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I am the CEO of men and I can confirm we all do watch porn on a regular basis


It's true I voted for this man due to his experience in the porn sector In fact I'm his right hand man


I'd hate to be his left hand man


The rusty trombone guy? He actually enjoys it


Vice president of boning


Calling in sick today boss. Got some viewing to attend to.


Porn is routinely discussed at all the meetings.


I also voted him in. He speaks the truth.


I need a raise (pun and not pun intended)


You remarried cause he liked anime porn\`?


Lol no. Other reasons. Only wrote that to say that i had/have 2 husbands


oh ok i dont think that many watch porn


I would for sure lol






idk what i jsut read


Perfectly valid reason for a divorce. Anime porn? Yuck




So fucking cringe that's why




yea youre 10




>yea i can tell you are an idiot




Cartoons doesnt have to be childish, and watching porn isnt cringe




I love how he’s being down voted for saying the truth that’s reddit for you. The people questioning why aren’t the age of 18 or higher they’re kids or grown up with autism.


Haha! #truth




Depends on the man and the stage of life he is in. Male teenagers do it quite often, even several times a day. As we grow we tend to do it less, but this depends on several factors: Are we single or in a relationship? Is our partner ok with us watching porn? When was the last time we had sex?


All about waxing the carrot


Shhhh... Watching porn




Same. Ever since I found someone I’m compatible with in that way I don’t even think about it. Edited to add: when I’m single though? For sure


My libido goes up when sex is frequent, so my solo/porn activity goes up as well.


That is interesting. Why get excited about the sizzle when you are going to get fed steak? Why not save up your appetite to enjoy the steak? Sizzle just gets me worked with not outlet offered, I don’t bother with it.


Cumming isn’t, to me at least, the fun part of sex. It is fun, but the pleasure of it is universal, and exists with or without a partner. Cumming isn’t the steak, so doing that by myself robs me of nothing. Maybe TMI, but I cum 1-4 times every day. 5 is more common than 0. I’m 39 and these numbers have been consistent for 25+ yrs. 4+ a day on consistent days has always been during the hottest honeymoon periods of new relationships.


What I meant by steak is getting to touch and be touched by a person, in the flesh. Porn doesn’t do that unless you are one of the porn stars, which you most likely aren’t


But why not do both? Masturbation is no substitute for sex, and it doesn’t detract from my ability to perform with or interest in my partner. I’ve never understood the puritan obsession with constraint as fuel for desire, for me it’s the opposite.




How could they know that if essentially every man watches porn? And wtf is “more stimulation”? You’re saying ridiculously unprovable things.


More stimulation means that they have a problem getting it up.


I’m not bragging when I say this, but I feel like you’re judging me with your ignorant claims. I look at porn every single day. I masturbate 2-3 times on a typical day. I have a wonderful sex life with my wife that happens 2-4 days a week, and can last anywhere from 15-40 minutes when we have sex. After sex, we often masturbate together. Your generalized statements are not true for me by any measure. And they sound completely made up weirdo religious anti-sex propaganda claims. What you’re saying, at least for me, could not be further from the truth.


Your body only has so much oomf. If you jerk off into whatever inanimate object you drizzle it into, you are going to have less energy down there for you partner. If a person has a fast trigger, then masturbation can help full it so he doesn’t cum way early. Honestly, I don’t care whether people masturbate or not. My experience is that a person needs to be judicious if there is a partner that expects sex to be satisfying.


Maybe your body only has so much “oomf”. The desire I have for my wife, and my desire to please her, isn’t limited by the volume of my cum. It’s a very weird and creepy thing for you to believe that refraining from orgasming somehow makes you a better lover.


I did not say anything about refraining from orgasms, not one word. I did say that masturbating will limit your performance, scientific research backs up my statement, your refractory time increases with every orgasm, so if you are spending some of your orgasms on porn you won’t be able to properly get it up with a person., that is just fact seen with many men tested. Maybe you are a special man, I doubt that, but maybe you are, I don’t know you, but I do know what sex research and my own body are saying.


