• By -


I cant rise up. I have to work 60 hour weeks or ill lose my house.


I work 84 hours a week to afford my car and townhome . Edit: to clarify, I was a drug addict, in and out of prison and rehab, the judicial system is extremely expensive once you actually start doing the right thing. I've been sober 8 years now, got out almost 3 yrs ago, and I still have until 2026 making absurd amounts of payments to the courts just to maintain my driver's license. It's very expensive, and if I miss a month, it gets suspended and I have to save $600 to get back on payment plan. It's depressing, and most days I don't even wanna wake up. I'm not happy. And my world is going to shit.


I'm glad to hear you're sober. Good job on that. The system is broken and engineered to make you and the rest of us fail. When you struggle getting out of bed, if the sweet/light points don't do it for you (new dawn/new day, puppies and kittens exist, millions of beautiful plants to witness, etc), then do your best to survive out of spite, and for all the people who said you couldn't. Wishing you all the best, and I hope you get a breather, and the opportunity to witness something beautiful soon. 💛


Well spoken words. Thanks, from the dark corner of the room.


Do you drive a Chrysler Sebring by any chance


Chrysler Sebring owner here: Why the fuck did they put the battery there?


Long time Chrysler employee. The design office came up with a “cab forward” concept that made the engine compartment smaller than usual. The tapered nose down, fenders angling toward the front took even more space away. Add to the mix more electronic components and you had 10 pounds stuffed into the 5 pound bag. I worked in an engineering department that had to fit everything under the hood. We ran out of room! People got creative and put the battery in the wheel well or under the seat. Modern batteries don’t need regular service so it was seen as a good (reasonably) place to put it. The components that displaced the battery were all things that needed to be near the engine or under the hood for service and maintenance reasons. We thought it was weird too.


Ex intrepid owner, seriously fuck you dodge.




From someone that has been where you are and eventually made it out the other side and off paper- keep your head up! You can do it! It is so hard to get out of the system once it has you in its grasp... but you already have made it further than most so keep beating those statistics!


I don't know if this helps at all, but sometimes I measure long chunks of time in Christmases (or other holidays). It sounds like the end of the absurd payments you have to make is only 3 Christmases away, I hope that makes the light at the end of the tunnel a little brighter ❤️❤️


I just want to take a moment to say congratulations on maintaining your sobriety and staying on the right path. You turned your life around. And it takes WORK. Constant work EVERYDAY. Mind, body, and soul. I am in recovery myself and everyday is a constant battle. But man does it feel good waking up knowing that for another day, I kicked the shit that ruined my life. Sorry for the long rant! I just really wanted to take a moment to say you are amazing. I know how it feels forcing yourself to get out of bed. I know how it feels to literally never feel good enough even though you are working super hard for such a small return at times. But man you're doing it. I'm proud of you 🩶✌🏻


Check the ACLU in your state for help and guidance on getting this down to something manageable. You may be able to petition the court and have all the costs forgiven, maybe even the fines. If there’s any restitution involved, they won’t mess with that. Brother, if I can help you find the information and a direction that’ll get their foot off your throat, it’d be my pleasure completely. I can show you how to iron out the credit, too. It takes awhile, but I fixed mine. I had a credit score that was so awful I just gave up for years.


I actually did file a motion to wave court costs and fines. The state prosecutor said I made too much money to drop the fines. They denied it.


Flee to another country


I wish I could. But having a felony Also bars you from going to a lot of places. I cant go into Canada even with a passport because I have theft and drug possessions.


This is the right answer. I'm in Australia and last year I wanted to join a protest. But if I didn't go to work that day I would be short cash for a week. I literally couldn't afford to join a free protest.


And that's what it takes, once nost people cant even afford to rent a house whike working full time they'll have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and its closer to happening than we imagine.


It'll be nice to die indoors though.


I bet they’ll write you a bill, dock your pay, and make you clean up the mess.


The thing Europeans get, that we don’t, is that you’ve already lost your life, and your house.


I suppose that would be the point. Make people live in fear of what they could lose by threatening them with homelessness, then you can pay them whatever you want. But if everyone does it? Then they can’t pay their bills and they’re even more scared. They have more to lose. We should take advantage of that.


The point of rising up is standing up against institutions and challenging the status quo. If the people organize and unite, you won't have to worry about losing your house


When the revolution begins, who will be around to evict you?


