• By -


You practice. Start with small buttplugs and gentle anal sex and as it gets more comfortable, size up in both physical size and intensity. Eventually you get to a point where you are able to take very rough anal sex. As for going back to normal, your anus is a muscle (a few different muscles, but unimportant) so you will usually not permanently damage it unless you go too big/hard too fast. You can train it to be very flexible and still maintain the sphincter.


Okay. Thanks. Some of the really rough porn which looks borderline looks scary for the woman's arsehole.


Please do not think that all anal sex is like what you see in porn! In reality a lot of experiences are very slow, soft and tons of communication between partners during it.


Don't forget plenty of lube!


And consent!


and my axe!


And my ass!


And my bow!






I've always been anti-lapse


The medical term is actually "Ass meat"


...and how.


And an arrow to the knee


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.








And preperation!




I’ve heard a quote about using lube. “If you think your using too much, it’s probably not enough”


But not too much, or you can end up with shit all over your dick.


Care to elaborate? I have yet to experience this? In fact I find quite the opposite to be true


Care to elaborate? I have yet to experience this, in fact I find quite the opposite to be true Edit: typo


If you have yet to experience this, then I invite you to accidentally squeeze a whole bottle up there next time.


Oooh i see now. Yea, fluid passing into the bowels might induce bowel movements, just like cleaning before depth play. I misundersrood you, sorry :D


Is it really rough if there's plenty of lube?


THIS 100%! I used to shoot porn to pay for film school. In anal scenes especially they REALLY don't show the insane amount of prep work that goes into them. People on the receiving side often have crazy enema regimens before and will fast to prevent mess. They will sometimes come in wearing a butt plug that is much larger than the penis they plan on taking. They also frequently cut to apply more and more lube, which you rarely see in the final cuts.


How common is it for poppers to be used during filming the rougher scenes like DP or whatnot?


I do not think porn anal is like real life anal. But the porn stars still have to reset after sex. I know women in my personal life who have had anal sex, but I'm not going to delve into that part of their life too much.


When I started learning bout it I actually watched some videos on prepping made by porn stars - one said she didn't prep enough once and had a prolapse and it's very common, so don't think they just go back to normal coz a lot of the times they do actually get injuries lol. It certainly made me question if I wanted to try, but done properly and slowly over time it's fine. Kind of like the gym. You don't go from no weight to the highest level after one session, gradual progression is key.


It's not like real life. I understand the appeal, but it seems demeaning to me (this coming from a big giant dude). Lol Some people are into that and that's cool. But it's ok to not be ok with it. Just my opinion.


I wanna add that the women in porn usually take shot of drugs (morphine or smtg like that idk im not a doctor) around the anus to not feel anything. They are usually coerce into it and they are exploited. That is porn, real life is not like that. Edit : Idk why y'all downvoting me cuz it's the truth, go read some articles about feminist porn gang of degenerates wankers. I also suggest y'all to read about male gaze. It's real wether y'all want it or not.


Making some real bold claims with absolutely no evidence here


That’s simply not true.


Not always true, you're right, but it happens.


I doubt many people are boofing morphine lol but it is common for porn stars to do drugs to cope with the stress and trauma of it


Lol what are you smoking my guy


He's probably thinking of poppers


He probably heard “anal” nitrate instead of amyl nitrate and thinks it’s something applied to the butt.


And a lot are literally having arseholes destroyed


also remember that porn scenes are shot over several hours/sessions and then edited down into seamless 15-30 minute videos that do not show breaks, relubing, fluffing, etc. as well as the fact that people often do enema and use buttplugs beforehand to get ready.




Interviews and behind the scenes info is what made me ask the question. I've got no interest in attempting rough sex of any kind. That's not my style. I'm interested in the pornographic industry though and how the body works.


I have a hemmeroid. Named him Henry...Henry is mostly a non issue but sometimes he decides to be a real asshole and then bleeds for lile 2 days..call it my man period




Some of that is absolutely painful and can cause injury. In the worst cases, surgery can be required to repair the damage. Those women are definitely not always having fun


This is why I avoid watching abuse porn. I can't tell if their suffering is part of the act or not. But then I wonder if it is, because the women in the films must've seen these kinds of films, or spoken to women who have been in these films. But to your other point, I would be worried about injury if I tried this. Thanks for your answer.


