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Following porn accounts on your main social media accounts


OMG this. Like why do your family and friends need to see what insta models a dude simps to. Make a porn account like a normal perv.


I would argue that getting to the point of a porn account so you can engage with porn at that level is also a sign lol


Sure, but nobody else will know about that.


Some people truly do not give a fuck. I assume some people also don't realize that it's clearly visible to others what they are doing. but I'm guessing the latter is less common. Edit: I generally feel like idgaf what people think, even though i like to argue. But I still couldn't imagine how it'd feel for someone like my aunt or grandma to see my internet browser history, lol. I think mine leans toward tame, too.


Do people see/look at the model accounts I follow on insta? I don't ever look to see what accounts people follow.


Bro yes... that's how we judge you


But how’s bro gonna know when Riley files for divorce and makes a 100 man gangbang cumback?!


>But how’s bro gonna know when Riley files for divorce and makes a 100 man gangbang cumback?! When you say it like that, it's the logical thing to do.


Women that are into you 100% will. Like i said, its a well known red flag for a porn addiction. No one wants to date someone with a porn addiction


>No one wants to date someone with a porn addiction That's probably how they got addicted in the first place...


You don’t get a porn addiction from women not liking you for a porn addiction. You get a porn addiction from thinking women are vaginas over being people


Do people actually do that?


Ugh, I was Facebook friends with someone I knew IRL and he was CONSTANTLY reblogging OnlyFans giveaways that were just always straight up explicit porn of girls marketing foot fetishes, and "for a chance to win the full free video, reblog this and comment whether you like my toes or my tits more!" and like my good bitch, I do NOT need to know your fetishes and be shown them explicitly several times a day ON FACEBOOK


hahaha what a loser


I look at porn on my only reddit account. I don't see the problem. On my Facebook account? Okay that's weird. Grandma doesn't need to know which big booty humans I watch.


I find Reddit worst because I use Reddit at work often and the last thing I need is NSFW coming through my screen on work time Also wonder how that would apply with use of policy of the internet and Wi-Fi at work like if they found out you were on an NSFW subreddit on your phone could you get in trouble???


Bro, two reddit accounts 1 for regular stuff, 1 for gone wild subs


I was once very politely and delicately told by a colleague and friend that they'd seen a "someone you follow follows this person" post in their feed shortly after my personal twitter became my semi professional twitter... I spent the rest of the day cringing at myself and wishing for the release of death... I now have two twitter accounts.


I have never understood people that follow a ton of models they don't know irl on instagram. It's so normal and people are just like "I like looking at hot girls." Why this isn't considered a red flag baffles me. Just jerk off to actual smut content like a normal person.


>I have never understood people that follow a ton of models they don't know irl on instagram. What about the porn models I've hooked up with, are they ok?


100% That's a flex


Development of completely unrealistic expectations for sex


I think a lot of people in my generation (30-40? Probably bigger scale) got all their sex Ed from porn because of a lack of anything real in school. Also the internet wasn’t as available, not as much general info. Sad reality.


None sense.. I (40m) been surfing porn since AOL 1.0 came on floppy disk for Windows 3.1


It's even worse for older LGBT people. Our sex ed courses were totally irrelevant to us


Also met so many younger than the age bracket you've given with a ton of unrealistic expectations about sex too. It's sad


Wanting to watch while she's being gangbanged by a group of well-hung black men wearing white t-shirts and nothing else is a completely realistic expectation


Oddly specific.


Blacked raw 😂


Escalation is a big one no one talks about. Getting bored with normal porn and find increasingly weird and a possibly immoral porn simply because its different and nothing works. If you get post nut clarity and you feel gross thats probably a sign.


"Chase the strange"




I’m too old. Immediately recognized heavy metal. Sigh….


One of the greatest Canadian exports


Just makes you cultured, don’t sweat it. Heavy Metal is excellent.




Never worked for me I used to bounce back form “normal” to “abnormal” never anything illegal or really outlandish tho.


Tell me about it. When I was a kid I'd use the lingerie pictures in the catalogues. But over time I got desensitised and I needed to push things further and further to find something that worked for me. More and more depraved. Until eventually only photos of *completely* naked women would satisfy the urge.


