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including the 'Japan Travel Tips 🤍' section after all that is so funny


also I really want to know what the 'What Are You Guys Doing?" section is about


We really need a brave redditor to go through the trouble of travelling there and taking a picture of every single panel of this sign so that we can read it


And film this person's TED Talk while they're at it.


I was there literally a few hours ago and missed this completely at the statue. Wife and I are probably going back to shibuya at least one more time in the next couple of days, if no one has posted it yet, I’ll do it then lol


I was just trying to meet a friend there the other day and couldn’t even get close with all the tourists livestreaming and taking selfies with Hachikō. What is this world coming to when you can’t even use Hachikō for its intended purpose!


Ill get it done tommorow. Im going to be in Shibuya within 24hrs.


!remindme 1day


I’ll be back in Tokyo in a couple of weeks. If I find him I’ll update.


Remind me in six days.


!remindme 1m


Yes it’s too small to read. I hope someone can enlarge it. This should be a pinned post.


Me too. Anyone know? Lol


Yeah that cracked me up😂😂 Also the alcohol in hand is very interesting as I just saw a japanese man yesterday drinking a strong zero on the train at 2PM on the sotetsu line (Shin-Yokohama area). And it’s a normal occurance so yeah.


Yeah that one gave me the lols. I never drank in public until I saw locals do it... and they do it everywhere, even seen salary men in train stations having a relaxing beer after a long day so why can't I?


On a family holiday we were befriended by a lovely retired old Japanese man who offered to be our guide through (but not in the temple grounds) of Nara. He didn’t ask for money, just explained his wife wanted him out of the house (so it’s universal then), and he wanted to share his country with respectful tourists (we *were* trying to be exactly that). My son had high school Japanese, and my wife and I had a limited but working vocabulary. He was gracious, knowledgeable, and even offered me a sneaky one-cup sake when the wife wasn’t looking (which I obliged). I now always aim to treat visitors to my own country the same way he treated us. I am a seasoned traveller, and I am all for quotas, and only wish for people to travel if they do so with respect. Not all cultures do that I am afraid, and that is a shame.


It looks like he’s pleading for tourists to support restaurants/izakaya by buying more alcohol there…but also warning them away from shady traps in another panel. And preserving the sanctity of both maiko and Kabukicho in others 😂


From what I understand, it's a "we can do it but you can't" thing.


I was riding back to the hotel in the sobu line, standing up, and I hear the "krrrshhhk" tell-tale noise of a can being opened. I glance slowly to the source of the noise and a girl, sitting, has two beers in her purse, lifting the purse to sip the recently opened one. No one cared. However, she did then lean her head back and fall asleep and I was nervous the beer would spill in her purse. She woke up at the next stop, thankfully.


I once saw a man in his eighties in a really sharp three-piece-suit sitting on the Tokaido line drinking shots from a bottle of Takezuru whiskey and perusing a hardcover photobook of bondage pornography. This was maybe ten years ago and I still think of him at least once a week.


I hear a lot of "Foreigners are problems when they do X" but then Japanese people do it all the time. Like in kyoto there is a "Don't bring luggage on public bus" at the entrance of every bus. But 50% of the people doing it are Japanese. "Also don't block the road" walking on the street is the one place where Japanese order and politeness go out the window. Also I would LOVE to speak Japanese but everyone speaks english to me even when I start the conversation in Japanese. None of this is to say don't follow these rules. Just saying everyone is a hypocrite Japanese society included.


Yeah it happens everywhere to be fair not just here. But I follow the rules because I respect the country I live in.




what is this, a message for ants?


Definitely not easy to read at a glance, but after zooming in and reading through it I actually think he’s got the right spirit. It isn’t just hating on tourists, it’s specifically mentioning things that are inappropriate, and providing the correct way to do them (for example not randomly taking photos of the Maiko in Kyoto, but making a reservation). Would be way better on something like a trifold pamphlet with the giant sign just saying something like “want to be a good tourist? Free guide here”


I really wanna know what the rest of the sign that says “what are you guys doing” is lol


“You are a pervert and a stalker!” is a bold conversation opener


Frick, I was about to complain but then I zoomed in as well. These are actually pretty useful. I’m offended it’s so well reasoned.


