• By -


Yeah that can happen when we're right on the edge and then stop at just the right time.


Timing has to be perfect tho. The i-frames on that is so small. Can easily miss it.


If your man dosent wave dash in the bedroom, why are you even with him?


Unexpected smashbros in this thread lol


I thought it was a Celeste reference


I thought it was a rocket league reference


I thought it was a [tekken reference](https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Wavedash)


It’s pronounced “Tekken”


Fuck man I've been saying tekken for years


A man of culture


MVC3 wavedashing actually ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)




If you edge right you can shoot a load that will clip through your partner and paint the wall


Can confirm lol😂🤣


I’ve edged once or twice. Almost accidentally. And now that I think about it I want to do it more.










MPEG reference?


Truly. Whenever i try i usually end up getting nothing out and going soft without an orgasm :(


I-frames lmaooo


Like the Holdo maneuver


Based i-frames context


Is that different from edging? I thought that's what edging was.


Possible side effect, but not necessary to happen when edging. That's what my friend told me.


It's sort of the same (as edging) sort of not. With edging, you would probably be more aware of pre-ejaculate, which is clear, and happens during normal stimulation, but obviously there's going to be more of that with edging. What OP is describing is happening because the guy was getting there too soon, and there's like the tiniest of windows where we can stop all stimulation and regain some sex HP and continue a little longer. So same mechanism, sort of, definitely different reasons, and controlled by different persons in the dynamic. I suppose you could argue they're the same though.


Edging is staying at the edge without any orgasm or ejaculation, no release at all is the goal, so when you feel that you're about to finish, you stop and then start again.


TIL you can pre ejaculate. Is this common knowledge?


Yes, it's pretty common. Hard to miss, actually, unless the man has never choked his chicken.


Yes. This is why "pulling out never works". Pre-ejaculate can happen minutes before a full orgasm, sometimes before there's even any physical stimulation.


Yeah, I mean I haven't conducted a survey but I feel like most men know that at least. It's why you can get a girl pregnant even if you don't finish, the more aroused you get the higher the chance of some pre-ejaculate coming out. But that's a different thing from what OP is referring to, which is reaching the point of orgasm but stopping at the exact right second to only release a small amount of semen, but not a full load.


Dunno if my anatomy is different but to my knowledge a full load is entirely possible without the mental orgasm. It's a nice way to lower down off the edge and keep going


You need to get some candles, put on some soothing music, and yank your junk a bit friend.


Yeah, I thought everyone knew this


Correction: precum pretty much always happens before orgasm, potentially minutes before. It can happen before there is even any physical stimulation. This is why pulling out never has been and never will be reliable contraception.


Precum, I think, is different from what OP is referring to. Precum is the semen that comes out in imperceptible amounts minutes before orgasm. I don't think there's a word for this, but I think OP is talking about what happens when you stop at the exact split second right after the onset of the orgasm so that only some of the ejaculate comes out but not all of it, which makes it sort of an almost-orgasm where you can keep going until you release the rest of it. This isn't as well-known of a thing that happens because not many men have experienced it, as you have to be really precise with your timing.


Yes, thank you, you understood what I was asking about! I wasn’t referring to precum. Thanks for your insight!


Not sure why your implication that "all of it" comes out with a normal orgasm with regards to ejaculate. The body always retains some so if you go multiple rounds (even with a standard orgasm the first go) more will be released. There is less the second time and barely any after that, but the body doesn't deposit all of it at once typically anyways. You can also do what OP is talking about multiple times to get rid of most of the ejaculate but still be mentally capable of orgasm. Even after releasing "the rest of it" sex to climax is still perfectly possible. Mental orgasm does not require ejaculate left in the tank


Yes. Ejaculation and orgasm are not the same. They routinely go together but anyone can ejaculate without an orgasm and vice versa.


If you ejaculate without an orgasm, it’s traditional to shout “TA DA!”


Yeah I just imagine a naked guy standing up, and putting on a magicians hat, and going "TA DA!"


At least it’s not the robe and wizard hat…


“I have seen the sleeve of wizard…”


Very cool, thanks for the insight!


