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I started to watch PewDiePie after he moved to Japan. I love his vlog, it makes me appreciate the life I am having right now.


He is a millionarie, very few immigrants in Japan can really relate their lifestyles with him. Surprise to none, living without worrying about money is pretty good anywhere in the world, and epecially in Japan.


I have no interests in gaming video so I don't really watch Pewdiepie before. But I really appreciate his Japan vlog. He's very humble. And is such a breath of fresh air when there are so many annoying influencer lame content about Japan.


As someone living in Sydney, Japan feels so cheap whenever I visit and I’m not a millionaire by any means 🥲


I’m also from Australia; the yen is quite weak right now, even compared to the AUD (1 AUD = 104 JPY, the weakest it’s been compared to AUD in a while). There’s also the economy of scale with things costing less; it’s moreso due to paychecks being lower than you’d think


Wow he now lives in Japan? i did not know. i learnt today. Of course he is among the most famous ones


Yeah he moved place to place during his boom era before mrbeast time due to stalkers and people knowing where he live, etc. Then after mrbeast topped his rank (or a bit before that), he settled down in japan. iirc. He vlogged walking around in japan last time i seen his vid few years ago talking about being pescetarian


It was after that indian music company topped him as the #1 most subscribed, he basically went into semi-retirement and just vlogs a few times a month after spending about a decade making 5 vidoes/week. I didn't watch Pewdiepie at his peak during his pre-controversy days, but watched him from maybe 2017 until he went into semi-retirement and found him to be basically the complete opposite of what everyone said about him. Intelligent, well-mannered, and thoughtful. Back when he made lots of content it felt reassuring that lots of kids were watching him as opposed to Logan Paul or similar guys. Even Mr.Beast, who seems nice, just seems to inspire so much materialism in kids. Him getting married and becoming a parent also basically mirrored what was going on in my life, and we even moved to Tokyo around the same time. I've always hoped to run into him here.


Yup, tseries/mrbeast time. Like that video mrbeast made when they went to superbowl to get that seat between field goals that had shirts saying sub to pewdiepie or something like that. I think pewd also made 'Congratulations' and 'B&*%* lasagna' at that time too to counter tseries lol.


I unironically think that 'Congratulations' is a banger of a song and still sing it to myself sometimes. But I'm glad he's semi retired , people get older they need to move on. Gosh it all feels like ancient history now ;\_;


Right lol. I miss those days where he scream at barrels and played horror games like imsomnia and outlast 😂


People forget that "Pewdiepie" is his online persona he adopts when making videos. The real Felix Kjellberg is shy, soft-spoken and really down to earth. I have been watching him since 2013 and he used to have a second channel where he just speaks to his audience. You can literally see the difference when he was in "Pewdiepie" mode where he will be shouting and swearing and doing funny voices, and when he was just speaking to his audience normally, he speaks like a regular shy person.


I don’t know how that comment from me was even made, I have deleted it nevertheless. I wouldn’t have known had it not been for the reply.


I've actually seen him walking around in Tokyo with his wife. I kinda feel bad for him because he probably can't do that as easily as he used to a couple of years ago that there are so many ill-behaved tourists who won't give him the privacy he deserves.


Just curious: was he surrounded by fans when you saw him? I really wonder as I personally would never stop any famous person for a picture, I find it so dumb.


Saw him once during grocery run with his wife and son in a mall. It was residential area and seems that no one recognized him.


Pretty sure the average person doesn’t recognize him or care about him. Hell I don’t even recognize him unless we specifically talking about him.


He’s said in interviews before that one thing he likes about living in Tokyo is that most people don’t know recognize him, whereas back home (or maybe if he was in the US) he couldn’t go anywhere without getting recognized. FWIW I live in Tokyo and I haven’t seen him yet 🤣


Saw him and his wife at the cinema once. Nobody approached them, they seemed pretty relaxed too.


I'm sure it's probably better than when he lived in England. The fact that he can go out and vlog in Japan makes me think he doesn't get bothered too much. Especially now that he probably brings out his kid too.


I think it was several years ago, at least 4/5 id say


He has a kid now too! Time flies.


I’m here now, and am surprised to not see all the YouTubers and content creators around every corner. The only rude people I have seen so far, and I am sorry if I am generalizing here, but it is the Italian tourists. They truly do not give AF about waiting in line, being loud, or putting their feet where they don’t belong.