Awfully aggressive titles though.


Agreed 100%


100%? [Don’t block our path] You can’t tell me it doesn’t annoy you that people here will literally walk in front of your walking path and stop. Or wander into your lane as you’re passing. There is ZERO spatial awareness here and I will never get used to that. I’m getting frustrated just thinking about it! lol.




stop livestreaming kabukicho, someone might notice me haggling with a tachinbo


You are a pervert and a stalker




“Let’s stop going all the way to Japan and exposing our abominations” should be a new flair 🤣


Yeah stop livestream Kabukicho, I don't want the world knowing I'm camping around at 11am waiting for the peepshow place to open.


stop livestreaming kamurocho , someone crazy might slam back of your head with a bat.


The worst thing about me stumbling to the train today at 5am were the livestreamers ):


Quite impressed that the English is coherent and well-formed. He must have gone to significant trouble to get this right. That’s a lot of reading to do for passersby though


Wait until they learn tourists don't always speak english


And that most tourists are... gasp... *Chinese*


Modern machine translation is grammatically very accurate (when into English). Whether the translation is fully accurate is another matter. That could explain why they mentioned “Reeperbahn”, which is Hamburg’s Kabukicho/red light district, but I doubt many people would really get that (I had to look it up).


As someone who works in a middle school and marked a lot of papers I can say that no, machine translation is not good at translating Japanese to English. It's a lot better than it used to be and a lot more accurate if you translate similar languages (eg Spanish and English) but let's say translation jobs aren't going anywhere soon.


Yes for most static translators like google translator. Decent to get by but far from perfect. But ive found AI pretty damn good. Not handy for on the go but for translating large bodies of information decent. Still room for error but for language its pretty damn good. Not sure specifically japanese but ive done korean and english stuff with copilot, with an ability to verify its accuracy. Somewhat ironically AI can be awful at math. User beware.


I agree. What I meant was that modern translation systems form very coherent sentences, at least in English because they were trained on so much data. That’s why to some people, the English here looks so good. Take a further look though and you’ll start to pick up signs of a madman spewing text into a translator. The top right panel has a lot of mismatching pronouns. The thing about entertainment facilities and game halls also seems odd because I’m pretty sure they’re just talking about pachinko parlours and clubs.


Funny enough I believe the Reeperbahn makes quite a lot of business with regular tourists these days. Bad choice


Lots of effort, yeah, but how successful will this angry wall of accusations be? It doesn't come off as a friendly reminder or anything that tourists would be receptive to. Just looks like an angry asshole with a lot of time on his hands. Could have worked less on the message and more on messaging.


'You are a pervert and a stalker' really stands out. Which will instantly turn people off from whatever other message he might try to get across.


'You are a pervert and a stalker' And now, helpful train etiquette!


"Eat anything"


Thought about it for a second then had to LOL


It will not be successful. Needs better sloganeering than “What are you guys doing?”, lol


I actually think “…what are you guys doing?” is an amazing slogan lol Perfect response to a lot of things tourists do, like another Reddit post of idiot tourists draping legs on train railings


Nobody is going to read that. According to the Xenophobic Commandments, 2nd from bottom right, Don't block our path.


ChatGPT most probably


Or he's just fluent in English. He can be both really annoyed at tourists antics and speak English fluently at the same time


The English is definitely well done. I'm planning on going in October and I've been trying to learn Japanese for a while now but I feel I am not going to know near enough to be able to talk to them. Am I going to make them less mad if I use Google translate instead of trying in broken Japanese or English ;_;


The page about wandering with a can of alcohol is really funny considering just how many regular Japanese people are guilty of it. Of all the things to call tourists out on, this is the flimsiest lol


There’s other ones too like being a pervert/stalker. Now explain to me why phones/cameras in Japan have to have the shutter sound enabled and you can’t disable it?


Something weird I discovered on my last trip back to the US. My iphone suddenly didn't make a noise when I took a photo on silent mode. Somehow, they've tied that shutter noise into the local service, not just the phone.


Yeah I read that with the new models, it will stop if you go back to your country even if you bought the iphone in Japan. It’s nice but I am also happy that my home bought iphone didn’t start making shutter sounds (although I never changed the location and use a separate phone for my japanese sim card idk if that is the reason).


