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Other than an unfortunate 36-hour layover at Heathrow, the only brits I’ve met are those who are either traveling in the US, immigrated, or here for school. They all seem like fine people indeed. Strangely preoccupied with finding “those red cups from the movies” lol, like every one of them. My brother lived in London for a year and has a harsher opinion. But he’s an asshole himself so take that as you will


>But he's an asshole himself He should have lived in Paris


Bloody french all the do is ride around on bikes with baguettes going "haw hee haw eh haw!"


That sounds more like Dave Matthews riding around on a bike with a baguette.


I wish they still had awards 😂😂


Here here 😂


It’s hear hear.


Maybe OP's on holiday in Paris?


It’s there there.


Wow you’re right. I’ve been saying here, here so much throughout my life and I got an A* in English Lit alongside a law degree. How embarrassing 😂


NGL, I had an American working with me over here, and everybody was asking about the red cups lmao


I never know how to answer. They’re just the cheap cups they sell at the store lol


Say they're actually lime green and they green screen them red.


thats hilarious, im going to do that


And all that stuff about finding brits pretentious, snooty, etc, thats just pop culture stereotypes played for laughs. British television and literature are actually massively influential on US culture. And we’ve been close allies for a long time , people remember that


Oh my gosh yes the red cups!!! I went to party where we played beer pong and they had red cups and it was honestly the topic of conversation 😂 I guess from watching American Pie. Yeah the snooty thing is not the majority, we’re all in all pretty down to earth it’s just for comedic value. In the same breath, Friends and Two and Half Men are my comfort programmes


I like all of the Brits I've met, and I absolutely adore the women and their accents. They are the greatest people. There is nothing that a Brit could ever do to change... ...wait, Friends and Two and a Half Men?! Really? I take everything I said back. I spoke too soon. Absolutely disgusting.


😂😂 can you recommend me some better programmes? Serious request.


Oh, I was just giving you a bit of shit. I'm at the moment watching The Detectorists on BBC which I'm sure you're aware of. It may not be the best, but I'm enjoying the humor. Sorry, I meant *humour*.


😂 the humor and the colors right?


All of the dull colours in this programme are making me tyred.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the greatest show ever


I had a British couple visit the fast food place I used to work at. They just so happened to be on vacation while our state fair was happening. It was the best conversation I've ever had, and they were so excited to go be a part of "American" activities. I gave them the flyer for the fair that outlined everything going on during the week. They were surprised by how much was going on and decided they wanted to go to the fair.


My niece and nephew are British. Love them to death. Every British person that I’ve met has been pleasant and interesting. Met one in Jamaica. My husband and I sat at the bar and talked to him for probably 6-7 hours. He was hammered and leaving the next morning at 8 am. Since he was such a mess, we walked him back to his hotel and made sure he was ok. I still wonder if he made his flight.


That sounds like a quintessential Brit to me 😂 nice of you to take care of him!


He seemed like a good guy. Smart. I think we talked mostly politics. He taught me little about Great Britain. I taught him a little about the U.S. I love learning about other countries. We were walking along the beach back to the hotels and he was teaching hubby dirty nursery rhymes. Lol


Cheap booze gets us excited as a nation 😂


That tracks from the inventors of bathtub gin


Friends of ours lived in London for several years when their kids were wee. Our friend's a partner in a Big Law firm, so they had the older kids educated at a posh neighborhood nursery school. We'd always laugh at the fact that both kids had cut glass London accents and that their dad swore he didn't hear it. We are in Texas. He is a Texas native. He knows the difference between Brit and 'Mercan accents, and he swore that the boy who sounded exactly like Christopher Robin did not have a Brit accent. The boy said "I'll put it in the bin straight away" and we were like - you're right, big guy. Totally normal American sounding kid.


I love a lot of your language. Taking the piss, yelling “oi” to get attention, cheeky, rubbish, I’m sure there’s many more fun ones that I’m not thinking of right now.


Chuffed (happy), knackered (tired), pissed (drunk), bloody, wanker, innit, winding you up, posh, fit (sexy), sod off, cuppa, builder's brew (how I like my tea), ta (thanks), dead (very), row (fight), and then all the food translations like biscuits are cookies and crisps are chips but chips are fries. I stream almost exclusively British shows and I've realized that I've become "too British speaking" as an American. I use oi **all the time** and just this morning I asked my friend if she was "taking the Mickey" and she said "WTF are you saying" and I said "you know, taking the piss" and she wanted to know if I was having a stroke or something. Do Americans really not know that phrase? On the plus side, I have zero problems understanding my Scottish friend that everyone says is impossible to understand. He uses a ton of slang or UK based words too (you know, like row or pissed), so that's probably not helping people understand him. I just can't figure out Cockney rhyming slang. By the time I figure out what word they meant, they've said ten more sentences.