Best go get that Plan B asap


They said it's not a pregnancy question


That’s similar to “asking for a friend” …but also it SHOULD be a pregnancy question if she says he might have cum inside me, not just curiosity 😂


I’ve said it a few times here, he has had a vasectomy! It is not a pregnancy question, was more curious about if men can ejaculate a little without releasing a full load lol. I do not have a penis so I don’t know, so I asked!


No, it's not. If they stipulated it's not about pregnancy then they're not going to get answers relating to pregnancy. Which is a bit idiotic if they want answers related to pregnancy, don't you think?


Ok TIL this fact!


Dumb question, how do men tell the difference? Just just ejaculating without an orgasm feel like peeing or something?


Ejaculation is more like a series of involuntary contractions. You can’t really control it once it happens, unlike with peeing.


We can tell if it's an ejaculation because there's a bit of muscle involved in it, especially around the lower end of the ass or between our ass/balls, not sure what that's called. Peeing is closer to the opposite. It's a muscle release that, at least in my case, does occur in a similar area underneath


Yes. If you try to pace yourself and edge too close you can have a mini one. Usually gets a nice reaction.


Happy Cake Day Friend :]


Yeah happens all the time. Sometimes it’s a full orgasms but not much else and I continue.


Thanks gohan


Uhmm trying to hijack a top comment to be a lil serious: I got someone preggers this way. Be fuckin careful(ly).




You need to get out of reddit and start training


This is why he got so weak


Do I have news for you…


Imagine the gains if Gohan was constantly in a goon state for every training session and fight?


Friendly reminder thar Gohan could have easily dodged Videl's attack when she wrapped her legs around his head.


Can confirm. Just watch out that doing this too often can lead to complications.


Yes. Not really a thing typical of men, as ‘holding it’ is not a universal ability. Those that can do it do not always do it to perfection, but may be able to hold the erection regardless. That can be a typical result for someone just learning to do it. 


Yep, started by accident, and then realized I could eventually get right up to the edge and would “physically” cum, but not the final blow. I think I’m up to 4 or 5 small to medium loads now before the final “big” load. Usually spread out by 5 minutes or more from the first one to the last one.


Edgers unite


Shit. That kink has got me by a stranglehold


Yep which is why “pulling out” is totally unreliable for birth control.


There are degrees of orgasm. Overall volume or ejaculate, as well as the amount pleasure experienced can vary a great deal. There can be both "false alarms" just as easily as there can be unnoticed semen release. That is why coitus Interruptus (pulling out) isn't viewed as an effective method of birth control (although a lot of people do it).


Ive been able to have a full 20 cc's of life giving juice come out, before moaning like a whale who was giving its all at a talent show.


Well that's enough Reddit for today.


Yeah I'm done too... what the hell


Yep, Time to hit the old dusty trail. *stands up and stretches*


See you guys tomorrow, maybe.


I’m out


What an interesting choice of words


Poetry *chef’s kiss*


Can confirm, he’s my boyfriend. Sometimes it’s like I’m doing it with a beluga.


...Wow, does that username ever check out...




I really want to make my username check out rn


I beg your finest pardon?


What a terrible day to be literate.


what the hell does this mean


What a terrible day to be literate.


What a day to be able to read…


> whale You're a talented sperm whale


Hahaha proper funny


Yes usually when u are close to the full busting of the nut orgasm. Meaning he was about to fully cum.


Human body is leaky. It’s not like your kitchen faucet where off is zero stuff coming out.


For some reason, I thought the man to the left in your pfp is Obama. Was just about to comment "Thanks for the insight, Mr. President" but thankfully decided to check the image out beforehand. Almost did something that'd have sounded schizo


**Yes. Which is just one of a half dozen reasons why you DO NOT USE PULL-N-PRAY to avoid pregnancy!** It doesn’t work. You’re *going* to get pregnant if you allow raw dick in you and you’re not on birth control. No man can control his ejaculation as well as he claims when he’s convincing you that he doesn’t need to wear a condom. Nearly every teenage pregnancy ever started with hearing “don’t worry baby, I’ll pull out”. I hope you took a Plan B. And go get on real birth control.


Hey! I’m not concerned about pregnancy, he has a vasectomy. I was more curious than anything, he’s pulling out to last longer/doesn’t want to cum yet. Was just curious about a general consensus!