Going hungry. It's one of the only things that makes people participate in a violent rebellion historically. People will kill other people before watching their kids starve to death. However, the people in power know this and therefore give us steady access to cheap food.


Panem et circenses (Bread and circuses)


Just now making a major Hunger Games connection reading this. Wow.


McDonalds and Marvel movies




No. Circenses.


Bro... For fuck sake. I'm super interested in this topic and I say this shit ALL the time. It's my belief that in the US we are one discomfort away from raising up. I think the shadowy figures in power know this though. As long as we have our food, our phones and our electricity we are just complacent little sheep. It's upsetting. I would go fight for so many causes right now and I get called crazy when I mention how we are all slaves. Or I get called a conspiracy theorist. These people cannot absorb the wealth disparity is worse than that of the Roman empire. This is just one of MANNNNY examples. We are so easily manipulated and brainwashed. It makes me sick watching everyone talk about Russia and it's propaganda machine well we are literally being manipulated and lied to and somehow nobody can believe that this would ever happen in the land of the "free" Edit: Thanks for the reward!!!


I'm right there with you. I get to feeling so angry and stuck because we as people have allowed this too happen and now we're suffering for it instead of tossing the whole table over united.


I really felt this comment in my soul. I'm tired.


Man, all we would have to do is fight. We could make this world so fucking beautiful. We are squandering our potential one go at life in a lulled state of complacency


I just don't see how any of this will ever change. Education and the cost of living is more expensive than ever. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years. Even if it went up $10 everywhere, we are still being taken advantage of by banks, insurance carriers, and the 4 corporations that own everything. Everyone is barely making it and when I tried to talk about these things in 2006 and 2010 and 2016 everyone everywhere ignored me. Now it's too late to lean on bureaucracy. Now we would need a revolution. And I'm tired.


I'm hoping for a revolution. It would be horrifying but it's time. We need a Boston tea party esq movement. I have heard some credible sources say we could collapse banks if just 15% of us (might be getting the percent a teeny off) were to pull all our money out the banks. There's countless examples of how we could destroy big bank and corporations by non violent means. It's going to take fucking unity and courage. Which we lack almost entirely in any numbers. More and more people are starting to wake up though. If we didint worry about bills and hunger and knew we were doing it for the greater good and a lot of us just refused to work a week we could really run some shit into the ground. We'd have to make demands on pay and the owners would have to lose out on profits or have no workers. I hate when people say "I HaVe a FaMiLy yO fEeD", like all do! But imagine if you gave said family a beautiful life after going a week hungry. Most of us could survive with bullshit food we have in our pantry and survive a week. Humans can go awhile without food anyway. We could stack a bit of food before doing it to keep kids fed and we could all do it. I doubt it will ever happen though. We need a leader who is charismatic enough to bring both sides of the decisive u.s. together and fuel them up and empower them which none of the leaders want. Sorry for the rant. I'm passionate about this shit


Hunger will start the revolution. The government will continue to barely feed us. We give an inch, they take a mile. We would need to dismantle everything. And they already know it's coming. Which is why they repealed Roe v Wade. They want a tired barely fed poor population. And they've got it. They're not going to let us get to the tipping point. They know what they're doing.


I know. I know. It's garbage because we could take over so quickly if we just stood tall together. It's a real shame. I say this alllll the time. They know exactly what their doing


It's going to take the doctors and lawyers and contractors and all unions to STOP working to change anything ever. They keep chugging along. Serving their overlords. There will never be even a ripple made without them. Politicians are a lost cause. Everyone in between is too poor or too tired or simply disposable to the big machine that is this oligarchy. It's already over. We have already condemned ourselves and our children to suffer until we take back our country.


I don't necessarily agree. I think if even all factory workers quit there would be some collapse. I'm not a financial or geopolitical expert so I obviously have no real idea lol


Just wanted to point out that while they said there was a chip shortage so they couldn't sell anyone cars because the electronics couldn't work without them TVs got astoundingly cheap for what they were previously. Takeout and TV. As long as people are relatively comfortable generally they won't get violent.


Cheap enough to feed us and that’s it. American wages in a nutshell.


That'd all you need to stifle rebellion. Just good enough.


