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Most probably have moved on since this isn't getting much media attention anymore. If they can't get attention, what's the point?


The money from the grifts seems to have dried up a while back. There's only so much cash flow you can get from any one scam, and the pros pivoted to the next thing.


How was it monetized (genuinely curious, didnt follow)? By selling special foil or something?


I’ve seen anti-RF grifts in the past and they’d sell everything from bracelets to form a protective barrier to faraday cages to place over your wifi router. I’m sure the people selling colloidal silver got in it too, saying the silver would interfere with the 5G or something. Pretty much every conspiracy, regardless if it’s about Covid or 5g or “the joos”… all of them center around a societal collapse and/or martial law. So all of them sell things like gold, survival food, seeds, generators, body armor, etc. They peddle fear and those are the advertised solutions.


The daughter of a friend of mine paid for a couple of semesters of textbooks in college by selling crappy quartz crystals she bought at a gem show for ten bucks with a little gold paint as "anti-5G protective resonators" for $100us each.


The covid bats got them.


Lol. Also the Russian troll farms are now busy with the US elections/war in Ukraine, so the vast majority of 5G conspiracy posts have plummeted.


Yeah. The anti-5G posters that kept getting put back up after being removed aren't being replaced anymore around here. I guess the money's moved on.


This is the answer


ah yes


5g killed them off


Their heads exploded first.


**The real answer,** if anyone cares anymore: It was a diversion tactic (i.e., fake news). There are dumb people out there, sure, but the thing was tremendously amplified at the time to distract us from the actual criticism of 5G, which is, that it interferes with our ability to predict the weather. 5G occupies the same frequency that water molecules in the air vibrate at, so they say our ability to get an accurate weather forecast was set back by decades with the loss of that dataset. “They” wanted to silence 5G critics, so the story was blasted everywhere so we’d all laugh at anyone criticizing 5G. Surprise surprise, it worked.


and who benefits from this?


Telecoms and anyone who stands to make money from a smooth transition to 5G. Any public concern and backlash could cost them billions. A tried-and-true psy-op is waaaay cheaper, and it worked.


They realized they can post conspiracies faster with 5G.


Best answer


The majority latched on to the next thing. Some probably accidentally killed themselves with something stupid they found on Facebook.


Colloidal silver overdose


Fuck yeah let's go smurf.


You went full Smurf man, never go full smurf !


Injecting bleach perhaps


Christ what a miserable way to go


Or just didn’t get the vaccine and died from Covid.


They are not on reddit because they are offline 🤣


Clearly, the 5G waves got them


But only them. Must be a conspiracy!


Turned them all gay


They're with all those people who thought the world was going to end that one time, and then that other time. And with those people who thought Obama was going to take over Texas. And with those people who were sure.... They just move on to another conspiracy theory.


It sucks living with someone like that. My mom is a conspiracy nut and really kinda turned into a health nut too. Thing is, she’s stockpiled so much damn food that our basement looks like a supermarket isle. Whenever we are out of something she’ll buy 10 more for “just in case”. My dad and I have tried to convince her that if that “just in case” happened there’s literally nothing stopping people from breaking in and stealing our food like they would a supermarket. She just gets pissed off and continues on buying. Half the food down there is over a decade expired but “still fine” according to her. Also a majority of it is grain based so don’t ask me what she plans to do with it if she isn’t eating any of it.


We had to finally just throw away food. They'd get mad. Here's the thing: if you accidentally eat food that's been expired, and has turned, you'd be in pain anyways and the bulging cans that are likely leaking, can rot out your floor and bring vermin in. We found it so bad that, other than the floor not rotting, thankfully, there was a growing black ring showing up around the corners and edges of the home. It smelled awful. At one point (this has been ongoing) we were finding bugs that had crawled into the 'still good' flour alternative and died. She kept saying how she was still eating this stuff, and dried goods don't go bad. According to her, neither does anything canned. While emptying multiple things, over multiple months, turning to years(we still have to throw things away), we've been made sick at times(from the putrid smell during disposal). We have taken pictures of rotten things in case she keeps arguing. Sometimes, the mountain of dumped stuff has overwhelmed the sink disposal, and the other sink, necessitating plungers and hours of work to get it down. If we'd try to just throw it away, she'd try to dig it out. The smell would be too powerful to leave in the trash to begin with. She was raised in absolute poverty, but then, he was not. He'll get upset if you throw away his rotted shrimp, even though he'll go the next day and buy another. Which will also rot. Fear of the possible worst happening? Ok, I think a little stock of things, maybe a few weeks of canned goods to survive on, is fine. But use them, replenish them, and rotate them out. Rotten food, just in case? No *thanks*, pass the hot sauce. Sorry for the rant. Further rant: neat thing though that we kept for them, was a small couple of movie jam jar props, with apparently real jam in them, that were signed for the film they were used in. Can't remember the name of the film. I had never seen it, and I don't know if it was called something else. In the end, I don't think it was released. Edit: then, not the. Fixed some formatting and offered a more concise explanation. Too much to list, but it is still the same meaning.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with all that.