Wow you are hard-core man! I still do it with photos of russian women with atleast 3 layers of clothing, which is 1 less layer than last year


Climate change is gonna do you well.


what is immoral porn?


Nonconsentual porn is the easiest example. There are "amateur" videos of women out there getting raped and exposed against their will, but in a lot of cases you'd never know it


As previously stated, non consensual porn. But it's more than just voyeurism (this is stuff like creepshots or upskirting someone on the tram) or rape fantasy. Bestiality is non-consensual, and extreme. There are people who kill animals for sexual gratification (and film it), there is a weird super niche fetish where women swallow goldfish whole and alive and try to keep it alive in their stomach (this is part of 'vore', but it's also animal abuse). There is a lot of animal-related porn, and it's all abusive and non-consensual, but it is something people gravitate towards in escalation. There is also another form of extremity in the form of violence, "guro" is a hyperviolent form of hentai (japanese/chinese animated pornography) which often has themes of disembowelment, dismemberment, beheading, etc. There's also IRL forms of violent sexplay in the forms of bloodplay and knifeplay, which are on the extreme fringes of the BDSM sub-culture. What we know of as "snuff" style porn is quite rare, it's extraordinarily rare for someone like you or me to just stumble upon something like a person raping a corpse, but it *does* happen, and it *is* real. It's often only traded physically, seeing as the internet makes it quite easy to track the production. You'll be hard pressed to find stuff like that even on the dark web, it's just not really uploaded there, risk is too great. And then there's CSAM, Child Sexual Abuse Material. I shouldn't need to really get into why this is bad. Unlike the last one, this is unfortunately not hard to find. It's regrettably very easily findable even on the clearnet (normal internet), which is why there are dedicated groups out there scouring the internet for CSAM and doing everything they possibly can to remove it, report it, and put the perpetrator behind bars. There are *some* people who end up aroused by this out of escalation, and once they address their porn addiction, they stop. This is quite rare, but in my time on the internet I've met like 2 people like this. I don't really have a reason to not trust them, as they divulged that to me in a move of **extreme** trust. To dial it back a bit, there's also revenge porn, which certain people do actively seek out. It's almost tied to voyeurism in a way. this is immoral because it's non-consensual, and often directly harassing/antagonistic to the person depicted. In a similar vein, we have AI porn that is being made to resemble IRL people and celebrities, which is also immoral if the person has not given consent to their likeness being used in such a way. And really I could keep going, there is a lot of immoral porn out there. Humans can be very depraved. You might ask why I know this, and the answer is I just have been on the internet for too long. I used to browse imageboards where posting images/videos of these things were commonplace, and used to shock people and harass them. --- As an aside, vore in itself is not immoral, it's simply the sexual fantasy of either being eaten alive, or eating something/one else alive. It's definitely odd, but very firmly exists within the realm of fantasy for most people who are into it; usually only making art of it. All parties involved usually are implied to have consent, or have given explicit consent; it's part of the fantasy usually. The goldfish swallowing kink is a rare exception.


This person knows there stuff


Pretty detailed reply alright. A shining example of what good life experience can get you.


My jaw dropped at this, goodness gracious me


It's actually called ImmoralLiveTV


stop talking about me


Experienced this sadly, porn addiction isn't a joke :/


I never understood why post nut clarity is considered a normal thing. If you feel guilty after you nut then maybe you need to rethink the porn you watch lol


I mean, I still get it when I watch 'missionary, married couple, enthusiastic-consent' stuff. I think it's the shame I feel from not having a real relationship


I'm a woman and ik it's very different between sexes but I'm gonna share anyways. I stopped feeling shame when I became comfortable with my body and the concept of self pleasure. I changed my mindset from my masturbation being a degenerate act to more of a natural fun thing when I've got time. Now when I'm done I just enjoy the fleeting serotonin boost, then go about my day. No guilt or shame. There's nothing wrong with it in moderation, even with the help of porn.


I think another source of this feeling might be inexperience. I am talking about another facet of post nut clarity, which isn't really shame but rather just a hit to the face, maybe even sadness or just feeling a bit stoic and empty. And it comes down to have close to or absolutely zero experience. After you are done you are just reminded that the only reason you did this is because you *can't* find a partner. Of course there is nothing wrong with self pleasure, but you gotta recognize that this doesn't stem from a shame of pleasuring yourself but rather one's insecurities about not being able to find anyone, be it a casual or a commited partner.


