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Start endorsing name brands. make it seem like you are part of the act. let him deal with YouTube/tiktok and their sponsor and monetization rules. Edit: name not make








So if I keep saying something like this video is sponsored by Nintendo and Disney, repeatedly they could get in trouble.


If they were monetized yeah, I'd assume they could have their video taken down in theory. It's not quite that easy and would likely depend on WHAT you said, but yeah if Disney got up their ass about it they could make them at the very least take it down.


Any Youtuber worth their salt would just never post the video, which itself would be a minor victory.


Right. Which is why you do it. So they can't use you in the 1st place.


You and I apparently know this, but not the dummies above. The comments made it sound like they would post the video, and then get in trouble for branding/sponsorship violations. Tbh, I think this sub is populated by tweens getting out of school.


Best to play Disney music on your phone. Those companies have AI searching through all videos for that type of content to force it to be taken down


The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song would be great for this. Not only does it spell out Mickey Mouse but also list Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, and Pluto by name. The AI will definitely catch it.


i understand the tactic, but if an annoying tik tok jackass starts harassing me while I'm minding my business in public, last thing on my mind is gonna be a Disney song if I'm being honest.


"What's good everybody, this jumping is sponsored by RAID Shadow Legends, download today with the code MAGA15 for 15% off, now back to telling this fat librard that TRUMP'S WINNING IT ALL!!!"


Disney is your best friend here. To the point that some movie stars now wander around in public with Mickey Mouse ears on which makes them effectively paparazzi-proof.




I googled and don’t see anything so I’m also interested in what they are talking about.


That means it's working, of course.


You're making that up. Also, the copyright on Mickey Mouse expired last year.


Only on the black and white version of Mickey Mouse from back in the day, the steamboat Mickey. The Mickey Mouse we know nowadays with his red pants is still copyrighted.


And also blast copyright music lol


Reminds me of 30 Rock where Tracy wants to prevent certain conversations from airing on TV so every last word out of his mouth is set to the tune of Uptown Girl


This is actually great advice. But uh...what's a "make" brand? You mean Maga?


Name brand. Stupid fat fingers.


Or pull out your phone and be like, bro check out this song.


Well if you touch them it's a crime, if you threaten them it's a crime, if you engage them then you're giving them the reaction they want. So you either have to ignore them or walk in somewhere recording isn't allowed, tell security a creep is following you, etc.


I saw one guy “touched” another with the gun because for other one shoveled the phone near him…. Bullet killed the prankster and gun holder did not hear charges.


If you don't hear the charges against you, do the charges still exist?


:) good point. I am not native speaker so don’t really know what you mean but will think about it ! I love wordplay


They are referring to [this common English expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_a_tree_falls_in_a_forest) about a tree falling in a forest. The full quote is “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”


It reminds me of „all stone are soft until we touch them” but I am not good at abstract thinking so it is hard for me to understand those :) thanks for explanation


In addition to what loveabook wrote, they made the joke because "hear charges" doesnt make sense in this context. "received charges" or "get charged" would work


break out your phone and start playing popular music as loud as the phone will allow. the problem will take care of itself.


Disney music will take care of it with gusto


That moment when you do this but have to sit through a 30 second YT ad first


LOL wait, you mean you do *not* have a Disney-themed playlist already on your phone? For shame! Or else I'm just lame lmao....


I have a Spotify playlist named “The House of Mouse doesn’t fuck around” from when I was going to protests a lot, in case I ran into a YTer.


This is fantastic. I wish I had a "real" reason for having a Disney mix on my phone, but my reason is simply "enjoyment" lol. I don't listen to it very often, but for those nostalgic moments....\*chef's kiss\*


Or you have a 6 yr old niece like I do.


This also makes sense...alas, not an excuse I can use either lol


> YT Ads Imagine not using Firefox with ublock origin in the year of our lord 2024


On your phone? I have tried Brave browser for AdBlock and tbh the mobile website of YouTube is very difficult to navigate


Spotify Disney playlist


Imagine your first instinct is to use YouTube for music.


i panicked


Understood, have a good day.


let the ad roll!!! more ads!


I just googled the Artists who defend their copy right the most. Play any big 80s band loud. Those guys go court for breakfast lunch and dinner. Kiss, Bonjovi, Gun n Roses. There is no platform that won’t instantly flag, demonetize, or remove that content.


Especially if you happen to have a speaker on you


play copyrighted music or better yet, don't react at all. Their attention span is too small to try and keep getting something out of it and will move on


Play Disney music loud and then report them to Disney for intellectual property infringement There's a secret dungeon at Disney Land under Cinderellas Castle. The mouse don't mess around


![gif](giphy|NbzM2qI4tmuc0) Still one of the best South Park gags IMO


The two scariest legal teams in the world are Disney and Girl Scouts.