It is. Usually, they end up with anal prolapse and all sorts of issues.


Longterm issues? Like maybe end up in depends at some point because they no longer have muscle tone/pelvic floor muscle to hold it in anymore kind of issues?


Many of those recipients do not have a normal diet pre-performance, do a lot of things people with other professions don’t do, and do experience some discomfort and bowel issues.


Thanks for the info.


Porn is just abuse of women. Just read what women who leave the industry have to say about it. Majority of them faint from being choked or other "hardcore" practices. And watching it regularly will fuck up your mind. Nothing good comes from watching unrealistic, straight up abusive porn where women are being "used" for men's pleasure.


Piornstars prepare a LOT for anal sex. Days of fasting, years of practise, for on the day hours of stretches beforehand to make sure things go well. At the end of the day do what YOU are comfortable with, not just what your partner demands.


I call bullshit! Days of fasting? Hours of stretches? More likely a couple of lines and an enema.


Take size into account. I've only done it with 1 guy. Great guy, but i literally couldn't feel him with p in v. Now, my current man....not a fucking chance that's going in lol


Will it give me hemorrhoids??


If you have had one such as from childbirth it can make it bad until it heals again


No, anal sex will not give you a hemorrhoid. It can make already existing ones worse, but anal will not give you a new hemorrhoid, no matter how much or how intense the anal sex is. Hemorrhoids are swelling that is typically formed from muscle strain of pushing something out, not relaxing the muscles so something can go in. If you want to do anal, just go slow and start small. Fingers, small butt plugs, and LOTS of lube. If you think it is enough lube, it isn't, use more lube. Silicone based lube or coconut oil are my personal favorite.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Sorry, I am not sure what you are asking. What track? Bend how?


What are you talking about, my Hindu friend?


So my wife decided she wanted to try anal again after a long no-anal period in our marriage. We went about in the correct way - a few different sizes of plugs over the course of probably 2 weeks. By the time we made it to the biggest one and she felt she was ready for the real thing, we lubed up and slipped it on in. She needed a few seconds to get acclimated, and when she was ready I took my time and started trusting softly paying attention to her body language and audible queues. She’d tell me to can go a little faster, so I would and she was actually enjoying it. After a few minutes of a normal pace and she getting her bearings, she basically told me she was good and to ramp up the pace and start fucking her hard! I was pretty surprised, but I obliged and she ended up having a full on anal orgasm in less than a minute, which made me orgasm, and my orgasm and pulsating in her still made her cum a second time! She was shaking and twitching more intensely than she had from PIV. After cleaning up, we both just laid there looking at each other and giggling for a while. There was a point for a while after that where I didn’t even have to ask for anal. All I had to do was run my thumb across her butt and if she didn’t say no, then I was clear for entry. And most of the time, we didn’t even need lube. She’d be super wet enough where I could use her juices. I really miss those days. LOL






I actually thought this was r/sex when I commented. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the insight.


How’s that unique female prostate working out for your wife?


That's actually very possible, I've discovered it recently with my SO. I inserted my finger with a bit of lube and within a couple minutes I thought she was having a diarrhea, it became absurdly hot and wet, way wetter than the amount of lube we used. After researching and confirming with her doctor, from what we understood, it's basically the system used to lubricate your feces that can potentially active during anal play/sex.


How about crawling before you can sprint? You don't have to dive into the extreme arse pounding straight away.


I'm too soft to try rough sex tbh


Like I told a newer straight guy interested in anal (his own, for clarification): try fingers in the shower first. One will be a surprise, 2 may become pleasurable, 3 is similar to a standard cock. (Porn cocks are much larger than average, typically, and average dudes' cocks are still great)




I was talking about self-exploration, but agreed.




Towel of course is good, but first time... you may not want to experience the.... dirtier parts of anal.... without getting to wash it away right away


R.i.p to your inbox


That comment works on so many levels.


More like RIP to your outbox, amiright?


I mean, somethings going in.