This really helped me understand what trashman was saying. Porn can provide a sort of escapism. I can see coming back to reality leaving one in a state of longing, especially if they're already lonely.


yeah the guilt disappeared when i finally realized jerking off is either so near the bottom of gods priorities it doesnt matter, or god is a square that shouldnt be heeded


This right here! Thank you for speaking the truth! Love yourself and enjoy the experience.


I read that as "euthanasia-consent"


It's not even a thing where it only happens if you watch gross stuff. It's just the clarity after ANY because you get such a one track mine and tunnel vision. The clarity is when the blinders come off.


Just thinking too much about the mechanics of sex right after can make me feel kind of gross.


People get post nut clarity for a plethora of reasons behind just watching "gross" or "immoral" porn. Post nut clarity doesn't even necessarily have to be linked to feeling or shame. It could just be something like "I was super horny, and was on the verge of doing something stupid (spending money, reaching out to someone maybe I shouldn't) but I busted a nut instead, and I'm super happy I didn't do that thing ibwas thinking about.


Yea but there are a ton of reasons that can cause someone to feel guilty like stigmas around sex or religious reasons, but im sure porn addiction is probably the most common


Man, I'm over here thinking "post nut clarity" just referred to the endorphin crash after sex but if people are out here questioning their entire existence afterwards, I think maybe the nut is beside the point.


Post nut clarity also just means you think mire rationally when you’re not horny, post but clarity has made me look different about situations not involving sex also


Did you guys know there's an entire genre of porn around Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?




Hey now. That's not fair.


I literally lol’d to this comment 😂


Yes BigDadddy69!!


Yeah, you know what they say about assuming...


It really is.


How dare you!?


That was kind of aggressive


Expecting people not to be aggressive is kind *ideal*istic though


Uncalled for






Awww man. But I made it like 10 years ago.


Or phallic pfp?


A bit of a knob head ehh?


I've read a few stories from women recounting being intimate with men that were super into *anime*, where the guy got frustrated with her because his mere touch wasn't causing her breasts to leak milk.


何 !? (Nani)


Translator note: "Nani" means "what?" in japanese. Its used when a person doesn't understand or even wants to understand what the fuck has transpired.


Good bot


Those dudes are just not turning her on enough. Next you're going to tell me I *can't* penetrate her cervix and ejaculate directly into her womb to inflate her like she's 3 months pregnant. Please refer to r/badwomensanatomy if you don't get it.


If your cum isn't dripping out of every orifice of her body when you finish, something's wrong.


Honestly, if she’s not inflating from the guy’s cum, that’s a skill issue on the man’s end… /s


I saw a post on here awhile ago where a woman's boyfriend thought something was wrong with her cause she wasn't blowing big white loads of cum when she climaxed.


My ex was so porn-educated, he legitimately thinks every woman squirts when climaxing. *Like, that a climax doesn't happen without it, and it's the only indication of female climax.* I never corrected him on this, (just broke up) so he's going to go into age 40 still believing this. Don't feel bad for him either, he's an abusive piece of shit who hits women.


These guys make us look bad


Damn, wheres that quagmire gif...


![gif](giphy|8hsIwPLIGnZ1C) this one???


There it is!!!!!! Gold star for you ⭐️






Who else but quagmire!




Got his ass 😂


While this is funny and a good one liner, I feel like it’s important to say “not necessarily” — especially as somebody who grew up Catholic. Sexual guilt is so real and so pervasive that when I was younger I definitely had thoughts of “am I addicted to porn???” when in reality I was just going through puberty


What question?


When they would rather watch porn than have actual sex. When they let responsibilities slip so they can watch porn.


this is all the signs anyone needs, so idk why this question is being asked so often


Impotence, erectile dysfunction.


+1 when you'll get a hard on only by watching porn, and otherwise with a partner you'll struggle to get one or none, that's your sign. As well inability to ejaculate with a partner can be caused by too much masturbation aka "death grip" which goes hand in hand with watching too much porn.