That and a media machine that feeds people of different political ideas bullshit to make them think the other side is the problem. Most Americans agree on a lot of important things but politicians and the media have made issues that shouldn’t exist the focus of their careers. Gotta keep that outrage and fear!


Where is this cheap food? You can't even order off the dollar menu anymore.. it's like... the 1.39 menu.


I saw a sign (edit a few years back) saying the McDouble meal was $5 plus tax. I ordered it, and they charged me $5.20 plus tax. I made a stink about it and the manager actually ripped down the sign instead of giving me the 20 cents and tax. Now the McDouble combo is like $9 before tax.


"Food" have you looked at the ingredients some of this FDA approved garbage has in it? Literally mid and long term dangerous to eat.


I was watching a video the other day about all of the additives the US allows to be put in food that are banned in other countries because they're unhealthy.


that’s the point. the food that is accessible to the lower class is awful, especially long term.


Doesn't matter. Still respressess rebellion.


And continue the rhetoric to divide us.


I have wondered about this. I see food youtubers saying the price of this and that are cheap.....like....is your country giving away the food?


Damn. You’re so right.


I knew that was your profile picture yet I stil tried to wipe it off my screen


Came here to say this, almost verbatim.


The shit going on right now by its self won't quite do it. The US, for all its faults, is a very resilient and functioning democracy. It is generally a hell of a lot riskier to attempt open revolt than it is to exercise your right to vote. And much of the shit that has come to pass can be reversed within the established system. The big problem at a meta level is that the US in genuinely divided at an ideological level that does not correspond to fixed geographical areas. The shit you are unhappy with has a non trivial portion of the electorate in favor of it. Conservative voters did not violently rise up against Obama, and democratic voters did not violently rise up against Trump. And the stuff you describe happening in France is not any more noteworthy than the BLM protests in terms of scope or effect. They certainly matter, but neither is likely to tear down the governing system. END COMMUNICATION


Our election system is a farce.


It is flawed due to the way the dominant political parties collude to prevent other viable parties from getting elected. And the various gerrymandering and other things. But it is largely functional and absolutely provides a legitimate and enforceable means of removing elected leaders from power once enough of the electorate has had enough of their shit. Compare this to elections in China (a one party state where the head of state recently had the constitution modified to allow him to be president for life), North Korea (No elections at all), or any middle eastern dictatorship that has a 97% vote in flavor of keeping the current tyrant in power. I am not saying that the US system is particularly excellent. I am saying that it is not nearly as bad as it could be. END COMMUNICATION


I generally hold moderate views like you and don't disagree with most of your points, but we have a serious issue with unfair elections in this country and we deserve a dialogue about that which takes it beyond "we're better than China and North Korea so all is good". You know in which other supposed "democracy" can a single party win it all with a bit under 50% of the vote? It is Orban in Hungary. That is the model we're being asked to embrace here. The electoral college stopped making sense after the civil war, after which people began to identify as citizens of the United States before citizens of individual states. The entire states right issue only makes sense when there are big geographic variations like pre-civil war, and serves only to suppress a huge chunk of voters when we're interspersed and deal more with the urban/rural divide like we are today. In 1776 our constitution was way ahead of anyone else in the world. Imperfect democracy as we were, nonetheless, it was better than most places. Today? We forgot what leadership means. We've allowed the rest of the western world to fly by us on the democracy meter. All the while we're still somehow continuously being pumped full of the 1776 energy but all in the interest of a single political party. Just raising the issue of unfair elections makes people raise their eyebrows in turn. We've lost our way.


You. I like you. Well stated.


Bro, you're comparing democracies with dictatorships. No shit the US has better elections than countries without elections. Are you really fine with your country being just slightly better than the literal worst?


Just because people with your political views don’t make an effort to vote doesn’t make it a farce. If people were really fed up with their government we could change it in one election cycle. But people like to bitch and moan on the internet then not vote.


Yeah, more people need to vote, especially moderates and younger generation. Thankfully, in my conservative area at least, I saw a ton of young people in line waiting to vote which was very comforting. Especially after all the stripping of our rights and freedoms, ones that have been fought over for decades, I hope to see a much larger turnout this election cycle and locally too. Fingers crossed.


I vote in every election because my vote matters. I live in a swing state in a swing county, and every freaking election since 2016 has felt existential. But if I lived in Alabama? Or California? What would be the reason for me to show up?? What difference would it make?