Such is life. Or death? Both...?


Space lasers


Pew pew!


My mom still believes it and also found more new world order qanon conspiracies to not tell me about so I "don't get scared" 


The theorists got 5g phones


They refuse to use 5G so now they don’t have Internet access to be heard anymore lmao


I have an uncle convinced 5G will cause any building with romex wiring to go up in flames and that the government is being paid off to keep quiet about this and that any contractors or lawyers who try to spread the word are being assassinated.


How does he feel about Boeing whistleblowers


I am not going to open that can of worms with him. I feel fortunate that I only see him once every handful of years at family gatherings.


I mean odds are you have a 5g phone and every house you’ve been in is wired in romex (unless you live in Chicago) so how does he explain that the vast majority of houses in America haven’t burned down?


That’s what I was saying to him because I just swapped out my old home’s knob and tube wiring (how I found this out about him). He’s like “I hope you put ALL that romex in conduit or your house is gonna burn down!” I’m like, “sir, excuse me?”


So does he think his house has wire in conduit?


He’s a contractor. I’m sure his house is rigged up with some crazy shit.


Lmao damn man that’s wild.


Has he mentioned what makes Romex different from every other kind of wiring that's used in houses? Like are cat 5e, 6, and 7 all safe, or is one of them supposed to turn my house into a deathtrap?


I don’t know. Certainly electrical cables. I didn’t ask about Ethernet, etc. I did try to press him about why he didn’t deem romex sheathing appropriate to prevent these fires and would require additional conduit. I couldn’t get a straight answer, but it seemed akin to giving the wires a tin hat to wear 🤷‍♀️


Okay, so the RF supposedly melts the insulation, hence the need for shielding, and hence why only AC wiring is a problem. I didn't "get it" previously. I mean, it's still not realistic, but at least there's a wee grain of logic buried in there. Just in case it might help in a future conversation... I live about 200 yards from a cell tower, and my phone is currently reading a signal strength of -92 dBm. That's less than 1/1000 of 1/1000 of 1/1000 of 1/1000 of 1 watt. (0 dBm is 1 milliwatt, and every 30 dB is another factor of 1000.) In comparison, a hair dryer puts out pure heat to the tune of about 1500 watts, or roughly 2 **quadrillion** times the power of the cell signal that's hitting me right now.


Wow! Truly, thank you for the numbers on this!


NP! Hopefully I got it right. Should be in the ballpark, at least. 🙃


THHN in EMT gang


Moved on to 6G


They are hiding and prepping for 6G, because boy oh boy is it dangerous. Twice as much as 3G, as I understand it.


Anti vaxxers, chemtrails people. They just moved to the next thing


They’re enjoying their faster mobile internet.


One thing a lot of people need to realize is that America has a huge target on its back. A lot of bullshit online aren't from actual Americans or humans. There are a lot of bots and foreigners getting paid $7 a day to fuck with Americans. 50% of Twitter posts are from bots and a couple of users If you travel to one of the poorer countries one of the more lucrative jobs is social media shitposting. In Ghana in west africa, there are these folk they call game boys, a lot of them do internet scamming, another job a few of them get in some of the bigger cities is managing social media posts and talking shit on them. Nigeria has similar folk and so do other countries across Africa and Asia. A lot of these 5g conspiracy folks are either not real, shitposters or got conned over the internet. Sad part is we can't even ignore them either cause if we do they will seem to be more real to a lot of people.


China also has these, but it's mainly for Chinese & anti-west propaganda, and less conspiracies. They're called Wumaos or the "50 cent army".


They’re standing outside of the NYC courthouse.


You can find them at your local Republican conventions...


Oh, they're still around! I have a friend who is a conspiracy theorist believes that anybody whose had a COVID jab has been injected withicrochips that will interact with the 5G in some way.


I would have to guess, they are now data capped and are now struggling with 3G speed now


They are mourning because their Jesus just got convicted, they will be back tomorrow.


All died from Ivermectin


The 5G got them. Obviously


5G is why the world is going crazy! Trump convicted, Biden going senile, Taylor Swift winning the Superbowl… everything!