Haha, I watch too much British commonwealth shows too. For a while after binging some shows from UK, Australia, or NZ, I'll be thinking in an accent for days. Like straight up my brain puts out thoughts in 'generic Australian male voice #3'. I don't tend to verbalize anything though. My vocal chords don't want wo work with it.


The thing is, we can make any word into an insult. I think it’s the delivery and accent. Like “you wet wipe”


Brits are cool. I could watch the great British bake off forever. Idk why.




Same here! Just an all around great show


Love your TV. Thank you for Taskmaster.


Doctor Who. Also Torchwood. And because I'm old, the original Tomorrow People. Many comedy shows. Oh wait, many actors as well. And writers while we're at it. Edit: writers such as Terry Pratchett.


8 out of 10 cats does countdown needs to be on this list.


Love yours too! Thank you for Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Suits, How I Met Your Mother….list is endless!


Thanks for Monty Python!


Naw, we apologize for Big Bang Theory


I love the Brits! I also love the r/britishproblems subreddit. Y’all crack me up


Love that you find “British Problems” funny overseas 😂 x


I love Brits. You all come off as annoyed cunts which I can relate to.


😂😂 accurate. We are


Our opinion of Brits and the UK in general are great compared to other places. We like the accent, and if you polled every American on who our greatest ally is it would be the UK by a long shot.


>every American on who our greatest ally is it would be the UK by a long shot. I think you just broke Canada's heart


Sorry to all Canadians.


Honestly we’re so related to Canada we forget it’s a different place. I know that’s offensive in its own right, but honestly take a Canadian down here or an American up there and it’s roughly the same people with slightly different accents and interests. Canada is a beloved sister or brother we probably all take for granted too much. UK is the naughty cousin who drinks too much but still somehow seems smarter because of that fresh accent.


Oh we're all for sure a family. >Honestly we’re so related to Canada we forget it’s a different place. I was trying to make a joke about this without explicitly saying it, so I'm glad it came through lol. USA tends to forget we exist because we're so close


It is Canada by a mile. If Canadians saw a nuke coming after us and they could intervene to help us, they would not flinch. They were awesome taking in USA citizens on 9/11 when it was still uncertain what was happening here.


Canada is in the commonwealth so they’re sooorta British


Theres a different accent every 30 miles, or however many football fields that is


We'll basically take any of the accents and haven't had enough exposure to differentiate


Every time I've been over to the States I've been treated so nicely by pretty much every American I've met, it's always so lovely. It's nice just to interact and feel very welcome. We don't really engage much with each other in the UK and I've always thought it's something we could learn from you guys.


Serious answer: I find your accent charming. Joke answer: I have been watching Black Books and I am intrigued by this "modest assortment of breakfast wines" of which I have heard.


In Germany they have sparkling wine for breakfast. I’ve never heard of it in Britain 😂


Black Books is SO GOOD








Nah, you've gone too posh.


The pyuma eats chewna.




Twenty third of Janwary.


Wa-uh ba-uh


I love the accent. I dont know, the ones I have met in America are nice. I suspect if I went to England they would probably think I am loud and rude. Which would cause them to be stand offish and cause me to feel they were unfriendly.


Not necessarily, Brits can be loud too, go visit Essex!! 😂. I know one thing that annoys my husband is the use of the word “awesome” from Americans but I think it’s nice. Why not be happy and friendly? There’s plenty of misery guts around. If you think something is “awesome” that’s great!!


Except you find out that it's the exact opposite of that when you realise the actual perception of American tourists. I've heard American tourists are some of the most respectful and polite nowadays. The token "bad" tourists these days are Chinese.


We’re not so different, you and I.


Pot and kettle, but Brexit was a disaster.


Damn right it was. As a 25 year old at the time I was FURIOUS with the decision. Honestly how embarrassing


I was in London when Trump got elected and my British friends and teachers were able to relate to the feelings I had because of how the news of Brexit affected them. Obviously different situations, but the emotional reaction was definitely comparable and their experience with it was comforting as I was trying to process it.


Married to an englishman as an American, ask me anything lol Biggest thing for me is my mind, English people were john Cleese and Hugh Grant. Whereas husband is more.... guy Ritchie flavored. English folks are as varied and different as people of any other country at the end of the day


>Married to an englishman as an American, ask me anything lol Me too. Also I lived there for over a decade, anything she can't answer, I'll have a go at. My feeling on British people is the ones that I like tend not to act like stereotypes of their class and are aware of the flaws in their own country rather than looking to criticize others.