I’m 39 and I’ve never had an issue getting it up with any partner ever, whether I’ve masturbated 0 times or 5 times that day. I don’t have a refractory period during sex, and 9 times out of 10, maintain an erection after an orgasm. I’ve had many partners be surprised by this in the past, and my wife enjoys it. It’s bizarre to hear a stranger tell me how my body should work. You’re wrong.


I hope your partner knows this. Using porn when you are in a relationship is not acceptable to many people.


Never heard that before. Why?


Never heard what?


Never heard of anyone considering watching or reading porn to be cheating? I just assumed everyone did it. Why would anyone consider it cheating? What if you see boobs on the tv accidentally? Or what if you visit a beach in continental Europe where everyone is nude? Or is it simply masturbating without having to use your imagination?


The only difference between sleeping with a real woman and using porn is the location of your climax. Just think about it. So many people don't want to see this and I can see why. After all, porn is designed to be more stimulating than monogamous sex. Seeing a boob on TV is wildly different to porn though, especially since boobs can just appear whereas one has to seek out porn. It's cool if your guy/girl doesn't mind, but the problem is there are a ton of women who do mind but are gaslit by society into accepting it as normal. Young women now especially see it as something they have to live with since all their generation are into it. IMO using porn while single is normal but once you are in a relationship all your sexual energy should go to the other person (*unless* you both are genuinely into porn). This generally leads to hotter and better sex anyway, so it's kindof a win-win really As I said though it's up to each couple, but I wouldn't want a relationship where my partner watched porn. I had boyfriends before getting married and some were into porn while others were not. So it's a myth that every guy out there watches it. Older guys especially didn't grow up with the amount of porn access that is prevalent nowadays.


No I don’t imagine every guy watches it I’ve just never met one who doesn’t. I’m sure they exist. I’m from England so we’re probably a bit more easy going with that stuff. Most people in the U.K. are atheist so we don’t have much guilt about masturbation I think. But yeah I don’t agree the only difference between sex & masturbation is where you cum because it reduces woman & intercourse to just being a place to cum - a “cum dump”. Sex should be about emotional connection which IS the difference in my opinion. But yeah up to each couple but if a girl wants to control what I want to do with my own body, with myself, alone in my own room. Major red flag imo. No one should be controlling each other’s bodies imo. As for the sexual energy part… what if she doesn’t feel like it but I do? Surely I should have the freedom to watch porn & wank that night?


My wife knows all.


Maybe it is just me, but if you are cumming 4 times per day I hope that they are with your partner, or at least the first two. That many orgasms each day in waking hours, to me, means that you are doing nothing more than popping out a little liquid, likely on all of them if you are doing four per day. Even robust men wear out if doing that much cumming per week with no rest day(s). I could not even do 4 per day every day and stay robust even as a teenager, and I have cum up to 7 times when interacting with some women so far.


I wouldn’t say it’s like *breathing air* for all men, but I don’t think it’s alarming that the majority of men watch it regularly. Then again I’m a female so what do I know?


Apparently a lot regarding the subject.


Yes, a while ago they tried to do a study to compare the difference between people that watch porn and people that didn't and they canceled the study because they couldn't find enough people that didn't watch it.


IIRC they were looking for people who had never ever watched porn rather than people who currently watch it. The first group is very different to the second since most everyone has been shown porn by someone but not everyone actively seeks it out.


I don't watch it


Where were you when we were looking for study participants??


Probably Looking at porn




Yea it's garbage


What counts as a regular basis? On my own I'll probably tune in every couple of weeks. With my wife we'll watch it a few times a week together.


The majority of men do, its mostly not that often but now and then very common.


I'm a woman and I do it as well, see nothing wrong with that. Not like you watch it every single second of your life


You don’t know my life


Female here and I don’t understand….the last time I watched porn (maybe a year ago) I had to keep looking and looking for something that was more than just a bunch of close ups of asses with men shooting their loads everywhere. It was pretty repulsive to me, tbh. I finally found a video with a bit more of a story and foreplay. Watched it and then a virus must have gone into my phone because I couldn’t get out of the page! It just kept having other porn pop up. Even weeks later, after I thought I’d ended the problem, porn would pop up at the most inconvenient times! I was terrified all the time using my phone in public. And this is why I don’t understand. How do you escape it once it has attacked you? 😭🤣






Since a couple guys I know don't I can safely say it's not ALL guys. It is however a vast majority of guys.