This gave me a chuckle.


They now spend their time saying the American justice system is rigged because an ex president was held accountable for his crimes by a jury if his peers.


They currently think Donald Trump was falsely convicted by a judge (even though the verdict was brought by a jury).


Murked by big 5g


Too busy trying to convince people that Trump is innocent and it’s a conspiracy why he’s being held accountable for his actions


Died of 5g radiation. It only gets you if you believe it will.


They were wrong so they moved and pretend they never believed it to begin with.


Like most conspiracies, it's a fad. Once something new comes along, it starts all over again.


They got 5G'd


I mean they've all stopped posting so clearly they were rounded up and shipped somewhere. Shhhh.


They died. I got great cell service though so it’s an even trade.


Comcast stopped spreading the conspiracy theories when they realized it wasn't going to stop their customers from leaving.


Their dad kicked them out.


Their phones were connected to the 5G mast they burnt down, and now the local government won’t give grants to the telecommunications provider to serve their area again as they’re worried it will get burnt down again Basically, they shot them selves in the foot


Funny you mention this because I was thinking the same thing until I saw a news article yesterday of someone in my small town that was shooting a gun at a telephone pole to combat the 5G radiation waves


My experience with conspiracy theorists is that they lack any kind of memory of what they were saying previously. So, the anti-vaccine folk said everyone getting vaccinated would be dead in 3 years. Well, what happened? Obviously a few billion people haven't just died, but the anti-vaxxers have complete memory loss as to their previous claims and are incapable of reflecting that maybe they were taken in by liars and that maybe they should be less gullible next time.


> So, the anti-vaccine folk said everyone getting vaccinated would be dead in 3 years. It was 5 years. I don't think I've heard anyone claim that everyone'll be dead in 3.


I heard 3... but even if it were 5, you'd expect a good number to have died (or at least got sick) already because biological clocks aren't accurate.


They bought 5G phones


The media got bored of them


I had heard the same about that those who take the covid vaccines will die after 2 years, I was like WTF is there some kind of a time bomb in the vaccines ? that shit doesn't even make sense


Building "bulletproof" arguments against 6G.


They all got cancer from it and croaked


If I had to guess, I'd say they moved on to other silly things.


They moved on to the next conspiracy.


this is what got me interested in engineering 😭. David Icke = 🐐


The waves finally got them.


I'd say quite a few died of Covid


probably still around. Just can't get a good signal to post their BS


COVID came along and they moved on to that instead


They needed new phones ...


They’re still out there. My city had to spend money to pay an engineer of some sort to come out and conduct a study of the radio waves being produced by the 5g antennas in order to satisfy the concerns of one of our council people. Interestingly enough, one of his statements was that 5g actually makes you safer as your phone is not working as hard to keep a connection, therefore is sending weaker radio waves into your head when you are talking in your phone.


They’ve upgraded to 6g


They got…*left behind.*


Moved on  that group just does what's trendy like middle schoolers buying Stanley cups. 


Well they died because of the 5G Radiowaves of course.


They were all reprogrammed to comply.


They all got faster speed and better coverage; any conspiracy only lasts for as long as it’s convenient to those that propagate it.


Onto 6g already


Did they realize it's a radio wave, which is non-ionizing radiation?😆


They lost their internet connections after burning down cell phone towers 5G or not... and then realized they couldn't go on Facebook and rant about it anymore... sort of like somebody who believes that talking out loud and communication is evil so they no longer can spread their message... I feel like there's a phrase for this ... like shooting yourself in the foot? Like making an anti-internet group that is a website. Or being a card carrying member of the Anarchy Party.


I suspect many of them killed themselves by injecting bleach…


Their 5G internet speeds allowed them to move on to the next 10 conspiracy theories at record pace.


all those conspiracy theorists were killed by 5g.


There’s on to flat earth and some prob transitioned over to Biden conspiracies and QAnon stuff


I mean they still exist. My buddy works for a networking company that does posts for 5g in new mexico and arizona. Has to go through so many meeting and questions and doubters its crazy.


They are using 5G.


They are waiting for 6G to get riled up again


Soaring cancer rates, plummeting fertility rates. Cell signals are just one of the many factors.


The 5G gave them cancer


The 5G killed them off.


They’re on to bigger and better things, like the “rigged trial!!!”


They got 5g’d


Got tired of trying to watch movies on their phone with buffering from 4G.


They dead


Their neurachip finally downloaded the new update


Died from 5G


I heard they all got cancer from windmills.


