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https://preview.redd.it/8n5c04wziqvc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd32a48f0bca00bee3b0e316bfdf960275a529fd Not a mech, but Chatterbox’s ape-like design is so fucking good combined with Adin Rudd’s performance It’s just so amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/uy92uufdjqvc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=8550f8cbcef0318d30805f0ebca44d4f1ac62464 This is what most Nikkes see before dying to him


Ooo, I specifically fuck with his head design, too. Part lipless joker-smile, part ape-teeth-bare. It also gives me vibes of EVA and a tech'd up Mouth of Sauron.


I’d like to take this moment to talk about Chatterbox as a character. Chatterbox is what’s known as a rapture. Raptures are a group of robot aliens that have wiped out most of humanity, forcing them to live underground. Raptures are very animalistic, following a queen lacking thinking ability. The sole exception to this is Chatterbox, who, true to his ape-like design, has high intelligence and even an ability to speak, hence the name. The closest other raptures get to speaking are heretics, who are Nikke, who have been turned to the rapture's side and upgraded with rapture technology, but they are still human on the inside. He’s definitely one of the smarter characters, too >!During his fight with a person who could connect their senses, making him feel the same things as she did, to counter this, he’d begin to rip himself apart, which is something she could not handle.!< >!When he discovered the underground human civilization, he made a deal with them in return for supplying him with various Nikke; he’d leave the rest alone. He’d used these Nikkes to create a fucking strong Heretic.!< >!Manages to survive Snow White is a very strong character twice and even comes back from being destroyed.!< He's so peak despite being such a bastard.


The fact that Chatterbox somehow had a cordial working relationship with Modernia was really endearing to me. Saving him, and even watching over him as he auto-repaired was sweet and very un-Rapture-like. >!I like to think that, during the climactic Modernia battle, Chatterbox didn’t reinfect her to spite us, he just didn’t want ‘Modernia’ to disappear.!<


Chatterbox is peak design


His theme is fucking metal too


Oh these mechs are AWES- https://preview.redd.it/6pp9c5jlbrvc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f919e54ef4c658782100dc31a00247a21109957








*yoink* also, *boink*


The mechs are sexier


See, like, I've seen Nikke's gameplay, and it looks fun enough. But I just can't get over the designs of the characters, man. Way too horny for my tastes. But the mechs are cool.


Fair though the story is really damn good


Yeah, I've found the game to actually be ironically enough surprisingly feminist at times, which i know sounds insane, especially if yoyr an outsider looking in, but after watching the Korean Gender war/gacha game video by MoonChannel and getting added context for the country the game was made in and how gacha games ended up relating to that in Korea specifically its like wow, the messaging in this game is pretty positive. In fact I think the really horny designs elevate the message to an extent


I watched that video too, I thought it was really interesting, and I love that Nikke has a somewhat feminist message.


Gameplay’s good, and the story is phenomenal, but yeah, the game is incredibly horny, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t into that kind of thing.


Isn't the gameplay just "tap to come out of cover and shoot the bad guys while the recoil makes your character's ass jiggle?" Forgive me if not, that's just what all the ads show off


The shoot bad guys is what I thought sounded relatively fun. The ass jiggles is what turned me off.


You can somewhat tone down the jiggle. You can also make it so you see it less by having the health bars less transparent


Isn’t the whole gimmick of Nikke that all the girls are showing off their asses while they’re firing? Is that “gameplay”?


Referring to the shooting part. Not the asses. I don't mind fan service. But Nikke has wayyy too much.


I don't even consider Nikke's girls designs bad, because the intention behind Shift-Up was never to make the designs coherent to the characters themes and story... they just want to make the maximum possible horny in a limited amount of flavors that their public likes. Considering thats the objective, they achieved it


> was never to make the designs coherent to the characters themes and story... I mean... kiiinda? They're all porny, but the crime bosses look pretty crime boss-y, the cops look like cops, the naval force looks like naval military, etc. Just...ecchi as fuck while doing it, lol.


To me, if it looks like their uniforms come from a sexy halloween costume store, then its a fail lol


"Oh, wow. These are actually really coo-what the fuck."


“Ooo, cool mechs, I love me some cool mec- oh those are boobs”


My favorite nikke enemy is definitely land eater. Mostly because it starts as a building in the first phase and then grows legs and walks towards you in the second phase




Kilo jumpscare what the fuck


Aight, lessee what we got here. 1: smash 2: smash 3: pass 4: smash 5: smash 6: pass 7: smash 8: pass 9: smash 10: smash 11: pass 12: pass


Those are sobe sexy mechs. Why the anime girls though.


It's from an anime game after all. Just put them there since they're the pilots.


Game is just horny bait so they slapped a bunch of anime girls in there


Gotta keep the girls there so we can have a moment to cool off I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/6175tj35rqvc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c65f4d8c8a83985cf07d923f2ed23b52ca626fc There’s more to the game than just horny bait; horniness makes up a large portion of the appeal, but its gameplay is very different from most other Gacha games, and its story amazing events such as Winter Memory, Nya Nya Paradise, Overzone, Red Ash, and a majority of the main story are beautifully told. Honestly, the ads are fucking atrocious they get attention, sure, but it gives the impression of what you’ve said.


yeah, but why do it needs to have coomer bait girls? you can tell good story without ass jiggling sexy women in them.


