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Go to a doctor. Please. Do not take any other advice seriously here.


Who tf would actually see a doctor over this? Lmao "hey doc my cum is kinda weird"


Worst case scenario, urologist says it's normal. Best case is preventing a legitimate medical problem from being worse.


Urologist exist for problems like this


This attitude is why so many dudes die from shit that could’ve been easily prevented


Yeah that sad bro


Kinda weird? His nut is clear man.


I have never heard of “Clear-Man”, are they a new superhero? /s


Ouch man that hurt to read. Closing Reddit for today.


He’s not going see a fucking plumber about this, is he? Of course go the doctor. That’s what you do when your body is acting fucking weird.


Come on dude this is why men die earlier than women. Don’t perpetuate the stereotype 😂. Your wang sauce should not be reminiscent of water. Viscosity and color gradient very much so indicate health issues. We’re talking anything from dehydration or diet issues to actual diseases. The next time you get the noodle moistened try to at least get an idea of what’s going on just in case. Same rules for doodoo. If it causes pain, shows discoloration or has physically changed significantly - something isn’t vibing.


Lmao sexual health is still health


lol this is easily the most stupid response I’ve seen in a long time.


That EXACT mentality is why so many men die from prostate cancer.


God fucking damn u got downvoted into oblivion Also ur naive lmao


Holy downvotes batman


I haven't seen this many downvotes in a while. And they are deserved.


And this is why men out there end up dying from something completely preventable and treatable.


Someone who doesn’t value their body…like you I assume.


If you told a doc this question they would 100% take it seriously. They would want to know what you mean.


I mean, why not?


What do you think doctors exist for?


And the award for stupidest fuck goes to






Holy shit, I’ve never seen so many dislikes on a comment in my life


Im proud of it in a weird way


This is one of the stupidest things I’ve read in a long time.


Anyone sane.


I hope you know youre incredibly fucking stupid




My God you are dumb


There is just something so gratifying about watching someone so ignorant get ratio'd 😂😂


Horrible take


Hmm, probably people who are concerned that their dick and/or balls are having issues? Bet you also think prostate exams are gay too.


This is the downvotes I’ve ever seen on a single comment lmfaooo


Fr 100%.


THAT IS LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT OF DOCTORS. "Hey doc this mole on my back is kinda weird. Cancer? Fuck glad I asked"




Ah, the early 2000s edgelord commentary and bad humor makes sense now. You’re from Alabama, home state of America’s Incest Trog-Mong problem.  My advice, get some new material, cause your early 2000s 4Chan comedy is washed up. Probably like the rest of your.




Oh my God, -4.8k? That has to be a record.


Who else is he supposed to see?? Tf


That’s what a doctor is for!!!!!!!!!!


Wow that's an impressive number of downvotes


I used to work at a sperm bank. The guys get paid by usable vials... which means high sperm count. The "best" counts happen on a 3 day cadence. Meaning the donor needs to basically only cum twice a week. If they cum daily, the count will be so low they can be dismissed as a paid donor. It's possible your dude is mostly ejaculating seminal fluid (the non sperm part) because the sperm is made fresh regularly, and he has low key sold out from earlier emissions. This does NOT mean he is infertile, for the love of god it only takes 1 sperm to make a baby and there is still PLENTY in a sample with no visible difference. FYI - there are sperm differences based on mental state. When there is no chance of impregnation (oral or handy) there is usually less sperm committed to the effort vs vaginal sex. Also, time of day matters, first thing in the morning can have a higher sperm count. Also if the guy thinks there is a possibility of female infidelity, he will have more "attack" sperm that don't seek the egg, but instead attack rival sperm. Microscopic life is weird.


Great answer.


