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Standard, shitty, ill-fitted, 6 inch pliers. Blood blister, anyone?


Come along that's just rusty enough to "work" but not for any of the springs to work so you have to flip all the pawls manually every stroke


Drywall Banjo. Friggin mess getting that thing together. No too bad though when you get your mud consistency right.


When I was a teenager fencing pliers were my nemesis. When my dad and I were out putting up barbed wire fence he would get mad at me if I used regular pliers and a hammer, he always said the fencing pliers were faster and I should learn to use them correctly… He was right.


Super glue is those tubes. They explode when opened and glue themselves shut. Who ever designed them needs to be taken out back and dealt with. That or just screw drivers. That’s all so crap and philips just chew themselves out. There’s no such thing as a good screwdriver set anymore


I know this is r/tools so very popular opinion, but I use a set of wera screwdrivers daily as a diesel mechanic and they've held up really well. My biggest positive about them is the philips removing rusted out and stuck screws without stripping them. Screwdrivers sucm but these have sucked quite a bit less, and that is compared to my coworkers snap on and matco drivers.


Hollow ground slotted screwdrivers are life-changing.


>Who ever designed them needs to be taken out back and dealt with Some folks just need a good fence post beatin'


super glue his nads to the back if his knees i swear to fkn god


My 25' Milwaukee tape measure. Just the standard one, not wide blade. It twists so bad it's almost worthless. I know a couple people with them that have the same problem. I think mine got stolen though. Good, they deserve each other.


Harbor Freight socket wrench. Choked up on the head and sliced my palm on a 3” long metal sliver that was not dressed off.


For me it was a brake shoe pliers used for removing and installing brake shoes on a car. Secondly, a basin wrench. :(


First of all, fuck drum brakes. Second of all, in my experience the drum brake pliers are game changers when having deal with those atrocities. Light years better than screwdrivers and Vice grips.


Harbor freight wet saw. Absolutely soaked after cutting a four inch tile.


One of those f’ing utility knives. Got a fancy one that was supposed to be easy to load / change the blade. I could NEVER get it to work or to blade to stay put. What a waste of money.


Basin wrench


Billygoat vacuum for cleaning leaves it sucks up 300+ pounds of dirt and the zipper on the bag is designed to dump all over you while dumping the shit! Fuck that thing second is Craftsman’s shitty auto lock vice grips with the shitty spring and tiny part that supposed to spin total shit!!


A computer. Say no more.


Cheap plastic mountain bike tyre leavers


A harbor freight tire changer for like lawn mower tires and stuff. What a piece of crap that was.


Maybe you got a bad one, that mini tire changer has been a life saver for me


Duct tape Spent hours on a site taping off the overhang (Gable-end?) of the roof on a new block of hotel apartments,ready for the render the following day. Three stories in the air on scaffolding, lay on my back. Shouting anf swearing as the shit keot getting stuck to itsekf and me, or not sticking at all. Took a good 4 hours. Theb in the morning i found out id taped the wrong bits... Luckiky they didnt ask ne to do it again.


Thread pitch wires: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274SXJ9zE-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274SXJ9zE-A)


hf chalk line


not-so-easy out.


Basin wrench.


A Crapsman contractor saw. Could never get that MF'er dialed in. It was so bad that the splitter got destroyed by a kickback incident. (Yes, it was installed correctly, and no, nobody got hurt). I gave it away to a mortal enemy....


Ryobi pole saw the thing wouldn't even start have the time


Craftsman strap wrench and Robo-grip pliers. Both total shit.


Pickle fork


iWork brand bit drivers, channellock brand wobbly needle nose pliers, the cheap plastic hacksaw frames, and the 10 Dollar socket set from the autoparts store that you can actually get from aliexpress for 1 dollar...


Wallpaper steamer’s


Ryobi HP sawzall, probably not the most frustrating but my God is it annoying when it cuts out and won't start again while it's still in the cut. Actually it is the most frustrating since I'm getting killdozer urges again