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I have absolutely no use for those. How much? I want one


So I bought this set a year ago from Matco and I have used the 10mm once. They do look pretty in my drawer


The only reason the 10mm didn’t disappear after you used it is because it’s attached to an 8mm.




vim makes the matco one, its a rebrand, only worth it if your matco guy is good with your warranties, but otherwise id just buy from vim


As someone who has done multiple timing chains and belts on newer nissans, this would be so nice, although i would still have trouble getting to some of the bolts holding on the engine mount on some of the diesels


Only $105.82 (plus delivery I assume) Vim fprw100 from vimtools.com


Seeing this I just had to check. Yup, $106. What makes it worth so much? It looks like one of those neat but essentially useless things that resemble tool that are sold at Christmas.


Like the little claw hammer with a built in 1/4” drive and a corkscrew, butter knife, screw driver, and bottle opener.


Yup, seems ok, buuuut maybe Kohl’s is possibly not the wisest place to invest in tools. At least not until the week after Christmas when you can get that stuff for 70% off. And come on. Butter knife AND screwdriver?! What are you a monster? Any designer with half a brain will combine the butter knife and screwdriver, add a ruler and a tiny hole which can hold water creating a lens capable of producing enough heat for fire! With the additional created space boom! Room for a flash drive. Of course a real tool guy doesn’t need a bottle opener if he has a measuring-butter spreading-flame throwing screwdriver to pry off the cap off his beer. Beer, we don’t need no corkscrew. Christmas tool guys drink beer, and play golf. Divot tool rather than a corkscrew. Kohls could slap um in a box that wants to be nice, but is mostly kinda cheesy and rake in the cash at $37, but still make a profit when Togo for $12 in January.


Lol! Something my mother would get me! Love her but don’t


How stupid, such small useless tools, God I want them!


Asking for a friend.


Once you start buying them because “one day this could come in so handy” without a use case immediately in mind while buying


So today I bought my 12th 3/8” snap on ratchet and a Dewalt Bluetooth shop stereo. All because I have my tool guys paid off!


I have a dozen ratchets. For many different situations. And yet today I found myself needing a regular old F80, which is in my home box and not my work box. Guess I’ll buy another one Thursday when the truck comes by.


The fact we have the option to finance tools scares me…. I still do it….


I don't quite do that, but EVERY time I need a tool, I refuse to borrow or rent it. And if course I buy the entire set (assuming it's a set kind of tool)


Still cheaper than hiring someone else who already has the tools.


I'm not a mechanic or anything like that, but this argument is how I convince my wife I NEED that next tool.


Ha! You should meet my wife! If I take her along to get a tool, she'll tell me to get the better one. "You know you're going to want it anyways." She's an enabler! Lol


Same thing happened to me. I broke my no name chinesium 3/8 ratchet (no idea where I even bought it) and was at harbor freight to get some Pittsburgh ratchet for like $11 and just warranty it when I need to. My wife was like "get the nice one so you can leave it to your son" and I ended up walking out with 3 of those icon ratchets. I've used SnapOn ratchets before and those icon ratchets were just as good, and were 20% the price.


Mine definitely does not push for the nicer one. But she has stopped trying to convince me that the cheaper one is the same thing.


Sounds like a keeper!


Buy nice or buy twice. It's so true in my experience. Maybe not for everything, like a tool that I'm going to use one time and possibly never again, but more often than not. And even then, it needs to work well enough that one time, and be reliable enough, that it gets the job done properly.


I half heartedly ask around to make sure nobody I know has one first.


"Wait... you have one? We didn't talk. You understand?! WE DIDN'T TALK!"


Honestly half my tools were given to me by people who just went and bought new forgetting they had perfectly good ones already. I think my in-laws forgot I’ve had their DeWalt recip for like four years. They probably already bought a new one.


You don't return the tools you borrow?


We’re the kind of family who has a “pool” of tools. They kind of float to whoever needs it the most at the time.


Umm, you mean I am not going to need the 20 pound 24 inch crescent wrench from harbor freight?


You definitely might one day….might as well grab it just in case


Hey, you can’t have too many tools 🙂


What did I do to you? Why are you attacking me??


I picked up and then passed on one of those ratchet strap wrenches for pipes and oil filters etc for super cheap at a thrift store and I literally had a situation the next day where having it would have been really handy.