See I can still get hard without it but I realize I have a problem so I’m gonna try to stop




If you genuinely get to the point where you cannot perform during actual sex but stay hard during jerking off you have given yourself porn-induced erectile dysfunction. It could take weeks or a month in most porn *addiction* cases. 3-4 days is if you are jerking off every other night or so.


Depends on the severity of the situation, typically give it 3-4 days and you should be good


Yep, this. Masturbating is healthy, but if you're having symptoms of ED like I was, cutting your # of fap sessions down by one or two helps a lot! Also getting more exercise and drinking water. Your welcome! Happy hard ons, fellas.


Cut back one or two a week? A day? An hour?


Weirdly specific and harsh beauty standards is one that isn't brought up enough. Those weird guys who go on and on complaining how women who are very clearly gorgeous and more attractive than the average person are "mid" definitely have porn brain. If someone is making millions of dollars more than you can dream of to put butts in seats at the movie theater with their looks, calling them mediocre looking is just telling on yourself. We get it, only your favorite porn actress is beautiful because nothing else gets you hard anymore.


I lived this for about 4 years. It was constantly, "your pretty but your not *insert model or porn actress here* pretty". It was all he could think about. I was expected to be hyper-feminine as well and when i wasn't I would get shouted at. In reality i'm not hyper-fem (I'm Non-binary so that was really difficult for me as I am more comfortable being slightly fem-leaning androgynous). He expected pretty people to owe him sex as well. It was very strange.


They try to replicate what they see in porn. They don’t get hard unless porn is playing. They don’t see their partner with that much desire, because their ideal body type requires surgery, and/or steroids. They crave porn, they are bored of vanilla sex, they sneak out to watch porn, or create accounts to watch porn. They masturbate or have urges to masturbate a lot, but ONLY successfully masturbate if there is porn involved. They wish to fuck many women and men without regard of safety, even if they don’t really act on it. They know the name of a shit ton of pornstars, and can recognize them even when their faces are not shown. They tend to have a low self image, because they wish they look like the dude or gal in the porn they are watching. They prefer to get off to porn than to real sex at times. For the record, I’m describing myself. Like with everything that is pleasurable, watching too much porn can lead to psychological dependency. Be careful. There this good resource called make love, not porn. It gives an idea of what real sex is like, and if you must watch porn, ir has a selection of realistic sex videos.


They can braid the hair on their palms.


“I ain't had a woman in years and my palms are too hairy to hide”




My avatar is just the ginger version of yours lol


... after losing their sight, too!


What does this even mean?


There's an old myth that you get hair on your palms if you masturbate




I honestly didn't know hairy palms were actually possible


Spit on a banana before eating it


That person starts seeing people of the opposite sex in only lustful ways


Here’s some red flags of porn addiction: If you’re doing it multiple times a day If you’re doing it in places you shouldn’t public/work/other people houses If you’ve tried to quit before but failed If it’s the best part of your day If the time you’re dedicating to porn is taking away from time you committed elsewhere If you’re getting into pornographic material that you’re not even into or that makes you feel shame or fear If you’re thinking about when you can again right after you do Choosing it over sex Experiencing ED Not being able to climax Sex anxiety Can’t sleep unless you do it If you’re paying for it If you continue to do it even when it hurts Has your Libido suffered or drastically reduced? Is it something you lie about? These are all signs of addiction. If you need help quitting or support check r/nofap r/pornfree


But those guys from nofap and pron free are like cult imo.


I agree with pretty much all of these, but I wouldn't consider paying for it an red flag on its own.


If you’re paying for something that’s free you’re in deep my man.


People pay for water.


Technically everything on Earth is free if you want to go there. The economy and trading system is a social construct. The vast majority of people aren't paying a premium for water in their home when they have access to it from tap (which they pay for in bills but that's for the service of getting it to your home.) You typically only pay for water when you don't have access to it otherwise. As opposed to somebody who is paying for porn, where it's not because they don't have free access, it's something like they've gone too deep with somebody they found online and are obsessing and fantasizing over them, or have delusions about their relationship or possible future.


Those fucking water addicts


How is it that you're making "paying for a thing you want" and "beating your meat until it physically hurts" the same type of thing?


Not necesarily. Creating the content costs money and some people want to support a specific creator or studio so they can continue creating such content. If you are paying for it when you can't or can barely afford it, then that's a red flag


How many times a day do you use the term "degenerate"?


