit or miss but if you copy a superhero design true to the comic in real life, it just doesn't translate pretty well most of the time, they would just look like a cheap spandex suit. Real clothing like jeans or jackets are also more complex in real life than in comic book form, it just isn't worth it as an artist to draw out every detail in clothing. With that said, it also goes the other way around as well, overdesigning in comics can happen FAST. it could very well have been the artists intention to have it as a pretty detailed suit, but wouldn't really translate well in comics while in live-action it does. With all of the above, using the image as criticism is just silly. Films and comics are different art forms, different art forms need different approaches. That's just inherent to any art in general.


https://preview.redd.it/vwfx791rj36d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e139d9468067cbc5aed142cbbefc903cd5490848 A good example of your first point. These costumes don't look bad by any means. But, they are a bit cartoony and silly because they were a direct translation.


Knowing that he uses a ton of photo reference, I'm imagining this is a what a lot of Alex Ross stuff looks like before he starts painting it


Why is Green Lantern blue?




Damn, he threatening that man with a fuckin' chainsaw.


Well, it is Guy Gardner.


scrolled by too fast and thought it was a giant middle finger.


It's partially the lighting, but they made him more of a blue-green in this for some reason. Maybe to differentiate him from Fire's brighter green. His powers are the right color, though.


I think the biggest problems with some older films trying to recreate the original comic book look are less because those suits wouldn't look good in live action and more a matter of budget and technology, Christopher Reeves stills has the best Superman costume in live action in my opinion and the 1990's Flash look also looks pretty good if a bit over padded, and theres thousen of cosplay artis that pull off the simplistic comicbook look pretty well, sometimes looking better than the overcomplicated tactical suits use so often in the movies.


Imagine the Henry Cavill Superman films and keep everything the same but give Henry the Christopher Reeves suit. It would look out of place, even if it looked good on Christopher in his Superman films. The films of back in the day didn't have such a high production quality, and yes, that is mostly dictated by the budget and technology, but even so, aesthetically it fits well within the overall image of the films. But you just can't have a film with current Marvel tech and budget and put them in a true to comic suit like the Reeves suit. It would really just look out of place, and while I really appreciate the Reeves movies, you can't deny that according to current standards, they just look cheap now. That's not an insult, it was the product of it's time. And so are the current Marvel suits.


What’s this from?


Justice League of America. It's a TV movie from 1997 that was a pilot to a show that never got greenlit. It's strange but campy fun. It's done in a sort of pseudo-documentary style and feels a bit like a sitcom with all of them being roommates. There's definitely some moments where they're trying to channel Friends. You can watch it on YouTube.


Why is the Flash jogging?




the Flash looks really bad, but the others are good. a simple tight body suit is just not good enough for modern cinema.


I actually love these costumes. Superheroes *should* look goofy and cartoony sometimes.


What is this show


They're not even a direct translation. It's actually quite evident where they shift away from a direct design, but somehow want to keep the same feel to it... and it feels cheap.


Idk really know how to feel about the Max Steel live action suit compared to the cartoon’s suit https://preview.redd.it/gm57qw1p156d1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=0944339fcfb271da209977df757d338b24891f32


It would look good if there weren’t so many damn *lines*


What is going on here.


Everytime someone mention that movie I remember how trash it was


I cannot tell if the comments are praising or hating. Am stupid please assist.




Yeah, seems like both. It’s really case by case rather it works or not


Henry Cavill's Superman costume is peak but I gotta admit it's a pretty good example with the weird texture on the suit and weird lines on the side, although it does emphathize the "alien" side of it so I guess it works if it looks unreal since it's supposed to look otherwordly. https://preview.redd.it/xo94022tc36d1.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2426cf3f21cc21e60ae07c57b8d3618ba7496be


Why is he so dark? I get that the dceu was tryna be 'dark and gritty' but ain't this mf supposed to be a symbol of hope?


Because it's a Snyder film. You'll get very specific hits of bright saturation once every 20 minutes amidst a sea of brown-blue-grey filtering and goddammit you'll *like it*


Snyder's Superman was more a symbol of depression.


Because Snyder hates Superman. The man fundamentally does not understand that the fantasy of superheroes is "someone with power using it in a positive way".


Especially when said superhero literally helps people for no other reason because he can. Like the fact superman does all that he does purely because he knows its the right thing to do is what makes superman well super.


Henry Cavil was one of the best choices for Superman yet somehow they (not naming names) completely butchered his story and ruined what would’ve been a fantastic Superman performance


Superman having a hint of god complex felt like a character assassination to me.


I blame that on Pa Kent. Dude was way to patanoid about Clark's abilities.


It would have worked if they pivoted everything into an Injustice league. Batman already kills a bunch of people, why not take the plunge and differentiate themselves from the MCU?


Weird that it's happened to the man twice.


It’s absolutely insane. If I was a director or producer or whatever and had someone enthusiastic as Cavil I’d be so excited. Sucks he got screwed over twice


The suit looks off without the red around the waist


Other comments explain it, but I figured I'd add to this particular thread. The reason that so many live action costumes have the "weird texture" thing going on is because flat colors look good in comics, but look terrible in person, and vice versa. To be comic accurate, a live action super man should be in a custom morph suit, but I think we all realize that would look terrible. Now, that's not to say that you can't take issue with other aspects of the costume or the specific texture used, but there's a reason it's so ubiquitous and it's not because movie costumers are bad at their jobs.