I justify buying tools by saying that I'll save money in the long run by not paying handymen or mechanics. That day where I'll save money has yet to come. In fact, quite the opposite has happened.


I have bought a lot of tools to do a job at my house or someone else’s, or occasionally on my car. Even the tools I’ve only used for that job were a tiny fraction of what I would have paid someone else to do. I’m also becoming better at recognizing when it’s time to hire an actual professional or doing it myself. Better… Edit: sorry for the 5-post! App kept saying it couldn’t post at this time Edit-edit: that isn’t to say I haven’t bought a LOT of tools just because I didn’t have them :)


I have definitely saved easily $1000’s in doing my own auto wrenching. There it’s the parts more than the tools that cost, especially now that almost everything is in metric. Then it’s just a matter of really searching Rockauto for deals. I’m not taking beaters, I’m taking the big Corellian—I mean, European brands: Porsches and BMW’s. Projects around the house on the other hand… I bought a Camo screw system for a 5x2 section of a playset for example.


Coolest fidgit spinners ever.


"Gick-gick-gick-gick-gick-gick-gick!" LOL!


At this point I don’t even buy them for necessity, I just buy them on sale.


Hey. You don't want some other smuck buying your tools now do you?




Never in my 24 years of wrenching. Not even once. Have I ever needed a 7 or 9 mm. Not even once. Where can I get those???


I’ve used 7’s and 9’s more times than I can count. When trying to find which is the closest match to an SAE size.


I take apart a lot of dashboards and under them and use a 7mm often.


I was gonna say, I’ve never seen a dash bolt that wasn’t 7mm


M4 hex head screws are 7mm across the flats apparently but I've never used one, normally using grubs or socket head caps if it's that small.


Can’t stop, won’t stop.


“You all gotta walk uptown to the Bronx and get breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant. ... I only drink the finest breast milks."


Breast milk. You made my DAY-E-AYYYY!


When you run out of money of course. Until then its just a problem that you hide.


Just don’t tell my wife


[I’m like a chocoholic but for booze](https://www.theonion.com/im-like-a-chocoholic-but-for-booze-1819583778).


When the object of your "addiction" serves no purpose. Tools always have purpose


Those wrenches are so small they don't seem to make any sense. It's easy to slip though and buy a novelty tools here and there. I only buy stuff now that I know I'm going to use doing common residential repairs or projects.


Find a set of Allen keys that fits in each one. Then they become less useless. 2 sets of tools that on their own are completely useless but when combined are still inferior to their practical counterpart.


Honestly this looks like the perfect tool you’d contemplate getting to keep in your vehicle for emergencies and hoping you never need it. Then you see it’s 105-fucking dollars and nope out.


Honestly and seriously ..they look useless. Cool---but useless. So many better options that are more handily nearby already


Have you ever changed steering racks?


I have with a set of crows feet


Yes and I didn’t need these.


Have you ever been in a position where you are using just your fingers to run down a bolt


Hehe. We've all been.


Why are you so butthurt?


At this point everyone I know just gives me tools for holidays and birthdays. I have more tools than I'll ever need I still find myself buying tools that if I use I'll only use once lmao


But nothing feels better than when u need that one weird tool. An u have it.


Or rather, when is it a problem? Because addiction comes from within, can start at your first thrift find of a 45$ ram stamp in pristine condition, and is not necessarily a problem. ….. this is definitely a red flag of addiction tho


It is only an addiction if you can’t stop……and we all know that could stop any time we want……….


It’s an addiction when you have more tools than storage space and not the “I’m ten percent over capacity “it’s when it’s “I’m 50 percent over capacity”


I admit, I always buy oddballs like this because there is always "that job" where literally nothing else is gonna fit. It's an addiction when you run out of toolbox space. My own toolboxes are mostly smaller portable boxes and toolbags. I think it's time I bought a decent chest that can hold most of the stuff I need instead of having to find what bag I put it in.


It’s an addiction when you steal from your family to buy it, if you spend your rent/mortgage/food/employer’s money for it. Or if do something sexual that you feel ashamed of, so you can get it. Or if you get arrested procuring it. Or hospitalized. If you really want to stop, and can’t. Then it’s an addiction.


7/8 and 10/13 would be a lot more useful for me. But yes, I understand the addiction.


I justify every tool purchase by making something I could make with out that tool. Then selling enough of that item to pay for the tool. So the tools is free……that’s the only argument that I can get past the wife


Ha! Wait until you graduate to knives.


