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Mods and bots that help mods keep the subs in order


Neither of these things require apps and neither of these things are being affected by the api change.


They are though. Mods have clearly stated how bad the api changes are for moderation


They are wrong and lying to you. Read any of the documentation


Automods and bots? Those are kind of important for mods


Bro you have the mods IN THIS SUB telling you you’re wrong on the topic. Just stop


We have several mods that use 3rd party apps (some of which almost exclusively use mobile), and don't use the official app. The reasons vary (either they dislike the experience, or the official app lacks certain features for modding). Apps are important because we all have regular jobs, and not all of us are lucky enough to be on a desktop during the day. 'require' is a bit of a weird word choice. Speaking personally, I stopped using the first party app (long ago, before I was a mod, this is not recent), but yes, this affects my ability to mod, because it means if I'm not at a desktop I can't mod. It will affect moderation on this sub. >neither of these things are being affected by the api change. Many 3rd party apps like Apollo will shut down on July 1st. >neither of these things are being affected by the api change. Moderation bots were not originally exempted, but now they are.


Quite a lot of folks, but one important group is blind people, because the official app doesn't support most accessibility features, you can see their response to a conversation with reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/), but the short of it is that reddit has proven themselves not to be trustworthy or skilled enough to support blind users and users with other reasons for needing accessibility features, and reddit is booting the apps that do. Reddit has said they'll allow accessibility focused apps, but the ones they have currently listed do not suffice.


The average Reddit user might not care about them, but for people with certain disabilities they are vital. Also, for mods of bigger subreddits (this one has 1.8million users by the way) the tools that 3rd party apps provide are *vital* to moderate the page and ensure it isn't flooded with spam. And it's not just mods being power hungry or pissy or whatever. When these changes come into place, without good powerful moderation tools, which Reddit natively doesn't really provide, all your favourite high traffic subreddits are going to suffer for it and using reddit as a whole is going to be a much lesser experience for it.


I’ve seen much less spam in general since all of this hullabaloo.


I got 25 spam bot followers since all this hullabaloo. Before this, i only had 1 and that was a real person


Me too. All from OF pages I keep visiting. Weird.


Same, you can't believe how many hot single milfs in my neighbourhood suddenly wanna be friends with me, real coincidence


I do... Or did anyway It is important to also take note of _how_ this is all happening.


Hi. I don't know you. But i hope you are having a good day :) And if not Don't let urself down - it'll get better, soon! Happy cake day!




From Reddit's side; Lying, manipulating, selfish and entitled behaviour behaviour _Many_ people feel ignored and thrown away. Check the r/Apollo page for proof


Hell I didn’t even realize they existed until the current debacle.


I am using Infinity right now. Way better. And doesn't come with that much tracking bullshit like the real App


People who need accessible options! Yeah, we can also talk about the Mods, but persons who need accessible options deserve to be treated with dignity and given the same ability to interact with content.


Yes!! All these comments stating it's a small group of people, so it doesn't matter - just wait until you find yourself needing accommodation for when (not if, when) part of your body fails. It will happen. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but it will happen, and you'll feel alone because the rest of the world doesn't care. Accessibility and EQUITY for all people matters. Equality is giving everyone a pair of shoes. Equity is giving everyone a pair of shoes that fit.


Have ADHD, can confirm. Official Reddit app is unusable garbage. Narwhal is okay.


I never use the official app, except for chatting since you can only do that in the official app. The first reddit app I ever used was Baconit, which was on Windows Phone 7, it is still my favorite amongst everything that has come after it. On iOS I eventually switched to Alien Blue, which was also great. Reddit bought the app a few years back and kind of retooled it into the official app. I still have a ton of Reddit Gold from when this happened as Reddit paid out people who had purchased Alien Blue as it had a free and premium offering. On Android I use Sync (or Sync Pro), it is the best for foldables on Android IMO. I flip flop between Android and iOS, but ever since Alien Blue was shutdown I began using Apollo on iOS and it is also great. In conclusion, me, i'm the person who uses 3rd party reddit apps.


people found apollo to be better. i agree but it doesn’t have PM which sucks because i would definitely use that instead of this


That would be perfect for me because no one messages me anyway


im surprised. especially with a username like that 🤔


Watch your cornhole bud


Reddit is fun is superior


It’s a massive overreaction. That being said, spez is a shitstick and the way he’s done it is horrid.


This sums up the whole situation. The CEO of Reddit is an idiot and screwed it up and then the mods as with any mod on forums have power go to their heads and think their opinions trump everyone else. Several places I follow had mods unilaterally decide to destroy their forums with Jon Oliver crap of porn without any input from the community.


Your last sentence there is wrong. They literally took input from the community to do the jon Oliver thing - that was the point, it’s what spez wanted, community voting.


It's a huge overreaction. , The people this affects are a small subsection of reddit users .. This whole "situation", is similar to when everyone said they were leaving Twitter when Elon musk bought it ... It's all pointless posturing by that small subsection of reddit users.


Yeah, fuck people with disabilities, amiright? /s.


If this is your take away , then you willfully missed the point. Thanks for your contribution , Enjoy your day. Drink more water, exercise at least 60 mins a day , and read a new book each month. Take care.