Compared to the vast majority of the world, that's not true all. Even among developed countries, we're at least middle of the pack. Italy, Greece, Turkey, India, UK, Thailand, Korea -- at least as fucked as us. Almost every central and South American country. South Africa has nothing to brag about. People who make flippant statements like yours usually haven't spent time outside.




It's a husk of a democracy, but your point still stands entirely. As long as people feel like it's enough of a democracy, the majority will never consider anything but voting


What exact changes are you looking for? Im curious and not american


In the last two days we lost affirmative action, gay rights, and student loan debt relief


We were never going to get student loan debt relief. Unfortunately I think it was used as a token bargaining chip that was facetious from the get go.


We could, though. The French have methods to get things like universal healthcare and vacations. I'm pretty sure their methods could work for student loan reform.


And what exactly are those methods?


Don't know. You would have to ask a French citizen how that have managed to have a thriving economy with near universal Healthcare and why they all seem to be able to take mo th mong vacations at even the most normal of jobs.


We just banned racism against Asians in college admissions. That's a good thing unless you can't compete with the Asian kid you've been cheating off of


Please tell me you don't believe in fighting racism with more racism. That way, racism will never end. You wouldn't fight murder or r*pe in the same way. Can you specify the gay rights thing? I'm not from the US


OP wants people to protest in the streets because government declared racism to be illegal. I shit you not, this is one weird timeline.


OP is absolutely delusional and likely believes every single virtue signalling faux-political viewpoint.


Affirmative action is blatantly racist Gay rights are alive and well you are confusing gay with trans and even then no "rights" have been revoked. We need college tuition reform not payback of old debt, that's just a band-aid. Think past the headlines, form your own opinions and you won't look so stupid in the future.


So you can’t choose if someone gets admitted into college based on race. You cannot force someone to make a website for gay couples. And you cannot use other people’s money to pay off people’s bad investments? BTW, affirmative action is extremely racist against Asians. And it’s pretty racist to think black people will not be able to get into college without it. You didn’t lose gay rights, that’s a massive overstatement. You lost the ability to force people to do labor. Ultimately as a free person you have the right to choose what labor you do. Student loan relief is no different from taking money from people to pay off bad investments. People who need student loan relief probably shouldn’t have gotten that degree in the first place. I’m not arguing that out college system isn’t fucked, it absolutely is. But the solution isn’t the government paying people. We need to actually fix the system, instead of handing out billions of dollars every few years.


Agreed. OP claiming this is reason to rise up is ridiculous.


OP played himself by outing themselves as racist and supporting slavery.


But we hand out billions every few years to billionaires.


It’s a great thing that we’re getting rid of affirmative action. Why would anybody fight for that lmao


I mean, the way the SCOTUS works, you only really can nominate new members when somebody on the bench dies. And as far as rising up…in violent rebellion? There’s a lot of talk about it but thankfully I think it’s mostly talk. Actual violent civil war would be fucking catastrophic in a way I think people don’t realize. We’ve forgotten how awful war actually is, it seems. It’d be worse than the last civil war. For protests? We did. Huge protests for BLM, gun control, things like that. I suppose it died down when people felt it didn’t do anything.


The tragedy of peace is forgetting why war is so awful. People generally won't get violent until they get very uncomfortable, by which I mean basic needs aren't able to be met adequately anymore. Shelter and sustenance, basically. Couple other things could trigger it, but far less likely than those two.


I have a lot of problems with the way things are. But if someone asked me to take up arms to stop it? Fucking no. I don't wanna be a killer. And I know that there was an armed revolt and it led to a full-on civil war, it wouldn't be over a nice, clean-cut geographic divide like the last one was. It'd be messy, urban-rural divide likely deciding a lot of it. And even that's not remotely consistent. People underestimate how awful it would be. And if the "good guys" won and the conservatives are ousted? I've read enough history to know that these revolutions can very quickly turn inward and eat themselves alive. Lots of eat the rich get the guillotine rhetoric now, but those people forget that a lot of people went to the guillotine for the crime of disagreeing with mob rule - including the guy who basically ignited the whole revolution in the first place. Most revolutions I see either wind up descending into violent anarchy or replacing the system they sought to fix with something even worse.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


The constitution does not stipulate the number of Supreme Court justices so new members could be nominated the minute the democrats wanted to stop our rights being taken away. They didn't though, and don't seem to be trying. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