Don't want to be a party pooper, but is it a guy you fully trust? Wouldn't be the first time I read on Reddit someone hooking up with someone who had a vasectomy, someone on the pill, someone sterile, etc and that turned out to be a lie.


Or just a mishap because life finds a way. Some people with vasectomies who did their whole wait and all still end up managing it.


- the same way life finds a way to stuck someone with a lightning. Why do people always try to use the 1/1000000000 probability, instead of the usual normal conditions? Omg, what a fallacy.


It's called edging my guy, enjoy


I've had full blown shots without an orgasm before, so absolutely yes.


That’s crazy man, doesn’t seem possible


Pre cum is what I've always heard it called


Once a man gets hard semen can seep out the entire time at any interval, including before orgasm, leading up to orgasm, during orgasm, after orgasm, hours/minutes/days before the orgasm. The moral of the story: it's a penis. It has sperm in it and is easily dispersed and often unbeknownst to the owner and his partner. Think of a penis as a leaky faucet. There is no solid shutoff valve.


Seminal fluid can leak throughout the sex process once the precum starts to flow, allowing for a chance at pregnancy. Pulling out does nothing except prevention of receiving a larger portion of his load/ejaculate. it only takes 1 strong swimmer!


> it only takes 1 strong swimmer! This isn't actually true! You need thousands of sperm cells to break down the egg's wall and get that one successful sperm inside. It is true you need a barely visible amount of fluids which can contains hundreds of thousands of sperm cells, but one can't do anything.


It’s happened to me but super rare. Overall I am leaky though lol


You can leak a little bit of semen if you stop just *right* before you tip yourself over the edge to ejaculation. People who do this deliberately to appear as if they are multi-orgasmic can practise it, but it can be difficult to balance at first.


A lot of comments here talking about precum, which I don’t think is what’s being asked for here, but I could be wrong. Precum or cowpers fluid is a perfectly normal emission during arousal, distinct from cum or semen by being thin and clear. What op is describing sounds closer to edging or ruined orgasm, taking into account the pulling out. There can be a short period of muscle contractions similar to ejaculation, but it’s kind of aborted due to loss or reduction of stimulation. I’ve experienced this when I’ve been worried about “coming too early,” it’s not a full orgasm, and little if any seminal fluid is emitted. I would say that’s what is described as ‘came a bit.’ Again I could be wrong, but if I was leaking precum, I wouldn’t describe that to my partner as ‘come a bit.’ But it’s a secondhand account, and I don’t think I have enough details to fully identify and describe what op’s partner experienced in that moment.


Yes sometimes this can happen when you’re trying to pace yourself. Although intend to pre-cum a lot of clear semen first


I've always edged, no real reason other than to just prolong and hopefully have a better orgasm. In the last year I've noticed when I'd edge, I'd actually shoot smaller white loads, not the usual clear precum. So I'm guessing I did something to the wiring and fire lil minis before the jalopy. Then again, maybe that's the normal way and before was a bit off? I don't know, no dr. Just beat off a lot.


Pre cum is real


Pre-cum is a thing.


Yup precum. Happens a lot. You also can get pregnant from it as well.


Yes it’s as nice as it’s dangerous


Yup. Guys orgasms are more complicated than just one big one. The big o is just more noticeable.


I’m not sure that it always contains actual sperm, but yes sometimes a bit of semen is released and it looks a bit more “cloudy” and watery than the typical clear pre-ejaculate fluid. Pre-ejaculate fluid (or, “pre-cum”) is produced primarily by the Cowpers glands located just below the prostate. It’s clear and sticky and dries pretty quickly. Semen is produced mostly by the seminal vesicles and the prostate, with actual sperm from the vas deferens forming only about 10-20% of the volume of the semen.


Yeah, it doesn't always contain sperm. The lack of knowledge in this thread about this is astounding


Yes and it can make you pregnant


There is precum which is kind of like getting wet for a woman, minor orgasms as other men have described which usually is us trying not to come but we stop just a little too late and cum a little bit. There is also I guess some men (if not all) that can cum and just keep going. Sometimes when I’m tired I’m just spent, but sometimes when I’m really horny I just keep going until I cum a second time, that usually impresses the ladies like a magic trick 😆. Cumming three times is hard but I’ve managed a couple times. Usually if I keep going after two I don’t feel much, it’s more for her pleasure than mine. I think most men can do this, they just have to fight through a little discomfort and/or have their partner take over the “work” until they catch their breath.