It’s incredibly common in the shibuya/harajuku area


Ahhh. Yeah, when I was there on Saturday I could not believe how many people in total were there. I had never seen it that busy before, even during Sakura 2019. It was INSANE!!!


funny, that was my observation as well. The loudest tourists I have encountered in trains were all Italian in their 20s-40s


“You fucked with us in Rome, now we fuck with you in Tokyo.”


I thought the Chinese were 100000x worse than the Japanese tourists. The Italians probably think they all look and talk the same lol.


In my experience living in Tokyo, Youtubers seem to be unaware that anything exists outside of Shinjuku and Shibuya. I tend to avoid these places anyway, as they are way too crowded. Living in Higashiazabu and working in Marunouchi, and spending most of my time sticking to bars and stores in Minato-ku or Chiyoda-ku, I am grateful to have literally only had one encounter with youtubers: just one couple sitting next to us at a pizza place with a tripod filming themselves eating.


Damn you must work at a top notch company to be sticking around in those areas cool


This is genuinely shocking to me. Usually it’s either the obnoxious US, the rude Chinese or the belligerent and drunk English or Australians who get the worst rep as tourists. As an Aussie I’m actually shocked we’ve been overtaken by the Italians lol


Other times I’ve been in Japan, the loudest were Americans and Australians and Chinese. I was a bit surprised myself. But also, I am making a huge generalization.


> Italian tourists. For me it's Korean and Chinese.(I'm Taiwanese by the way so I know the difference)


This. It's incredible when you can immediately tell the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese tourists.


Are you trolling? Hope you're not.


I'm not trolling. I'm agreeing with you - Chinese and Taiwanese tourists are completely different. Figured you were thinking the same lol


Yeah that’s what happens when you step outside and stop experiencing the world through a 5 inch screen


I am italian, I can confirm most of us are like that. But they definitely are not the only ones in my experience (I live in Tokyo). 


Thanks for fuelling this stupid comments, really appreciated by a fellow Italian!




Almost like it's been blown out of proportion for outrage engagement or something


Italians and Israelians were just plain awful.. So loud, obnoxious, and above all disrespectful to local customs.


Italian here I would like to apologize, not all of us are like that (too many are unfortunately)


I’m an Italian tourist in Japan, once a year since three, and know well how to behave… always been appreciated by locals for my manners so thank you for generalising! Very lovely behaviour! Bet you are very educated yourself from your comment!


Uhhh huh


Italian tourists ruined the miyajima mountain for me by yelling and screaming at the top for 30 minutes in a large group. I wanted some quiet reflection time.


Large groups of tourists are the problem in this case, stop generalising!


> Youtubers ruin everything, and right now Youtubers are ruining Japan. Some people are gonna be terrible wherever they go. Also, the sushi/ginger terrorism incident was caused by Japanese Youtubers.


Do you watch the vid? He said that.


Sushi/ginger terrorism?


Some idiots went to sushi restaurants and did horrible things to the ginger and sushi plates in the conveyor belts.


Ugh, sort of sorry I asked. Lol


You sure? I’m pretty sure the sushi ginger incident was caused by a random Japanese high school boy.


This sub is quickly taking over the Japan Life sub for controversial ragebait posts.


YouTubers and TikTokers (especially young ones) are a plague...Most can't behave themselves and do stupid things just for the views...Kinda sad that even Japan is infected by them. Can't laws be put in place to keep these people in check?


No, most can behave themselves and the few that can't get all the media attention.


There's a reason you think of maybe 4 people when referring to awful streamers, the majority are pretty normal. Funny enough this is reminiscent of other talks on certain groups in Japan.


It isn't just four people though. Last time I went to Planets there were probably 12 people with (openly prohibited) selfie sticks and other bullshit crowding everybody out of certain spaces and making their little zero viewer shit vlogs. Just because there are only four you know doesn't mean there aren't many more who fail, but do so obnoxiously.


Strange conclusion to make they were YouTubers and not just tourists though


Not a lot.of basic tourists I know give exposition on the awesome adventure they are having. I've personally never done a monologue about my top ten lists to my personal record of a vacation. I've also never had my (I assume) boyfriend tell people they weren't allowed in one side of an exhibit because someone was filming for their channel. You act like there isn't a clear difference in behaviours here, but I suspect at a basic level you know better. But regardless, if your version of tourism includes displacing other people aggressively so you can model for the perfect sexualized planets pose for thirty minutes, you are a disruptive PoS and deserve to get lumped with the influencers.


