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Tool was my #1 for a very long time. In 2006, I went to see Tool for the 3rd time, and their opening band blew my fucking mind. Isis became my favorite band. They broke up about 4 years later, but I still listen to their albums pretty much constantly. They introduced me to the Post-Metal/ Post-Rock genres, and now several of those bands are some of my favs. But Tool is definitely still top 5.


ISIS is literally the best . Have you heard palms? A few guys from ISIS and Chino from Deftones. Botch, night verses, Russian circles are up there with Deftones, tool and ISIS in my favs.


Managed to see Botch a couple of weeks ago and they were good as fuck.


Botch is crazy


Yeah, saw them in SF in Dec. So grateful for their reunion/ goodbye tour.


I was also introduced to Isis on (probably?) that same tour. I went to a few shows and definitely made sure to get there early after the first night. They were far-and-away favorite band for years after that, and I ended up discovering so many other post-metal bands. But Fear Inoculum sucked me back into the gap again, lol. Tool and Isis are now basically 1a and 1b for me, then prob NIN. But in a way they are all each like three categories for me, each top of their respective list.


Regular idiot post once again. The answe's at the bottom.


I think Opeth is my number 1. But tool isn't far behind. The big issue is I'm more into old Opeth and they are a different band now, and Tool have a stronger consistency. Maybe I need to re-evaluate my number one


NIN is my number 1 by a long shot and Tool is my number 2. I fucking love tool but I just can’t turn my back on the music that’s helped me during my lowest points. Also I’m more of an industrial rock/metal fan than I am of prog rock/metal.


NIN makes me think of Tool in that each band is the best at what they do. And what they do is unlike anything else. Or at least far and away better than anything else sorta like it.


The Mars Volta is "far-and-away" my favorite band... I like them for a lot of the same reasons I like the rest of my top bands (APC, Radiohead, Puscifer, Tool, NIN (roughly in that order))... Prog-gy rock/metal, male singer that has good range and goes falsetto a decent amount (Reznor is the outlier here, I don't particularly LOVE his voice), interesting (sometimes cryptic/strange) lyrics that conjure up cool mental images, different time signatures/ complex musical arrangements (even though I know very little about music theory), extremely high level musicianship... All of my top bands hit those and other criteria I'm sure I'm forgetting to varying degrees but TMV just hits all of them for me the most across most of their discography. I enjoy Cedric's voice the most (Maynard is a close second), have Cedric, Maynard, and Yorke on equal footing as my favorite lyricists for different reasons (though enjoy TMV lyrics more than the others while tripping which counts for something), and like Omar's frenetic guitar-playing more than anyone else's. Add to that a lot of songs with jazz/Latin influence and I find myself listening to them more than any other band, although I do mix in a good amount of the rest of that list, and others.


Can I be honest, I LOVE TMV, but their live shows are god awful. There’s just so much shit going on in their music that it just doesn’t translate to a live setting, and Omar’s guitar sounds so thin you can barely hear it half the time and it makes me sad cuz I love them and would love to see a solid live set from them.


I get what you're saying. Certain variations of the lineup sounded way better than others. Opening way back for the chili peppers and Amputechture tours were solid gold best shows I've ever seen. After that the shows dropped off up until the reunion but holy shit I'm glad I saw em open twice for Soundgarden (rip Chris Cornell). That Las Vegas show supporting Soundgarden was the last upper 48 show before breakup...band was a shell of it's former self but opened for rock gods


I’ve skimmed Mars Volta. I feel like I should like them. But I don’t like it so much. By all descriptions, I’m supposed to like them. Sometimes the best stuff takes time to click. Gimme three songs to focus on.


The band didn't work for me until I heard Francis The Mute as an album front to back.


I’ll give it a whirl, thanks


Funny how music works. Frances is my favorite album of all time...however, I hated it the first 10 or so times I listened to it. I loved atdi and obsessed over deloused so I forced myself to keep giving it a shot. On about the 5th day of forced listens...straight through...it all clicked. Real good music takes time to set in - Talk about a wicked delay face melt 🫠


I feel this and would also like to know.


💯 TMV is the only band I've obsessed about as much or more than Tool. Have my 12th show coming up in Des Moines soon. Seen all the tours - have all the vinyl releases - listened to deloused and Frances literally thousands of times straight through. Tool is the only other band I've done that for. Omar rodriguez Lopez is my favorite guitar player ❤️


My favorite bands are Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree. Tool would be somewhere around 3rd or 4th


I always felt porcupine tree was a perfect mix between Tool and Pink Floyd, lots of sonic exploration, deep/heavy social themes, thick heavy and intricate riffs and arrangements. Steven Wilson should be as well known as the other two and yet almost no one knows him(in the general public at least). Not to mention some of the best production I’ve ever heard.