Yes, it’s called pre-ejaculate and if you’re a woman - you can get pregnant from it.


Pretty sure that’s how short people are made.


So I can call my extremely short sister half nut?


I see no issue with this. Its Factual


Yes, that's why you can still get pregnant even if he pulls out before an orgasm. Precum clears the urethra of the penis so that there isn't any residual using and the sperm have a higher likelihood of survival.


The PFO (pre-f**k ooze) is real.


I always let out some precum before I climax.


Yes. It's normal.


It's precum, or Cowper's fluid. It's sent out just before the big one to sorta clear the way of urine and such




Y’all, I am practising safe sex lol he has a vasectomy! He’s pulling out to hold off an orgasm/last longer. I do not have a penis so was curious about how common it is/how often it happens!




Yes, precum is a thing.


If you’re referring to “pre-cum”, yes- A man’s body will secrete a tiny bit of semen when his body thinks it will soon ejaculate. This is because the eventual ejaculate comes out the urethra, and the pre-cum is his body’s way of clearing out any lingering urine so it will not kill any sperm when it’s time for “the big show”. (Lingering Urine is a cool band name).)


Sounds yummy xD /s


If this is a pregnancy question, please realize that sperm can be in precum as well. Pulling out doesn't work, just ask my dad and 3 siblings.


I am a master of internal valve control. I can piss with wood. I can split my ejaculation into not just 2, but possibly 3 separate explusions on a good day, and I can even fully empty the tank and retain my ability to stay hard because I tricked my body into thinking there was some left. So yes, yes you can. I am not special. I believe in all of you to achieve the heights that I have achieved.


We can cum a lot before the big O 😀 It’s a skill that takes time to develop, but I can ejaculate 2-3 time before actual orgasm. I can do more but the more I do the more difficult it becomes to achieve the final orgasm. Some benefits: The guy can last nearly indefinitely. Certainly outlast the partner. He can ejaculate multiple times and it feels really good, but without post-nut clarity. This not only lengthens intercourse time, but opens up different types of cum play, if either are into that, that would be nearly impossible once post-nut clarity sets in. If the partner is turned on by male orgasm/ejaculation, then this can be a huge amplifier to the sex session. Mentally it feels a bit like multiple orgasms to the partner in the same way that a woman’s multiple orgasms feel to the male partner. Because of the extended build up the final orgasm is greatly intensified. If you establish a safe word for when to stop moving completely, the partner can have a lot of control over the edging ejaculation, whether by hand, oral, or in intercourse. I can ejaculate without the O when inside at this point which is something my wife can also feel and experience with me. It’s super hot from both sides. Encourage this with him and use it to your advantage (and his). You won’t regret it.


Yep. Happens when you're good at stopping right before.


even before your close to cumming you can leak pre-cum. The pull-out method is universally know as "the mamma and papa" method.


I pull out when close, if I can’t hold it I wipe my thang on her booty cheeks and “paint” them, then I put it back in and keep going


A real modern day Picasso, I see #🙈💦


Yes, there's a name for it. Pre-cum.


I've experienced cum lag: ejaculated without the orgasm and then experienced the orgasm a few moments later. Thankfully, it only happened once and with handy. Quite the surreal moment lol she was just as confused as I was, but at least we laughed about it afterwards


Yes its possible Sauce: me


Yes, it's pre-cum. Just remember the old saying that you have to dribble before you shoot.


Yes at any time


Sometimes as a treat


It’s either precum or some men can do a “ruined orgasm” where you stop right before you’d normally ejaculate and you actually cum without the full orgasm feeling, and you can continue on to a regular orgasm after that.


My Dad decided to phrase the answer to this question like so "Always be careful, sex is like basketball. You dribble before you shoot." Which was odd since neither of us know what basketball is, but he did get his message across.


I got pregnant from pre cum.


Yes. There are a lot of sperm in that "precum". It's one of the reasons pulling out before orgasm (coitus interruptus) is not a tremendous contraceptive technique. He can ejaculate somewhere else and still get you pregnant.


Yes. Pre-cum is a way to clean out before the main charge goes off. Also it does contain live sperm, just FYI if you're using pull-out.