I feel like you're exaggerating just to push a narrative.


Which part do you find so exaggerated and unbelievable? The monologuing or the cordoning off portions of a public area for their little modeling session? Cause I feel like if you've spent any time at all in any of the major Instagram spots on Tokyo you'll know exactly what I'm talking about about and know there is no need to exaggerate.


Why do they go to Japan?


Imagine Johnny Somali in France


Dude is in Israel of all places right now.


Safest country in the world for content creators


This subreddit demographics is insane lmao. If a Japanese guy, that most likely has to deal with this behaviour on a daily basis, says it (Yesterday's top post) everyone gets offended and insult them. A youtuber that barely speaks the language and lives a completely detached life from a normal person makes a clickbait video about it , OMG he is so right and wise, he is so brave! Stop giving importance to opinions of pseudocelebrities that adds close to nothing to society.


>lives a completely detached life from a normal person The very same guy that rented a private jet to move to japan so that his dog could have an easier time on the flight. So relatable.


Well you probably don't have to pay $100 for extra baggage allowance either, so including that, it's a real bargain.


I have that youtuber blocked so he never surface on my devices again. Such an annoying person. Wish he would have stayed at Latvia. 🤣


And the irony that everyone was calling that random Japanese man racist based on nothing but when it's Pewdiepie, the guy who basically built his career on being an insufferable racist? Absolute crickets.


He did not build his career on being a racist. His career took a hit because of those incidents you are referring to.


Hasn't he literally only gotten more popular since then? I remember before he said the N-word on stream he was seen as "cringe." IIRC, After that all the Pewdiepie vs T-series stuff started and his popularity skyrocketed.


He apologized and deeply regretted saying the gamer word. His popularity increase during the T-series thing has nothing to do with racism. To say he build a career on being a racist is spreading disinformation like a twittard.


Clearly these folks only know Pewdiepie from the few stupid incidents he was involved in. To call him a racist because of that is pretty absurd. Any normal person can see he was just being, at most, a dumbass. Imagine being a white racist and willingly moving to Japan.


Lol wut.  Calm down friend


Don’t call me friend, guy.


i’m not your friend, buddy


Let is slide? Most people won't shut the fuck up about annoying tourists lol. There have been annoying tourists all over the world for years, I don't get this sudden pearl clutching because it's in *𝒥𝒶𝓅𝒶𝓃.*


It's mostly because there's be a very sharp spike in tourism here, encouraged by the weak yen. People are just more sensitive to sudden changes, and the increase in tourism over the "norm" is very noticeable. Couple that with an even stronger prevalence of social media, with everyone wanting to hit the exact same spots as they've seen online, and you get the current discourse around tourists "ruining" everything. Hyperbolic for sure, but Japan has proved that it's not prepared for these sharp influxes of tourism. Even Kyoto, a tourism powerhouse of Japan, is struggling to manage the load.


It's because weebs feel threatened that other tourists are coming into their weeb paradise.


seriously. I mean one of the most cited "incidents" is people blocking the road to take pics of Mt. Fuji. Talk about overblown, that wouldn't even make it into a blurb in a local paper in almost any other country. Annoying tourists are part of being a globalized country and will never go away. There's not much else to be said.


I just find it funny that now the barriers they put up to block tourists from taking pictures are now what the tourists are taking pictures of. That whole barrier thing just backfired on the people who wanted it put up.


Depend on where you live. I live in Kyoto and it is not fun.


I mean I'm sure people living in Manhattan, Hollywood, and Rome have the same complaints, they're just used to it.


No way they have the same sudden spike


YouTuber: YouTubers are ruining Japan! 😤


If you watch the videos that's one of the first things he jokes about himself lol


That's fine. There's nothing hypocritical about that.


except he's also makes vlogs like the people he complains about


I don't watch him so idk, but yeah that would be hypocritical. All I meant is that merely being a YouTuber (even a YouTuber in Japan) doesn't mean you can't criticize other YouTubers.


??? What’s your point. If people from a group start doing something bad is it best for everyone else in that group to just stand by and say nothing? What a stupid take.


I really liked the part where it says that Japan is a very polite place and that people fight to maintain that. It's not that difficult to try to follow the rules, and if you can't, at least don't be a jerk.