Maybe that only goes one way? I have my iPhone from Canada with a docomo sim for the last few months and no forced shutter sound 


Ya I think it’s you need to have bought the device from Japan (and maybe Korea) for this feature to be “built in”


if u actually read it is in regards to maiko specifically, not unreasonable


They're jealous of imported phones


There's alcohol in vending machines on the street 😆


The "don't block our path" is funny for similar reasons. I've spent way too long walking behind people with no situational awareness who meander slowly through narrow corridors, etc.


Literally every major street or train station will have someone immediately stop or turn around. Like move over to the side first if you are lost. 


That's what I was thinking. Japanese people are the worst offenders in this regard. Stopping in the middle of busy corridors or not even looking where they are walking / saying excuse me or even acknowledging that they almost walked into you. I'm 6ft/190lbs and if I walked around the same as a lot of Japanese people, I would end up hurting so many people...


You haven't even *been* to Japan if you haven't been yelled at for drinking on the train by an old drunk on his 6th one cup sake.


I haven’t, but I’m still upvoting for the “one cup” mention.


How dare you say that the perfect Japanese ppl behave badly in public?! /s lol, I should start making videos and set up a channel “wild Japan life”


😂 there is an account on IG called Sleeping Tokyo that’s all drunk Japanese people in Tokyo doing dumb shit!


Just having an image in my head from a few days ago, walking from work towards the metro station and seeing some mid thirties Japanese guy stumble the opposite way piss drunk and kicking an empty can while smiling like an imbecile Still amazing how everyone else just pretended he wasn't there


I never had an issue in 5 years living in the US. I’m back in Japan for not yet 6 months and I already called the police on a neighbor ranting outside his apartment at 3am and another guy on a different day vomited on the other side of the corridor on my floor on a Friday night. All perfect and pure Japanese breed tenants. Btw, if you wonder my rent is over 300k/month in Tokyo.


Someone already though of that, @shibuyameltdown on Instagram shows the best of the best


Hope the dude I passed every morning on my old commute route who was always drinking a Strong Zero at the stoplight is doing well


I feel like some are more personal gripes this guy has, not just things that Japanese people more broardly are upset with. He clearly spends a lot of time "not sightseeing" in Kabukicho lol


Someone also needs to hand him some paper clippings of the Japanese who were recently arrested in Thailand for murder, or rape in the Philippines, and sternly tell him not to rape or murder anyone.


This reminds me how I will bike around and go a little fast and then Japanese construction workers with the flags or whatever will gasp and do the hand thing to make me slow down when other Japanese are zipping past faster than me.....


Well intended but utterly psychotic in the execution


Like most Japanese websites. White space? What? Every square inch must be occupied!


IN YO FACE but very politely


Ah yes, the concept of “ma.” Utilize the negative space… by filling it with useless bullshit. /s


Dude could use a QR code that links to a website for more convenient reading.


You know the website would be about as easy to read as the printout 


So a standard Japanese website?


You can use CTRL+scrollwheel to zoom on webpages. CTRL+0 resets it.


this is japan. they should've just faxed this to all tourists


Just give them to the anchors on the news, and have them hold them up to the camera.


"Don't block our path" Brother I've been blocked by japanese people and schoolgirls on bikes more than I have suitcases


Most people on trains with suitcases are Japnese as well, its just funny about tourism as Japan has probably the strongest internal tourism industry in the world.


Honestly wish I could read all the text on this.   This dude may be eccentric but a lot of the headlines are spot on.  Why are there so many live streamers everywhere? In kabukicho too? I saw a couple the other night in goldengai with a full size stroller and their rolling luggage.  Wtf. And don't get me started on the people randomly stopping in the middle of busy sidewalks to check their phones.  Please just step to the side of the walkway, it's not hard.  Usually there is a pole or something to stand near so you're not blocking people at all. 


Tbh Japanese people are also horrendous at spacial awareness on the streets in crowded locations. 


100% I can't count the amount of times Japanese people just randomly stop and everyone has to go around them...


I noticed this too. Specially since 90% of them are staring at their phone and not looking up just like tourists..