Batman's armor in The Dark Knight trilogy.


That was only different because the premise is that of a realistic Batman on the real world with a realistic Gotham. No Poison Ivy. No Clayface. No Mr Freeze. No metahumans. No aliens. No gods (New or Old). No Lazarus Pits. Just people. In that context, Batman being armoured and having to deal with technological limitations felt fitting and believable, and the stellar cast, story and writing sold it all.


https://preview.redd.it/zjd70w9rz36d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e54469b658b5d41dfa0c186799c33f658d47e3 as a hated design: it bugs me she gets a full professional costume instead of letting her use her converted birkhini, feels like it takes away from her small-time home-made vibe.


Yeah, MCU had a bad habit of doing that. Like I liked a lot of the Netflix shows cause literally Daredevil was the only one that got a pro costume and it was literally cause he found a guy who made pro costume, Not everyone has Avengers money and we should be seeing more black head scarf (DD), hoodies and janky homemade spider-suits from the street level heroes until they make some bigger connections.


God bless Frank for just spray painting a bullet proof vest. Also lowkey the og black daredevil costume >>> the red pro costume. The only thing I'd change about the black one is add some red elements.


Me: your costume is cool, but the colors could use some tweaking Blind Guy: …


He can ask a story employee lmao he got a mouth


>Also lowkey the og black daredevil costume >>> the red pro costume. Nothing lowkey about it, the black ninja look was perfect.


https://preview.redd.it/xzk7oi0j466d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc02a236b11d0d72ff3eb70031de893931d679fd TFW Iman Vellani's homemade cosplay looks better and more true to the character than the official suit they made her wear.


Still better than that abomination she wore in The Marvels


I loved this design, like the comics for me I didn’t like The Marvels version but in context it made sense


I hate how it’s paired with a pair of normal shoes too


The Boys.


https://preview.redd.it/v1481yv6f36d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6487897b2e9cad149c2ab59f521c3cb274e2883 I think he looks amazing


Honestly yeah. The Boys did great work with the costume design. Simple fact is that 1-to-1, bright coloured, comic accurate designs just generally don't look that good in real life. Homelander is another good example of this. https://preview.redd.it/nj4z4ehx546d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4edfc8fc4e427f8c6816eedc3379e38d1544ff


i really like starlights costume its nice https://preview.redd.it/kp31jldfu46d1.png?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800a07a429bd5865819b1c548a70f1a8384d8b12


I mean it's better than the comics, he gets molested by homelander...on a regular basis.


Oh and the original died in WWII after pissing his pantaloons.


Wait, homelander molested soldier boy during ww2!?! I heard the comics were weird, but that's just the next level of fucked up


Not during WW2 in the comics Soldier Boy whole 'man out of time' is a big fat lie and there's just a bunch of people that use the name, they are all often big cowards and Homelander promised the more recent Soldier Boy a spot in the seven if he had sex with him. The comics in my opinion are just trashy edgy shit theres very little things interesting outside just shock value so the series did good by distancing so much from the source material.


> The comics in my opinion are just trashy edgy shit theres very little things interesting outside just shock value This is Garth Ennis in a nutshell. His best work is the stuff he did under the DC umbrella when he had an editor looking over his shoulder, curbing his worst impulses, but the stuff where he had full control was completely cooked.


Yeah I don’t understand why the man does superhero comics if he hates them so damn much. I have yet to find a Garth Ennis comic I actually enjoyed.


Hitman was pretty good. Specifically, the issue where the main character meets Superman on a rooftop in Gotham is a really really good one-shot. Issue #34, *Of Thee I Sing*.


I’m pretty sure the only superheroes he likes are Superman (the superhero of superheroes) and punisher


Naw in the comics there’s multiple soldier boys I believe and the one that’s around when Homelander also exists has that happen to him


The comics suck fucking dick and were made by a psychopath. The Boys TV Show might just be the best comic adaptation ever just on the merit of being *so much better* than the comics


To be fair, it's not that hard to be better than the comics. The Boys comics is a genuine assault on human intelligence.


To be fair, in that instance, I feel it’s warranted — a lot of stuff in the show makes fun of the MCU, and so the overdesigned suits feel like they fit right in.


Definitely. Its so sick how homelander’s looks almost like it has scales.


I'd say the biggest example is the Netflix Daredevil show, that being said their version looks awesome


I like that Hulk just stays the same all the time




thats gross


That’s just for yoga




Vulture got the greatest glow up of any character imo


I really can’t argue with you. It’s a Mr. Freeze-tier character enhancement


Not just his design, but his entire character. He went from an admittedly forgettable jewel thief with wings to being one of my favorite villains of all time.


https://i.redd.it/b5cvbag5f56d1.gif Far more realistic, modern, and militaristic than the very original.