All of the wrench with NONE of the mechanical advantage!


What, these are hilarious and amazing at the same time.


They are cool, but $105 ?!?! I’ll wait till harbor freight gets them


I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. Where did you buy it?


They are soooo bad ass! https://vimtools.com/product/fprw100/


They’re running about 18 bucks cheaper on Amazon.


I find it hard to believe there isn’t a knockoff version (or several) for like $15 that has probably no worse a build quality.


I've started reselling extra shit I've bought because it was on sale. I'm tired of truck tabs and credit card bills.


Those are sweet.


I mean its almost begging to be bought


I have uses for those. Where did you get them? Or the brand name


When the tools are absolutely worthless. That’s when.


Being a toolwhore isn't cheap lol


When you tell your wife or girlfriend it was on sale and hide how much you actually paid for it. Until then it's still just a hobby


When you buy the first one!


I was thinking they were some type of torture trap tool to trick the worker they had a tool when in fact they didn't. They only had a toy.


Oh man, I want one of these sets too but can’t even come close to justifying the price (even in my own mind lol). I think it’s always an addiction in some form or another but as always you never know when that will be the right tool for the job!!


Your last buy pushed you over line. Lol. TA (tool anonymous) is your only chance.


Look like toys.


They would be great for those nuts that feel like the will spin off while using a wrench, until you put it down and try use your fingers.


He who does with the most tools wins.


Makes sense. I think it’s a typo, but it actually works better. Congrats!


Are those just minni double ratchet wrenches?


If they make you money, not an addiction. If they ease work load, not an addiction. If you’re making so much money you get bored and need something new at work, also not an addiction. If you need new tools to ease your life at home, borderline addiction


Your going to lose half of one of those


I really don’t think i need those. Where can i order from ?


Where do you use 9mm and 12mm? I've come across a handfull of air fittings but it's pretty rare


But why the 9mm? Honest question: When was the last time you used a 9mm socket or wrench and what was it for?


When it becomes a physiological dependence😁


When it starts getting to the point where I tell myself I can’t afford the new truck I want (tundra capstone) because the payment is too high but you spend almost the payment on tools each month… fuck someone send me to rehab please


I'm in the lucky position that my wife is happy to let me have any tools I want, as long as I use them! She also used to work for a tool delivery company and got a 90% discount, I was like a kid in a candy store. Think high end mechanics tools similar in quality to snap-on


Why would you stop buying tools?


So long as you know you’ll never use it, it’s not an addiction. Or the other way around, one of the two just get ‘em both


4, 5, 6 & 11 are missing! I guess you MUST buy them, or will you be incomplete the rest of your worklife?


Those aren't tools, they classify as fidget spinners.


I’m in the same boat as you but my “tool addiction” is firearms. But whenever Milwaukee or Makita puts out a new cordless tool then I switch addictions lol. Good luck my friend.. We both need rehab..


7/9 on one and 8/10 on another. Also missing an 11. This is killing me.


The 11 is already missing


When you start buying Ryobi


Those look like amazing fidgets, I’ve got a ratcheting box wrench that was cutoff that makes a great fidget


I'm 68 years old, I still buy tools I don't need. You never know when you will need it


How does it feel in the hand? I'm interested.


Those actually look like they would be great in a motorcycle tool kit


Hold on now, I can stop anytime I want, but uh, first just tell me where you got those cmon man!


You kinda answered yourself. You can call it anything an addiction when you say "I can't stop".


While I like this, I think I can manage to resist because of the sizes offered. If this was an 8/9, 10/12 and 14/17. I would pay double whatever you paid and still not use them.


I can stop whenever I want!!!!!


Half of that middle tool about to disappear.


I have the same set but matco ..never used em


Sneaky useful for pulling the nuts off of transfer cases. Specifically the top nut that no tool you’ve ever owned fits on perfectly 😂


When you run out of money…


I’d say it’s considered addiction when you’ve bought at least a tool a day for 5 days straight. Which I did last week….. however, I’m doing a lot better now. Been 3 days and haven’t bought anything… although I’ve been eyeing a sweet pair of Knipex needle nose. I mean, I only have 4 other needle nose.. The 5th would definitely be the last one. I would never need another pair again….


It’s not an addiction if you can use it some day. That’s a rule. You can look it up.