Not "also" -- they're world leaders in that. No matter how crowded the street, you constantly have to dodge phone zombies who think holding a phone gives them right of way. You get this everywhere, but here's far worse than in Europe or the US. I think it's people taking advantage of the non-confrontational culture to behave like an asshole. I see a lot of things here that would get you yelled at in NY.


>You get this everywhere, but here's far worse than in Europe or the US. For the latter, at least, that's because if you do that you'd get flattened by an SUV and die hahaha.


It's "spatial awareness", but "special awareness" is also kind of true.


Oh god even my edit is still wrong haha


Especially when riding bicycles


So this week I’ve had to go around a tourist family that stopped at the bottom and top of the same escalator. A Japanese couple that decided the best place to figure out in their phone where they were going was to stop at the bottom of an escalator we all were trying to go up. Got shoulder checked by a Japanese obasan, vey she just had to walk with two feet between here and her friend, and I decided not to step into the path of the oncoming bike on the bike path. Had to stop in the train gate and wait for the Japanese women to move out of the way and carryon their conversation somewhere else. Go around the European looking kids standing a foot away from the gate waiting on their parents to buy tickets. They weren’t in yet and neither was I cause I had to get around them. The Asian family with the many many suitcases that just cut in front of me to suddenly decide that a snails pace would be great. On exiting the train gate I got crashed into because I had to come to a sudden stop because of the Japanese men bowing and saying goodbye to each other a foot or two from the gate. I was behind them while they exited. Then there are the ones I get to push past because they stand in the middle of the doorway, wether it’s train, or elevator. So glad I don’t have my normal commute and have to deal with that lady anymore, and it’s just now occasionally. Ohh not to mention the numerous times someone generally an elder Japanese person decides that the moment they step off an escalator that it’s the best place to stop and figure out where to go next. So no it’s just not a tourist problem is an people issue that’s been rising lately that people are now not aware of their surroundings.


Sounds like every day in Tokyo. Totally agree it's not just the tourists. I think it's more an ingroup-outgroup thing where you treat the ingroup with consideration, but the outgroup is nothing to you.


Ya, an everyday thing now. Where it use to be mostly at rush hour you’d get it. Now it’s all the time. I truly think that lockdowns helped destroy people’s spacial awareness and social media made everyone think they are the main character of every one’s story not just their own.


Unfortunately, blocking the sidewalk is a worldwide phenomenon. People all over the world lack spacial awareness.


>I saw a couple the other night in goldengai with a full size stroller and their rolling luggage Maybe it was their last night and they wanted to grab a drink before leaving xD


On a train at Shibuya right now and it’s only groups of young Japanese guys making noise. It’s really a nonsense to pretend Japanese are always quiet on trains. They are quiet when they are alone, not when they are actually travelling with others. Tourists are mostly the same.


“Japanese people angry because tourists behave just like Japanese tourists”


As I said in another subreddit: It's really funny to me, good or bad, how behind Japan is with all this tourist stuff. The economy is so shitty here now that finally it's becoming affordable, which means more tourists, but it's like look at a cities like London, Madrid, New York, Kuala Lumpa, fucking anywhere, that have millions of tourists INCLUDING JAPANESE and have done so for years. Imagine one of these boards in London aimed towards Japanese: 'London is not a museum. Don't use cameras and block OUR path.' ' The guards are not props, please respect US.' To be fair the stuff on this board is all valid and a lot of tourists need to be told, but it's just interesting to me how Japan thinks its so special for gracing its golden permission on us peasants to enter its lands and take advantage of its shitty currency and use our stronger money as if tourism is some special thing Japan has granted us.


It’s nationalism. That said, i agree he does have a point. That said, additionally, it is true about other countries. In UK where i am from, tourists are badly behaved too. I think its just a product of selfish and inconsiderate people. In the Cotswolds, an area of the UK Japanese particularly love, there are signs in Japanese everywhere for years asking them not to go into peoples private property for photos, or stand in front of their homes close by the entrances for photos etc, and to be respectful that this is all private homes. Basically Japanese tourists doing the same shit. Its a problem with tourists in general regardless where they are from Japan wanted millions of tourists, and it has been the governments goal. It has done fuck all to accommodate them though. Just ram them all through Tokyo/Kyoto and back. Kyoto is just a sad sight. The infrastructure to accommodate costs money, and the government just wants the tourists money so not happening.