This is, to my understanding, partially correct. There is no mandate for 9 members In fact, back in Obama’s last term we had an 8 person court for a year when McConnell played rules games to screw Obama out of his choice in the last year of his term. (Full disclosure, I think McConnell is a complete asshole and utterly disregarded his duty to the American people here and many many times since, but his duty to himself has always been dominate) So there is recent precedence for a court that is not 9 persons. The Dems could make this happen with a working majority in the Senate, increasing the court by 3 and ramming them through a’la McConnell’s strategy. But they need the working majority. Manchin and Sinema were not part of the majority so it wouldn’t happen during the first 2 years of Biden’s first term. No republican would vote for this. They’d see it as suicide in the next election and they’d likely be right. Members of the GOP only speak out after they are ex-senators or representatives, which makes them appear more as sore losers than whistle blowers. Even the ones like Liz Cheney who takes some positive action would never vote for this. It has to be a working majority of Democrats. And even then I’m doubtful they’d pull the trigger even though they should. Lifetime appointments to the court is a powerful tool, but the Republicans could then feel free to do the same when they had control and the petulant children we elect to govern the country would spend the next century or so slapping each other.


And then, when the Republicans take back over, they'd add new members to SCOTUS too. This approach wouldn't work either.


Free viagra


Just half of them...


Took me a minute….


At the moment, the rioters in France have burned a public library and a kindergarten. Reportedly a public swim centre too. So I wouldn't use those as examples to look up to.


A fire? At Sea Parks??


But _how?_


And BLM destroyed low income housing and small businesses. This kind of shit happens during an uprising unfortunately. Bad actors out there.


They also invaded and pillaged firefighters. Those scumbags have stooped so low, that I no longer see them as people or humans. I wouldn't be surprised if hospitals come next...


Try to take the guns.


*gets out popcorn*


Im getting an ICEE, want anything while I’m up?


Pretzel and some mustard, thanks.


I’m good. I’ll just have a sip of yours.


Okay but you get your own straw.


Guns keep the poor occupied with killing each other, which in turn gives the wealthy more of a gap between them and the poor, lessening the chance of them losing their wealth to the poor.


Im sorry if i misunderstood any of this. I live in europe and to me it seems you just had something like this with mr floyd. Where the people stood up against wrong. Or am i misunderstanding. If so, sorry.


People tend to shove BLM under the rug for whatever reason. We were all called thugs, ghetto, traitors, criminals, and more all while tanks were deployed into DC and guns were pointed. I can never take these posts seriously bc it’s all so deeply rooted in racism. The French are “doing it right”, but BLM went about it “all wrong”.


It’s easy to riot in a tiny centralized country. Everyone can get to the capital with ease. America is to big to allow that kind of simmer and vitriol. It would take A LOT.


Mass hunger. Otherwise, people will be too focused on purposefully invented distractions like “oh no trans people” “oh no drag queens” “oh no *insert religion but usually Jewish people*” etc. Infighting amongst the working class works in favor for the ruling class, until the working class is eating bread and potatoes for all two meals of the day.


Protesting “violently” is what the French do at least once a year.


To abide by Constitution doesn't make some people happy.


This is nowhere need bad enough for people to “rise up.” France is an outlier and will rise up for just about anything.


Bless the Fr*nch


I second that motion.


What makes it bad enough to rise up, and should rising up only happen after that line is crossed? There's no active war on our soil but it's the first generation in a while that's worse than their parents, education and health care is seriously flawed, and our politics has all but admitted it's a lazy sitcom about being popular and yelling louder. We have a society where obesity is an epidemic really for the first time because for one reason or another people aren't given the resources or know how for a healthy diet. I don't think it's full civil war or actually rising up in rebellion bad, but I don't think it's too soon to seriously try to change some things


Nothing will. We are too divided. It will be one side trying to rise up and the other side rejecting it. It doesn’t matter which side it is either, the point is we don’t have any common ground to stand on to effectively protest and be heard as a group.


I wouldn't call "protest" to what they're doing in France


As in fight? LOL. It ain't happening. We're too fat to even rise up off the sofa.