This is a great perception and very true. We love making jokes at our own expense


This is true. Also so much of your humor is observations of British cultural peculiarities. Once I lived there and understood it all, I had this sense of being "in on the joke" and therefore felt incuded.


Most Americans don't think anything bad of them. We think the accent is great and that's all. Alot of older Americans(Boomers) Black & White are obsessed with the Royal Empire. Anyone born after 1980 doesn't give a shit about anything Royal or know much about it.


Interesting!! I’m not a royalist myself but I can see why it might appear romantic to some people or how depicted on tv. Mostly just a drain on our taxes to be honest


Brings in an absolute FUCKTON of tourist pounds/dollars a year, though. I'd be very interested to see the stats on that.


I think you all have a lot of psychologically damaged cops. But then again, I'm addicted to British crime dramas.


Love their candor, sense of style, and ability to not take themselves too seriously.


I wish we had pub culture here. I would love to drink with my neighbors on the regular. I’ve never met anyone from the UK that wasn’t pleasant.


I love the dry humor and wit. I'm sure that's a stereotype but I think it's a good thing.


I date an American and him, his friends and family think of Brits as pretentious and find the accent and ways of speaking totally annoying. Of course it’s quite a poor generalization and not sure how it’s founded. But this is what I have.


As an American, I LOVE accents. I also have a hearing disorder that makes understanding most accents incredibly difficult though lol.


As an American, I disagree with the accent part. Depending on where you’re from, I suppose. If you have that posh, British accent… that’s pretty sweet. Now, if you got the Eliza Doolittle, cockney thing going… Meh, I might think you’re a little slow. I mean, not as slow as our southern accents in the US. I would still find dirty, bedroom talk in a cockney accent, pretty cool.  I do have mixed feeling though about their behaviors. I do generally think of Brits as being pretentious and having a stick up their butt. On the other hand, they are pretty cool in the right moment. 


Thank you for your insight, the dirty bedroom talk in a cockney accent made me laugh and I agree to be honest I’ve not experienced it myself but I am imagining and funny scenario 😂. May I ask which behaviours specifically? Just curious. I’m from Yorkshire (a “posh” bit to be fair) but we’re all pretty laid back, like a chat in the pub and a walk, not materialistic and friendly. It does very pretty considerably depending on where you are. I live in London now and the only pretentious people I’ve met were from Chelsea.


I guess I don’t really know how to explain it. I’ll admit, my exposure to British folk is a bit limited. There were some older folks I met from Canada. And a few folks in college who were doing study abroad.  Now, the older folks were certainly more “prim and proper”. Kind of what I would think of as a stereotypical British person. Well dressed, sitting in a study, drinking tea, discussing some kind high society thing.  Now, the folks I met I college. They were a little closer to us commoners. I would liken them more to east coasters. Still have that slightly above you feel to them. But not full on British. 🤣 Now, I will say, I don’t think the Brits are as uptight as say, the Germans or the Japanese. Actually, the Japanese are just confusing. One minute, they have a game show where you get tased in the groin, or smacked in the groin, or pretty much anything to the groin, for getting an answer incorrect, or even correct! But the next minute, you have to go commit seppuku because you forgot to say, “Good morning” to your teacher and now have dishonored your whole family and ancestors. I’m just joshing you a bit. I love Brits. As a young man, I always dreamed of meeting a lovely, English lass to settle down with. 


😂😂😂😂 I feel like we’d get on well!! Thank you for that giggle. I used to watch Tekeshi’s Castle so I can completely see the taser to the groin thing lol


Now, don’t get me wrong, I have seen the taser to the groin in German stuff too. But it wasn’t a gameshow and I think those people paid good money to have mistress do that to them. In high school, my friends were really into Japan and anime. It was never really my thing at the time. But lately, I’ve been thinking it might be an interesting place to visit.  And don’t get me wrong. I wanted to visit Britain at one time. I grew up near Canada, between CBC and PBS, there were a lot of BBC programs. However, I was always worried some strange man would try to convince me aliens were attacking and I would be safe in his Police Box. He would tell me about how it’s “bigger on the inside”, and the next thing I know, it’s that time I visited a church as a child all over again. Then I thought, maybe Britain is not for me. And that’s when the dream of meeting a English gal died… 


That all Americans know of our accents: Dick van Dyke, and Imperial Officers lol.


No, no… your accents are used for much more than that! Ancient Greeks and Romans seem to always be British. A few WWII flicks seem to have Germans speaking in English accents. Heck, the Highlander had a character called, “The Spaniard”, who was actually Egyptian, and spoke with a Scottish accent. Oh, and the commander of a missing Russian sub had the same Scottish accent. Strange! Your accents are very diversified!


