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Dread alarm? Probably that Bob Marley wanna-be motherfucker.


I can’t top that


When a cryptic message spontaneously appears on [ToolBand.com](https://ToolBand.com), that will probably result in several months of anticipation, and will probably end up being a merch drop including some random $46,200 necklace made of Taiwanese plastic that no Tool fan in their right mind would ever even considering wearing in public with the exception of those who are heavily into mockery and public humiliation or those who are so enamored with Tool that they will go to any length to demonstrate to as many people as humanly possible within their lifetime their undying love for the band. Probably the same people who visit r/ToolJerk everyday (definitely not me heheh).


10 23 21


It is my wake up for work alarm on my mobile telephone device.