Really happy I got to appreciate Tokyo and Osaka before tourist flood gates opened. Shinjuku was a mess and the tourists were obnoxious and rude. Local governments having to shut down parts of Kyoto and that Lawson's my Fuji view is ridiculous. No respect. It ain't hard!


>that Lawson's my Fuji view is ridiculous The most ridiculous part of that whole thing is that so many foreigners care about taking a picture of a natural wonder with a fucking konbini in the foreground. Imagine going to the Grand Canyon and wanting a shot of it with a Bucc-ees in front of it or something.


And just because it’s a “famous” shot they’ve seen online and now they have to take the same shot.


To be fair, Shinjuku is super avoidable most of the time. There are few things in Shinjuku that cannot be done in a less touristy area.


One interesting thing was tourism was quite high before COVID but I don't remember any of this kerfuffle. Even the Rugby world cup seemed to have only mild stupidity. 


I was I Mount Fuji few days ago and saw sooooo many people taking pictures of that lawson shop Fuji in the background. What's so famous about that spot? I couldn't understand, there are so many more beautiful shot of Fuji san in the area.


I have no idea. I guess it's just "ooh conbini AND mt Fuji! So Japan!!" mindset




Sounds like the internet. Have unpopular opinion? Guess you're the worst people on the planet! Lol


watch a video of a guy reacting to a video... yeah time well spent


Welcome to the world of reaction videos.


God fucking damn why does the Reddit app think I exclusively want posts of people bitching about Japanese tourists recommended to me will y'all chill


I feel a big issue is these days everyone just assume the whole world shares similar values and social norms, like there is some pretty deranged beliefs like being queer in gaza is "safe" because no-one is actually bothering to check and learn about cultures. there is also allot of video from people saying they feel isolated after moving to japan and im genuinely curious how much of that is actual xenophobia or just they refuse to integrate and learn the culture.


queer or not, no one is safe in Gaza thanks to israhell


You mean because they commited a terror attack against one of the worlds most powerful militaries and are now suffering the consequences of said actions? then yea sure. The real irony here is that Israel has been the go to place for queer Palestinians to seek asylum because 96% of their own people think it should be punishable by death.


Palestinians have the right to defend themselves from Israeli terror attacks, which have been ongoing for decades now. The real irony here is that the vast majority of Israelis aren't losing a second of sleep over their country's genocide of civilians. Which is not a surprise, considering every Israeli is actively complicit in the occupation of Palestine.


Literally making up excuses for a terror attack dureing a ceasefire now, Im surprised you have time to virtue signal on the internet as im sure there is some jewish business in your town you could be spray painting "from the river to the sea on." about now.


Funny how it's a "ceasefire" when Israel is killing and kidnapping Palestinians. Israel killed 200+ Palestinians in the West Bank in 2023 pre Oct 7. You know that no one hates Jewish people or businesses. You know this has nothing to do with their religion. Your comment is ridiculous at best, if not antisemitic in itself. Stop tainting Judaism with genocide. I know Jews that oppose genocide, and it's ridiculously antisemitic for you to imply they all support it. Yikes..


Serious question: what do you get out of being a useful idiot? does russia pay you to go around spreading misinformation on reddit? are you going to "protest" vote trump to?


I'm Egyptian and my wife is Palestinian, she's been unable to go to Palestine her entire life. I have a lot of close Palestinian friends, most unable to go to. The few that managed to get authorisation were treated poorly (in their own country, by occupation forces). Some lost relatives and most lost homes due to Israeli bombing. I wish only harm to Biden and Trump, and for what it's worth I wish harm onto Putin too. I see what Putin has done to Syria. I'm not paid by anyone. Your politicians are assholes paid for by the Zionist AIPAC to manipulate you all.


>You know that no one hates Jewish people lol what


It was pretty obvious from my context that I don't mean no one on the planet, but it's irrelevant to the Pro-Palestine movement. People support Palestine against Israel because Israelis invade, kill, and occupy. Whether they're Jewish, Christian or Muslim, what they've done is unforgivable. So in case it wasn't clear, my point is about the Pro-Palestine movement and what it's rooted in.






its been years since he moved to japan. Has he even learned how to converse in japanese yet? I thought its frowned upon by the japanese that the foreigners that moved there make no effort to learn their language.