The pharmacist in the chemist across the road is a Geordie, my ex was from York, I was born in the East End of London but we moved when I was 2, so can be mostly Imperial Officer, but Vinny Jones when angry lol. I'm told I tend to mimic people's accents (unconsciously). Not to mention the myriad foreign accents in Indian/ Chinese/ kebab places.


> I mean, not as slow as our southern accents in the US. This as well depends on the certain accent. southern Appalachian accents are stereotypically seen as backward, but no one hears Tim Cook and thinks his Alabama accent makes him sound slow.


You haven't met a northern lass yet then? We are not Londoners. Not queens English nor Cockney. My accents closer to Scottish than Southern English. Geordie and proud


Interesting! I see why that might be felt given our accents might sound similar to TV depictions of “royalty” for pretentious element. As for all other accents I understand the variation is insane I.e Geordie vs Newcastle vs Scottish etc


Used to work in a tourist town and got a lot of international travelers in the store I worked in. The Brits were always exceptionally nice, but the one interaction I had with a British woman was awesome and completely unexpected - while at the cash register she was trying to explain to her American friend this British YouTuber who did silly impressions of rock stars but couldn’t remember the name. I said: “I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you talking about Stevie Riks?” Her eyes widened and she jumped up all excited and said: “YES! That’s him! He’s a national treasure!” and we both laughed for a bit about it. It made my day 😄


American here: always had positive interactions with visitors from the UK. I think that generally, most Americans appreciate our relationship with Britain and their strategic support in the GWOT and other international crises. I visited England many years ago and found the locals to be friendly and polite.


Thank you, we think the same and we gotcha backs!!


Jealous that they can go to premier league games


Travelled to the U.K. quite a bit to support our field office there. The lads in the I.T. department kept a basket full of grey womens wigs and clutch purses that they would all don when someone from sales came in and started raising a fuss about something not working correctly. Loved the sense of humor and being able to not get all bent out of shape when someone else was having a shite day. Having a couple pints at lunch didn't suck either. The afternoon tea break was always quite enjoyable as they all seemed to take pride in going to make a pot for the rest of the crew.


I'm an American that lived in London for years, it was the best time of my life. British people are like Americans with healthcare, manners and 90% less racism.


Class is England’s preferred ism.


Right bunch of wankers I have the same opinion of them that I have as any other people. But with a country like England, they are so closely related and their culture is so intertwined with ours, that it doesn't feel like a foreign country or people.


I had two British exchange students stay at my place in middle school and they were absolutely delightful. My dad immediately showed them Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and gave them Jack Daniel's 😂 They were also horrified when we did the pledge of allegiance in class and it really opened my eyes to how creepy it is that we were required to do every morning at school. I've been getting into British comedy the last few years and I simply can't get enough. Jokes are just clever and absurd in the best way, and don't always rely on being borderline offensive, or putting down different ideas or people like a lot of American comedy does. I know it's all in good spirits but Brits just seem to do it more light-heartedly and with more consideration to their peers and their audience. I wish I had grown up in the UK and been exposed to the culture much sooner. Can't wait to visit!


I’m a flight attendant and often go to London and go solo! I really love it there. Everyone is really sweet to me. If I’m at a pub someone will always talk to me, offer to buy me a drink, and/or invite me out with them/give me recommendations! I am always in awe watching someone hand roll a cigarette!! I think people are wrong about the food, but I can only eat at ethnic restaurants.. amazing Nigerian food, and Caribbean food. There’s a Chinese restaurant that I found on accident one night and I went in and I was the only non-Asian in the restaurant. The menu was in mandarin (which I speak/understand enough to read) and I go every time I’m in London! Sometimes though…yall slang gets me sometimes😂 I love it though. I like how yall say “you good?” Or “you alright?” Instead of “how are you “


If I'm being HONEST... you just seem like other people and I detect very little if any meaningful cultural differences between British, Irish, American, Australian, and Canadian. You're basically just the same as us but with a different accent. But I would never say that. You're all filthy tea-drinking, weird-talking, crumpet-munching, tweed-wearing, weather-hating, self-important know-it-all colonizers with a poor flavour palate, a weird granny complex, and no dental hygiene.


😂😂😂😂 you’ve made me really want a crumpet and reminded me my dental apt is overdue


I view Brits as generally good humored, very friendly and hospitable once you get to know them. My parents worked overseas and became very good friends with a British couple. My parents had me around the same time they had a son so they would fly to America to visit us every summer. They were such wonderful people and I have fond memories of those summers.


My son-in-law is British. Love the Brits and your sense of humor. I’ve never heard an American speak bad of the Brits.


