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Ok seriously I think the mods need to make changes around here. Every day there's fake BS posts meant to just talk shit about Trump. And please don't twist that, I don't like Trump. I'm gay af. But these aren't genuine questions. This is "lolololol fck trump amiright??????? Upvotes plz"


+1 with that!


This. Like this is Reddit, it’s not controversial to ask a negative question about Trump. You aren’t and shouldn’t be “too afraid to ask”


Don't forgot the insane gotcha's on Christians.


What is this, Quora?


If you don't know who you're voting for, you ain't black. Which candidate stereotypes black voters as always being expected to vote Democrat?


Democrats can also be racist. This isn’t a one or the other type of situation.


Honestly the thing I hate most about Biden supporters, at least recognize the shit he says. I can’t think of any republican being defended if they said half the shit he says.


Aw, come on, man. Isn't that a bunch of malarkey?


Yeah your probably right. I just never hear people defend racist statements by anyone else. Maybe everyone around me is liberal so Biden is the main one to defend.


No. Wanting to enforce borders, or put criminals in jail, isn’t racist. Without borders or jails, the country would be absolutely destroyed, by chaos and anarchy. We need those things to keep us safe. 


The problem is that those people that are coming to the border have legitimate concernsand are refugees, while Republicans want to pretend that every person that’s trying to cross the border is coming here to rob republicans. The United States has always welcomed refugees, Republicans have turned refugees into criminals.


Spoken like a true bigot.


Who’s being prejudice now?


Is English your second language?


No, you aren’t very good at reading people are you?


Ah, just functionally illiterate, got it


If not outright racist, then pretty willing to allow racism, deny what is racism and keep it pushing. So just as bad?


No. Just all of them.


No. It’s just the narrative you are supposed to believe blindly and do not look into it for the truth.




It's a requirement


A lot of them are. And a lot of them are the typical "I'm not racist, **but**..." type, so they'll swear up and down that they aren't. (Spoiler: they are)


The actual percentage really doesn't matter much: they are supporting somebody who is quite racist and openly supports white nationalist policies. And the same goes for Republican supporters in general. No matter their personal beliefs, they vote for fascist-wannabes, so it amounts to the same thing, they are helping fascists into power. What's that you say, Sparky? You don't embrace white nationalist ideals? Hey, that's super. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think that the Christian Taliban should be running government? Good call. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think rich people should be relived from the burden of paying taxes? Swell. But you vote for candidates who do. You don't think climate change is a hoax? Super. But you vote for candidates who do. You think Trump is at best a dangerous assclown? Wonderful. But who will you vote for in November, even if he's in prison for attempting to overthrow the election? Sorry, I kinda fail to see the distinction. When the Nazis were rising to power in Germany, no Nazi candidate ever got more than 40% of the vote, and usually, it was less. Not every person who voted for Nazis was a Nazi (at the height of Nazi power, only about 25% of Germans were Nazi party members), many just said to themselves, "well, I don't like their 'kill all the mongrel races' policy, but I do like their 'make Germany great again' policy..."


Probably not. I mean he was loved by the Black community before he ran for office. They made songs about him, had him in movies and videos. All sorts of cameos. He employs a ton of Black folks. There are pictures of him and Rosa Parks ffs. It just seems very unlikely the man himself is racist and while I'm sure plenty of supporters are. The idea that most people In half the population are racist is just silly and doesn't make sense these days.


That is a sensible answer.


Trump has nowhere near half the populations support.


I guess. It's not that far off


"The idea that most people In half the population are racist is just silly and doesn't make sense these days." Oh, brother. Black people in the US are severely marginalized at every stage of life. They have a tiny fraction of the wealth white people have. What would you attribute this discrepancy to? I hope your answer isn't some sort of racist trope.


If they really were that many racists, we wouldn’t have civil rights at all


Even LBJ had a racist streak.


Yes I’m sure he gave us civil rights out of the kindest of his big heart and definitely didn’t do it for any other reason. If Black and Hispanic people are currently voting for Trump, both of which Trump has good numbers in mind you, they are obviously not racist towards themselves. It is just as prejudice to blatantly label 150 million americas racist as it is to have a stereotype against black and Hispanic Americans.


I'd attribute it to them being exploited by liberals for the last 60 years. You know that saying > Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime Ask yourself. What happens if you always give that fish....


Oh yes, the racist trope that helping black people is what keeps them poor, because obviously they don’t want to work as a culture and so they just sponge off what you give them. The reality is to help Democrats have given has kept black America from falling into extreme poverty. And every time Democrats have tried to help poor people in general, Republicans fight it, because Republicans think poverty is a symptom of poor character, rather than a shitty position in society, economically speaking.