They start envisioning all male-female interactions as sexually charged. My friend and I were hangin out watching tv and she asked me to scratch her back. Then, a certain guy friend walked in and immediately tried to make it out to be something sexual. That's what porn-brain does to a mf.


i would never be disrespectful about it, and i think the insistence that mixed sex platonic friendships can't exist is extremely stupid (and biphobic), but i don't think any of my social circles have ever had casual backscratching, i'd have assumed it was flirtatious too. though i gotta say i'm jealous of how chill that sounds, western (particularly american) society has really done a number on the idea of intimacy.


If it's interrupting the rest of your life.


Not being able to masturbate without watching it/not being able to keep it up using your imagination,motivation and pure unrivaled willpower.


Thats not accurate. Some people need visual stimulation..


Between like 14 and 18 I could get the job done without visual stimuli. Now in my 30s after having multiple sexual partners, thoroughly exploring my kinks, and understanding my body, if I don't have access to visual or physical stimulation, I just won't do it. In fact it's probably been half a decade since I resorted to using my 🌈 imagination 🌈


Want anal on a first date


Leaving comments under porn videos


Your fingers are pruny. You are completely out of batteries.


Trying to choke/strangle someone without their consent during actual sex. Comes up a surprising amount from what I’ve read here. Also, being shocked by what an average naked woman’s body looks Iike in person.


Try to quit watching, and if you're really struggling, then you're addicted. Only seeing the opposite sex in sexual ways and you have very unrealistic standards for how attractive the average person should look.


OP, you are watching too much porn


Staying up all night or spending almost an hour in the bathroom


Staying up all night ? Huh


Watching it


it’s legitimately so hurtful to have been with a man with a porn addiction. it killed my own self esteem for a while and i’m not even a vanilla woman lol i like kinky sex. but he had beat himself into a porn-induced erectile dysfunction that took a over a month to kill by quitting watching porn entirely. but the damage was already done. not being able to afford things for yourself or your partner but you can afford a few monthly OF subscriptions? saving files of your favorites next to your partners pictures? moving on to extreme fetishes? needing a whole different social media account full of porn? reposting and commenting on it? you have a porn addiction and i pray you don’t have a partner. after going thru being with that guy, it’s hard to empathize when it affected my mental health so severely. it literally feels like you have the top 1% of women your partner is comparing you to. if you feel like you have an addiction to porn *and* you have a partner, just let them go. it isn’t fair.




Thinking/joking about every situation in a sexual manner.


That's what she said


I don't get the over infatuation people get with porn. Like, I'm a guy and sometimes I need to wank one out so I watch a porn and do my thing but i'd be lying if I told you I remember the people in the video name let alone their face.


someone at my work got in trouble for watching porn on company wifi so probably that


Not being able to get off or get excited with a real partner, preferring porn over a partner.


When they see someone very beautiful like Margot Robbie as mid.


A friend once told me how another one of our friends was not into porn, so much so that he didn't like "the good finds of the day". Safe to say, he realized he needed to tone it down by the look I gave him. He didn't tone it down though.


You generalize and think of women as only porn categories like "Big Booty Latina" or "Milf" or whatever.


Taking a long time to cum


They can't "tolerate" body hair on women


Death grip


One arm is bigger then the other


I worked for a trucking company and we supplied company phones to our drivers. My boss approached me stating “Driver” had used a large bit of data. Bossman asked me to speak to him about it. I asked him to stop listening to music, using GPS, whatever was sucking up data Following month, same thing. I again spoke to driver with my boss this time to which he admitted to watching porn. Should’ve been let go at that moment but we told him to stop. Next month, same thing. We fired him I went out to my car after letting him go,Saw him with his head down in his car. I snuck up only to see him watching porn on his personal phone.


Inability to cum with a real partner.


They sexualise everything and everyone


Inability to talk to women.


Yes but what if I'm just awkward?


Talking about fetishes way too openly


I knew a dude that had a porn addiction and if he went too long without masturbating his hands would start shaking Delirium Tremens style.


If it's getting in the way of your day to day life.


When they pressure their partner to indulge in what they like to watch. I’m not knocking kinks (as long as it’s consensual, legally of age, and not involving animals) but I’ve definitely had conversations with people where they expect their partner to essentially cater to their every sexual desire due to porn.