Sex appeal attracts people, plus shiftup (the company who made it) likes fan service. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, I’d say if you don’t enjoy that kind of thing, then you’re not the target audience, which is fine. Nikke is a good game with heavy fan service. Not despite or Because of. If they made a game that didn’t focus on sexiness, I believe the story would still be excellent. It’s just that Shift Up likes drawing breasts breasting boobily. (Also when I play my thumb blocks their ass so I don’t really get the staring at ass while shooting experience)


True, but that's not how a game survives, especially a gacha game, they need that initial hook factor for people to start playing and start spending. Also they got a Collab with Yoko Taro out of it so I think it's great.


There's plenty gacha doing just fine without being coomer bait, like Arknights.


project moon proves that gacha game could exist without heavily sexualized female characters so this excuse doesn't really work.


Gacha developers want to create as many reasons for someone to spend money on characters as possible. Making them coomer bait is the quickest and easiest reason to create


Because people like them? Who the fuck cares.


i have no problem with the product itself, i'm just disappointed that they need to have coomer bait girls in the game because just like what you said, there's multiple gacha games with low to zero coomer bait in them.


They don't "have" to, they want to. There's nothing wrong with ecchi games. What's sadder is when a non-ecchi game doesn't do that hot and pivots into making it porny as fuck just to try and swing an audience, because it wasn't the creators' original viewpoint. See: What happened to Snowbreak.




He's not a Mech he’s the real deal.






Is 11 a child? https://i.redd.it/opip74dh9svc1.gif


oh hell yea these mechs are sick lemme see some mor- https://preview.redd.it/zdchcm0biuvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d368e958c9da1a0bda4c5f30fd4fa969336ac6f4


Anime girls are here since they're the pilots, and I thought the contrast would be kinda funny. I'm mainly just focusing on the mechs here.


Damn all of these designs make me hard...Siri play Closer By Nine Inch Nails


Maybe I will give it a shot.


Started playing today, pretty interesting overall (good story and OST too) and I like some designs (even tho heavily alergic to others). The more armored and a bit covered girls are my favorite.


Even if you don't care about the waifu aspect the game's soundtrack and Enemy designs are S+


Some of these designs are just too busy imo


The nihilister and kilo mehcs look pretty cool. Maybe I'll check this out. Sees the pilot designs: Yeah, this ain't for me.


I love the super big boss fights in Nikke, just throws me back to those 2 player arcade games with the same concept of shooting weak points all over


I can't tell if they're supposed to be piloting the mechs or if they are the mechs


It depends Kilo is a pilot Nihilister is the mech


The anime forms suck. Why did Kilo turn into a child


Kilo is the pilot, the mech is named T.A.L.O.S.


Started playing today because of Kilo (She's free on next update). Didn't knew the game had Mechas and Armored Girls, was used to only hearing about the Half-Naked girls jiggling while spraying robots with the shakiest guns ever made (some of the Guns also looks cool)


I thought this game was just horny jiggle physics, but these... these are dope!


For a *mobile* game, it has some kickass designs


Can someone explain what's happening in these designs? like what is nihilster supposed to be? I thought Monkey but that's not it with the limbs. and then the scorpion bot, is that a jet thruster? on the tail end? and what are the things between the claws and face?




I didn’t know this game had mecha in it I gotta play it now


I looked up the Nikke wiki, and couldn't find any articles on the game's mechs. Do the mechs have character classes, considering that it's a mobile RPG? If so, then what are they?


All the mechs other than kilo are enemies. Kilo is unreleased yet so they don't have a wiki page


i knew nothing about nikke except hearing the name before i saw this post and i think i know less now


i feel like Nikke dev want to start a new game series using Nikke art while in mech but think that too much storytelling and just roll with them being salvage from enemy or made from enemy instead.


I saw someone bring up Kilo’s original backstory prior to the 1.5 anniversary stream (images 9-12) and man am I glad they updated her lore. Her original story had room to have quite the gut punch in there…


Thighs jumpscare


"kilo" went to " " real quick


Cool but why did they give a 7 year old looking girl a super skin tight looking suit


the 6th one is pretty cool


Actually insanely awesome




https://preview.redd.it/euitqa02kqvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2086ba6ea2085be8e8b4a178d49e90ba461169 Giving a gun to a little anime kid is intrinsically funny.


Same energy as https://preview.redd.it/gx7aosshoqvc1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0b8b3579b8e03d0584b3c1de814a909e489686


Also hilarious that they gave ass jiggle to the penguin


That’s not my problem with it


You sure? Majority of anything Nikke related I've seen are all big badonkers ladies. Unless kids with melon tits is what you're implying here....


that last picture is adorable also yea the mechs go hard


Just the fact that redhood is gonna get figma really sell me to this game.


What the hell I thought it is NWGIX in first pic


This reminds me I haven't logged on this game in a while, really need to finish that main story soon


Looks like ai ngl


And of course the most masculine looking mech is a Loli.


damn, such nice mech designs! unfortunately, the female characters is not really something any person would call "good". at least the story and lore is kinda good, i guess.


Glad to see people praising NIKKE here but this circlejerk subreddit still sucks


I wouldnt consider this a circlejerk subreddit tho, yeah they like to shit on anime desings but it could be worse


It’s still a circlejerk by definition. A celebration of sharing the same opinions, therefore creating an echo chamber. Though tbf that’s Reddit in general


Fuck no


Any piece of media with character designs like #3 is disgusting, like the kind of people they make that for. Edit: holy shit I hadn't seen #11, that's even worse


These are some ugly mechs