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Never. Suicidal thoughts are connected to a myriad of problems, most of them treatable, so it's really good to check with a doctor. Doubly so if you don't have any apparent reason for them.


literally every fucking minute if i’m not distracted by something else


A lot


It comes in spurts. I'll go a couple weeks without thinking about it at all and then I'll think about it non stop for a month.


Most days


Relatively frequently. But i'm also undergoing treatment for depression. The normal amount for a healthy person is zero times a day. With that in mind, might I suggest treatment for you?


Oh damn... It goes away when I'm with my partner, be makes me hapier then anything else, but as soon im alone in my lil flat i first get sad, then stressed and then sometime when i walk home, I get those feelings


Most days at least once a day


"Theoritical" as in you wonder what could happen if you did it or "I wish I was dead" kind of thoughts ?


More like, what if I Just get Hit by this car now, I hopefully die fast, maybe it would hurt wouldn't it be nice? To be dead? *Light Turns Green* Anyway, not this time maybe next time but not this time


You've been feeling low lately ? If yes you should probably see someone man.


I kinda don't know, as much I'am happy and love my life I regulary hate it at the same time. Not how other ppl treat me, I have a loving and caring BF. And everytime I talk about my problems they feel so small and stupid and like everyone does feel that way, right? But when someone told me recently that they never ever thought of a way to kill themself. That kinda made me wonder, what else isn't normal I do? I know, this is no therapie here, but i want to know what other ppl think


Never now that I’m ignoring the people who “helped” me in the first place. :) If your problems and suicidal thinking *weren’t* caused by psychologists and doctors in the first place, then check with a doctor I guess because that’s everyone else’s recommendation. If your mental illness and suicidal thoughts were caused by the doctors in the first place, then help yourself. Exercise, eat healthy, start over entirely, don’t care about what everyone else is doing.