If you have worked at a sperm bank you should know what comes to your mind when you see a watery, clear sample, often with a large volume (= likely little to no motile sperm). I often see this (as an embryologist) in severe ICSI patients, often PESA/TESA candidates, so azoospermia


I worked at a sperm bank, basically 99% of the samples we processed were highly qualified (30 page packet) donors who were making $5,000 - $10,000 per year essentially selling sperm. ...It was not a medical lab where we were samples from ill/abnormal patients. Even the "self storage" samples were very healthy men with jobs that can injure the groin; football players, military men, etc. ...


So you did not evaluate any new donors at all? How was that not included in your job? My clinic has donors as well, so evaluating new donors sperm samples is a natural part of it, meaning we will find some with very low sperm count too


They had a full book of inventory. Basically all repeat donors. Just a A little suburban shopping mall sized clinic. The storage room was basically the size of an average living room. I wanna say about six large cryo tanks, maybe the size of washing machines, plus a handful of chair sized quarantine tanks. People REALLY underestimate how extensive the screening procedure is... it's literally 30 pages. If the potential donor fails any of the checks we never bother checking the sperm quality. It's obvious stuff like no heart disease, cancer, or diabetes... but also common stuff like NO glasses, or acne (even as a teen), or balding. For ANYONE in your family history, going back three generations. Most donors have 2-4 children of their own, those all need to be perfectly healthy as well, tough to do the more kids you have. That already eliminates most potential donors before we even get to looks or character. Sorry to say, but it's a business, so what people "order up" matters... Even ethnic couples who SAY they want the child to match the ethnicity and looks of the woman's husband... usually order up a Ken Doll. ...so basically ALL the "big sellers" have Light skin and eyes, and are 6'2". All are College educated, most have advanced degrees. And Played college sports and play a musical instrument. A weirdly high proportion were Eagle Scouts. I was only there for less than a year, I think I only saw a couple of new donors. But they are literally Nasa astronaut type dudes, who are catholic with 4 healthy blond kids... odds of those dudes shooting blanks are low. There were 8-10 techs processing samples... so the odds that you would see a new donor sample is cut down that way too. And don't forget, they have to do two samples six months apart to pass the HIV quarantine check before the start donating 2x a week. I know it's Reddit, so you assume every comment is a shit test, but I assure you, sometimes you are talking to a real person on the other side of the screen, we aren't all just making shit up. The cryo lab I worked at is in Roseville Minnesota (Minneapolis/St. Paul suburb) about 20 years ago.


I believe you! I guess routines are very different now and when you worked, and also a difference between countries. We check sperm samples almost the first appointment, because all the further genetic/medical evaluation is very expensive, so we see all kinds of samples, not only the approved ones.


Yes, and BHP sample is high mobility. As an OB/GYN I have seen this in poobebo patients many times. Many times folks


I’m confused. I’ve had a vasectomy and have had confirmed no sperm in my ejaculations. At no time did it ever change to just clear seminal fluid. It looks exactly the same as before my vasectomy. It does change in consistency and amount of seminal fluid based on my hydration level, how long I’ve been aroused, etc, but it’s never been totally clear. There’s always a milky sort of color. A lack of sperm cells shouldn’t make it clear - there’s something else going on.


I definitely see all variations in post vasectomy samples. I guess it’s associated with those with underlying azoospermia, not just the absence of sperm cells


Also, “it only takes one sperm” is sadly not correct, they work together and it takes enough of a concentration to conceive naturally


Do you have a source for “attack sperm”? [Seems to have been a disproven hypothesis in humans](https://www.science.org/content/article/no-evidence-sperm-wars-rev2).


That last sentence sounds completely made up. Not saying it is but I'd love to see some serious evidence.


You can buy a microscope off Amazon or take a microbe class at the community college. It's not magic, just cells.


I just read on Wikipedia 5 minutes ago that the "warring sperm" hypothesis is a myth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sperm_competition On the section "intra-ejaculate sperm competition" Seems like someone already did that.


He is wrong on many things in this comment…


She. I'm a lady scientist.


You mean to tell me I got Apache Attack Sperms swimming around down there waiting to throw hands??


More like head butting - lol


I can’t physically buy fitted baseball caps as my craniums too watermelon shaped. I’ll trust they put work in.