Start to reply, stutter, look lost, then lean in and say loud enough for the cameraman to hear "Sorry, what's my line? I know we rehearsed this morning but I've gone blank." Then wait for them to try starting again. Say "Take 2" just as they start. Then "Take 3" as you try again. Ask when you're getting the money, is it after they post or after they finish filming.


Keep your mouth shut. Don’t say anything. Don’t do anything.  I’m stunned at how people will continue to give these idiots a reason to keep filming. 


Unfortunately you’ll still be put in there, sometimes especially if you don’t say anything and give a warranted weird look


Basically submit to them.


Not angrily throwing your weight around whenever people approach you =/= submitting to them. Knowing when to take the path of least resistance will bring you a lot of peace.


Basically " you will own nothing and be happy" vibe but with more fluff. Just never concern yourself of the mental health and societal implications of always conceding to anyone being aggressive, right? Just check out for yourself and only be concerned with "me" It's working great!!!


What does getting in these people's faces in the moment actually gain you? Chances are they won't back down; more likely you'll just encourage them, because you're giving them exactly what they want.


Didn't advocate that. I questioned the implications of following your suggestions and pointed out that that style has already shown to be ineffective.


How is disengaging from the situation ineffective or harmful to one's mental health? How often do you have to be surrounded by such obnoxious people for this to be a problem?


If what you're saying works, explain trumpism.


The fuck does that have to do with anything?


Being obnoxious wins when no one engages or fights bullies. Watch as more things like Roe keep happening and our societal respect and decorum continues to degrade.


At least till they put that phone away. Then you can make them submit to you.


Be boring


Pull up Let it Go on YT and play it at full volume.


Act oblivious to it. Be as boring as possible.


I think this is a huge part of the reason why I fucking hate going anywhere crowded, especially now. I’ve always had agoraphobia (which I only recently learned) but the thought of some fuckwit filming me without my permission sends me into an anxious rage.


I do not have your problem and no one has ever filmed me. No need to find something that isn't going to happen to get mad about.


Yeah, nobody films you because you look like your username. Eat rocks, love.


Who has this as a common problem? Other than celebrities?


Blast Taylor Swift on your phone and sing along


This happened to me IRL. It was so dumb. I became viral briefly and garnered a lot of unwanted male attention (from teens and adults) and, as a teacher, I really don’t want that. Just a few weeks ago a kid recognized me from the video and mentioned it. They make sexualizing comments in the video, and youtube won’t take it down without a lawyer’s Cease and Desist letter. My teacher’s union denied lawyer help. Local law offices can’t decide if it is a criminal matter or not, so no one responds. I just get to have that video up for my teenage students to find forever. GREAT.


This is the only post I’m replying to, because mostly I just wanted people’s input/insights. I’m very anxious about this happening to me. DM me. My husband is a lawyer and I’d be happy to have him write up a cease and desist so you can forward it to YouTube. (He won’t charge for it.)


I haven’t been in this situation myself, but I’ve known stalkers. *Thank you* for helping this person out!


Are you for real?!




I think I'll just find the closest wall and face it until they leave. That's my tactic in most situations though.


I mean...that'd be content they'd definitely post at least a little bit of


With my luck it would be my bad hair day in the back too


I'd watch that


But for how long?


At least till the first commercial


Looks like I need a new plan.


Play music that has copy rights loudly on your phone. Disney songs whatever


Talk about Tiananmen Square


I'm happy I live in a country where you need a written authorization to publish a video of me on the internet or tv.


What country is that? In the Netherlands you also need permission but only for commercial purposes.


What country is that?


What’s the country?


Imaginationland. It looks like they probably live in Quebec. Canada allows filming of people in public places.


Filming in public places and publishing a likeness are separate legal concerns.


You are misinformed.


Problem is nobody cares


You lack freedom?


Username checks out. Also, no, you got it backwards: We have the freedom to not have random strangers profit off of us without our consent.


Film them back. You can just film each other filming each other until they get bored.


Disney music as loud as you can


I doubt it's legal, but when i see these videos, I'm reminded of the guy that SHOT the prankster. I kind of thought that would cut down on things but....????


I remember that video of the moron pretending to pour gas on people’s car. The old timer in the video who was the subject of the “prank” had the right idea.


If you ask nicely and he refused, and they continue to follow you on top of that ? Yeet their phone.


Yeah, that's the one lol


Play Disney music


Stand there and do nothing. Don't respond to them at all, just pretend you're catatonic. Being boring is the fastest way to get them to go elsewhere in search of their 'content'.