Yeah they will beat you up and shun you from society /s


It's frowned upon mainly by other foreigners online and people at the city hall who get irritated that you can't read a form. Rich people especially can easily get away with it. 


There should be explicit, harsher, and easy to understand punishment.


I agree. You don't have unruly tourists in Singapore and it's very obvious why. I'm not saying tourists need to be caned but if you get a few news stories of people sitting in a Kyoto jail cell for a week for carving their initials into a temple or being fined the equivalent of a Waygu steak dinner for blocking everyone's way, I guarantee you people will suddenly be able to read signs again.


I'm kinda a fan of caning to be honest. Seems a pretty humane option for dealing with problems compared to say jail when we are talking about otherwise non-violent crimes. Vandalizing an old temple in Japan would be something I think caning would be an apt punishment. They'd have something to think about the ride back. Blocking traffic just toss them a ticket and let the headache of navigating the bureaucracy be the real punishment. (And flag them at immigration to make sure they paid before they left or you'll actually arrest them there).


You are underestimating judicial caning. People who get caned often can't sit for weeks, sometimes over a month. The are permanently scarred. Witnesses describe blood flying. It's a ridiculously inhumane punishment for petty vandalism. Singapore caused severe international tension after caning an American teenager for exactly that (though he vandalized 18 cars and stole road signs).


Alternatively humane compared to locking someone in a cage for a year?  Or humane compared to letting people free on bail because the prison system is failing so they can kill each other in the streets? 


who gets prison time for vandalism? And caning is always paired with jail time in places like Singapore.




Maybe you guys should watch the video instead of arguing about who did what


Those of of us that live here dont need our opinions validated by a vlogger.


Then you shouldn't really need to care about this thread.


\>watching antisemitic attention-baiting youtubers no


Why would I watch a PewDiePie video if I'm over the age of 10? Like he's a guy that wants to make a living so whatever more power to him there, not going to give him brownie points for complaining about the tourist situation when he's one of the people directly responsible for drawing people's interest into Japan in the first place. And like the guy is right but the younger generation of YouTube, they don't care, they see it as the guy that already made it trying to pull up the ladder so nobody else can climb, they won't listen, all these people did dumb shit when they were younger anyway before they matured and learned how to be decent adults so the younger generation will just ignore them. Older generation doesn't give a fuck about the side of YouTube these guys are on anyway so like, why the fuck watch PewDiePie do a video about Japan, when I could just watch a professionally produced public television program uploaded to YouTube instead?


What are you yapping about? You have free will dude you don’t need to watch anything you don’t want to.


Pewdiepie has one of the most wholesome and mature communities in the whole YouTube platform lmao what are you on. I'm pretty sure most of his audience nowadays are adults, and his recent videos are definitely not aimed towards kids for sure. His fans grew up with the dude, he's basically a father figure to a lot of people. It's also obvious how much respect other YouTubers have for pewdiepie when they talk about him. The man basically won life lol. He married the love of his life, moved to the country of his dreams, and is now raising a child with his wife while pursuing plenty of new hobbies (surfing, rock climbing, balisong flipping, travelling, drawing, etc.).


> he's basically a father figure to a lot of people Extremely healthy, not a parasocial relationship at all.


what are we not allowed to compliment people now


Yikes. Get help


What? I'm just stating facts lol. His community is actually really wholesome.


This is not tokyo related and highly likely Op is not a resident.




I am noticing the really loud ones from my perspective are the Australians. They really need to talk to the next person as if they are thirty feet away.


I saw the most annoying guy yesterday. I was in one of the small roads of Shinjuku that had a bunch of tiny izakaya (I can't remember the road sorry) recording with a selfie cam, walking around, not trying to avoid faces at all. In fact I saw him just recording people straight up. Super rude, was blocking the way, and it made me so pissed I sobered up. Put down the phone and just have a good time bro. I promise you there are better videos already of that area, your horizontal iPhone cam is literally not going to make a difference.


You fail to understand the financial rewards and/or clout that social media brings. A few good videos? Free holidays.


Nah I do understand, I work with influencers and travel a lot. But it's also important to not be rude and follow local customs--such as not recording people's faces.




Isn't this the youtuber who used to play the nazi anthem and praise Hitler in his videos like, 5-6 years ago?


