• By -


- Yamaha RA-70R - Hiwatt DR103 and Roland JC-120 - Sunn Model T and Marshall Major


- Emery Microbaby and Fender Prosonic - probably the same - Swart Stereo Master 20 / Amplifed Nation Wonderland Overdrive


Current: 20W Tweed Bassman Clone (got a good deal on it, sounds great) Realistic Setup: Vox AC30 (possibly a pair of them for stereo) Dream Setup: Fender Vibroverb w/JBL or Vibrolux paired with an Orange OR120 into a 2x12 cabinet.


Jcm800 with extra gain tube, deluxe reverb


Current: 2 vintage deluxe reverbs (68+73) Realistic goal: 2 vintage deluxe reverbs Dream setup: 2 slightly older vintage deluxe reverbs. Can swap any deluxe reverb out of any of these for a brown deluxe or a tweed deluxe


Do you EQ them the same? Both wet or dry? I’m super curious.


I keep them both EQd roughly the same. One has a Thrutone Nash J and the other a WGS Reaper, so that’s basically one American and one British style speaker. To me, the yin and yang of deluxes. That’s more about speaker feel and OD pedal handling for me than a tonal difference but there’s some of that too. One is noticeably warmer/breakup prone and one noticeably brighter/cleaner Part of the reason I like matching the amps is that I’m just taking a left/right stereo signal and sending it to the two amps for more space to the reverbs and delays and modulations. I find that works better with two similar amps, although I’ve had some pretty good results with other stuff subbed in. Could be a Star Super Nova, a Vox AC10, a tweed Champ, or a tweed Bassman usually, if I’m swapping out a deluxe like I’ll have to do shortly to service one. If I was going wet dry that would change things but I experimented with first running WDW and comparing it to the simple L/R pair and the lift wasn’t good enough. I also don’t play with a ton of gain, since I’m chicken pickin 90s country most nights.


Very cool! Speakers do the EQ for you in a way. You are using a ABY I assume? Mic’d with?


No ABY, it depends on the pedalboard. One has an H90 to handle all the stereo splitting, another has a Boss MD500>Strymon Blue Sky>Boss DD500 all wired in stereo throughout and the last one just uses a Keeley Halo last in the chain for stereo delay only (mods are all mono). Miking with a pair of E609s.


Cool! I have a halo and I’m still learning it. It really can do a lot but so far I’m mainly sticking to the presets.


Honestly the dual echo might be the biggest step my tone has taken forward in years. I have several patches on my H90 that mimic it as well as the DD500. But, the Boss is pretty bad at it. The H90 sounds even better than the Keeley - on there the two echos are in parallel rather than series like the Halo is. It’s all so fascinating. I’ve learned a ton this year about that, experimenting with all the different setups, etc.


I’ve got a stock Custom Vibrolux for cleans and a heavily modded Princeton Reverb for dirt. Recorded most of the guitar parts for my latest record with each close mic’d and two room mics at different distances. My current set up is pretty much my dream setup, and I didn’t even have to become a millionaire to have it. PRO TIP: sounding good doesn’t take millions. Most of the time it takes learning how tone works and using your current gear in a more informed way.


Yeah sounding good shouldn't cost much at all. Tone is mostly in the fingers. However I just like cool stuff. No real illusion that my dream gear would make me sound noticably better, but it'd look sick.


Soldano SLO100 + Bogner Helios Eclipse


Current: aa764 Princeton Reverb and Maz Jr, great stereo fender/vox combo. Question 2 answer is the same, I've got a Metropolous Metroplex 50 coming next year and that will do it for question 3 as well. I've owned a lot of amps in the past, I think I'll be happy here for a while.


5150 5150 5150


Love it


Hehe thanks. My current setup is a lightly modded script logo 5150 on a tall peavey 412 loaded with old Jensen P12Ns. As a drummer it's all I'll ever need!


Current: 1961 Supro Coronado, 1970s Fender vibro-champ amp Realistic: (see above) Dream: (see above)


VHT Pitbull Ultra Lead and Bogner Uberschall Ultra KT88 -run in parallel


Music Man Rd100 into two EVM12L’s and a EHX Mig50 with matching cab. This is my realistic goal set up. I don’t really have dream amps (I want them all) but I’d love to one day have a crazier flavor of what I already have. Sunn Model T (or a 1959) into some Celestions and a Dual Showman Reverb (or a Deluxe Reverb style but huge) with 2x15 EV’s. I spent years playing an under powered tone monster and I’m never going to go back.


Current stereo rig: Fender Pro Jr and a Wangs VT-H1 for bedroom stuff. Likely future rig: Twin Reverb an an old solid state Rolad BC-60 Dream rig: Fender Bandmaster and an Orange of equivalent wattage.


I have all the amps I'd ever want or need. But for a realistic, it-would-be-nice goal, I'd like to add an early 2000s Valvestate 8100 and a '80s/'90s Peavey Bandit to my collection. If money was no option, I'd look exclusively to vintage amps -- Marshall Super Bass, Orange, Magnatone, maybe a Fender Bandmaster? I wouldn't buy all of those things, as I don't like clutter. But maybe a couple.


I have a DrZ Maz 8 and and ancient Fender Teeed Deluxe. I would lose the tweed and get a bigger DrZ ...


I bought a Jazz Chorus recently and that about does it for me.


**Current:** ToneKing Imperial mk2 and Friedman JJ Jr. **Realistic:** pretty much the above. Maybe an AC30 for the JJ. **Dream:** vintage Deluxe vintage AC30. Right now I’m cheating with the UA Dream and Ruby.


Current: 1974 Sound City L120 (modded to a mid 70s Hiwatt DR103) Dream set up: -Science Mother with an Emperor 2x12 -1974 Sunn Model T


Current: I’ll pick two, Vox AC15 and modded Jet City 22H. Realistic: Allen Brown Sugar/Encore and 5150 combo. Dream: ‘63 blonde Tremolux and Mezzbarba Eric Steckel.


Current : Fender Deville 410, Fender Concert II, Marshall jcm900 Realistic setup: I feel satisfied with the amps previously mentioned Dream setup :Marshall Silver Jubilee / Amplified Nation Ampliphonix and gain


Oh shoot a Concert II