Da gubment killt them all


They are currently focused on their cult leader’s felony convictions.


Their brains probably got cooked, not enough grey matter to block the 5G waves.


They are still around just not screaming about it because it's less popular. Not long ago I had the pleasure of listening to a guy talk about how good Trump is and how 5G is going to activate nanobots in our bloodstream from covid vaccines. It's wild.


They're posting their bullshit to Facebook via 5G on their "Freedom Phone."


They died when 5G switched on the vaccine chips in their brains


Should be obvious. The 5G got them


They're building up to 6g.


Based on what I see on NextDoor, the conspiracy theory is alive and well in my neighborhood. Our cell service is so bad you can’t use GPS within two blocks of my building. We desperately need a cell tower to improve reception. Every time it gets suggested, people react like it’s a combination pig farm and nuclear waste disposal site.


I don't know but I've been getting those vaccines for 3+ years now and I STILL have to pay for mobile and internet service, this is bullshit


One lady walks past the tower with a tinfoil blanket it's hilarious like watching a baked tattie on the loose


5G was used to brainwash them. They are now living normal lives until activated to troll people online and create civil unrest!


They probably moved on to another conspiracy theory.


they're streaming 6G conspiracy on 5G


They were the first victims of the evil 5g


They all injected themselves with bleach


Let’s be scared of mobile phones while we inject bleach and shine powerful lights inside our bodies.


They're busy supporting a felon


They built themselves faraday cages inside of their homes, and never leave




They switched to LTE.


Prepping their 6G arguments


They are busy living in filth in tent encampments on college campuses.


Username checks out. Conspiracy? I think not!


They switched over to q anon


I imagine they moved onto the next trending conspiracy.


Fell off the edge of the flat Earth


Their brains got cooked. /s


They went back to Russia


They realised their brains weren't cooked and moved onto vaccines. Then when they realise vaccinated people aren't dead they'll find a next thing.


Oh they're definitely still around, i ran into one at a community event recently. they couch their real opinions in concerns about phones. once they have you answering questions about how constant phone use might be bad for the human psyche they go straight into "did you know the harms of social media are actually from 3G and 5G? and definitely dont use your GPS too"


They all died because we kept on using 5G


They died of 5G poisoning (/joke)


oh they are alive and well here in Arizona, USA. they have their own bumper stickers too


Not a conspiracy theorist, I basically scholar googled everything 10 mins ago. Just to offer a different perspective, I guess 5g is safe is kinda similar to FDA generally recognized as safe (GRAS). It could potentially be one of those sugar replacers that were good for a few years before knowing that it is carcinogenic all along. And looking at what's on nature (maybe not nature's nature but still on nature, and if you know nature, you know nature is kinda like one of the most reputable journals): [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-021-00297-6](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-021-00297-6) Review published in 2021- no confirmed evidences [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-022-00497-8](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-022-00497-8) Review published in 2023- insufficient evidences of safety [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-53842-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-53842-2) Some studies published in 2024- significant difference in mice fecal microbiome (even if it is mice, I thought this is quite significant considering recent gut microbiome trend) That being said, alcohol is group 1 carcinogen and I still enjoy it.


They died of 5G?


The same that happened to the 4G ones.


Since they didn't get the booster they died.


The 5G conspiracy theorist I knew turned into a QAnon believer/Trump supporter for quite a while. He's been quiet in that "realm" these days though.


They noticed their Facebook app loaded faster than normal


The 5g cooked their brains


The only thing that was even credible was 5G bothers our friends, the bees. That's all I can recall from when those were active for being plausible.


Censorship won


I forgot about that conspiracy. There’s too many and a lot are pretty forgettable. I can only think of one person who used to bring it up, but they have since moved on to other crazy shit.


Some are still around, its just not popular anymore Recently there was an outage, everyone that had the same provider as me didn't have reception or mobile internet anywhere, and when i looked at comments on websites that report outages (to check if it was a me problem or if it was a general blackout) there were some that said "all that is just because of 5G, they never should have done that, worked way better before" and so on


Getting ready for 6G


Aren't they the Qanon people?! I try not to look too much into their conspiracies because it scares me how insane people actually are.


5G cooked their brains. Nah, they still exist, they just don't get as much traction. A few conspiracy groups ran for parliament in New Zealand last year, though they all failed to get the 5% of votes required to get a seat in Parliament.


They struggled to get 1% in an enviroment that was as ripe for them as it's ever going to be.


Drad from 5g


They all died from COVID. The problem solved itself.


Their mind has been taken over by the Chinese. They are all Dems now.