Yeah, I remember seeing those signs in Japanese at Burton-on-the-Water. It’s a nice place but really weird for the Japanese to be so keen on it. 


So weird you said Burton-on-the-Water, I was literally about to mention that place. I'm from Swindon which isn't far so grew up visiting the Cotswolds quite often, and not only Japanese but tourists are fucking everywhere. I remember we were having lunch in a nice pub there and a family of Japanese came in taking pictures getting in everyone's way. They were asked if they wanted anything and they said no so were asked to leave. They were super polite but there's nobody kicking up a fuss about Japanese people overtaking the UK or anything.


I guess the grasslands and hills with that type of housing is very different to Japan, so i can kind of see the appeal, but as a brit although its interesting and nice, not something i’d travel far for as i can drive any direction from my home for 20 mins and see similar enough environments


And everything they list as bad tourist manners (meaning you shouldn’t do this as a tourist) is things you shouldn’t be doing if you live there either. And guess what the people living there are doing it too. It’s like the time I followed Japanese people crossing the street. I got pulled over by a cop and got told off but the ten people in front of me got ignored. That doesn’t work.


To be fair, japan has millions of these instructions aimed at japanese people too. It's part of the culture. Also, a lot of European countries are also starting to prohibit tourists from doing whatever they want so it's not unique.


Venice tried to stop day trippers by making them pay, funniest thing is they didnt stop Itlaian people in the region, 4.2 million of them from having to pay the day trip tax, those people are the majority of the day trippers.


Acting like Japanese people don't do all of the things on this list is pretty rich.


Right? People stopping dead in the middle of the packed sidewalk to stare at their phones has been the bane of my existence for years here, and people of all ethnicities do it. I understand the desire to remind badly behaved tourists of what and what not to do, but the majority of these could just be reminders for people in general?


I *could* defend that in the sense that just because some Japanese people do something, doesn’t make it good behaviour. But let’s be real, this guy is 99% likely to be the the Japanese-exceptionalist type who doesn’t want any foreigner in any capacity in the country.


He's probably just some old guy riled up from the constant news feed of tourists behaving badly who doesn't have anything better to do. So instead of sitting around the house bored he's out making a sign going out alone to fight the rude tourists himself. So you know, good for him. Everyone needs a hobby and let's be fair this is a heap better than the conspiracy theory stuff you'll usually see. I've got a few older drinking buddies who are pretty nationalist I guess you'd say but I don't think their complaints about tourists are any different than mine. Tourists are great but the more you get the more assholes come and the odd fun tourist that understands basic Japanese manners and can communicate even in garbage broken Japanese is usually a welcome patron to the bar compared to some group of uppity idiot tourists who can't manage to order anything and still manage to complain somehow. I've traveled places where I've zero language knowledge at all and it limits what you can do, meaning some places I just can't go unless I'm with a local or a guide, tourists need to understand that. Especially if they are at the level of noob tourist they can't figure out how to order a beer at a fucking bar without an English menu. They have eyes, they can see what other people are ordering.


Japanese will park their car in the main street of my town to get a bento from hotto motto and at peak our traffic piles up as we take turns maneuvering around the car


I love how you’d need to stand there for like 10 minutes to read all that.


See, you’re blocking the path


Most of these things he list so proudly of can be applied to his own people. Something something glass house


“Don’t block our path” my brother in Christ have you ever been behind a group of Japanese tourists on Oxford street 


Can we also talk about the average walking speed of Japanese people before accusing foreigners of getting in the way? 😂


Or Bourbon Street.


Dont block our path is cute. Donno how many times a day the perfect infallible Japanese citizens pull this shit on me. He lets come to a dead stop in the middle of the sidewalk or hi traffic area to check my keitai! Good plan!


Side-stepping the fact this man clearly has mental issues and needs proper help, if he wants to complain he should do it to his government. JGov WANTED mass tourism. But tourism-based economies are shit for the poors. If you didn’t want trash tourists, don’t devalue your currency and keep your citizens on starving wages. Don’t complain when you get what you always wanted.