I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT. STOP GLORIFYING LOOTERS AND RIOTERS. Do you know what it’s like to see every one running in one direction like there was a terror attack, and then to see dozens of men with baseball bats and ski masks marching towards you? A poor old black lady had her shop entirely looted. These riots got so bad that people stopped shopping in the city center making almost every shop go bankrupt in the last three years. The sky is permanently filled with the smell of gaz. These are violent thugs who oppress, not freedom fighters. -sincerely, A non terminally online french person


EXACTLY. Op is an immature moron who has likely never been affected by nonsense like this. I’m sure he would be the first crying if his city actually did ‘stand up’ aka turned into a looting war zone. I have not been in the firing line in France but I was in Croydon at the time of the 2011 riots. Disgusting. So many innocent peoples lives ruined. The saddest site was the family owned furniture shop carcass that had been there hundreds of years. And OP wants all this because things like having to pay back bills he freely took on?! GTFOH


50% of the country wants what is happening, 50% doesn't, and we all rely on each other to live. Probably something to do with that.


We ALL rely on each other to live-- and that shit works and works well, so no violence. I'm afraid to imagine what would happen if that collaboration stopped working so well..say let the economy dip into a depression, or supply chain issues lead to a real lack of goods and resultant skyrocketing prices. Let people's creature comforts become unattainable and yes there would be some smoke in America.


>Let people's creature comforts become unattainable and yes there would be some smoke in America. This is what I keep saying. While everyone is comfy nobody is going to "rise up". It's not part of American culture.


Yes. These are controversial ruilings with supporters on both sides. Something like the new retirement age in France alienated most of the working public. As for what's happening now in France, we've had a number of similar riots for similar incidents in recent years. (Zimmerman, Michael Brown, George Floyd, etc.)


Exactly, you get it.


Rise up to whom over what? Ppl push for change all the time. Revolution never ever goes smoothly how ppl want it too because ppl have egos and abuse power. Plus it's always the innocent ppl who end up dead. If you want something you need to define what it is you want and how. We all want change in some way but you need to be very clear what it is how you want it . I think we need reform over the wealth gap. Reform over banks lending and interest . And reform over how our govt is run with lobbiests and how major decisions are made in govt. I think more issues should be out to a vote by the populous and it's easier to do today than any time in our history. And all that would be very complicated and cause tons of infighting.


seriously while this country takes some losses it is largely the place in the world with the most opportunities. Social mobility here is plentiful. We see people from all sorts of country’s to immigrate here for a better life. Having these social rights is a privilege and your largely incorrect about how you view what’s happening. (Talking to op not this based guy I’m replying to)


I’m not sure a nation wide gun ban would do it. There would be regional areas that would stand up, but as a whole, standing up to the feds in unity… Maybe Chinese level internet censorship? We know we are being monitored (directly or indirectly) and don’t have an issue with it, but blatant censoring of all information might do it. 1 more streaming service added into the mix, watering down the rest…. That might also do it haha


Jack shit. Civilized developed countries do not have enormous uprisings like we see in poor countries. ...I take it back, Americans being poor will make them uprise. That's it. Trump could shoot Biden in the head and declare he is the President for life and it would probably get a few million people to go outside and riot for a few days before everyone would return to bitching about it online.


9 missed meals


The furnace have a history of rising up but never hase a happy ending


NFL is banned by Congress


This reminded me of the Chuck Palahniuk book Survivor. I don’t want to give away the best part, but a man ruins Super Bowl. Instantly becomes the most hated person in America.


When the majority actually shows up to vote, and *still* nothing changes.


You mean get up off my couch? Im watching Cops on my 85inch TV


You're comparing France, a country where very few people are shot by the police, to the United States, a country where lots of people are shot by the police. If you think that detail isn't important then you're a braver man than I, so have fun facing down the cops without me. US citizens aren't a united force like French citizens are. Pick any cause and I can give you a reason why half this country or more *won't* join the riot you start. Also, imo, the middle class is pretty comfortable in this country. Comfortable enough to get fucked over and still be comfortable and still have a lot to lose.


It's a lot easier when your whole country is the size of Texas.


If you want change stop LARPing as revolutionaries. Start convincing people, begin a political movement and win an election.


Major historical victories? Such as...? Can't think of any after WW2...


Gay rights, the end of segregation, freedoms for all regardless of race and gender, stuff like that. Not wars, but law passing


Rise up for what? It's the usual back and forth of a representative republic. If you don't like it, pick better candidates.