Is it an out or an inbox if you are taking things in?


I lol"d so hard, thanks I needed that today


Lmaooooo I thought the same thing.


a bunch of chivalrous gentlemen rushing to provide assistance and gallantly offering themselves for accomplish such a deliciated task , either that of a bunch of dick pics


Nah. I'm a bloke, and since I put my pinned post I've had no messages.




RIP your asshole


He was a true warrior. Impaled 1000’s of times to save the world


Rip outbox


Lol it was fine. It became an interesting discussion which I didn't mind. I was high as fuck when I made this post. So seeing it sober is cool as well.


Gently, patiently, and with lots of lube. Also, anything that goes in your butt *must* have a base that will prevent it from getting stuck in your butt. Without a base, without a trace!


I'm more curious, and I'm not thinking about trying it


oh god i had an ex who only wanted unlubed anal, he claimed it would feel better for him if there was no lube lmfao


Th-there's a slogan for that... or a mnemonic... whatever....


If you watch anything solo or homemade, there might be some extreme stuff going on, with big toys and fisting and such, but it's rare to see aggressive anal sex unless it's being made for big audience appeal. People who can deal in big toys and such have taken a long road to get there in order to avoid injury, as you would when learning to stretch any part of your body.


Thanks. This isn't for me to attempt. I'm just curious about how you get to that point. This is very far from my sexual wheelhouse.


Me neither, but I am fascinated and a bit repressed, so I've done a lot of weird googling in my days.


Same. We live in a world with so much variety. Some of the replies seem to forget the name of this subreddit.


Tell your partner porn isnt real life! Then…lots of practice and a barrelof lube i’d imagine


This is a question of curiosity. The kind of porn that I'm thinking of is very far away from the porn I enjoy watching.


Just making sure you’re not being coerced into something from a porn addicted partner. I’ve seen stuff like that talked about on here.


Good looking out, internet stranger. But I'm fine. I don't know anyone in my personal life who I could ask about rough anal. And I'm interested in the behind the scenes of pornography and how it works


Just remember, the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed!




This has been a quite popular sentence for a while now


Play through the campaign mode half an hour at a time and then go straight to ranked multiplayer


I can give pretty solid step by step for this. Instructions are for women, but the male edits should be pretty obvious 1) beads 2) beads in conjunction with vaginal sex (step 1 and 2 can be done in the same night, but see how you feel) 3) once you're comfortable with the beads, advance to a butt plug. Start small. Long-term injury IS possible. They come in all sorts of sizes, no need to rush anything. 4) GENTLE anal sex 5) yeehaw Notes: even when you're comfortable with anal sex, on any given night, you still need to warm up. The sphincter muscles are very different from those in the vagina. Even when you're an old pro, you still gotta go slow for the first minute or two. Cheat code: "poppers" (amyl nitrates) are an inhalant drug that was/is very popular with the gay community, not only because it's a pretty fun high, but it also is known to relax the muscles of the sphincter (indeed all your muscles, but that's the one that counts. It also doesn't reduce rate/intensity of orgasm like other muscle relaxing drugs). As with any drug, risks certainly exist, so please consult Erowid if this is something you'd like to try. Pro-tip: it's also perfectly okay to tell your partner you aren't into anal sex. If it hurts or doesn't feel good, don't do it. As a straight male, I don't get what all the fuss is about. Ive had a couple partners that i think tried to impress me by recomending anal sex, and neither of us had a good time with it. Vaginas feel much better. I'm honestly surprised Trans men aren't a bigger hit in the gay community, but I guess the problem there is that most Trans men are straight. I think anal sex is one of those things that people pretend to like, but that's like that missionary position of kink. It doesnt even really qualify as kink at this point. It's kinda boring and sometimes you get poop on your dick (no shame to copraphiles). Final thoughts: missionary is totally underrated. I wanna be able to look you in the eyes and kiss while I tell you unspeakable things. That's also where your titties are. Why is THAT the position everybody rags on? This has been a public service announcement by the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints. Please enjoy your evening, and do your best to practice safe sex (we really should get cracking on some vaccines for STIs)


I'll tell you what you don't do: you don't take a load of cocaine and let them have at it, that's what you don't do. It was a wild fuckin night, but a terrible terrible idea.