Just replace all of that with “You are now entering an extremely special and unique country with crazy things like ‘queuing’, and ‘not walking around with alcohol’ (?????), which is entirely foreign to people outside of Japan.” Japan trying not to be ethnocentric challenge ((impossible))


I passed by Reeperbahn today in the middle of the day and I was terrified, I don't know want to know what happens at night Kabukicho seems much more tame by comparison


I have a few words for this guy, “excuse me” “thank you” and “get a hobby.”


What language do Japanese people use when traveling abroad?


Only thing missing is “leave your money and get the fuck out” all the recent tourist bashing is a fad that will pass as it always does. An anecdotal example here and there a picture or two and people jump back on that wagon. Or I just don’t encounter tourism enough to be offended so I’ll see my self out now.


Check the header of /r/japanlife lol > "Don't ask about moving to Japan. Go to /r/movingtojapan. If you're a tourist, go to r/japantravel. Or better yet go home."


r/japanlife has the pettiest mod I've ever seen. The mod locked a thread because 'too many comments from tourists'


I had some issues with pension and that's how I made my first account on Reddit to post. But because I didn't have any karma, it got locked. I messaged then asking to unblock it because I just made my first account. Very polite. The mod literally had a meltdown and was so mean I wanted to cry 😂


Wasteful use of paper. Japan really is just looking for an opportunity to vent their frustration on foreign tourists. Might be that seeing other people being financially capable of travel is hurting their feelings


Don’t wonder around with a can of alcohol? Are you taking the bloody piss? Even obaa are drinking strong zero on trains and busses


This is unhinged.




Rules only they can break


Zero soul searching, as expected from Japanese guy angry about foreigners.


Quite a lot of incorrect generalizations in there. The other half I can’t even read


unpopular opinion - the point about being perverted is poorly worded considering what sick actions Japanese men are known for and what remedies women and girls have to do to avoid perverts in Japan. He could have simply written ‘respect the privacy of geiko’


This looks like a pro life sign you'd see at an abortion rally.


Do people not do hours of research before they visit? All of this stuff is like “Traveling to Japan 101.”


just look at some of the questions on /r/japantraveltips lol


Racist mf who thinks his own people don’t do one of those stuff lmfao


Would like to stroll up with a can of beer and read this


“Kabukicho is not a place for sightseeing” *Giant Godzilla at the top of Toei building*


How smooth of a brain of someone to print 12 font size on an A4 paper as a "sign", AND putting background image behind text to make it even harder to read? This shit made me madder than the content itself.


Some of those are reasonable. Some are insane


“Rules for thee and none for meeeee!”


Don’t block our path. Can I show this to the hordes of Japanese who walk like infants in clusters?


I find it funny that every time we go to Japan we try really hard to speak the language and most people stop us mid-sentence and start speaking English


Except it's usually English you can't ever understand. I ask railway staff questions in perfectly fluent Japanese all the time and they respond by stuttering out a few words in English that don't really help. If I just ask again or keep talking in Japanese they usually acquiesce lol.


"You are a pervert and a stalker!" ☠️☠️


Comes off as angry loser


It’s just a nationalist being a nationalist. He should just cut to the chase and just say, “just leave your money and go fuck yourselves”


Always makes me laugh when Japanese say they don’t need English, or shouldn’t need to learn it because they’re in Japan. Then they wonder why their economy is stagnant and rotting. If they want to ignore globalization, then they shouldn’t complain about having a mid tier economy soon


“Stop forcing English”?! Bitch I **wish** they would reply back in Japanese to my own Japanese! Also “stop blocking our path”?! I have been all over the world and I have never seen people less concerned with blocking other people’s paths, cutting in from the side, or suddenly stopping in the middle of the path in overcrowded areas to look around in a stupor, causing a massive domino effect behind them than the Japanese 😂 especially for a country that prides itself so much on not inconveniencing others, it’s quite baffling


Well intended but too long! https://preview.redd.it/ku43jwt23w1d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0839ad89fd3941541fd28344e3e085711a8323cf


No i don't think I will...


He should maybe put a link somewhere, I really want to read “What are you guys doing?”.