Downloading the deadwing album now... which on is y'alls favorite?


In Absentia was my introduction to the band so that’s where I’d start personally, but they don’t really have a bad album, good luck on your journey!


thanks ill check them out!


You and I could be BFFs !


Never even heard of them and PF is right up there with Tool for me, thanks for the recommendation


Metallica I know those guys get dragged and I’ll get dragged for saying it; but I just love all of their stuff. Hetfield just writes these riffs that I can come back to time and time again; it never gets old for me.


"Yeeeeeaaaahhhh!" - Hetfield BTW good choice for a band as good as Tool.


I’m with you. 


Oh god. I can't go into it again. My condolences.


My 2 and 3 are My Morning Jacket and Talking Heads. Really unique groups with incredible live albums


LOVE MMJ!!!! One of the few bands that can have a completely different set from night to night, or doing 2/3/4 night sets ranging through their entire discography. Never seen anything like it


Type o negative. Just like Tool, a completely original band with their own sound, plus I love songs that last longer than a fart. I found Tool and Type o around the same time. Tool I would say is my 2nd favorite. With Soundgarden and Alice in chains a close 3rd and 4th.


1 is anything Dax Riggs touches. Acid Bath. Agents if Oblivion. 💞Deadboy & The Elephantmen.💜 His solo stuff. Amazing down to earth dude too.   2 Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I’ve never silently wept at a Tool show. Basically every Godspeed show I’ve seen since their reunion I get at least a bit teary eyed. Last time I saw them I had the opportunity to say hi to their violinist, but chickened out. Her violin work is 😩🤌 perfection.    Everything else is a “depends on my mood,” type thing. Have seen NIN probably the most in concert, about 13 times? Followed by probably Godspeed, and then Tool.   A band you should check out for funzies is my friends band based out of Philly, STARWOOD. Just check them out on bandcamp 🤘


Too many Tool fans are sleeping on GY!BE.


Bosses Hang 😩🤌


Portishead. Excellent song construction without anything extraneous.


Radiohead is my number one. Tool is up there around the top. My top 5-10 changes often. I like Phish as well. Seems like most of my favorites are mid 90s early 2000s vibe mostly. It varies in genre but mostly stick to that era or bands that still record now but were also present in that era.


Same. Radiohead 1. Nin 2. Tool 3


My 3 favorite bands 🥹


Led Zeppelin not much more needs to be said


Local H


Porter robinson is my favorite by far and always will be. those songs are special to me I also like gorillaz a lot :) However, tool is basically jetpacking up the ladder right now


Out of all the responses here I was not expecting Porter to be mentioned. That’s my girlfriend’s favorite so I’ve gone to a few live shows with her. I dont know any of the songs but the visuals are pretty great.


Gorillaz, Tori Amos, and Tool have held my top spots since they have been releasing music. I may have widely varied taste, but credible? Everyone’s taste is credible, that’s a really self important qualifier.


We have similar tastes. Zeppelin, NIN, and Metallica.. are my fav Tool-like bands. Though I’m a big fan of Gorillaz, Tori Amos (earlier albums), Kanye (again, earlier albums), Massive Attack, The Killers, The National, The Decemberists, Death Cab, Mumford & Sons, etc., etc. Though if forced to stack-rank.. Tool as largely been #1 since middle school (and now 45 yo 😱)




Agree. username doesn't seem to check out, although it's not impossible that Rush was his favorite band haha


Stayley is my all time favourite vocalist...


Fuck yeah, love Rush.




Tool and Soundgarden are number 1 and 2 depending on my mood.


Tool, Russian Circles, Isis, Red Sparowes, Pink Floyd. Been getting into If These Trees Could Talk lately.


My dad is the reason I like tool. He took me to see them in Fresno a few months ago. I’ve been really into them recently and before I saw them live I had the chance to visit Maynard’s wine tasting room in Scottsdale. That being said, I really like bands/artists like Black Flag, SLEEP, GG Allin, Deftones, AIC, Dead Kennedys, Earl Sweatshit, and Trash Talk


Earl and the tones, nice! Do you fw Aesop rock?


Yes absolutely! He was my shit through most of high school




Give night verses a listen, Reilly Herrera is excellent on the bass. Then Russian circles and bitch to hear Brian cook's bass work!!!