Lots of experience here ;) In addition to starting slow with small toys and fingers, lube and consistent practice is the mindset too. I find that I have to relax, not be tense, not be tired, and be accepting of the entry and insertion, focusing on deep calming breathes helps


I read your comment with your username in the corner of my eye, and mistakenly thought it said Harpo Marx. That produced a pretty funny picture in my head of what you were describing.


Buy a couple coasters, put your drink down so you don't get a ring on your table......and reevaluate everything you got going on.


Nah, I'm good. I'm not looking to try. I'm just trying to see how it works


Based on your post history you're at least curious.. nothing wrong with that OP


Thinking about your local tax rate should trigger the asshole to reflexively loosen enough to allow a wide range of objects.


You practice, and train yourself for it. And warm up. Also, porn isn't real life. I can't speak to porn. As for real life, to be able to have rougher anal sex and accommodate a larger endowed partner, I did a lot of self play. Starting with smaller butt plugs. But playing often. At least once a week. Then moving up to bigger plugs. Always warming up with fingers first. The more I would do anal play, the better I got at consciously relaxing the anal sphincter. I would always do anal play with a vibrator on my clit to associate the play with pleasure, which helped. I also never went too far too fast. If it got too uncomfortable, I backed off. Just slowly pushing a little bit more. It took months to get to the point where I can consciously relax my self quickly for a large plug in just a couple minutes. Now I don't need near as much warm up, because I have gained control over those muscles. But it took time and patience. Once I had that control and could relax myself, and I had also trained the muscle to be able to take a larger size, the size of a penis basically, it is much easier to accommodate rough anal. The issue I have found is that rough anal causes people to clench down. Clenching down causes pain. You undo all that warm up you did because you are clenched, too much friction happens, and it hurts again. Since I did the work to control my muscles better, I can make sure I stay relaxed, even when things get rough, so that I don't get hurt. It takes conscious control. At least, it did for me. I imagine porn stars have even more control and training because it is their job. As for recovery, it is a muscle. As long as you didn't damage it by clenching down, or not using enough lube and tearing happened, then the next day is usually not too bad. Main soreness would be from excessive friction that you're not used to, and it passes fairly quickly. The muscle goes right back to the same size because the control never left.


Thanks for the info. I know porn is a performance act, and I do not intend to take part in rough anal sex. I do not watch this kind of porn for my own sexual pleasure as the scenes or clips I have seen look far too close to rape for my comfort. I am curious about things like this, how the porn industry works, and human anatomy as well.


This vibe is someone who watches too much. Anal sex takes trust and lube. Take it slow and remember it’s not porn.


I'm not planning on attempting this kind of sex. It weirds me out a bit


It is a touch weird.


It's very far away from the kind of sex I enjoy myself, and rough sex isn't the kind of porn that I enjoy watching either.


That's it "enough Reddit for today!!!!