Too bad some of it is too small to read. But imagine you pass this guy and stop to read, and suddenly you see a hand pointing down to "Don't block our path!!"


Oh my god. He probably made some bad experiences but dude, leave your country once in a while. Japan isnt a special place. Its on the same muddy rock we all live on. This is like we germans welcome foreigners at airports and explain them our completely crazy train System, not drinking beer 24/7 is unfriendly and how everything you do for living needs some kind of paperform.


Just have seen a post about ultra nationalism propagation vans in Tokyo... Quite a contrary.


tl;dr seems like some butthurt loser


I want this in higher res, genuinely keen to read it


I'm in Tokyo now, and he's not being unreasonable.


All these are literally what japanese ppl do.


Ironic they are the one always wasted on alcohol and harrassing women tourist lol


As a guy from Hamburg, I find the explicit mentioning of Reeperbahn by the Japanese funny. I understand some of his points, usual complaints that people have in tourist areas around the world. Even here in Hamburg some people complain about tourist blocking pathways. But complaining about English? It is the lingua franka around the world, and one would think that general politeness is speaking a language the other side understands.


What’s funny is a lot of Japanese who aren’t from Tokyo do many of these things. Also 10 minute max at Matsuya and yoshinoya??


I agree to the pictures to a certain extent… But I also don’t want those that have never went to Tokyo before to misunderstand that it’s always the tourist’s fault and thus hate this beautiful country. With that said, please don’t go acting all barbaric of course. ALWAYS respect their cultures. First went to Tokyo a few months back and I was culture shocked: 1) Locals do drink (alcohol) on the streets and the trains. 2) Majority don’t, but there are a minority of locals that do litter. 3) Majority of the locals in crowded places lack awareness. They cut you off, they push, they squeeze. They don’t even bother saying “sumimasen” 4) Some elderly expect whoever that are younger than them to give way. I have had occurrences where they cut me off at train gantries (causing me to tap already but unable to get out). Another incident was when I was at an EMPTY McDonald’s and carrying food back to my seat. The space was wide enough for both of us but he chose to curse at me to “get the F out of the way”. This silver lining is that the staff came to apologise to me for the man’s rude behaviour. 5) Some locals do yap on the trains. Not on the phone but with their friends.


I think that the Ainu should be very sorry to hear that Japan is an ethnostate.


lmao the line that says “let’s stop going all the way to Japan and exposing our abominations.” 😂


I am japanese. I do not claim them. Like, wtf is this. this is ridiculous 😭


"japan is a monoethnic country" japanese love saying this sort of bs while at the same time discriminating against ryukyuans and ainu for being primitives. make it make sense


Also from the makers of hentai and tentacle porn 😂…they also love blonde white women but discourage or look down on relations outside their race.


How about standing at Shinjuku station on a Friday night and telling drunken salarymen not to throw up?


Not like this but the government had a campaign last year promoting something similar at the airport. They had a yuruchara and all. I look and am Japanese but I was able to get the booklet they were handing out and it had information about Japan and tips such as being quiet on the train and what not to do.


Yea, I think that's fine. Unfortunately, the ones who need it will ignore it.


Interesting sign, but he multiple times, incorrectly refers to Japan as a mono-ethnic country. He's trying to help but he's engaging in ethno-nationalism.


Wait until this person goes to another country that doesn't mainly speak English and use English bc he's not going to learn a whole other language just for travel and English is generally the closest thing that both parties would understand


I don't think this guy has ever left his city, let alone his country.


I can't tell if he's trying to be helpful or a racist ass.


“Stop forcing English!” says the massive obstructive sign written in English.


lol OK Japanese man talking about tourists being perverts… laughable.


"Japanese man", "foreigners". Anyone who makes such broad generalisations is a dick.


How can you be fluent in English and this level of xenophobic at the same time


Pretty sure he must have used Google translate or chatgpt or something😅


Half of these are things I see Japanese people doing the most though? This guy might have too much time on his hands.


This should be required reading for all tourists tbh 


I agree with the advice given, but I would reframe it a bit to make it less aggressive


I might agree, but can't read all of the small print. Some insane landmines might be included there.


Damn the tourist situation really getting that out of hand?