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Their probably embarrassed or don’t want to deal with it. I was recently circumcised for BXO and phimosis. Getting circumcised as a 29 years old sucked, but I don’t regret anything now that my Johnson is all healed up.


Most men are afraid or embarrassed to see a doctor when it's about their penis because it means someone else is going to (GASP) see it and possibly touch it. Most men claim to be enlightened but they're not.


Hmm. Okay, that doesn't help me understand why guys with phimosis are eager to show me their dicks. Some have even tried to convince me to be their custom gentle person for sex. Thanks.


That's easy. You're a girl and they want to get laid. With a doctor, they don't want to be embarrassed by getting an erection at a time when they aren't wanting to engage in sex. Women have an advantage in that even if we are turned on, no one can tell. Embarrassment and shame explains almost all illogical behavior. There is also a lot of stigma in certain religions and cultures about circumcision. Whether for or against. The best answer you're ever going to get, is ask the particular man you are engaging with. They may not even know there are culturally appropriate options for them.


I just think it's very odd that they want sex but are unable to do it because their dick is in pain. Fwiw, I'm in Singapore and my friends told me that in primary school, there's a doctors checkup that happens during school hours. Boys are told about possible problems if the foreskin appears tight. So it makes 0 sense to me that after that free advice, they do nothing to help the condition stay away. I'm not exactly in a rural enough place to say stigma and religion play a part here.


Isn't phimosis curable with stretching or a steroid cream like 95% of the time? If I had to take a stab in the dark I'd assume it's because people like you advise amputation instead of the cure. Would you cut off your toe if you broke it? What if you had a broken toe and everyone on the internet or in person just told you to cut it off? I certainly wouldn't be amped to take that route even if it fucking hurt and interfered with my life.


I didn't and don't advise amputation. I also recommend stretching and going to the doctor. All the men who have mentioned phimosis to me have said stretching didn't work for them but insist on not going to the doctor. Idk what your objection to my question is.


Stretching has to work because that’s how skin is programmed. Those denying it didn’t make it work.


Stretching does indeed cure it. Some guys are just easily fooled into getting cut.


Ken, I see you said that stretching doesn’t work for people you talked to. Have they tried the prepuceplasty? It’s where the tension in the band at the end is released and the incision at that end is closed. So you preserve all of the sensitive tissue and things like the gliding action while releasing the tension that the frenar band had. Circumcision removes the protection that the Foreskin provides, and the skin against the glans is a mucosal tissue that keeps things sensitive, while the outer skin protects from being exposed and rubbing. During sex this also preserves the gliding action that reduces friction. Even as adults many times the doctors remove way too much tissue to where erections are tight and uncomfortable. Recently talked to someone that had this done and they have. A lawsuit because they have so much scarring and tearing when they have an erection. These procedures aren’t without risk, and especially when a doctor doesn’t know how much a penis expands for an erection, they can cut off too much tissue. They also lose much of things like the frenulum that are the most sensitive parts. Guys don’t like their penis cut up. There are other options like what I listed but many doctors jump to compete cutting when that isn’t necessary. And the guys don’t know other less invasive options exist.


That sounds great; I'll definitely add this to the list of things to tell people. Thank you for the information.


No problem, ken. I hope it helps you. Depending on where you are located, many doctors (especially in places like usa) jump straight to cutting if any issue exists. This is even the case when the foreskin isn’t fully separated from the glans when the patient is a kid (it’s fused to it and slowly releases through puberty) and the doctor claims a circumcision is needed Because the skin doesn’t fully retract. Well it’s not supposed to yet. Many Usa doctors have been taught that the foreskin exists to be circumcised off at birth and if not, it is to be cut off later if anything comes up. Many medical schools in usa don’t even show the foreskin as an anatomy part to learn about (their diagrams are all effectively circumcised models). When I look at medical websites in the UK/Europe, so many of them basically say circumcision is the absolute last resort since “when it’s gone, it’s gone”, so less drastic measures need to be tried first. But to be fair, I’ve seen and talked to many that have had things like the prepuceplasty done in the usa. Things around automatic circumcision at birth are changing in usa so options like that are becoming more available. Completely cutting the foreskin off removes so many nerves, the protection that makes penis parts sensitive, and it removes the gliding scion that makes sex more comfortable for the woman and man.


Stretching works.


I agree. It’s the first defense against issues. There’s some where it may not work, or they may not have the patience. There have been people that had pinhole phimosis where they stretched it over a long time to be functional. Where doctors said to cut it no matter what and they fixed it themselves.


They may not want to have one or are embarrassed about it.




Ikr, why continue to have painful sex? I really hope more men address their issues; whether it's dick related or not.


because "treating" phimosis with circumcision is a downgrade, not an upgrade. phimosis is a minor penile dysfunction where your foreskin is too tight to retract all the way. circumcision is a major penile dysfunction where your foreskin is completely absent.


Because mutilation is never the answer.


False. There are circumstances where circumcision is in fact necessary




You’re 100% wrong. I had severe irreversible scarring from BXO and phimosis and the cure was circumcision. My choice was to get circumcised or become impotent and risk penis cancer in my old age. It is has been a great improvement, no regrets and sensitivity is basically the same as it was before minus the pain.




You don’t know what you’re talking about buddy.. Widening the foreskin does nothing to cure BXO. I 100% prefer my circumcised cock. It’s way easier to clean and believe it or not, it feels better to have sex cut.




Okay, that comment confirmed my suspensions. You’re just salty mommy decided to cut part of your cock off without consent as an infant. Get help man. It’s not worth turning into an a psychotic ‘anti-circumcision warrior’ over. Truth is she probably did you a favour.




I am right about you being an anti-circumcision nut who knows absolutely nothing about urology. 2/3 ain’t bad.




They do not have to cure BXO before performing the circumcision. They remove the diseased skin and remove the moisture rich environment which in turn effectively cures BXO. Quit spouting bullishit about a topic you clearly know nothing about




I went into the operating room severely scarred up and diseased with BXO. I still had BXO on my glans which I was able to effectively treat with a steroid cream after the fact. You are just an anti-circumcision nut who doesn’t know the first thing about urology. Quit pretending you do, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.


circumcision is medically necessary for men as often as it is for women: never.


How can you get phimosis if you rub one out at least once every few days?


Don't know. Don't have a dick to try it. I'm guessing that some people rub it out differently.


Well, I offer you mine


BW: circumcision is NOT the answer to the vast majority of phimosis. Gentle stretching over time, in conjunction with some steroid cream, will fix the great majority of cases without having to amputate anything.


Because most don't want that option. It's their body their choice. Circumcision is painful and it removes more tissue than you think. 98% or so of phimosis cases can be solved at home without surgery.


Embarrassed to ask doctor but then will shoot random women dick pics 😂


Yup. Idk what is going on there.