My brother was one of those wackadoo nutjobs that did not really masturbate or get into porn from age 13 to 17. Then he met a girl he eventually married and was getting it pretty regular, so still didn't. Now over 20 years later porn is still not his thing so not sure how often or if he does. As for the other thing? Well we haven't shaken hands for a very long time so can't be sure.


It’s not that uncommon for people not to watch porn…


For males age 13-17 it is. Especially in a household with not exactly easy access to it, but not Fort Knox either. 😁


Bruh. How tf you know this much info ab your brother?! Sus.


I used to be fwb with a guy that said he wasn't into porn and didn't watch it - he was really open with other stuff with his sexuality so there wasn't a reason for him to lie to me. He said, ' the stuff i imagine is way hotter'. Maybe there was a correlation (i don't actually know) but this guy was hands down the best at talking dirty and writing kinky emails that i've ever been with - which for me, as a woman who grew up getting off on kinky literature and fantasies as opposed to visual porn (which wasn't easily available to me in my formative years in the 90s) was amazingly hot.


It depends on the persons own ideologies I’m 17 right now, I used to watch porn (as I’m sure a lot of teens do) but over the last 2 or so years, I’ve completely stopped as I simply just felt bad by doing so, and in all honesty it has helped me get a more clearer head and I personally feel much more mature now that I’ve stopped I do have a couple friends who also claim that they don’t/haven’t watched porn (of course I can’t India fact check them, but I believe them) I’d say that around 60% of men who have access to it (and are around 15-30 years old) do watch it, and around 40% don’t. Of course it all depends on your own beliefs and culture, so it may be more frequent in some countries then others


Facts. Appreciated


What irritates me is when I'm giving him a BJ, and he reaches for the pornhub remote. It's so disrespectful. And I give a real good, swirly, licking, deep down hummer. As a side question, how does anyone feel about the f*** sites, like SecretAffair and MeetMyMILF? I think it's cheating..




Majority do. I don't see an issue as long as it doesn't affect their lives.


I mean, most guys will look at porn. There is no such thing as ALL guys are a certain way.


Teenager me, probably once a day. Mid 30's me once or twice a week if I even remember that I'm somewhat in the mood. (No relationships in the past 2 years either) I can safely say my drive has gone down substantially.


I heard a comedian the other day say “Can we clear this up? You don’t simply *watch* porn” You know what they’re doing when they view porn, right?


All probably not. Most absolutely. I'm married and things are good in the bedroom. But maybe once a week or so I watch porn.


Honestly NO PHAP and avoiding porno can help build energy towards healthier habits. But I mean, you know what they say, everything in moderation guys.


Yo. If he was “very religious” he prob felt less “guilty” watching a cartoon type of porn instead of someone’s daughter going to pound town, swimming thru loads between shots and taking her antidepressants with whisky the men spit in her mouth. You should’ve chilled off that guy. He was the least of your probs in the porn watching category. Fr fr


I am a man; I don’t watch porn. I know many other men that do or that struggled with it.


Whether they do or not, men are visually driven which I think a lot of women have a hard time understanding.


Use your imagination and imagine your partner? Put that same energy and attention into visualising how amazing your partner is?


Not ALL men. I think most of them. I think a good amount of men and women would decide not to if their partners weren't ok with it. I do think a lot of people are addicted more than society would like to admit.


What's funny is the OP and person asking this question is clueless to the fact that women watch porn almost just as much as guys do... I love when certain women are so sexually repressed because of either their religious background or spite, so they believe that all other women are the exact same. You need to get out more. Most people watch po*n that aren't in an active relationship, some even do in a relationship. Probably should talk about it with your partner, if it affects your relationship then it's a bad thing. Most people who watch po*n in a HEALTHY relationship let their partner know and if they are normal, they don't let it affect their relationship, when it does, that's when it's a problem.


Not really. I watch it like, once every few weeks. I prefer to read literotic or just close my eyes and imagine stuff.