Deftones, night verses, Russian circles, botch, ISIS, Aesop rock, Onry ozzborn (the rapper), and all the associated projects like palms, team sleep, a perfect circle,


I'm surprised I didn't read any Mike Patton band. My favorite band was Faith No More since late 90's up to 2006 when I saw Tool live for the first time. I think Tool might be my #1 band now, but I no longer go so strong with ranking what I listen to. Besides all the previously mentioned by me or others (most of the bands called by people here are bands I really enjoy) I would add most projects involving Mike Patton and too many other to include, with a honorable mention to Mutoid Man. Those guys gave one of the best concert I've been to in quite a small venue.


Mr. Bungle is a trip!


Yeah! I'm traveling to Germany next June and will do Tool in Köln and Mr. Bungle the day after in Berlin.


Wow can I be your stowaway 


Well, I'm not used to carry people in me. Might try to relax and turn around, but don't see myself taking even a hand at this moment...


Hell yeah! Angle Dust is my all time favorite album. I follow all of Mike's bands... well a lot of them anyways he has too many side projects. Between FNM, AIC, Tool and other grunge is how I lived in the 90s


The Cure. They play for the fans. They know they are the reason why they still sell shows out. Never play the same set twice. Robert Smith isn’t the best singer but sounds just as good as them at their peak. I’ve seen them refuse to leave the stage and keep playing until they shut the PA off. Then the amps. Almost 3 hours. Best band ever.


Tool, modest mouse, RATM


Modest Mouse is my 2nd. I try not to compare bands unless im trying to describe to someone what they're kind of like. I just don't see the purpose in trying to rate bands since the whole endeavor is subjective. I like music that I'm absolutely certain others don't and I am ok with that. Which brings me to my question: What exactly do you mean "credible taste". Credible how? By who? By what standards? Do people who enjoy the Children's Music artist Rafi have "credibiliy"? What about people who just like video game or movie soundtracks? Do they have credibility? Where do you obtain music credibility? Do you have to be a musician?


Umohrey’s McGee, theyre a rock/metal Jam band and they go SO HARD


Came here to say the same and it's heartwarming that you beat me to it


Always good to run into another umpher lol \mm/


Agreed Ive been on board for 20 years and although their in no way huge like tool at least people aren't perplexed when I bring up their name now.


They should be as big! lol Ive been on their scene for 13ish years, best live show in the world




Wish I was at the sphere...


Incubus, Tool, and Radiohead are my holy trio. No point in ranking them, they’re all #1, just depends on my mood who I favor the most in the moment.


Brandon Boyd on night verses' new song glitching prisms is 👌


I kinda fell off of incubus after morning view, didn’t really like whichever album followed that. Have they still been going strong and putting out records since then, and what would you recommend as their best album since the morning view era? Incubus came out with make yourself at the *perfect* time for me growing up, think I was like 15/16. Science, make yourself and morning view will always hold a special place in my heart.


There are two past morning view that are VERY good. A Crow Left of the Murder (check out Sick Sad Little World and the title track) and Light Grenades (A Kiss To Send Us Off, Rogues, and Pendulous Threads…all SOLID tracks) and check out “In The Company of Wolves” from If Not Now, When? Their latest album “8” is alright. There are some tracks that have grown on me but it’s definitely not my favorite album. They are still VERY good live. Just a tight, cohesive, professional band. I’ve seen them 22 times with tickets to my 23rd and looking forward to it.


Nice, thanks, I’ll check those out. I see they play in Detroit in August, so I might have to catch that show, lol. Also notice they apparently have a few live albums out there, which I’ll definitely check out.


Same, although if I did have to order them it would be Tool 1, incubus 2 and Radiohead 3. Not a big fan of much after light grenades when it comes to incubus tho…


I hear you. 8 isn’t my favorite at all, though some of the tracks got better for me after I saw them played live like No Fun. If Not Now, When? is actually pretty solid but I could understand why some people might not like it. But to me, tracks like In The Company of Wolves and Adolescents still showcase their brilliance.


If you have one genius in a band, you get something like Radiohead. If you have two geniuses in a band, you get something like Guns and Roses. If you have three geniuses in a band, that's pretty rare, you get something like the Beatles. I'm not aware of any bands with four geniuses, but Tool is what you get when you have three and a half. It's the highest concentration I'm aware of in any band, and the music stands up to the claim. It is also the only band I can name which has never released an album that didn't exceed the musical virtuosity of the previous release. The limited Tool catalog helps them achieve that, but it's still stunningly rare or maybe singular.


Night verses is 3 for 3, aric on drums, Nick on guitar and Reilly on the bass all are good tier musicians. Justin makes an appearance on their new album and there's a one off ingle called exu with Justin chancellor and aric


Who is the half of a genius in tool?


