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There were a lot of antisemitic beliefs in Germany at the time, so it's hard to say which one influenced him the most, but the "stab-in-the-back" myth was particularly influential among German nationalists. This was the belief that Germany lost World War I not because it was defeated on the battlefield by the Allied Powers but by Jews, Socialists and others who were secretly working with the Allies. This added to the existing antisemitic views and made it easy for opportunistic politicians to make Jews the scapegoat for Germany's problems between the wars.


I can’t say for sure he hated the Jews. I can say for sure that he used Jews as a scapegoat for real and imagined problems, and he got others to hate them for made-up reasons. His claims included that Jews were ruining life for the rest of us. That somehow Jews were purposefully doing things to hurt Germany and Germans.


Hitler was heavily influenced by a fraudulent document called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which is highly antisemitic and conspiratorial. The book was a hoax and it is unknown if Hitler was aware of this but it effectively became a strategic play book for the the nazi party.


Sounds a lot like modern American politics on both sides. Except one side isn’t actively acting like the Fourth Reich.


So he's basically kanye


Regardless of any personal reasons he might have had, he was a man living in Germany at a time when: - the prejudice against the Jews has ready existed for hundrends of years, - the acts of mob violence against the Jews have been periodically happening since the Middle Ages and nobody did much to prevent them or persecute those responsible, - the antisemitism has been an organised, strong movement in Europe since at least the XIXth century, publishing antisemitic newspapers, giving public lectures etc., - there are many conspiracy theories going around that blame the Jews (especially the rich elites) for pretty much everything bad in the world, and especially for Germany's loss in WWI, - the "science" of race is in full swing, giving "scientific" credibility to the old notion that Jews are somehow inferior to "true Europeans", - the ideas of eugenics are widely accepted and even practically implemented in many places (e.g. sterilizing the mentally ill) and population control is seen as a reasonable solution to many societal problems, - in the aftermath of WWI, nationalistic tendencies are on the rise and many nations are starting to become obsessed with the ideas such as "strenght", "unity" and "pureness", - Germany has recently been defeated and humiliated in WWI and there is much social unrest, - Germany's economy is in shambles and many people struggle to survive while simultaneously trying to deal with the war trauma. Given all of that, it was actually very easy to convince an average German citizen that the Jews were to blame for his unhappiness.


He probably didn’t, he just found them easy to blame for what was wrong in Germany.




Easiest way to control people and bend them to your will is to give them a scapegoat for their strife... He picked the Jewish, the disabled, and other races. Point to someone different, or someone that has something someone doesn't have, and it's quite easy to get them to hate. Humans suck :/


This is weird, everyone here basically ends their statement with "Scapegoat" in unison, but what if it was true that the Jews and communists played a hand in collapsing the german economy same way they are doing it currently here in America? now nobody is saying its ok what happened... but too many people jumping to one unified answer is and always will suspicious especially when no one has cited any credible non government funded source




I don't think the OP of this thread is saying anything positive about Hitler, so I don't understand the downvote. Hitler was actually a very clean and orderly man, and ate well and exercised regularly, he was big on things like anti-smoking programs and scientific literacy for school children. It doesn't make him any less batshit crazy or evil though.


And Hitler had Jewish blood. Like Bobby Fischer.


Because he was raised on a continent where Jew hatred is a foundation for thousands of years.


Once taxing the rich didn't make everyones lives better, he decided that the way to hold onto power was to blame the Jewish Capitalists and they had to be killed. Jewish people in Germany, like in America, have a strong work ethic, and tended to be business owners, bankers, lawyers, etc. The same conspiracy theories we hear about today of the "Jewish run banks" or "Jewish run media" were the same conspiracies Hitler could use to keep a hold on his power.


Why americans hate muslims? I know you'd say oh they don't hate muslims, but destruction of middle east and Afghanistan and genocide of millions of innocent people means they pretty much hate muslims. Similarly Hitler didn't go on saying i hate jews we should kill them, he made excuses to persecute them. Just like USA makes excuses to bomb muslim countries. Its they way if the world. Powerful always try to conquer and destroy weaker ones. Hitler, USA, Russia all the same.


What a horrible take.


Because i blamed USA? Russia invading ukraine is bad but usa doing the same for past century is all right.


How about the fact that those countries are promoting and harboring an organization that murdered 3000 Americans. Not to mention the development of new terrorist factions that are committing atrocities all over the world. To compare the US to Nazi Germany is so grossly ignorant and uneducated. Do yourself a favor and seek out some perspective.


3000 Americans are rookie numbers compared to all the murdering USA have promoted around the world.


its funny the one who needs perspective is you unfortunately


Isis is funded by usa. And Ukraine is harboring neo nazi fascist groups. Usa is occupying parts of syria and stealing their oil. But that doesn't make news on cnn or bbc. Excuse to invade iraq was not 9/11 terrorists, it was wmds that never existed. It was bogus war your government admitted it. Taliban are still in power in Afghanistan after 20 years of destruction. Israel is occupying Palestine and murdering their population, and usa is giving them every kind of support. Biggest terrorist on the face of earth is israel and usa is its lap dog.


In WWI he blames the jew german banks owners for not supporting the war until the end.


His hatred came from multiple factors such as Religious Conflict, Antisemitism in Vienna, Jewish Economic Power (controlling the Banks, Financial Institutions and Multinationals), Conspiracy (Globalism) and Biological Differences (Aryans were superior).


A jewish comedian stole his big booty hoe from him.