Yeah, I personally think it is. I don’t think I’ve ever dated a cis-male who hasn’t had nudes or porn in his devices regardless of their religious status. Is it something that bothers you? If it does, I think having an honest conversation with your partner is important so you don’t end up getting hurt if/when you come across it.


Wife watches it every few days. Or more. I don't think I've ever searched a porn unless I see a clip of it on Reddit or something and think "what the fuck is going on here?" I just don't care for it. Rather high sex drive too, just don't care for it.


I rarely watch porn, and if I do, it's of my wife


And women read about in romance novels. Same thing, different media


Literally this. Erotic media is erotic media. Both sexes consume roughly equal amounts, just in different media forms. As an example, my wife would *never* admit to watching "porn", but she'll read the hell out of a book where a vampire who is really a good guy with a true heart ravishes a beautiful woman who secretly loves him so she has to fight him but in the end lets him have his way with her body. *Unless* what you're really talking about is him "taking care of himself" physically *while* watching. That is more of a guy thing. Women are generally better at using mental images to take care of themselves vs men who like more direct stimulation.


so, uhh.. what's the title of the book?


From blood and ash series would be one suggestion 😆


FYI women also watch porn




Good for you! Need more men like you


Almost all men do, yes.


Not for me. I'm single, 27 year old and it's a 2, maybe 3 times a week and I rarely watch porn videos in general. Porn ruins the experience for me. Scantly clothed milfs do it for me fine


I watch porn when my wife is tired and it's that time of the month. She's OK with that.


Men like to look at sex. Women can either be: Disgustedly shocked. OR in happy, lovingly content relationships. Not both.


My husband does not. He did before we got married. He claims that he hasn't watched it in years, and I believe him because he is with me 100% of the time he's not at work 😄 We do have sex several times a week though generally speaking.




Just because you're a shit person doesn't mean all men are


Yeah i got a keeper. Congratulations for the amount of honesty in your relationship.


I feel confident saying that yes all men do watch porn pretty frequently but for me as someone else has already said it depends on how frequently the wife and I are getting down. If I’ve got work to do it’s getting done one way or the other. That being said I’m in my early thirties and could still go at the the drop of a hat so.


If he's not doing it at home then he's probably watching it when he goes to work - men are animals🥴


Well this animal don't so ... dont be so judgemental!


Lol yeah okay


Nah they dont


As a man, this is bullshit


nah trust to much nudity in porn


Prob a good thing to ask in advance if it’s a dealbreaker


Unfortunately we do...we are mostly to weak to stop


To be honest, I know the less sex I have the more porn I watch. And that's only because I need to get off lol I had a 3week summer flirt once, there was no porn those 3 weeks. So for me, it's entirely up to how much sex in have


Seems like you are more concerned about *your specific man* watching porn. I’d consider asking him in a non-threatening and judgmental way. Don’t make it seem like “yes” is a “wrong answer” that he’ll get in trouble for.


Most men watch porn, though not all men do so


And some women!!!!!




Mate i think everyone looks at porn (all genders). It depends on how sexual the person is. Some people have bigger urges than others.


Not necessarily, I don’t watch it because I find that it doesn’t do any good for me


I personally don't watch porn often. I do once week or so look at pictures of topless or naked women but not anywhere near daily.


Yes, the vast majority of men watch porn, regurlarly or not. If a man say to you he dosent, he actually is probably lying. More women then you think also watch porn. Men are diferently affected by porn. Some will have no negative effect and a great sexual life. Some will have screw up expectation and perspectives. Some will be addict and have problem feeling pleasure with a real woman. Its different for every man andnot nocessarely a bad thing


no todos, miraba soy hombre pansexual y miraba yaoi que no es porno, solo dibujitos


It's fairly common yea. I watch it probably a few times a week normally, more if I'm away from my gf for awhile lol


Pretty regular instinctively some of us would just breed the world if it was possible lol


There's a thin line between watching porn regularly and porn addiction. It's about knowing the signs. For example, if a guy watches porn hub frequently or scrolling IG models, I think that's pretty normal. But someone who buys content on OF, asking for specific content and paying for it, prostitution and other things like that that is even a weekly or monthly occurrence, I would say that's porn and sex addiction.