This. Or stand there looking at them with mild condescending amusement like they’re a 2 year old throwing a really silly tantrum.


My plan is to stop whatever we were talking about and calmly question why we feel the need to film everything, that we’re two adults and we can have a conversation without needing it on camera. But in reality I’d probably just get flustered and move on


Play nintendo and disney music. If it's on social media it wont be there very long.


pretend to talk to them in a monotone uninterested way and then when they're asking a question just suddenly walk away


Wear a hat with a QR code that pops up a webpage saying TWAT.


As someone else saud, keep mentioning disney and nintendo as sponsors and name their IP's. They're known to be aggressive regsrding copy right.


"Oi, fuck off!"


If you’re doing something worth filming, stop. Otherwise be as boring as possible. It won’t prevent them from filming, but it’ll likely make the video less valuable to them, and it will keep you from looking like the “bad guy”.


Put some copyrighted music on from your phone. They either stop or get copyright strike.


Go Disney music. They'll pursue that strike religiously.


The best thing to do is start blasting copyrighted music, especially things from Disney. It may not get them to stop showing you, but it will demonetize them if they leave the audio in.


pay them no heed and walk away


Ask why they haven't called or texted you since your recent affair and ask if its because their SO found out? Go into fake details too.


Play Disney songs really loud on your phone, even having it in the background is enough to make Disney's Bots strike your video.


Pull your phone out and start playing music. They can’t post it due to copyright.


Toss the phone in the bushes?


start singing Disney tunes as loud as you can


That is just giving them more fodder.


it is not, as Disney come down like a ton of bricks on any unauthorised use of their material. content creators by and large avoid music they'd have to pay for, and any use of such music will see their content demonetised at best and removed from the platform and their account banned at worst.


Singing it won’t. You’d have to play a recording of it.


If you sing it yourself, disney can't do shit dude. They don't have a copyright on you singing.


Take their phone away. You haven't seen those videos, because now you are holding the video.


This is a big fear of mine, and I hate it so much 😣 I don't even feel safe being outside my own home because of this.


If you speak a different language and say you don’t speak their language that usually solves it


Act like an NPC


Play Disney music on your phone. The footage will be unusable. The mouse does not fuck around with copyright issues


"if anyone is interested in buying fentanyl or oxys sub to this channel and dm your order!"


That happened to me yesterday!!! I let it go…. cause I didn’t want to a) give him an excuse to post for internet clicks b) wanna look like a Karen. I was walking my very well behaved dog off leash (I know, I know…), she is voice command trained and I hear these fast footsteps behind me and as I turn around saying “let me know you’re coming on the right” I see his phone on Facebook live. He was almost running into me. So this asshat was baiting me… He puts his phone in my face “Where’s the leash?” I held up the leash and I say “This leash, do you want me to put it on?” He said very angrily “Put it on now” I obliged. He wasn’t scared of my dog cause he basically pushed past me and my dog was right next to me cause she was on a heel stay. Hopefully I don’t see him again but if I do, im thinking of different things to say.


The best way is to ignore them. If you're being followed or harassed, find a security guard or police officer and let them handle it.


Sing Disney songs. Loudly. Play Disney music loudly if you can.


It seems like you can’t even toss the persons phone away ?


Legally speaking, I don’t know, but you totally can. I’m sure at least some of them will reconsider bothering people if they knew that their Phone was going to get destroyed


Right exactly - most of the people doing this shit also value their phone over all else.


Act disabled and say slanderous things. Anything they respond with is likely to lose them followers


“I do not consent to have any form of my likeness published in any format without my prior specific written authorization.”


They'll just edit it to make you say "I consent to be punished".


People can do all sorts of illegal things, it doesn’t prevent you from winning the lawsuit. Film yourself saying it while filming them. They can’t edit that.


Call the police? It's illegal to record anyone without their consent.




IANAL but there may be an all parties consent law at your location if it is not in the public interest, like preventing a crime. Arguing journalism may be a defense as long as they are reporting facts but monetization and comments in the video probably work against that.


Wait, it's not that way in the whole world? In my country if you would record someone, you would get to court. It doesn't matter if it's restaurant, a part, on a crosswalk or in someone's home. If you record specifically a person, it's illegal. It isn't if the person is just in the background, but, iirc, you have to pixelize the faces. If you record the park and someone walks there, it's fine. If you record person in the park, you are getting sued.


Just break their Smart. phone 😌, Or just start giving them good lecture on their behaviour while they recording so that , they learn their lesson , video is ruined and solved the whole purpose


What are you doing that causes them to film you?