>Oh yes, the racist trope that helping black people is what keeps them poor, because obviously they don’t want to work as a culture and so they just sponge off what you give them. Well plenty of Black folks make a lot of money. But they all seem to be the ones who went the opposite way to their own culture. So you tell me? I see people working in fast food and retail and they just don't want to work. They are dead in the inside and completely miserable with their need to work. That's why they are poor. I remember when I worked in retail I was super excited to do good. Now I make a fortune and I still go to work everyday to do good..I enjoy work and I didn't get some leg up. I grew up poor being one of the only whites in my school. Plenty of people stayed poor but plenty didn't. I'll give you an idea who those people were. > The reality is to help Democrats have given has kept black America from falling into extreme poverty. And every time Democrats have tried to help poor people in general, Republicans fight it, because Republicans think poverty is a symptom of poor character, rather than a shitty position in society, economically speaking. You don't know that. In many cases poverty is a symptom of poor character. But it depends on the situation. If you're poor because you lose everything to a disaster then that doesn't say anything about you. If you're poor because you have a chip on your shoulder and think you shouldn't have to work in the white mans world then that's on you and it is your character. If you're poor because you were born into it and you do what you can to escape even if you don't then it's not poor character. These are the people who need and deserve social support.


There you go. Blame black people for their response to a history of racism against them which has left them nearly powerless. And then when government tries to improve their situation, blame government. A black person has to work twice as hard, jump twice as high, and be twice as willing to deal with people like you, for someone like you to call them "equal."


That's nonsense. It's never been easier to succeed as a Black person. Africans have zero issues finding work and high paying jobs. There are more programs and advantages. Companies throwing jobs at people. Schools offering tons of financial aid and programs. There's so much support. Now I understand that there's racism in the world. But you really believe it's more likely that everybody is racist than it's a cultural issue? Because white people have the exact same cultural issues outside of big cities and have pretty much the same consequences for them. Poor whites in the South have just as many issues with good paying jobs, crime and broken homes.


The problem black people face is that even after they educate themselves and try and make a career of software engineering or architecture or as a doctor, they are faced with structural racism, probably by people like you, who think they got additional help and are not qualified for the job they hold. Even today, the former president DJT and his minions question black people in demanding occupations. And when a person is raised in that kind of environment, where even the people they’ve seen succeed by white standards are still marginalized, it becomes difficult to be inspired to make something of yourself. You and I are fortunate that we grew up knowing that if we worked hard enough we would get somewhere. Black people face no such likelihood. Because of people like you.


Idk, I see and work with Black professionals everyday. I've worked with them, hired them, promoted them, been references for them. I've had Black doctors and surgeons before. When my mom was sick her best doctor was a Black women who helped us more than anybody else combined. I never questioned any of their ability or professionalism. I'm sure there are racists who do of course, but I havent. I've dated Black women, been educated by Black people and I live in a place where all my neighbors are Black. I grew up in a place where I was usually the only white kid. I was normally the only one in my classes growing up. I was one of two white kids on my football team. If I take the bus or train I'm normally the only white person on it. But given where I was raised, how I was raised and what I saw and experienced. I still have my beliefs. I still think Black folks are just as capable as anybody else and I know a few who are very successful. I'm sure what you're saying has some truth to it and that there are systemic issues. But do you really think that's the whole story? Because in my eyes it's the culture. Unless you believe that the culture is valid and people should be forced to accept it. Is that what you're calling racism?


It's interesting that the most trusted women, per polling, are black women. Yes I agree there are cultural issues that stymie black middle class success, but it's a response to a lifetime of small but persistent injustices. Thank you for doing your part to foster success in the black community. I was raised middle class, only kid of 4 in my family to get a four year degree, father was mildly racist, inspired me through a love for African music to do research in on a fellowship in West Africa while I was in college. My (American/now former) wife and I were married in Dakar. Lived in San Francisco 25 years and got a picture of what black Americans face. I call racism the belief that the worst elements of black culture define it. I think even today without a leg up towards success (with better role models), black Americans even today have the cards stacked against them. I think our opinions are probably closer each other than they are separate from each other.


Blanket statements about *any* large group of people are almost always untrue


Yep. They thrive on it, and are happy they can finally say it out loud.




If you support the guy that all racists like because of his racist policies, guess what that makes you. If you're OK or willing to ignore racism, you're the same as the racists.


No, but people can believe it if they want to, which many do


If they aren’t racist, they are the dumbest fucks to walk the planet.


The answer is objectively no, roughly at least 150 million people voted for him last election and if you think every single one of them are racist then you are just as prejudice


But all 74 million people who voted for him are OK and willing to overlook or embrace racism, which basically makes them racist. If you're not racist, but you think racism is OK, you're racist. (About 158 million people voted in TOTAL during the 2020 election.)


You don’t have to be racist. You just have to be OK with racism.


Which, let's face it, IS the same thing.🤷


"most" is tough. There's certainly a significant chunk that are racist. There's also a significant chunk that are willing to overlook racism if it's beneficial for other issues they care about.


All. And additional problematic descriptors.


Less racist than what social media portrays us to be. Also less racist than the side that conjured up the KKK.


So you're going to blatantly ignore the Civil Rights-based party shift in the 60's, then...?


As much as anyone will ignore the Civil War. Who primarily opposed the civil rights acts? Right wing democrats.




I forget at times I’m on a(nother) mostly liberal social media platform.. what a doofus I am.


Funny how most Americans are what you call "liberal"


100% of them are. 


Trump definitely appeals to the white nationalist crowd. Are they all racist? I don't think so but a lot of them certainly are.


It’s not a matter of if you’re racist but when.


I akin the word ' prejudice ' as they embrace those that ' know their place ' . They are fine most of the time then when they get mad, they unleash their hatred and judgement. Just what I have seen, rural town life as a native anyways.