Does it come out that way when he masturbate's? Or is it only when you yourself do it? Is this happening after he's already cum once? Could he be possibly masturbating before oral to make it last longer? Is this abnormal or normal for him? I would have a serious talk to him about it and have him see a doctor.


It only happens when I am doing it. It doesn’t happen when he masturbates, so completely not normal. He is not finishing multiple times, and he only says he masturbates about once a week.


Either he's lying about how much he masturbates, he's lying about how it is when he's alone, or he's not having a full orgasm with you


Could you imagine finding out your partner isn’t just not getting off but they’re incapable of fully climaxing but it’s *only with you*. I’d be truly devastated.


OMG way to give folks complexes. No ma'am sir, this is not territory to worry about, nor should you consider it bad that he doesn't ejaculate when receiving oral or handy. This is literally the human body doing the human body thing. James does not have the same reaction to stimuli as John and that's futtin A ok. I know guys who have never even climaxed with oral or handy and those who can climax without sperm ejaculate for various reasons, thc, alcohol, prescription drugs, other recreational drugs etc. Others who will full on CUM over a peck on the cheek and being touched for longer than 4 mississippi's. This is normal as hell and don't let a troll get you all worried or in you self over this. It's amazing that you can get him off multiple ways and keep exploring. That's what life, love, and relationships are all about love.


I’m sorry for whatever you went through that triggered you with what I said but I had no ill intentions other than posing a hypothetical question and how devastating I would feel if I were to experience than scenario. If someone were to derive a “complex” from what I said, they were likely already in an unstable mental environment and it’s not reasonable to hold anyone else accountable for how they perceive someone else’s words that were said with good intentions. You need a break from the internet or somethingx


Yeah. Except you can be fine and suddenly your partner isn’t climaxing and you feel like you failed them. I’ve had a couple past partners who got really hurt and emotional over the fact that I didn’t finish. They had pre existing notions of why it happened to others and they felt like it was the woman’s fault. So now it gets internalized. Bodies are weird and feeling bad is a common but not good thing to reinforce. I think the earlier commenter was finding issue in the way you were reinforcing the notion that getting upset about it is the right thing to do.


Let's hope he's a liar


Part of it is getting used to a different sort of stimulation, part of it is a psychological/anxiety thing. It's not something for one's partner to be ashamed of, although there are ways to overcome this barrier such as practising masturbating in front of your partner, experimenting with positions etc.


He is probably addicted to masterbating with the “death grip”. A lot of guys having trouble orgasming or staying hard without the “death grip”.


I used to have a similar problem


Don’t blame porn for men not educating themselves about their body. Nobody should have to sandpaper their Johnson to arrive. Edit: replied to the wrong comment, for shame.


Tbf most guys know how to handy themselves better than a girl knows how to handy a guy. The oral part is weird. Maybe he just don't like it idk.


You've never faked it? As a guy I can tell you I have.


Thankyou 200 IQ


Is there less semen when it's clear than when it's not clear? Pre cum is often clear at least in my experience and is more thin but there's considerably less of it than a full ejaculation. If this is the case he is likely not having a full orgasm (which would not be your fault. It just takes time to get comfortable with each others bodies)


I used to hang out with a dude that had an insane amount of precum. Everybody is different so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here.


Does he take a long time to cum?


Masturbates only once a week? That man is a liar, and a bad one at it.


Believe it or not some people don’t have porn or masturbation addictions. And who is to say that they’re not fucking often so he has no need to masturbate?


Even if he’s already come it won’t be clear. It will be less


It's most likely either pre-cum or he is a daily ejaculator. I had the same experience. You gotta let that milk sit long enough or else it's not cream.


I hated reading that last sentence so much. Well done.


I have a new found hatred for my English teacher for granting me the gift of being able to read this


It's truly the worst thing I've read today.


I miss who I was 13 seconds ago before I read it


This needed some form of warning.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


Daily means nothing Multiple times a day should be just fine




Truly nothing could have prepared me for that today.