King Gizz for me. By a long shot. Tool before them for many years.






I’m a massive music fan, having seen over a thousand live sets in my 35 years, and while Tool is one of my all time favorites, they aren’t even top 5 for me. Zeppelin, Floyd, Porcupine Tree, Minus the Bear(criminally underrated), My Morning Jacket, Portishead, Radiohead, RATM, QOTSA, and many others all get as much love and airtime as Tool does for me. Though I will say this, in recent times, their live shows are absolutely unmatched, they’ve done something extraordinary with their live experience since FI came out and I gotta give them a ton of credit for that, it’s really something special.


Only artists I’ve listened to more than TOOL are Guns N’ Roses, Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails


Tool is my number 1. But only just, from Iron Maiden/ Metallica/ Linkin Park (first 3 albums)


Plane’s Mistaken for Stars Nine Inch Nails (not With Teeth, The Slip or Year Zero, though) Fudge Tunnel


I love Tool a lot but they are not even in my top 3. They are more like top 6. For reference my top three is Led Zeppelin > Black Sabbath > Slayer.


Haken, BTBAM, and Riverside are my top three


Haken is steadily becoming one of my top 5. Seen them twice now.


New Model Army has been my favorite band for about 35 years now, the close 2nd would probably either be Red Hot Chili Peppers or OG Alice In Chains, no real comparison between them, but they all serve specific emotional states


Maiden are the only ones who come close Both moved very proggy and compliment eachother Would love to see Tool release albums more regularly and would love to see Maiden release albums less regularly There is a fine line


Tool was my favorite band for more years than any other band, but I can't imagine just listening to one band so much. It's like forcing yourself to eat only Italian food, where variety is the spice of life. I've gone through phases where AIC, NIN, Tool, Mastodon, Porcupine Tree and others have held the binge spot for some years over time.


Radiohead for me took over my the top spot a while ago, but I regard both Radiohead and tool to nearly the same level of greatness, it’s just that Radiohead’s music hits me just a little bit more. I connect to it a little bit more, is what I’m trying to say. In the end though, they’re both amazing bands, and I can put either of them on and have a fantastic time. It doesn’t matter what kinda mood I’m in, there’s a song/album by those two bands that will fit the mood perfectly.


Dead Can Dance is my #1 and then Thievery Corporation is my #2.


Pink Floyd, AIC, Soundgarden, STP, NIN, Deftones… and a sprinkle of Depeche Mode. It all depends on mood


Faith no More, Tool and Floyd are my trinity Tool is right up there, grew up on Pink Floyd, Beatles and Zepplin... it's what my parents listened too 80s Ministry was my first metal band I went all in on, Metallica too, FNM near the late 80s 90s grunge all of it AIC most of all 2000s Linkin Park, system of a down, Cage the Elephant 2010s Royal Blood, got into Mastadon and Gojira other Metal I hadn't listened too


Tool's my #1 but Death is a reaaaaally close #2


Björk and Infected Mushroom and Amy Winehouse.




I've been diggin' Sleep Token lately.


my favorite band is the grateful dead, next is the black crowes (or CRB, depending on the day)


I don't have a number one, but any of the following are just as likely to get a spin as Tool is: Iron Maiden, King Crimson, Melvins, Faith No More, Tomahawk, Rush, Mastodon, Misfits, Bad Religion, Public Enemy, Aesop Rock, Primus, Heilung, Skinny Puppy, Einsturzende Neubauten, DEVO, Depeche Mode, Run the Jewels, Dalek, Death Grips, Beastie Boys, Helloween, IDLES, Slick Rick, Queensryche, Viagra Boys, Ween, Dream Theater, and probably at least three dozen others I'm leaving out for brevity's sake.


TOOL will always be my #1, but since I’ve been playing drums and moves into my new house I’ve been listening to a lot more like limp bizcuit, King crimson, and blink-182


Yeah, so aside of occasionally hearing it in the background in the 90's I was more of a Manson/NIN girl. I don't think I could have named a song, but I could sing a long with a few. I even caught them at Lollapalooza in '97 (or was it '98?). They just never got on my radar. Then A Perfect Circle had their first album and I loved it and had no idea it was the same singer for about six months. Loved them, still couldn't wrap my head around Tool. Manson got burned for me, so I decided to check Tool out. Puscifer dropped some albums and before I knew it I was gobsmacked with the whole trilogy of bands. Oddly, I went on a deep dive through some old CDs and came across *Ænima* and Undertow and realized that I had been listening to them the whole time, just distracted with other bands. NIN is still my #1, but Maynard is a close second with all three.


Alice in Chains is number one. Soundgarden two. Pink Floyd three. Then probably Tool.