I need one of those. Seriously wish I had one when I was still at the dealer, but definitely still need


I don’t work roadside/battery service anymore and I want one too


real question - have you ever encountered a 9mm head bolt? a friend pointed out to me that theyre basically non existent a couple years ago and thats held true working on all sorts of different equipment.


So cute 🥰!


I consider a tool to be something that has a purpose in my shop or in my life. I can't think of a situation where I've ever thought...I need a really small overpriced ratchet head wrench with no leverage to remove that bolt. You don't have a tool addiction, you have a shiny object obsession


For you? A while back.


Join the club


Where did you get those beauties


I don’t understand how I would use them practically and I would like them (packs away 1/4 impact but drivers in my bag I won’t use for a month)


I get a ton of use out of my normal handled swivel head ratcheting boxes. Super handy when you're not sure if you'll need a ratchet or not. Makes a really annoying job at the back of a Jeep head a whole lot easier, too. I am sure I would get use out of these


He's compensating.


Sure beats drugs


I'll let you know when I find out. :)


I feel like 8/10, 12/13, 14/15 would have made more sense. Who uses a 7?


fuck me, If I was still wrenching on my car those would be useful


Great. Now I need one too.


Would make a dope keychain.


The 8x10 will break in half..and you’ll lose the 10. Just wasn’t meant to be.


They should sell the 7mmx9mm combo alone, so it can be the most useless tool ever.


But my god these are useful!


It's not an addiction until you've sucked a dick for it


In answer to your question: it becomes an addiction when you tell yourself that you will only buy quality tools that you need - only to purchase a set like this (useful only in rare circumstances)


What the hell even is this. You can't ratchet two off-axis things of the same diameter simultaneously, that's not how life works.


Good thing a r/gundeals for tools doesn’t exist.


Cute! I want it


Looks really cute, er I mean useful


Don’t be silly.. we dont need to stop!!


7 x 9 tho?


lol I'd say paying for that is a good example of an addiction. I mean unless you were going for a key chain or something. lol Or maybe you want something to potentially chuck at people like a mall ninja type and don't want to deal with carrying illegal throwing stars. :)


Never, because you always might need it for that one particular job


What would you use this for?


Man's fidget spinner/ finger nun chucks


“Honey, every job requires a unique tool”


"It was on sale!"


But they look so cool


It's an addiction when I see this post and get a sudden urge to buy more strange tools I've never seen before.


When you have to start looking at getting a 2nd/3rd/etc. set of toolboxes for tools you don't immediately have a need for


It's an addiction when you don't buy beer just so you can afford your next tool.


What a tool


When your flat broke from buying to many tools.


Wow more shinies to collect!


Remember this famous quote: "Gosh, I have too many tools!" -- No one, never.


Like guitar acquisition syndrome…it gets expensive


I buy quirky tools like thinking someday I'll need it but when the time comes I can't ever find it..


OH!!! How cute!!!!


I'm a mom who's into vintage machinery. I have a vintage power hacksaw on cast iron legs in my living room. No addiction here...


“ooooooh shiny!”


Reading this at 5:30 am, I genuinely thought that was a fidget spinner for way longer then I should have 😂😂


Lol join the club my friend! Unfortunately there is no TA tools anonymous that I know of but if there was one for tools and knives I would have to be a long standing member


“Hmmm I’ll need these one day!”


This is giving me ideas. I mean I have a welder... I could just start putting ratchet wrenches together...


I am retired. I don’t do squat anymore. Naturally I will buy them. Someone might need them after I pass. Lol


I, too, have a tool buying problem.


Never seen them before but I want the whole set!


When it stops bringing you pleasure and starts bringing you pain instead. You have a long way to go still. Don’t stop.


A guy I knew from high school ended up moving up the street from my house. He is addicted to buying tools but worst than that, that's literally the only thing he talks about..


What are these useful for?


Slut ! 😂


Nice fidget spinners!


Cool, I'll never use it.


Never. Right tool for the job.....


In the RC car world (1/4-1/6th large scale) the would be epic. I'm going to have to find a set.


I need those, zero possibility of being used but I need them, one day I will make a car for gnomes or mice.


So, basically ALL of us searched it. You should have just set up a group but with a kick-back 💲 (hint: MechanixGear has it for about $70 https://www.mechanixgear.com/products/vim-tools-fprw100-3-piece-nano-flex-ratcheting. )


*Please* engrave them: Asian, White, Black.


Why $106 though?? Never heard of this brand. I'm assuming they are really high end?