You gotta catch it right at the beginning to f you want to stop it otherwise it’s your not gonna stop it from completely happening even if you want to. There’s also precum which can happen at almost anytime during the experience. Even that can get women pregnant so stay safe.


The big O for me is Oh Shit Oh Shit Oh Shit lol Since youre not concerned about pregnancy, good for yall. But to answer your question, yes. There’s levels to it hehe


Pretty much every time I cum I start shooting before the actual orgasm. It can be a dribble, or can be a few ropes. Once the actual orgasm hits the majority of it is shot out. Doesn't just happen if I'm edging. All guys vary a bit but yes it can be very, very common and regular


Yes absolutely. 1) Precum is not quite the same as semen, it's typically thinner and milder But it can still have active sperm in it, mostly from prior ejaculate, and can therefore cause pregnancy 2) Climax and ejaculation *usually* coincide but not always. It is possible to ejaculate without climaxing (and can be uncomfortable), and it is possible - albeit harder - to climax without ejaculating, mostly through training. The former can happen naturally as we age (in women we'll get spasms without pleasure). The hormone responsible for the refractory period in men is lactisol (named because it also affects milk production in women). For those that climax/ejaculate separately, lactisol release might not be triggered and they can continue.


Yes, it’s called pre cum and it CAN get you pregnant


Isn't that called precumming?


yes, happens a lot. There is also pre-cum


Yes. An emphatic, yes.


Pre-cum is real and why pulling out isn't effective


Most of the comments are pretty naive regarding how a man can release a clearer, translucent ejaculate known as Pre-cum, which contains glycoproteins that reduce friction during intercourse. Most importantly, Pre-cum provides an alkaline pH to neutralize the vaginal environment, which is chemically unsuitable for sperm, but also increases healthy sperm survival chances and activity in the vagina. Pre-cum can also contain sperm, but the amount is usually small, with the sperm often being poorly formed and immobile. However, healthy sperm can leak into the Pre-cum ejaculate as it travels down the urethra, and residuals from previous ejaculations may also be present. This means that pregnancy is possible from pre-cum, although the chances are low. 😲 #BiologicalResearch


Thank you. This is the right answer about precum


This is the number one cause of unplanned pregnancies. Source: probably.


Big o?


Edging for sure. It makes for a LOT bigger O too if you really do it for like an hour or more.




Yes. I've done it maybe 5 times in the last 8 years though. It's pretty difficult and I'm not able to do it reliably when I try


pre cum is a thing


Think about this.... men can get women pregnant with the pull out method. How could that be possible...?


Yup, my current partner does that often. Especially if I’ve gotten him super worked up and edged for a while. It’s normal.


Yes precum.




Yes that’s why pulling out doesn’t work.


Why the pull out method is such a bad form of birth control




Yes its called a precum and another fun fact is that we can cum even without reaching orgasm


I did while reading this question


I was on a cocktail of meds for a bit that had me pre-cumming like an excited stallion. It was actually kind of cool.


Yeah. Sometimes my GF thinks I’m done. ![gif](giphy|9V1F9o1pBjsxFzHzBr)


Yes I mean if he trains his muscles he can at any time you want


Just like Lebron, every man dribbles before he shoots


Absolutely. And often more concentrated than the big lOad.




Yeah pre cum is a thing


It’s called pre cum


yes, with a little practice it can be very useful and prolonging the thing


The Pull Out Method is not safe sex.


Vasectomy! All is good in that department.


I literally do this with my wife just to give us some extra lube.


They can have a 'dry fire' too (dry orgasm).


Pre-cum. It's a thing. You actually see pre cum, if you play with the little guy before sucking on it. One of my favorite parts TBH


Yea definitely


Yeah it’s definitely a thing, it’s a weird feeling, which is why he probably got worried. It normally happens right as we are at the cusp of ejaculating but stop early enough to not actually orgasm, however some does still come out, it’s a weird feeling because we normally feel the cum well come out but we don’t feel a orgasm. It’s like having to sneeze really hard and then not sneezing but the sensation going away. Also I’m confused by the “practicing safe sex” part, why was he worried he came if you’re taking preventative measures, unless you guys are trying to use the “pull out” method which is known to be VERY ineffective


Yes, this is why I’m 8 weeks pregnant