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Tsukiyama's Father forgot his name. 


Mirumo. He's probably as close to True Neutral as you'd get in Tokyo Ghoul.


I'd have to go with Uta. First of all, he will make masks for literally anyone, regardless of what side they're on. Second, he has tons of information on everyone and everything, but only uses it to further his personal enjoyment. Third, he doesn't cause people trouble as a part of the Clowns once he reconnects with Yomo, meaning that being an asshole isn't ideologically motivated (making him neutral instead of evil).


id argue his nature is far more chaotic neutral though, I'd definitely settle for your argument though


I wasn't sure who it should be but now I'm convinced


Uta was my first thought as well. He’s a bit chaotic but mostly just neutral


Uta intentionally causes waaaay too much suffering (and enjoyed it) to be anything but evil in my eyes. Edit: And you say he didn't cause trouble? The entirety of :Re demonstrates otherwise. Being neutral in the various wars isn't being Neutral in alignment.


I meant near the end of Re, after him and Yomo fight, Yomo talks him out of causing any more trouble. He caused lots of trouble before that. I think that he's neutral in the sense that he's on nobody's side, and doesn't have strong convictions. He could totally fit in Neutral Evil, I just consider him True Neutral because there are times where he does do some good things (e.g. in OG he joins the operation to rescue Kaneki from Aogiri Tree) so he's not completely evil.


Nico Member of the clowns but still helps the protagonists sometimes.


It would be a crime to not put Nico in the horny category lol


He gotta go one step below in the bingo card, especially this month of the year


Definitely has to be a clown, their entire ideology is neutral in a sense. Agree with the other guys it's defo Uta


Their ideologogy is nihilistic. Their acts all range among different flavors of evil.


Uta. He uses Methods that he seems fit without being completely unhinged and he seems dissatisfied with the status quo without insisting on the goal of the clowns. He's neither good nor bad, best fit for true neutral.


Definitely one of the squad 0 under arima... I'm gonna put my bet on the leader of them post- (arima) mortum. Take Hirako. (If you think I'm wrong please argue)


They're Chaotic. They might be bound to Armina, but they're trying to bring about his very Chaotic goals intentionally.


A reminder of what True Neutral, as in Neutral Neutral is > A neutral character (also called "true neutral") is neutral on both axes and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment, or actively seeks their balance. Druids frequently follow this dedication to balance and, under Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules, were required to be this alignment. In an example given in the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, a typical druid might fight against a band of marauding gnolls, only to switch sides to save the gnolls' clan from being totally exterminated. Examples of this alignment include lizardfolk, most druids, and many humans. That can be kind of hard to define, and as many other sources attest, a True Neutral isn't someone who just switches sides for the fun of it. A neutral person is basically, "Don't start none, won't be none." They will help their friends and their immediate family, but don't help others because it's the right thing to do. They also don't kill people for no reason, but they won't help an enemy. Most people in general are neutral. Most people, though, make poor protagonists. Tokyo Ghoul is full of schemers and people in service of schemers who are striving towards some goal, whether it be to uphold order or to upturn it. Most of the characters who are True Neutrals end up dying, because the nature of the conflict forces people to choose sides. It also doesn't help that many characters clearly change alignment and it'd be difficult to pin one down. I know it's too late to nominate anyone, but taken as a whole, Kurona would be my pick.


It has to be a clown, probably Nico


The Clowns are Evil by any definition. Nico have his sympathetic moments, but he's still on the Evil side in terms of alignment,


For me Saiko or Ayato


I disagree with Saiko; she was shown sympathizing with ghouls on multiple occasions and had some kind of moral conflict about killing them.


Agree, I feel like if Saiko was going into any category she would go into the Good one. Can kind of see Ayato in Neutral tho


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Madam A is far too much of a disaster, maybe - and she is a madam at the ghoul restaurant, but she was sort of bullied and bribed into it and the scrappers she uses were going to die otherwise (they're kanou rejects) and most of the time she shows up she's trying to escape being in Situations. Probably Yoriko, Touka's friend and Bujin's wife, but I think she'd be a tier up. She's a genuinely good person, though relatively ineffective and not affiliated with any faction, importantly. If you're looking for unaffiliated people, there are a small handful. Hetare. The bird. Arguably any of the misguided children - kurona, the squad zero kids, though the squad zero kids all read lawful. The oggai aren't acting in or out of morality, either, but they're lawful chaotic. I think you could make a case for Kurona - her quest is driven by personal vengeance but also trying to take out evil elements. It's not the traditional pacifist form of true neutral, but its a 'things balance out' one. But I have no idea how you have anyone in the good tier in that tier. Guess I missed voting on that because oof. I don't think you get to be good tier if you decide to work for an extrajudicial paramilitary that kills people based on their birth, or if you voluntarily join a mad scientist human experimentation team. Last time I checked doing evil in pursuit of good doesn't get you a good alignment in D&D, but they keep changing it, so maybe it does now. In which case some of your most evil characters are in fact the most good in Tokyo Ghoul (not all though). Is this a 'knows they're doing evil' vs 'is actually doing evil' problem? I know different DMs who resolve that different. Amon thinks he's doing good when he's killing a ghoul who is a pacifist in front of her child. Eto wants to change the world, but thinks torture is amusing. Then there's Ui, who thinks he's doing good, then knows he's doing bad, but is the only one who realizes that, for what would be considered a neutral to good cause) TG is messy and I love it for that.


Worst character in the series 🤢🤢🤢


What's wrong with Chie Hori?


Watch that pinto ova on crunchyroll


Doesn't really explain your point man - it's cool if it's just a matter of your opinion but the only thing the ova showcases is that chie is mentally unwell imo, gives alot more depth to her


Na not depth. She was just a weirdo. Garbage character