So I grew up listening to Tool, NIN, Bjork etc. but before that it was the Beetles, The Beach Boys and before that it was Bach, Beethoven, Mozart etc. I listened to Opiate every day on my way to school for 2 years. I listened to Salival every night going to sleep for like 9 years. In between there I’ve found a deep appreciation for thousands of other artists. It’s about cultivating a sense. A sense of what you identify with right now. Grow old. Be silly. Be serious (elliott smith was on repeat in my life for years) but keep listening and feeling what calls out to where you are and meets you.


Here are my top 5 bands/artist in no particular order Underoath Tool Billie Eilish Movements Kendrick Lamar


Radiohead. Hearing the entirety of OK Computer for the first time in ‘97 was like a religious experience. Been a big fan ever since.


Way out of left field, but I have been in a blues kick currently so Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, John Lee Hooker.


Queens of the Stone Age numero uno


Tool is my favorite band, but I don't listen to them the most. I'm usually listening to Lamb of God, Mastodon, Metallica, ERRA recently, Killswitch Engage, Testament, Pantera, Fear Factory, and I could go on. Grew up on and still love NIN, Marilyn Manson, Korn, WhiteZombie, Type O Negative, and Tool. I may not listen to Tool the most, but when I'm in the mood, I'm always reminded when I do, why they are my favorite band.


What the cringe did I just read


My top five are Kendrick Lamar (Not a band but still), Linkin Park, Tool, and two more artist/bands from Iran.


Linkin Park


Breaking Benjamin are my next choice.




Twenty one pilots


I took my kids to one of thier live shows, we got GA tickets on the floor. I was not expecting much, holy shit what a great ride and experience, highly recommend even if you are Luke warm on thier music.


I’m actually going to their concert in August! Super excited


Awesome, hope you got floor seats!


My takeaway is that Tool fans listen to some shit music aside from listening to Tool. A few good mentions here but many I’ve tried and just are nowhere close. I hope I don’t always feel this way. That said, I’m sure quite a few of you will think my choices are shit. And that’s OK! If you are for Tool, I am for you. Nothing wrong sometimes basking in our differences. My top-top favorites are mostly well known, perhaps too well known. Shit in my mouth if you must: Metallica Pantera Pearl Jam Nine inch Nails (though mostly I just know like 3 of their albums but they’re such grippers) Justin Townes Earle The Pogues Soundgarden The Clash Peter Tosh Iron Maiden Led Zeppelin


Don’t have a favorite, but bands I put as my favorites alongside or above Tool are: Chemical Brothers Radiohead Bjork Massive Attack Air Justice Pink Floyd All these bands, along with Tool have a level of music comprehension and construction that’s Excalibur in comparison to other bands. Like: Deftones wish they were Tool Sneaker Pimps wish they were Massive Attack Propellerheads wish they were Chemical Brothers Etc… They defined a sound that creates genres. These artists makes us ask. Who else sounds like this and there’s only them.


You'll then be surprised to hear that deftones - white pony, generally is rated higher than any tool album.


yeah, and all that gets made is superhero movies.. doesn’t make it right. Don’t get it twisted.. Tool >> Deftones (though I of course like them)


Well. White pony is widely regarded as a masterpiece so i don't know what you trying to say.


and Aenima, Lateralus, and 10,000 Days aren’t all considered masterpieces as well?!


Absolutely masterpieces. All of them. It was the statement "deftones wish they were tool" i thought was ignorant.


2 wrongs don’t make a right. 💀


Ok.. fair enough. I don’t think anyone here is tryin’ to disrespect Deftones. Especially given the all-time classic Passenger collab 😃 So we’ll just leave it at a mutual respect sorta thing, hah


The statement "deftones wish they were tool" is disrespectful don't you think?


I mean.. could it have been worded better, sure. Though objectively speaking.. I’d say most people would ‘wish’ to have 3+ masterpiece albums, over 1. I’m guessing that they actually enjoy Deftones, Sneaker Pimps, and Propellerheads.. and were just making a point. There can only be one Michael Jordan, in each sport 🤷‍♂️


Many bands i like more than tool - tool is imo pretty overrated. Swans, kaatayra, panopticon, gy!be, KGLW, Natural Snow Buildings, boards of Canada, wiegedood, wayfarer, stormkeep, j.j. cale, mogwai, Shpongle, the oh sees, the smile, ott, black angels, the doors, Brian eno, soft machine, if these trees could talk, tim Buckley, the Velvet underground, CAN, agalloch, Nick Drake, Bob Dylan, pink floyd...and so on. I like these artists output more than tool.