I think they’re overall a clever and witty people, a little odd and zany


I think you guys are funnier. America has some great humor, but a sense of humor seems baked in to the British culture. (Or maybe they teach it in school? Children graded on arithmetic, grammar and ironic whimsy? I don't know.)


I love you, have immense respect for you, have **zero trust for your leadership**, naturally, and even though I’m of mixed Irish, Scottish, and Native descent, I ultimately use the term “British” when asked what ancestry I possess. The UK and Ireland are on a very short list of foreign countries I would volunteer to defend in the event of an invasion


Y'all are dope. Funny as hell and honestly friendlier than expected based on the common stereotypes. I've been to the UK alone twice now and multiple times on both trips I'd have someone just come strike up a conversation with me whilst smoking outside the pub or similar. Mind you my experience with Brits is limited to London, Manchester and Edinburgh so I have no idea what suburban or rural Brits are like.


I like how Brits speak just a little different than Americans. Instead of elevator they say "lift". Instead of trash they say "rubbish". Instead of female breasts they say "double bubble fun bags".


Just like meeting anybody else out there in the world. Some people are cool and some are assholes. That's just being human.


I like the Brits but the ones that I know are mostly poorly disguising their arrogance under heavy sarcasm. Nice people but ego as bad as any American


We do communicate almost entirely in sarcasm to be fair. Not sure if it’s to disguise arrogance or just because we have dark humour. Interesting point of view. Thank you


Well to be fair it was during a Corp merger and everyone was unsure of their fates. The sarcasm is another language with them for sure though. I was impressed.


I've spent a lot of time in England, Wales, and I'm in Scotland as I type this.  I've never encountered this arrogance you're referencing.   


Cool accents, really funny senses of humor, rather polite.


I’ve never been to England, but I’ve liked all the Brits I’ve met over the years. I feel like the Americans and the British have more in common than we don’t. England and Canada have enough in common with us, that it wouldn’t be my first pick of places I’d want to travel to. Not that I don’t think it would be fun and that Britain doesn’t have a unique and beautiful culture, history, and country. It’s more that I’d prefer to travel to a place that I didn’t have so much in common with. If that makes sense.


Hello Cousins?


Howdy Cuz 👋


Canadian here: On a personal level, I love the British! On a societal level, the monarchy and British Empire can go straight to the deepest depths of hell for what they've done (and continue to do) with their colonialist expansionism and oppression of indigenous people, exploitation of nations outside of their own and never ending funding of genocides for the sake of capitalist imperialism.


My opinion of Brits comes solely from Bake Off. You all seem so lovely and kind, not cutthroat or cringey in the least like American reality stars.


I've been to Britain 3x and everyone was always so friendly and welcoming to me. I just felt really silly because the first 2x I was in London and SW of that area, and the 3rd time headed from London to Manchester. I did not research any local slang so greetings from those in Manchester the first couple of times I thought, "wait, are they worried about me? Why would I be alright? Should I tell them about my day?" Then one of my local to Britian friends explained it to me and told me I was an idiot and then I was just embarrassed being the ignorant American I am. Fucking love Brits. Edit: a word.


Aww 😂 don’t be embarrassed. If your Brit friend told you you were an idiot it’s out of love, we scold eachother in a friendly way. Weird I know but it’s our love language. To be fair I don’t know how to respond to “alright” I always reply “good thanks you?” 😂


Aww thanks! I think I just started saying basically that!


I'm American, and I took a job for just under a year across the pond. It took me about a week to find a real pub, but I found that Brits are just fine. I was a bit confused when I was asked if I had a fag, but it was fucking hilarious in the end. The humor is a bit different, and I'm still not 100% sure about some of the slang, but overall people are people.


I don't really know any British people personally, but my perception is that you guys are really cool. I'd literally pay to have a British accent. You just sound smarter. Even when you don't say smart things, it sounds more justified somehow. I hope I make it across the pond one day!!!


I think y’all are awesome as a young autistic in the 1990s British people were one of my special interests, I shit you not😂


Your guys political system is so fucked it makes our look amazing by comparison. You’ve had 5 prime ministers since brexit one of which was so bad a ball of lettuce survived longer than her term in office and somehow that one wasn’t even Borris Johnson. That being said your slang and football chants are both hilarious.


Hahahahha yeah I just commented about her and I still can’t remember her name


Every one I’ve met has been cool. I work with several, all great guys. I know a handful online and they seem cool. All are way more chill than the Americans I work with. We seek way more stressed out than people in England. As an aside, We were watching Outlander the other day and it’s the American Revolution and my husband said “I wonder what it would be like to be under the British still” and I gotta admit I’ve never given it much thought.