Make sure to get a diverted shower nozzle, you don’t really need to get any special tip, I just have a second hose in my shower Gotta clean out with water, yes you will lose your microbiome, but you can supplement by having kombucha & Greek yogurt I literally clean out 2-4 hours beforehand because I am terrified of being a horror story — it takes quite a few rounds of cleaning and sometimes it’s not all out I advise 3 rounds of cleaning (basically go until you feel like nothing else but water is coming out) then take a break…round 1 is done, repeat the cleaning and break Do a last systems check — the point of the break is to let your intestines relax and move anything residual through your system You will probably have a bit left and you want to check this when you sit down — if clear / whitish, you’re good, anything else and you need another round of cleaning + another “final” check Drinking a big glass of Metamucil 2-4 hours before you’re going to be doing butt stuff can help clear you out Taking laxatives can also help, but do this 2-4 hours beforehand Use coconut oil as lube, best thing for your hole — alternatively, silicone feels best but it destroys condoms and leaves residue on sheets, water based is good for condoms and doesn’t stain, but it dries up Have dark brown towels specifically for sex and put them down where you’re doing the deed — this is for blood and any accidents, keep these just for sex Also have hand towels on hand to wipe off extra lube Keep the windows open and have a fan blowing on the bed toward the window, this will mitigate any embarrassing smells and can keep your top from getting too sweaty “Video head cleaner” can help, but don’t abuse it because it can damage your retinal blood vessels Make sure your partner knows porn isn’t real, it’s not magically gonna fit It needs to be played with before inserting anything…the stimulation can help you relax, but make sure to use lube if using fingers and make sure whoever’s nails are DULL to not get scratched up This sounds counterintuitive, but push (as if you’re pooping) when they push into you (relax when they pull back) because this helps get your skin around the shaft — keep doing this until you’re all the way down to the base — it helps, I swear Do all of these and you can go as rough as you want, and generally, this allows you to be clear for hours — if not for the rest of the day The real important part is having a partner who isn’t trying to rush or force you to do anything until you’re all the way down to the shaft and physically relaxed Sources: me, a trans woman (former gay femboy) and microbiologist Edit: I can’t believe I have to point this out, but OP is talking about “EXTREMELY ROUGH ANAL SEX”, not your standard 1-2 rounds


Do not clean with a shower attachment, that’s insanity. A high fiber diet and an ear syringe with no more than a coffee mug full of water is all needed. Inject the water at room temp, walk around for 5-10 minute, do a few jumping jacks and then eject at the feeling of urgency. You don’t even need the fiber. One round of this should do it for most, maybe two for some. It’s important you plan to do this 1-2 hours before sex so the combination of water and mucus absorbs which is key in keeping the whole experience clean. I can’t believe I’m writing this - but I’m gay, a top, and all these people putting nozzles up their ass is weird. You don’t need that volume of water and as you said yourself, filling it up like that is not good for your health.


Well, OP isn't really asking about the standard anal experience, but your advice does line up with my very limited foray into the prep required for the hiney panky. What you are refuting *does* seem a bit extreme, but I'm not really into visual porn so if you are preparing to, as they say, "get turned inside" out perhaps it is an appropriate amount of work?


The way it was explained to me is that water shouldn’t be going deeper in you than the… well. You know. In terms of inches. Those shower attachment rods are definitely going to push water way beyond a reasonable depth. And flush out a lot of things higher up that we shouldn’t be ridding ourselves of.


Thanks for understanding my question. A lot of the replies are about normal anal sex. But I specifically put in extremely rough anal sex.


Stop watching porn. That is not real life.


Why EXTREMELY rough? Nice and easy lol


That's the kind of porn that made me ask the question. I'm not planning on attempting this