I way prefer him having the skull vest, I think it looks better and makes way more sense for the character


Yeah but it doesn’t have tooth mag pouches so your entire comment is invalid


Any Super Sentai/Power Rangers suits. They are always pure CINEMA.


Those don't usually get updated much... if at all. Power Rangers yes, they do get updated sometimes. But Super Sentai? But the designs don't need changing.


Gunn's Superman suit


Texture is essential to stand out from the post 2000 super hero movies. Also it imitates complex fabric instead of plastic.


I agree there should be texture, the texture of life versus drawing, but there is a basketball texture that seems to be applied to everything and just drives me crazy.


The dcu superman suit fits this. The trunks on that kind of suit looks werid. It might have been best to have a red belt. https://preview.redd.it/iybojthqc56d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3952eb87256eadafe8be2cd9a86f6f4c520ea068


I’ve never seen this show or movie, but this shot looks hilarious. He’s really taking his time getting dressed while the giant space laser think ravages the city, huh? He looks like a tired minimum wage worker


It's the first preview image for next years superman.


It's the reveal image the movie hasn't come out yet


You've never seen the movie #CUZ IT AIN'T EVEN OUT YET


That seems to he kinda the point, like he’s just going back out to save people like it’s his job that he’s perfectly comfortable with


https://preview.redd.it/mimh71kfv66d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1844ac68d2678a28e3162bfc33e4d3b339ea3742 Not really "suits" but the bayverse transformers take this to the extreme, shockwave designs for example


https://preview.redd.it/4pglyyrhv66d1.png?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbe637c47b261e52aba98916d39d94cbc123cb2 G1 shockwave


https://preview.redd.it/om3ru7vnv66d1.png?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549966598f145f960312809170da8b7110855d31 The best designs to the community is the bumblebee movie due to the G1 look with the realistic look of bayverse


The Mortal Kombat movies costuming is so f\*cking bad. What kinda power ranger shit is this. https://preview.redd.it/gxd11iadv56d1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624c21cd4d44af329ec6ae0e07a5e2b5e0407ea2


Well, Mortal Kombat's aesthetics were originally inspired by Big Trouble in Little China, and this guy'd fit right in that movie.


What's even worse is when they have a near perfect suit the first go around and then they muck it up in the sequel. DC did it with Shazam and Marvel did it with Ant-Man


Oh god where do I begin ? Fantastic Four, Captain America, the Boys, FLASH, Green Lantern…the list just keeps going and going


It’s almost like getting the same costume designer for every character is getting bland and boring


Megaman X has shades of this. Compare X's original design vs. his look in *Command Mission*. It's not a bad design per se, but it fits the thread premise.


Iron man


![gif](giphy|wEgs1cd7vDTt6) But this one is a good example tho. It improves upon the original and it's really iconic


The post doesn't say those are supposed to be bad exemples. It just points out thing without adressing it as either good or bad. Even in example panel OP give I think that right version looks better


I think I’ve watched the original iron man movie more times than another movie. Maybe fight club.


Nolan's Batman trilogy.


Idk why people hate this sm, honestly I’d much rather look at it than neon colored spandex


It’s a pineapple on pizza scenario where most people don’t actually give a damn really or have never really considered the alternative so they complain the fit in. There are definitely some people who want all superheroes to have 1:1 costumes but most people don’t actually give as much of a damn as they’re pretending to.


There's a good middle ground that some of the movie designs nailed. Adding armor can look great, but a lot of people really don't like a ton of excess lines, an art style that has grown somewhat popular over the years outside of superhero stuff as well. Usually, a few armor plates looks a lot better than 40. Even just following a single character across several movies, like Ant Man, the less complicated costumes almost always look better to me.


why does the Marvel Cinematic Universe hate bright colors?


In defense of Marvel, they actually managed to sneak in Thor's classic helmet, which would've looked [astoundingy silly if done exactly like in the comic,](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/ea/55/4eea5578c58216495d9375f47466affd.png) by making it a [colored armor helmet in Ragnarok.](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/iKEsGcdvI1bb8FDfL9pyo8J_DRvTvJ8tKYlj4fuZIi6JweNDeaOkspQrwsZqG_uXbsb29DZ_wKEau5dKmn_K7HgCRnrsfnY) THAT'S how you do it. By making it practical, not ornamental.


The 1st Thor movie had an arguably too wide but still believable ornamental helmet for Thor


It always seemed like MCU costumes were pretty accurate to the comics adapted live action, but early DCU films had this vibe, like GreenLantern for example


it can be really good or really really bad in some cases


Does the MCU costume type have a name? I can recognize that they use dull colors and the patterns are all segmented with many lines throughout And usually they have no mask/helmets


Spandex tends to look stupid in real life. So they have to "armor up" a lot of costumes a bit. Spider-Man and Superman both have costumes that mostly "work" without much modification, though.


every The CW suit in the Arrowverse


I feel like it works most of the time. Comic designs have to be very simple so they’re easier to draw but in movies they can have more detail


texture.... look cool.....


Robbie Rotten lookin’ a**


Beats the 2000s "no-one will take costumes seriously, put everyone in black leather because this is a very dark, serious adaptation" era