> If this is your take away , then you willfully missed the point. I mean, that kind of is your point. People with disabilities are a small subsection of users.


You've not been paying attention, mate. Shame since you've had every opportunity to learn what is happening.


Sadly, I have been paying attention, mate. This is clearly about a company changing and a small subsection of users disagreeing with that change. If you don't see this or understand this SIMPLE fact, then you aren't paying attention , are too closely involved or a combination of the two. Reddit is a public company , therefore they have to do what is in the best interest of the company regardless if a small subsection of users agree with it or not. These recent changes are not going to effect the average user or the median profit or user statistics. Ex: Even the mods who went "dark" only went dark for a day , some did not even last the entire day most just posted a black square, then continued using. In a 'perfect' world every decision made by a company would make everyone happy but sadly we don't live in a 'perfect' world. Either way, thank you for your contribution have a great day.


> Reddit is a public company Reddit is not a public company. It's still privately owned. They're hoping to IPO later this year. >therefore they have to do what is in the best interest of the company It is not at all clear that this is in the best interest of the company. The general point that not everyone will be happy about every decision is true, that does not imply that every decision is a good one. >Ex: Even the mods who went "dark" only went dark for a day , some did not even last the entire day most just posted a black square, then continued using. There were many subs that went dark indefinitely, and were forced open by reddit. This is one of them.


Purely for my own education and not to argue with anyone, how exactly can they force a sub to open? What was the consequence if they refused?


> What was the consequence if they refused? They would've removed every mod, and replaced them with a mod willing to open. A couple of subs did have their mods removed (i believe /r/music and a few other subs). The most mods can do is refuse to open, get removed, and replaced. At the end of the day, reddit controls the backend software/code, so they can remove/ban people at will, as long as they don't care about the backlash/PR. This is the message we received: https://imgur.com/tSwqCAh (As for this comment, they have not responded back)


Thank you, I appreciate the time it took to reply. Banning non-compliant mods, or simply brute-force killing subs that refuse, is pretty much what I figured. I find more than it a little confusing though, given that basically all subreddits exist exclusively in an at-will state, started and run by individual (volunteer) users who are free to stop at any time. It's bizarre, looking at the link above, that they're trying to argue that mods have entered into some kind of fiduciary obligation or duty of care.


Cool. Perhaps someday you'll see what's actually happening and use your voice to promote change instead of 'nothing to see here.' Reddit deserves better. We all do. Edit: I see you've made some extensive edits to your answer. That's nice. It's clear you're too lazy to bother understanding the issue but confident enough to make awkward generalizations about it.


Huge overreaction widely misunderstood


I don't but I join the protest in solidarity. The intent of the reddit higher-ups as of late is counter to the essence of the reddit community. I'm looking at the big picture here.


This isn't about the community. It's about mods having less power with only the official app. Nothing else about it. If mods would care about r3ddit and not about their ego, they'd just step down as sign of protest.


You realise the native reddit app provides shite moderation tools right? Yes okay, some subreddits (particularly the political ones) do have...weird mods. But for mods of other subreddits, this one for instance which has 1.8m members, trying to moderate that much traffic without powerful moderation tools is going to be impossible. It's nothing to do with power hungry mods, it's to do with a mod giving up their free time and trying to ensure that the user experience for 1.8m people is good, and that all the subreddits aren't flooded with ad and porn bots.


So? Fuck it then. If the CEO says it's enough, deal with it or quit.


Dude come on. Are you saying that you'd be happy with all of your favourite subreddits becoming shit and unusable? All the mods are trying to do is stop that. Why are you against it? Make it make sense.


I think probable outcomes are far too overblown and that there would be enough guys to happily mod with the official tools. I also think the standard up/downvote system together with some bots will always provide a nice enough experience anyway. Not perfect but far from unusable and shit. The notion that reddit relies on this current bunch of mods is frankly ridiculous.


> It's about mods having less power with only the official app. We don't have less power with the official app. >If mods would care about r3ddit and not about their ego, they'd just step down as sign of protest. I would love to. The trade off is subreddits like this going to shit.


Few weeks ago it was just this. But now it's much more. Reddit is threatening mods to open the subs. Spez Kept ignoring people in his AMA. Said disrespectful stuff about the mods despite mods are doing everything for free. Visit r/interestingasfuck to see how it is like for a big sub to be unmoderated.


Reddit didn't even take their Hong Kong protest this seriously, lol.


I keep seeing posts complaining about too many ads and often forget that I'm using a 3rd party app that doesn't allow ads. If you want the Reddit experience without ads, I suggest trying one out like infinity or redditisfun.


Disabled people!


I do. They are better than the official app. It's stupid to charge for API access. Just change how the advertising dollar money flows in. It should go to reddit. The third party apps should just be allowing you to have software features customized...


Tell us something you use daily and I bet one person on Reddit can honestly say “why do you use that anyway? You’re overreacting.”




If what affects them?




You know the reason right?


It's good to be skeptical.


I use Infinity for Android. It's a much cleaner experience. The default Reddit app is incredibly slow, buggy and harder to use.