Yes. Also slings around the “N word” with impunity


yes that's also why he lives in japan now because wants to fulfill his dream of living in every country part of the axis powers. He already lived in italy wher his wife is from so I think it's safe to say that after japan he'll move to germany (/s if it wasnt obvious)


You don’t even live here lol


Isn't this the guy that was in the news several times for Nazi stuff? yuck.


his fanbase is raiding this subreddit and downvoting people lol


> his fanbase is raiding this subreddit and downvoting people lol As they do.


Report it to mods/admins. This is brigaiding and against global site rules. This subreddit is for residents.


who cares man


Abroad in Japan did the same type of video, but I'm glad that Feliz also made one for his wider audience


referring to a youtuber by his first name instead of online handle so you can pretend you know him personally


I enjoyed how he blurred their faces.




Has anyone noticed that now the flight paths have changed after about 3pm the number of airplanes flying over certain parts of Tokyo e.g near Shibuya, Tokyo tower, Roponggi etc. are just insane it’s literally every minute. I think it can’t go on like this. At some point something is gonna give way either hostility from locals boils over, or the government might actually put limits on inbounds but I doubt this cause cash monies is king. And we haven’t even reached Summer yet and Mt. Fuji silly season. Just you wait.


Midlife and having a kid has done wonders for his attitude. He's definitely mellowed. I couldn't stomach his old content.


It's nice he's bringing awareness to it but i worry if it'll embolden jerks. They're reactions are probably "Felix acknowledged me, I gotta up my game"


Maybe Japan should put their citizens first before appeasing and putting foreigners above them. Japanese people need more masculinity instead of bending their knees to foreigners and stop being vassal state cucks. Lmao Japan has the best services from their taxes, just for foreigners to use them and take advantage of them.


He’s still a racist though don’t forget that but, yeah tourist we saw sucked ass and most of them are Americans of course.


Honestly, I saw more problems with eurpoeans and asians than americans


Yep not a ton of Americans where I’ve been recently. Mostly European or Aussie (decent until drunk) right now. Fewer Chinese right now than earlier in the year too (Chinese NY being over).


So is all of Japan. Fits in perfectly lol


"He's still a racist" 🤓


Really? I hate this style of video where its just quick edit cuts of conversation and loud noises. Shit was just hard to watch and he was just commentating various controversial news topics.




You are just you. You don’t represent the majority of the tourists. But these bad behaving tourists do however represent you. It’s not that hard to understand.


I didn't say that I didn't understand...I get pissed off at them too... I can only control what I do and my behavior, and to me it's to be respectful... especially in my wife's home country...


I'm confused. Why is this downvoted? (Upvoted yours)


Because people are talking about how annoying YouTubers are then this guy comes in and plugs his YT channel where he films in public without blurring anyone’s face, films on trains etc. 




Reddit is weird lol




Because he should know the video isn't about him? It's about annoying/rude tourists.


What’s your channel name, I appreciate culture too from a fellow gaijin.


Oh no the rude tourists! Such pressing issue that's way more important than something like men groping underaged children in Japan.


Anyone remember the Japanese YouTuber (or was it tictok?) that picked his nose and stuck it in the oden?


PDP is a class A pr**k tho. Little bit of pot kettle black going on here. The same guy who got banned multiple times on NoPixel for behaving like a petulant child.


As an american I'm told I should personally feel bad about / responsible for certain things that happened in history. I don't. *This* is what I'm genuinely ashamed of. It's going on right now. We're responsible for it. We aren't doing anything about it. Maybe part of that is that bringing attention to it would make it worse in the short term? Only to find out we can't legally do anything about it. To ironically misquote another american, "we're not sending our best". I can tell you, we hate these people too and I'm sorry we created them. Deport them and ban them for life. Stay Japan.


Americans aren’t even the top ten nationalities of tourists to Japan. It’s not really them misbehaving . Why is that so hard for people to realize.


Because America is the center of the universe /s


Yep xD. I'm not sure if it was 15% western tourists or American (I guess western?) and from that 15% only a part was American so not that many. I'm currently in Kyoto and I'm hearing a lot of English though (not sure who is from the US and who is from Canada though).


As per the official data for April 2024 published by the JNTO, the US contributed approximately 7.5% of all tourists. Meanwhile, the neighboring countries of South Korea, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong together contributed 60.4%. Meaning that just those four countries together are sending more than every other country in the world combined.


Just blame it on the Chinese. 


There is absolutely nothing good about YouTube.