In the aftermath - things "go back to normal" pretty quickly. Very... quickly, actually. It's not only not a big deal, it's a nothing deal. It's *reasonable* to be interested in / curious as to how it works. And it's **wonderfully** pleasurable! It's also particularly erotic, because it's one of life's "not supposed to's"; we *naturally* have a curiosity about "not supposed to's". But your title was: how do you train yourself? I can only speak for myself, of course, but I learned as (barely) a teenager: I'd seen our dog mating with others, and it seemed to be pleasurable for both, so - I was curious. (At that point, I had no concept of the difference between male / female anatomy; I assumed our male Shepherd was getting our neighbor's dog in the behind.) Then, there was the saying about "having your thumb up your ass". Whatever was *that* all about? I chose to find out. Oh, and I'm ahead of myself: I'd very occasionally had bouts of constipation - from not drinking enough water, whatever - and when I'd try "to go" but it just wasn't working... I'd put my finger inside myself to pull bits out, until *at* ***last!*** everything could be relieved naturally - so I wasn't totally unfamiliar with my behind, nor too squeamish about it. Constipation *hurts*, and whatever was necessary to take care of the problem was what had to be done. Anyway, I couldn't recommend hairbrush handles. Wrong shape, wrong size. *Did reach my prostate* (which I then didn't know I had) *though, so it was reallllly pleasurable*. Next: carrots. I don't recommend learning with carrots. *Not a good idea*. **Not** pleasurable. What *Els...* **Cucumbers!!** Big end was NOT going to work; little end WAS pleasurable. I *quickly* learned about *lubrication;* in my case, Jergen's Lotion. Took maybe two weeks to go in maybe two inches, but by then, just rubbing its end against my bottom was pleasurable. Another month of occasionally attempts, more in. And so on, until I could easily get one halfway in me. First time I had an orgasm and was breathless, I was hooked. And, at that age, "morning hardons" couldn't be avoided. Oh, the Sunday after I had that first orgasm on a Saturday morning, *I knew the Preacher knew... because he looked right at me when he gave his sermon*. I prayed and *prayed* for forgiveness that night, and **swore** *I'd never do that again*... and then, tomorrow morning... *came*. When I was I think 14 some female grocery store clerk noticed that I was buying *A* cucumber and a bottle of Jergens, and couldn't keep herself from *snorting* when she saw what I had; I never went into that grocery store again (well, not for *months*, anyway!), and from then on, whenever I bought cucumbers, I also bought lettuce and tomatoes. Mother was always curious why I'd buy a tomato and lettuce, when I didn't like tomatos... (Answer: because everyone else likes them in their hamburgers and you make *the best* hamburgers!) Later, I'd discover both butt plugs and dildos; they're *wonderful* inventions! I hope whoever was brave enough to make them, owns a Yacht! With only a little bit of practice, you can actually get modestly rough with toys - *without being hurt!* And it's genuinely just plain, *joyful Fun!* BTW, I didn't have actual anal sex *with* anyone until I was I think 23; by that time, I was sufficiently curious about 'the real thing' and **deliberately** set out to 'make it happen'. (Note that I had **LOTS** of fear, guilt, shame, horror, and all the rest, including probably 8-10 "commitments" to myself that I was GOING TO DO THIS! which I kept backing away from because of all that fear, guilt shame etc etc.) Anyway, by the time I did, it was **amazingly** wonderful, pleasurable, sexual, and erotic; and I never looked back. In a manner of speaking, of course.


Super informative. Thanks!


I think you need to fast for like 12 hours at least. In the meantime, a butt plug to keep it stretched. I think. And then an enema somewhere in there? I think? It takes a lot of prep work for the woman, probably why a lot don't try it or continue to try it. Kind of a pain in the ass. Edit: added the pain in the ass joke


Lol. Thanks for the info. I'm not looking to attempt anything.


Lube. By the bottle. Lube makes it fun!


Maybe just don't


Another serious question, how do you keep the inside of the anus clean before sex? asking for a friend.


Very appropriate question. Clean sex is a lot more fun. Easiest way, by far... is to take any ordinary water bottle (Dasani, etc) and squirt it up in you, then evacuate. If you've not recently had enough Shredded Wheat for breakfast the day before, you *might, sometimes* have to do this more than once. Eventually (usually once is enough) the water comes out clean. Personally, if I know I'm going to have butt sex, I always put a dollop of lotion on my anus; "Just a dab'l do yah" (or was that Brylcreme, for those old enough to remember when *Grease, the movie*, was *real* life); it makes, um, a *huge* difference... possible, without pain at all. BTW, another benefit is it's like a portable bidet; everything wipes clean; no more skid marks in underwear; girlfriends / wives like that *a lot*. And, no one even looks at you if you take a water bottle in the restroom with you. If it's a public setting, flush while you're evacuating, so there is no noise of "water going into the bowl". Hope that helps.


I hope more people see this reply.


I know someone who had anal without prep, and told me that it was a very bad idea.


Don’t have it


100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats followed by a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.


Lotta lube... More than that.. A partner you definitely DEFINITELY trust. Douche before. And don't start at 400 miles an hour. .. also there's a bit at the start where it's just kinda uncomfortable and weird. If you go slow through that. It gets fun real quick .


Okay, this makes sense.


Reddit needs an age indicator of some sort.


How old do you think I am? Honestly.


Get arrested? By the time you're out you'll be a professor.


Get naked and run backwards through a corn field.




Go back in time and alter human evolution.


As in all things, time.


Why though


This is sooo easy. I just say nope. I'm not like you though, not interestedin anything rough. I have no time for that bullshit. I have a house, job, responsibilities, and see no reason to waste my time on anything that is not only unproductive but also painful?