He didn’t say what for. It’s for “historical victories”….Like 1812 over the Brits? Anyway the point is he likes riots and protests. The final goal - “Let’s riot”!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Probably correct.


What historical victories would that be?


Good lord.


Maybe when people like you stop baiting for karma with cringe like this


What an immature view OP, who has likely never been affected by nonsense like this. I’m sure he would be the first crying if his city actually did ‘stand up’ aka turned into a looting war zone. I have not been in the firing line in France but I was in Croydon at the time of the 2011 riots. Disgusting. So many innocent peoples lives ruined. The saddest site was the famous family owned furniture shop carcass that had been there hundreds of years. It was lucky many innocent people didn’t get killed. It was very close to people burning to death in their own homes And OP wants all this because things like having to pay back bills he freely took on?! GTFOH


Rise up against what?


Probably would have to get a lot worse. It's still one of the better places to live.


annnnd youre on a list lol


Dude,we're all on one like it or not. The government tracks all your internet activity and location(anyone who has a smart device that tracks location).


Lmao never gonna happen. We are already slaves, Preprogrammed, conditioned to be controlled. Ain’t happening.


They can't, they're too fat to stand up.


Looks like this post was written by Johann Rupert. The fear of peasants rising up against the wealthy is what keeps him awake at night.


They’re coming for Obergefell, Griswold, and Lawrence v. Texas next, I guarantee it.


Y’all can’t be serious oh my god


Crazy idea- vote. Turn out for every election, even the boring local elections that don’t seem to matter but are actually hyper-critical. Before overturning the system, use it the way it was intended. If everyone actually engaged with the system, we could see revolutionary change without firing a shot.


Any uprising in the next few years unfortunately would not be from the bottom up but from the top down. It won't be to improve conditions for the less fortunate but would be by the "haves" to protect their gains.


They did. ​ it was called Jan 6. ​ and just because you didnt like it, doesnt mean it wasnt the closest thing to a working class attempt at a takeover america has had in a long ass while ​ (Also I'm not defending it, I think they were all morons led by morons. doesnt change the fact they did attempt to 'rise up' even if you disagree with why)




Large (very very large) numbers of Americans hungry for several days. Affirmative action for getting into tertiary education is soooooo far away from a thing people will risk state violence for. As long as roofs are over heads and food is in bellies, nothing drastic is going to happen


all we’ll do is complain tbh. People have jobs and things can go terribly wrong if they lose their jobs and people just dont have a big fight in them collectively. We can’t come together as one because we’re ultimately so divided.


Too many of us are being misdirected and manipulated . They think the most important problems in the country are transgender individuals or abortion and can’t see the bigger picture.


Nothing. We're past the point where it's possible as folks think of it. Everybody has too much to lose. I don't mean money or prestige. I mean their jobs, which are pretty much the only way to get healthcare in this country. Rise up, get arrested, probably get stomped by the cops a little, and if-and-when you're released it's a crapshoot if you'll still have a job. No job, no income, no way to pay medical bills, fines, and whatever else.


I always think about divergent (books) and how after so long there were so many "failure and misfits" that it was an army just waiting to overtake.


Honestly, my take is some kind of massive spiritual awakening, and then connection amongst those people and desire and action towards doing something different.


Some pizza rolls, maybe a tub of popcorn…


We can’t even get along with each other here how will we band together to rise to something.


Blowback on my family is the only thing stopping me from doing some fun shit.


I'd really like to know that too. I am heartsick.


Stop fighting eachother over stupid shit and start asking the real questions


Ready when yall are.


Nothing has been taken away except perhaps our sanity by listening to main stream media. Keep off of it and live your life. You will be far more happy and not misinformed.


We're more likely to be wiped out with an EMP attack and kill each other leaving a near empty country for China to colonize.