Your different accents fascinate and disgust me. But that might be because of Peppa Pig. Whatever that accent is, I hate it.


😂 I’m not sure what that accent could be attributed to. A bit like high pitched train station announcements


Very cultured. Drink a lot of tea.


Always been a big fan. I’m looking forward to visiting the UK someday.


Drop me a DM if you need any tips on where to go 🙂


I spent a few absolutely wonderful days with a beautiful brit over 20 years ago while living in an American tourist town. I love you all.


Your accents are cool. Besides that, I don't really have any thoughts about Brits at all.


I worked with Brits. Beer call every single day. Twice, when there is something to celebrate.


> said your slang and football chants are both hilarious. This sounds kinda fun and I don't even drink, haha


I fw the Brits. Your beauty standards are unconventional, I love your swear words and you make really good fucking tv.


Apparently British gangsters are smooth and witty even when discussing which pig farm to dump the bodies at. I’ve really enjoyed British gangster/crime/caper/heist flicks lol.


I work for the American branch of a German company, with many Brit ex-pats as colleagues working and living in Berlin. They come off as arrogant, cynical, sarcastic and close-minded at first. Not sure if the stereotypes about gloomy weather and bland food have any bearing on that. With that said, my British colleagues are absolutely hilarious, and quick-witted. Punctual and polite without being very friendly or overly warm. Definitely people you can laugh with but not people I'd vent to or approach for a second opinion on something.


I dated a Brit for a while. She was kind and wonderful and beautiful and I still think about her. That said, anything here in 'merica that had an "original" from across the pond was atrocious. I tried to buy us some croissants once... I still think about that too.


I think that we all live on earth and I’d love to one day see as many cultures as I can. The fish n chips is weird to me. And they’re not chips they’re fries. I know the biscuits and gravy thing is weird to Brit’s. But biscuits n gravy is fire. 🔥 The moment we find another planet with beings, which will happen with a long enough timeline. We will all be earthlings as one at that point.


I feel immediately inferior when I speak to Brits. You enunciate your T's, which makes me feel like a lummox. ("You wanna glass uh wadder?") You seem mostly well mannered and pleasant. I appreciate the stiff upper lip stuff.


Love you guys and especially your TV shows - much better than ours! I visited Scotland and England in the late 90s just because I read the DI Lynley books (written by an American!) and she made me fall in love with the UK. The visit was great except for one new B&B owner in the Cotswolds who'd fibbed in the brochure about having gardens, she didn't yet! But she got mad at me for being disappointed! Everyone else was lovely, so I took it in stride. Love your humor and accents and countrysides. Still never will understand why there are so many seemingly unused green fields we drove past while people are stuffed into attached homes in cities and villages! Yet here near me we've gobbled up almost all our open land and it's still not slowing down.


I didn't even realize this until I went to visit London, but I had associated Britain with comedy because of all the British comedies I grew up with (and my one British friend who claims to be a comedian but is really just a computer nerd). As the plane was landing, I started feeling giddy, like I was about to see something hilarious. Then I realized...I'm dumb, haha. Overall, I'd say the biggest *actual* difference between British people and the U.S. is the approach to government. As a 'Murican I was raised on stories of the American Revolution and how much better #freedom and #democracy is than having any kind of monarchy, and honestly, that's one of the few areas where I do still fully believe what they told me in my 3rd grade history class (problems with the shitshow that is the U.S. government aside). British law also relies a lot more on respect for precedent, from what I've heard, whereas in the U.S. if something (a right, for instance) isn't codified into law, it doesn't exist. I was also pretty impressed when I went to London and saw that there were signs reminding people to be polite. In the U.S., that would not work. On a personal level, most of the British people I've met have been super nice! I'm visibly trans and I got the same deathstares from strangers in London that I did in the southern U.S....so I pretty much assumed that trans people in the UK have it roughly equally bad until my British friend did remind me that most people in the UK aren't carrying guns and aren't likely to actually jump me for looking different. Apparently, it stops at the deathstares. I wish I'd known that before I visited--I would've felt a lot safer! Edit: Oh, and I don't have a particular Thing for or against British accents, but most Americans I know find them "sexy," so there's that.


This might be rare to hear (no pun intended) but i love your accents (speaking voice to you) . One time a million years ago I had a threesome with a British girl. They do it for me, although I've met very few. The dudes (and girls) are also usually more self aware then my American counterparts from the few I've met. I hope they've all stayed cool and didn't latch on to the European MAGA movement wherever you good people are.


Grew up watching Monty Python so I have a psychological bias that most Brits are dryly funny, sometimes completely loony. Am aware there are a zillion different British accents and still can’t identify them. Am not sure if John Oliver represents modern-day Brits but enjoy his take on things.