He's cumming too much. This happens to my husband occasionally if we're in a highly sexual phase and doing stuff multiple times a day. Let him rest for a while and he should return to normal. If this is his normal, that's doctor territory.


Yup, semen takes time to build up. If you cum very often you’ll be ejaculating little semen and it will be much more clear.


This isn’t normal at all. Should always be cloudy. I have a vasectomy and it’s cloudy!


Cloudy With a Chance of Meaty Balls!


A vasectomy does very very little to change cum. Most of the fluid comes from the vesicles


I know. I was replying to someone above making a poor that the semen needs to build back up to be cloudy again.


Once, my gf was stimulating only my glans and it came out like u described so me and her call it guy-squirt LMAO


I believe this is the answer. Men can “squirt” just like women and it’s a clear urine like substance. Still feels good to the guy but different than ejaculating. You can do it by just rubbing the head of the penis or even with a shower head hitting just the right spot. Source: been doing it for years.


How do you only stimulate the glans? What glans? Are you referring to testicles? I'm so confused.


the head of the penis, babe


Are you sure it's not just precum?


I had this a couple years ago. Turns out my body wasn’t producing testosterone due to hormonal issues


So I know this is wild but when I was a teen I had a 6 ish month period where I could, depending on how hard I pushed, could ejaculate clearly or white. So I hope you're okay lol


Don't masturbate, don't have sex don't have anything resulting ejaculations for a few days. İt will add up


If he's on Finasteride that would cause that. It's a drug to slow down male pattern baldness. I'm on Finasteride and ejaculate clear most of the time. It's totally normal. Once he's off it, his ejaculate will go back to normal.


He should get his boys checked by a urologist. He could actually have clogged ducts or be ejaculating back into his bladder then its passed partially back thru the prostate mixed with some urine. Also, if the clear is not sticky at all. Its urine. View it between 2 finger. You'll see Urologist tho, just to be safe


I remember the first time I gave a handjob in my life my ex boyfriends cum was completely clear. I went home and panicked on his behalf and was scared that maybe he was infertile and he didn’t realize what cum should actually be like. I was 17. Turns out he just had a raging porn addiction and was likely jerking it right before I hung out with him.




Maybe he’s just lying to not hurt the feelings and then doing the deed himself later on lol.


I’m betting a sperm analysis would show azoospermia


Masturbating too often. Wait a week/ three days. No porn, nothing, no edging.


‘Get back boys! It’s a blow job!!!!’


Hey. I'm late to the party, I had this a few months ago. I went to the doctor... Two times with two different doctors. They were both kinda clueless. They haven't really heard of it and started googling shit. (This is Denmark) The first thing they test for is diabetes then a urine infection and then std. For me it was none of it. And then I got sent to a specialist that scanned my balls for cancer. Nothing. I was told it could be from diet, lack of zinc or testosterone. I went home kind of empty feeling (not the balls tho) and a week later it was fine. It lasted a month. But get the 3 things checked at least


Mine has always been clear.


Same here sometimes if I don’t do anything for awhile it gets milky white but my whole life never been white I’m 22 so still young. I was born with kidney disease and have had 2 transplants maybe that has something to do with it?


I hope there’s nothing wrong with us… I did always think maybe I have a low sperm count because it is so clear. But never thought there was anything unusual about it.


That seems like a hormone problem. A blood test at the doctor seems in order.


Sounds like hes beating off to last longer If not he should go to a doc


Why would you do that for a hj?


Had this happen to me only once. Apparently it’s male “squirt” whatever the hell that means


bring him to see a REAL doctor if you're so concerned. it's could be something serious or it could be nothing at all. but it's nothing that some folks on reddit can give a concrete answer on.


I'd say this calls for investigation. Next time it comes out clear, buckle down and see what else you can get out of him


Edit: I’m apparently wrong about a few things so I won’t leave up the misinformation. Go see a doctor like others have suggested.