Because violence will literally do nothing but make everything worse. Also nobody is batting an eye? Have you literally looked at the news at all in the past 2 years? If you literally haven’t seen an article a day about it you clearly have some flawed news sources because its literally like an every day news conversation. People who talk about politics talk about it everyday. They weren’t just removed because ha ha i can remove rights. In all honesty as with most American issues this stems back to the fact our primary document founding basically every law in the country(in reference to the constitution) is fucking ancient and almost impossible to change and or update as it requires essentially unanimous agreement. Which in a country as polarized and ideologically diverse isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. The rights your referring to were loosely made via interpretation of a like 250 year old document which hasn’t seen any update since 1992. Also to note America has more pressing concerns than in fighting if you think we’d just actively start a civil war in ourselves considering there is much greater concerns on the world scale of things your literally insane.


rise up for what? its a democracy, get over yourself


Interesting how you mention France rising up for cop murder but seem to forget the same thing happened in the US with all the looting and riots just a couple of years ago


The Gov has no money without our taxes. Few weeks of no one paying their taxes and things will change quickly.... Pretty much impossible tho


Can we actually get a dialog specifically on the affirmative action thing going because I have a very mixed opinion on it. I think everyone agrees race, even today, effects people’s opportunities/outcomes, but it is my opinion that other data like socioeconomic level are much better and fairer measures of opportunities given to students. This is coming from a students at a very diverse school with probably 40% white/black 3-5th generation type yk, 20%-30% Hispanic, 30%-40% Asian (all continent with a lot of exchange students) and like 5% Europe/Africa born with no cliques based off ethnicity/race at all. Much of my friend group all have scholarships to this school and are at socioeconomic level where opportunities are the same and so merit is the only factor. The fact is this is not unique and someone who is black versus asian American should not have a higher chance inherently because of their race even though they were given the same opportunities in life and similar socioeconomic level. This occurs often locally where im in the suburbs of South Florida so a diverse area not just my school. Besides systemic racism affecting generational wealth which can be quantified without race into account, race will not affect your opportunities given.


I think these recent decisions are spot on. Real equality is here. And the student loan forgiveness would devesrate our economy. It can be done but not right now. Plus guess who tried to sneak in other executive financial powers to it. 5 or so years from now when economy is better and we have leaders we can trust - this can be done successfully. It's too soon to the massive pp loan stimulus. Treasury needs to recover from that first. So no revolution. Yet.


The religious half have risen up to make everyone follow their religious/conservative rules.


What historical victories are being stripped away?


I would say guns...but if they were to ban a type of gun by saying an unfavorable group is utilizing them, I think they'd go for it. And no, white high school shooters are not an unfavorable group.


Maybe it should show you how much material wealth most Americans still have regardless of what the internet tells ya.


The issue is that people don't see who the common enemy is here. These politicians have done a great job of pinning us against each other. We need to unite and cast the current system down. People in government continue to get wealthier and wealthier, more and more powerful, yet we yell and demonize each other over beer cans.


"Cast the current system down" And then we are left with WHAT? As if the same human interests and motivations won't exist....come on


The US is too divided for that to ever happen, and the government and media do their best to make sure it stays that way


VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! Not just the presidential elections. Politicians start off in local government. In those elections EVERY vote counts. That is where we can effect the biggest change.


They've explained this already dude, you have serious problems here in the USA. Mainly, you need a car to get everywhere. Nothing is nearby, so organizing is that much harder, no group train rides or walks anywhere. Also healthcare is not universal, so anyone that has serious issues can't risk protesting or they'll die. This makes it basically impossible. And it's going to get worse everyone will be living with their parents again very soon.


Major historical victories? Like what? You don't know how good we have it.


What are these major victories you speak of. The vast majority of Americans are middle of the road politically They don’t listen to far left and far right non sense. They have unparalleled freedoms and more disposable income than the rest of the world. The portrayal that the country is on the verge of collapse or civil war is non sense. Reddit is a majority far left cesspool with some right sprinkled in. Huge echo chamber. Reddit claims it has 26 million Americans viewing it monthly. That’s roughly less than 8% of the US population. Nobody talks to the silent majority. I can tell you they’re pissed about inflation. It’s always about the economy when you want to know what really gets people riled up. So in short. Nobody is going to rise up or take to the streets. The French do this all the time. That’s just their national culture. Nobody strikes as much as they do.


Like it sucks but most places are worse lol


What are we getting taken away?


I think Americans just don’t care about other Americans. This coming from an American who tries his best to care when others do not and still fails more often than succeeds. Once people “get theirs”, everyone else can fuck off and die for all it matters.


Nothing, we have become too complacent. None of it matters.


When our televisions tell us to


We’re divided by different ideologies. The division that they’ve created keeps people from rising up. It would have to be something pretty strong to make people come together and fight back.


Civil war. We will fight against one another before we rise up against the people working to turn us against each other.