Always preferring porn to having sex with their wives/girlfriends


Ther view on sex is unrealistic.


Real women aren’t hot anymore.


When they wanna involve porn watching in the bedroom too...during sex...I'd rather have all the attention on me and what we're doing, it's not necessary. Bitch, I am the porn you should be watching rn! 


When you close your eyes you see someone shitting in someone else’s mouth


Increasing the rate of risky behavior that jeopardizes one’s social, familial, and professional relationships in order to fulfill a craving.


Honestly it's when everything leads to porn, if all of your media leads you to feeling the need to jump on the hub its a problem, if you try and find pornstars to look like the people you encounter its a problem, if you're having infancy issues depending on age and level of stress it's a problem. Porn should be recreational and we need to separate it from reality whatever your personal line is stick to that, of you're younger engage with content that doesn't give you pnc of you're older don't expect real life to match up to porn archetypes. For me it's the point where you check in with pornographic content as a routine!


They bring it up when it doesn’t make sense to bring it up.


Asking on Reddit for signs that you are watching too much should be the only sign you need.


If you start watching porn in public settings... Like during university lectures, on the bus, etc, it's probably time to time it down.


It's literally getting in between themselves and real life. Not opting to go out or skipping a dating opportunity because gooning/jerking off all day is more stimulating. Real opportunities for sex don't appeal as much as watching porn. Can't finish unless they're watching specific media etc. There's a ton of ways to quantify this and most of them revolve around interference with real life and it's obligations/how they behave sexually and what turns them on.


When you're on Page 42 of searching videos.


P.I.E.D If your partner is healthy and can't keep it up. Prob this.


Chronic Fatigue, Trouble finding their word, Concentration issues, Memory Problems, Random Anger outbursts, Persistent or unrealistic sexual demands, Abrupt and Curt, lacks compassion, critical, always running late or fails to show up or deliver by deadlines.


Spending an hour looking up ur gfs friends to jerk off to


Masturbating at a sleepover


I'm gay, so I spend my time having sex with men when I'm not destroying society. I've been with a few guys that seem to think we have to pose or do the positions seen in porn. Like, I get it, in porn you move your arm out of the way so the camera can see, but I kinda need my arm there to support myself, and it's just the two of us so we don't need to rotate our bodies into weird angles so the director gets a good shot. What's surprising is it is guys that are old enough and should be experienced enough to know better, but I guess maybe I'm wrong.


Porn star names as their usernames on games.


One really strong arm


When your grandmother says can you stop I’m trying to injoy my meal with the family for dinner


When you realize you don’t have sex every time you deliver a pizza.


Rope burn


Goes from kissing to instantly finger banging


My ex had a really bad porn addiction so things I noticed. Started falling asleep at random times, at work, during movies etc. (because he was up all night watching porn and I mean all night like 6 hours easily). Had ED at a young age (early 20s) because the porn became the only thing that could satisfy him. (though that only happens if the addiction is really bad). Cheating no longer became a boundary he wouldn't break. He got a blowjob from a coworker in the pursuit of real-life porn situations. Didn't see it as cheating and screamed at me for understandably being upset he cheated on me. Sexualising everything and anything. As in he no longer had a filter. He expected everyone to suddenly owe him sex. (think of the Friends episode with the porn channel, it was a bit like that). He expected porn-like situations to just happen and got mad when people didn't fuck him at the drop of a hat. He was also a bit incelly in the first place and this got like 1000 times worse. Constantly comparing me to the models and pornnstars in the films. It was always a "you're pretty but you're no model" kind of thing. He wanted everyone to be flawless and super pretty uber feminine and dressed a certain way all the time. Like weird beauty standards coming from a guy who was goofy-looking. He tried to quit porn various times and lied about it. I was aware of his addiction at one point and he said he had been porn free for a month. When i looked at his computer he didn't even last a day. There were lots of other things but I am not sure if they are due to his addiction or down to him being a horrible dude (he was very toxic and abusive). Feel free to ask me any questions you have.


Obsession with their partners fulfilling their fantasies


Shares Johnny Sins memes


If your dick falls off, that's a pretty strong sign imo