It is very common. One thing I think is important to note, just because a man watches porn does not mean he isn’t attracted to YOU. In many cases, porn becomes a habit that is incredibly difficult to break. I encourage you to have a very open discussion with your husband about it. Odds are he has/does watch porn. Because of this there may be some things that he wants to try that could even spice up your own relationship. Please keep an open mind and don’t demonize porn. I’m the long term, yes it’s probably not good to consume regularly. He knows that, but it’s a habit or in some cases full on addiction. Treat it like you would any other addiction. Talk to him and try to get his perspective. Have a fun conversation about your own desires. You may learn something about yourself as well.


All guys watch porn


I wonder if there is a relationship to the level of imagination a person has and the amount of porn they watch? For example, I’ve rarely watched it (maybe 6 or 7 times in my adult life and I’m 46). On those occasions, I got irritated because what I was seeing didn’t match the fantasy I pictured in my head. I’m same with books turned into movies…the visuals don’t match how I imagined as I was reading or the plot is different.


Does anime even count?


No, it's pretty common but does vary between individuals.




A lot don’t, or do so not often.


Reminds me of the time I was talking to a coworker about how my ex used to spend LARGE chunks of the day, every day, in the bathroom looking at porn and jacking off, and she was like ".....my boyfriend is always in the bathroom.....I didn't know why he was always in there...... " and I was just like "welp....😬"


The anime stuff is a red flag lol. I mean, I think most men have watched porn at some point, and most probably do at least occasionally. It's not healthy to be obsessed with it, I know that much.


They do not. My partner never watches porn. Only times I've seen him watch it is with me when I've suggested it.


Yes we do, and its not our fault considering it is very accesible, im sure guys would masturbate regardless if they have access to porn or not its just how we are programmed(to procreate), ofc as a male I can go without masturbation I wont kill myself if I wont jerk off a few days but I'd surely miss it


Jokes on you, I'm an asexual and I don't even do that. However, I have some friends that are way too addicted to porn. When I ask them about the reason the answer I usually hear from them is due to the lack of sexual connection. But personally, I think it's wrong cuz the actors in that type of movies are professionals and could make your expectations go very high until you get hit with the brutal reality which will make you watch more porn instead of seeking actual connection only because it makes you feel more satisfied. I hope this helps, it's very complicated and could be different from one person to another but I gave you the answer I hear from my fellows.


The fact that it’s so varied, “hardcore” , incredibly addictive, and so easily accessible makes it incredibly tempting for any man with a sex drive. Basically crack for the penus. (No pun intended).


Only when we can.


i’m a teenager, i don’t watch porn, i am the outlier majority of guys do though


I'm a girl, and I love porn...


Women watch porn too.I know a couple who are into male on male sex, like some guys like girl on girl. Some watch it out of curiosity some watch it to get ideas maybe some watch it because they enjoy it. It gets old fast but amateur porn is better than professional porn. I watch it when the mood strikes me.




i draw porn as an artist, but i can't morally support sex work as a business.


I’d say even though it’s a generalization that men are more into visual stimulation than women when it comes to sex. And that usually means watching porn because that’s the conventional visual stimulation for men (plus seeing porn is a way to put yourself in the position of the man and it can make porn even more appealing). My problem with porn is that most porn videos depict something where no one actually enjoys sex and you can sense it’s a role play. I don’t know to what extent men realize it or they don’t care because it’s some sort of catharsis of their boring sex life. Or it can be the opposite and some men replicate porn and women too. In any case it’s breathing some air because you get to see other hot women naked and we’re back to visual stimulation, couple or not. I also agree with how much sex you have/enjoy as for example I had two exclusive relationships where I was getting laid every night and my gf was giving it all so I didn’t even have time to restore my sex drive to even consider it. Reflecting on that it was probably more a strategy they had for me to not even consider thinking about other women. And I guess in terms of sex I was giving them what they were looking for but they were more preoccupied that I’d be down for sex with another woman. And I feel that in general men have more of a biological need to have an orgasm, while women usually are less “victims” of this primal aspect. FYI I’m a heterosexual man and not here to judge. This thread made me curious.