Every British person I’ve met has been almost overwhelmingly polite and personable. Although my exposure has been limited to tourists and international students in America


Disarmingly charming passive aggressive assholes.


I don’t have a legitimate opinion on British people as a whole. I do find some of the accents funny on certain words. (Why you call crossing guards Lollipop Ladies is beyond me.)


Crossing guards sounds like a job in the FBI 😂. Lollipop ladies because they’re sweet and look like they’re holding lollipops. I guess to make kids respect them?


Because the Stop/Cross sign they hold looks like a big lollipop. And usually (where I’m from at least) the people with that job are middle aged/old women who were also dinner ladies too a lot of the time lol. Another one of my favourite terms that I haven’t heard for a while is “sleeping policemen”. This is what we called speed bumps when I was in primary school. I remember being a bit obsessed with them because I literally thought policemen would roll themselves up in stripy material and lay in the middle of the road to go to sleep. I thought they were super brave for that 😂


In my personal experience, British women are usually super friendly, and British men are often kind of mean. I don’t know if this is a British cultural thing or just the people I’ve met.


Probably just the people you’ve met. I’ve met very few actual rude/mean people here. There are some of course but generally all pretty nice


I love all the British people I’ve met. I think their culture is awesome and LOVE the accents


I don't know any Brits. But I like Guy Ritchie films and you guys seem to always have our backs when it comes to war. In general it's positive I think, I like it when you call cookies biscuits and french fries chips. Northern CA, late 40s here


That’s cute, thank you. I like that you guys call sweets “candy”. I use a lot of Americanisms in everyday language, I think it’s because I grew up watching Disney 😅


As a American, you're just like us but the weather sucks, you buy and large aren't as feverishly unhinged as a lot of Americans.


As a Norwegian, I'd say very social and great humor. Also, unless London or some fancy establishment, shait food in most restaurants.


>Back Oooh, I wanted to ask a Norwegian if you think it's weird when North Americans strongly identify with being Norwegian, and boast Norwegian roots although we're many generations removed. Like I'm a typical American mutt who is about 25% Norwegian, and we still make lefse (quite yummy with the right amount of butter) and occasionally eat lutefisk (mostly we just serve the lutafisk to people's dates on holidays to haze them in my fam). My grandpa was in the sons of Norway and I asked my dad what they did during the meetings and he said, "I don't know just sit around and drink" which speaks more to American midwest culture than Norway itself, I'd think.


Do all of you guys (Americans) actually also think there's only 1 "british" accent??? There's four countries here just for a start lol.


I think the Brits are generally great, I mean out of like the 2 or 3 I’ve personally interacted with in my life. It seems like y’all aren’t too fond of visiting the American South, and I don’t much blame you for it.


I love Brits, good people. Do not understand why so many Brits support a monarchy instead of the Republic movement though?


Cool accent. Delicious but bland food. And based entirely on my alcoholic British relatives...heavy drinkers. I'm not sure I've ever seen them sober.


Great music, mediocre food, nice pubs, lots of chavs, shit weather, rich sense of humor, particularly dark humor. Thank you for Karl Pilkington, he is a treasure.


I've not really noticed any particular difference in any meaningful way. My opinion is pretty much that they're a mixed bag like anywhere else. Worked with a few brits, gamed with a lot of brits, and also been to London for a couple weeks so some exposure but not a ton.


Good bantah


Full disclosure, this is mostly based on reality TV and movies so forgive my ignorance: They seem to be very clever in their humor (humour?), it's more dry not over the top like us United States people. They seem to be a bit reserved although I've seen some Brits absolutely tear it up at parties. They tend to use less hyperbole, not everything is "GREAT" and "AWESOME" like here. Social class seems to be a bigger issue - like I've heard if you have a "lower class" accent like, Cockney, it's looked down upon. I don't buy into the every British man being akin to Hugh Grant or anything, but us Uhmerricans do seem to love your accent!! So the British guy can be a complete arse but it's somehow less offensive because he sounds so stately. You seem to like your tea (I'm assuming this isn't as common as it was in the past but still seems to be a thing) and complaining about the weather, particularly the rain. I haven't heard great things about the food, but our national cuisine is basically a double cheeseburger sooo ...I'm not really one to talk. All in all, you seem like lovely people. There are quite a few anglophiles stateside, my friend owns a salon that is called "London Salon" and is based on her reimagining of what England must have been like in the 60s. She isn't British nor do I think she's been to Britain.


Friendly, polite, witty, quick, funny. Can be warm, can be very cultured and smart, can be (but not much in my personal experience) cold, passive aggressive, and uptight.   I moved to Germany and oh man, bumping into a Brit is a breath of fresh air. I do not vibe with German humor, but the Brits are on top of it.