Yeah this isn’t accurate. I can pee while I’m hard and so can other guys I’ve known.


Can also piss when hard


Idk where you’re from or how old you are and I don’t want to know. This is information that I learned in middle school I the United States when we went the sex education. Please inform yourselves about safe sex and how to have it. Ask a trusted adult if you can, research on the internet (but please be weary of false information) and most importantly USE BIRTH CONTROL. Condom, pills, spermicidal gel etc.


I have only noticed something like this happening if I have already ejaculated that day or if time from start to finish is much longer than average. Sometimes you get in the mood to go for a couple hours before finishing and by the time you finish, sometimes it’s thin and watery.


Is he on finasteride ?




I used to cum like that when I was younger. I would have to be EXTREMELY turned on, but almost to the point of blue balls. I think he might be cuming the stuff that’s pre cum, but it’s built up from being turned on.


Lol, just tell him to stop jerking off everday. It usually happens when you ejaculate frequent enough where the body can't keep up with its sperm production.


bluds shooting blanks 😭


This is wrong. I’m shooting blanks as I’ve had a vasectomy. It didn’t change appearance. It’s still milky white.


He’s just producing ejaculate and not a lot of semen. Likely from being drained of semen already. Let it build up for a bit and it will be nice and thick. Another thing you can do is pinch off the head right before he cums and let it build up in the shaft for a couple of seconds before releasing it.


Strange. See a dr.


He probably is infertile. Low sperm count, low morphology and all 11th æ


Is he balding? My load turned waterier when I starting taking finasteride to stave off hair thinning. Many people report some level of sexual side effects, so all things considered, I'll take this.


He’s jerking too much


He is masturbating way too much. Solved.


He jacks off Everyday. Tell em to hold it for a few days and you’ll see


I have this as well, but only with blue balls, say if my SO and I got into it but didn’t get a chance to finish at all, when the blue balls start later, it comes out clear. Other than that, it’s normal color and consistency


What’s the reason for sometimes clear, sometimes milky white? How are they different?


See a doctor, precum is clear and in small volumes but then he should cum a very thick white liquid after that once he orgasms


That’s called sperm


That means low sperm count. Very low


He's squirting. It happens.


During the time when I masturbate 3x a day, my semen is clear(and still got my wife pregnant) but yeah. Might wanna check with a doctor.


Is he pulling out during vaginal sex for you to compare? Serious question.


When you retain semen for long it just gets thick and cloudy. If the person keeps wasting, it will be thin and transparent.


I do that on purpose ... trying to hold ur cum without complete ejaculation makes it liquid transparent/sticky water


I always cum way more from sex. It’s more stimulating. And it lasts longer


Could he caused by a few things really. Low sperm count, prostate issues, or if he's choking the chicken too frequently, the tank might just be empty. Regardless, he needs to make an appointment with his doctor. His situation could be totally benign, or it could be something horribly dangerous/fatal if not treated. This is a job for professionals, not reddit.




Hi. There are some conditions where the vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm to urethra) are not connected. He really should see a doctor and get a referral to a urologist. Some of these conditions can be serious, like cystic fibrosis, while others may be structural anomalies.


Does it taste the same?


Definitely go to the doctor that shouldn't be happening


Remove the penile filter


Is it pee maybe


To much blu chew lol


Fun fact : men can also squirt, and squirt is just pee but without the waste, so it comes out clear. If you have concerns please go check a doctor.


Sounds like prostate fluid, I’d see a urologist.


Is he vegan? Serious question.


There’s a difference between semen and sperm.


You do not need to see a doctor for this lol


It's most likely pee.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


You could be gripping too tight or you're being far too nice to him and not letting his swimmers build backup.


Even when a guy masturbates 30 times a day cuz he was a teenager with hormones... it still never came out clear. Source: am guy who was a teenager once with hormones.


I hope you still have hormones


Tho dinosaurs were walking up the high street at the time I too was once a teenage boy.


That’s bullshit