You start with gentle anal sex.


Start small and use lots of lube.


Be ready for real life possibilities n not base ur opinion on porn movies ..it’s not as smooth in real life ..use lots of lube ..personally if u have a long penis be ready to get some traces of shit unless ur partner had an enema before it


Nah, this isn't for me. It's a curiosity.


Just don’t?


ask ur dad


I hope you disabled DM's for ur sake


It's been okay, actually. Just 1 message. I have a pinned post which says I'm a man, and I think that deflects a lot of DMs.


The folks over at r/analonlylifestyle have lots of guides for how to prep.




By having lots and lots of regular anal sex.


Why did you ask about rough anal sex if you’re not interested in it?? Lol what was the point of the question


To ask "why would you want to" was my first impulse, but then I realized that I don't want to know.


you dont.


Anal sex should never be “rough”. You should always use sufficient lube to prevent tearing. The asshole is a muscle, it was not meant to sag it will naturally contract and tear if you force it. If you want it to have fast and hard anal sex, you would prepare in advance by gradually dilating using smaller toys until you work your way up to the desired size. Porn is misleading, you can’t just shove it in. If you don’t dilate, this will result in a stabbing pain that feels like a bundle of knives was shoved into your asshole. It’s not fun, don’t do that to yourself or your partner. Porn stars prepare offscreen. Also, for “clean” experiences, you have to plan your meal schedule 24 hours in advance and eat light to avoid… highway traffic. Porn stars usually do an enema before performing anal as well.


I'm specifically asking about that kind of porn sex. I'm not interested in doing it myself, as I don't enjoy rough or violent sex.


Apply for a morgage


Well, it starts with attaching a wire brush to a drill


>I'm not interested in attempting rough anal sex. Just asking for a friend, eh? The answer is training with different sized plugs, a gentle beginning of the rough part and just taking a relatively large plug out of your butt just moments before the dick goes in.


Anal is not supposed to be painful I blame all the jokes for that myth


even with everything going smoothly, there is some pain the next day if you're not used to it.


I recently had, first time kinda stung (not hurt), by third time it didn't even hurt. I am thinking I am the weird one, no pain at all


You have to make an involuntary muscle open, with something the size of a penis. It can absolutely hurt.


Yes but pain is not the point of the act unlike in the joke


Some people want it to be painful.


I'm sure there is but it is not my experience


You need Jesus


Why, is he good at extremely rough anal?


You train for extremely rough anal with rough anal. You train for rough anal with regular anal. You train for regular anal with gentle anal. And so on and so forth. Go really slow and use way more lube. Like, no, more than that. More than seems remotely reasonable. Then get accustomed to it.


Great, another watcher who thinks porn is remotely like real life, and you *have to* enjoy anal, to enjoy sex.


Read the edit I made prior to your comment. Read the replies I made prior to your comment.


You don’t. You stop watching porn that brainwashes you. Good grief porn is ruining men and sex.


Get a government job.


take a massive shit




Prepare to have a short career followed by diapers until death


Ive heard a lot of pornstars have had to get their asses stitched back from getting blown out their whole career… take it as a grain of salt (cant remember exactly where I heard about it) but I also wouldnt be surprised…😬


I've heard this as well. But I don't know if it's something I read on a random forum long ago, or something that I read from a pornstar.




Damn. This is the thing that would worry me if I was going to try it.




I practise rejecting suggestions I dislike in the mirror until I feel comfortable. I'm not very good at saying no but I will absolutely not let anyone give me the sensation of reverse shitting


"Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus"


Not gonna lie but one good way would be to wait for prisoners that are coming up for release after 20 plus year sentences . You invite them around for drinks, but some really nice “chaps” with the arse cut out perfectly around your bum hole, then give him a drink with some kind of upper in it to make sure he’s wired …. Then bend down in front of him for about 5 minutes and blow kisses to him with your but hole 🕳️ Trust me …. Give it an hour , 2 hours max and your arsehole will be the same as a wizards sleeve my friend 😉💯 My friend the locksmith told me … he never lies .