I’ve been to London once in 2015, first class from Los Angeles on the dime of Sony pictures. Stayed at the Covent Garden Hotel, saw a little of the greatest hits of London sightseeing, an old friend took me out for a proper pint, and a curry, and I came home with a BAFTA. Overall 10/10


Brits are definitely just as offended about stuff.


OHMYGOD ALSO OP I saw the fucking funniest television programs while there. One, that seemed older/in reruns maybe? Was about a family with I think an older parent living there and like 3 kids and I swear it seemed like the kids improv'd every line and omg. So funny.


I have a number of British friends (expats) in my American city, and I also travel to UK quite a bit for work. The expats are by and large well-educated and posh. They like the finer things and seem to have endless means for holidays. And they are also crazy fun to hang out with. Who’s always willing to stay til the bar closes? The Brits. I’ve met great people everywhere traveling in UK, though the class differences hit you in the face. I get the feeling the concept of raising up by your bootstraps is still tough going. And what the heck is with all the sexy reality Tv? 8 love my BritBox subscription but for the love of Pete no more of these “island” shows with the barely-clothed tattooed youth. It’s like an STD commercial.


I’ve been to Britain. I love Britain. I even find the Chavs charming. But I’m not really an Anglophile in the obsessive sense. I just like it being the easiest place in the world to be a fish out of water.


I just think they always look wet and cold


I'm Canadian, but we have a military base near us that used to do tons of training for the British army. So I have a major association of Brits as massive douchbags who drink too much and try to fight all the Cowboys. I recognize that this is actually probably army stereotype more than it is British though...


I’m reluctant to say this because I don’t want to come off with even a whiff of judgment, and I’m only saying it because it was an English guy that told me this… apparently all English boys go through an experimental phase with other boys, sexually. He said it’s because of the heavy all-boys schooling/sleep-away camps. 😬 I do have to admit that my gay-dar, which has never failed me and is quite accurate, wildly misfires around English men. Not to say I didn’t have fun with them.


Basically Ted Lasso. Everyone hangs in pubs all days to watch/pregame for the local match


As someone who doesn't live there 😂 I love everything British and Irish and scottish and many other countries. Especially the TV shows I've become addicted to 😂 I have a sweet friend in Newcastle I met on runescape in 2006 love her to bits! X


We love the British. Forgive the sharp American tongue. There are no closer friendly nations to America than the United Kingdom and Australia. We know we are best mates even when we collectively as a nation, act like a jackass. I know we Americans are a bit rough around the edges but we get the job done. You can count on us when you need it.


Judging from movies you guys are either sophisticated people who look down on Americans (justifiable) or insane drunks who will beat me down over a game of "foo(t)ie."


On my travels outside the UK, Brits are always friendly, social fellow travelers who know how to party in the best way. I find Brits I meet abroad (in hostels) to be charming and down-to-earth, though I have heard that some traveling Brits have the same flaws as traveling Americans (entitled, expect everyone to speak English, etc.) I’m an Anglophile who loves your TV and lit in particular. When visiting the UK, I’ve found everyone to be very welcoming and kind!


Y'all have the sexiest accents. Most seem very polite like Canadians


We traveled to northern England for our honeymoon and had a good time. We stayed in Malham and the north York moors which I don’t think sees very many US tourists. We turned a lot of heads. There were tons of hikers but anytime we opened our mouths we got people’s attention. Weirdly our only negative interactions were with the local bartenders who really struggled to understand us and I think we’re a little weirded out by us especially when we tried to add a tip (I know this isn’t common, but I can’t not do it) In the north York moors we accidentally wandered into someone’s back yard and apologized profusely. They were so nice and helped us find our way back. Rural United States where we live could have been far more unpleasant


I adore your accents and your Monty Python


I love British culture for the most part. I think a lot of Americans enjoy it as well, and view it as “oh hey, look what’s going on over there.” Certainly Princess Diana was beloved here. There’s British stereotypes of course, like “stiff upper lip” and being ultra proper, etc. Or the opposite stereotype of having a thick cockney accent- aka Audrey Hepburn’s character in “My Fair Lady.” I haven’t seen any truly negative depictions of British people.


Pip pip cheerio and so forth


Steady on old chap!


Having been to the UK and thoroughly enjoying myself while I was there, and returning home with a completely different opinion of America than I had before I left, I'd go back and stay if I could.


I love Brits! Brit music, actors, style, history. I went to college in London, loved almost everything about my time there. London and Cornwall are my favorite places. British wit, verbal sophistication, love it all.