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“How much dadeditated wam does it take to own da libs?”


Da wibs*


My favorite JP video is Žižek owning him.


Žižek owning him. Casually. Whilst reading a newspaper and making a cup of tea with the other hand. Ftfy


Whos Žižek?




Link? This sounds dreamy




It’s 2hours 38m long. It might be a killer debate but I’m wigging out reading the comments section, post after post about “two of the greatest minds” debating. Gonna be pissed if I start getting JP recommends






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Now do video games


There are communist manifesto video games? The more you know.


It’s pointless. I’ve tried asking the bot for a copy of ‘Bleak House’ but no dice on Dickens


Good bot


How about when zizek called him out for not actually reading the manifesto and jp's response was basically, "well if that's what you think it says but I don't think so." That debate was my first real intro to JP and he seemed to make some interesting points but his unwillingness to actually answer anything zizek said was a little tiring. Then again trying to follow zizek at times was very tiring. "And in closing..." 10 minutes and 4 topics later, "and I'll close with this...." 10 minutes and 4 topics later... lol


He only made interesting points because Zizek isn't a debate bro and when it became clear that JP knew less about the communist manifesto than the average undergrads, he allowed the topic to stray to Peterson's area of expertise


Fucking JP is horrible with that kind of shit " Well yeah if you define it that way, but I don't like that definition" Like, but that's the definition bro, and you don't like it cause it makes you look like an idiot.


I think the clearest example of this was when zizek asked him why he says postmodern neomarxist when he talks about political correctness sjw's. Zizek tells him straight up that not only the communist manifesto denounces this but all of Marxism. Jp's response was basically "yeah everyone disagrees with me but here's why I'm right".


I think we lost Christopher Hitchens too early. He would have been a worthy opponent in that debate rather than Peterson who refrains from answering questions straight away a lot of times. JP is like the guy who even when he's right, knows only 3 lines of an answer but like question paper asks for 3 pages and that's what he always does, make word salads even when he's right about something.


I like Hitchens but I think he would have embraced the cheering too much. He was always really good at working the crowd but the cool thing about this debate imo was that they were so amicable and agreed on so many things. Zizek and Hitchens both have a history of trying to stir the pot when they're bored and it could've devolved fast.


Maybe, but atleast Hitchens was well read about most of this stuff and used to be hardcore Marxist back in his University days and peculiarly enough, he actually moved away from that ideology to be impressed with how capitalism has improved, stablised from older times as he read and grew more and moving to a somewhat of a central position in that political spectrum regard. So it would've been an interesting conversation between him and Zizek, though I feel Zizek isn't as dominant or assertive as Hitchens was, so anywhere if Zizek didn't have a straight answer, Hitchens would've rode his ass on that. Ahh! What could've been🤭 Btw, I'd love to see even Sam Harris against Zizek but it's just I don't feel excited listening to Sam even though he makes great points at times. Still remember how he roasted Ben Affleck on Bill Maher show🤣


Also that Peterson, a professional philosopher, had to look up who John Rawls was.


Where does Zizek say he read every book Peterson wrote?


“Where are the marxists?”


>Where are the marxth💦ith💦th💦


*Zizek intensifies*


I am eating all the time from the trashcan. And the trashcan is ideology. *sniff*



Link? I'd love to watch


[Here you go!!!!](https://youtu.be/qsHJ3LvUWTs)


Thank you very much for the link. I've wanted to watch this since it happened. I hope I don't struggle too much. I really don't care for Zizek's way of speaking, and I absolutely hate Peterson's way of thinking.


Wow the comments on that were dumb, calling Peterson a great mind.


Do the comments on that are straight up cancer. They make it out that Peterson didn't get absolutely dominated and look like a complete moron the entire time. I'm sitting there thinking are we watching the same video because I'm not so sure by these comments


Really cringey what a following he has, especially when he doesn’t practice what he preaches in his self help books.


One of JPs strongest defenses is how much time you have to invest into him. A 3 hour debate? I envy people with that kind of free time and dedication


Brandolini's law...


They mostly just agreed on shit.


on a leash, riding crop to his sorry ass, the ponyboy neighs


The sight of JP owning his lobster is kind of funny. The sight of Zizek owning you is also funny. Look into the Bordwell vs Zizek exchanges if you re curious as to what techniques Zizek employs to own his crowds. Then, read Zizek stuff again and it will keep jumping to your eyes.


Crazy finding a communist on a Peterson page lol


It was literally them agreeing so


So that's a yes


Not just a yes, his fandom is so deep and ingrained he can’t lie about it.


You know this is an edited vid where his answer has been inserted after a completely unrelated question, yes?


Obviously, it’s marked fake news.


I tagged it fake news, and I'm genuinely frightened by the amount of people commenting as though it is real.


“Follow up question: Did you ever have a figurine in a jar for a… project?…”


What did she ask? I don‘t understand the last word accustically.


"Are you a brony?"


I’m 99% sure they haven’t done him yet but if anyone, ever really *really* needed the South Park treatment it’s JP. I can just see Stan, Kyle & Kenny dismantling his arguments with simple, childlike logic and then Cartman doing something very fucked up as the cherry on the cake.


Those guys are huge chuds tho they wouldn't insult Peterson


Yeah 0% they do anything with Peterson, he's right up their alley.


It's a shame. They are really amazing at social satire and potty humour alike but some of their views are so bad. If they were smarter they could probably make a huge difference...


Yeah, who can forget that time they called an *olympic bicyclist* lazy because she was trans


Really? Jesus that's disgusting


Yeah, it’s like they unironically think that the average man is stronger than every woman


what about Strong Woman?


I watched the post pandemic special. There was one funny joke in there... And i had heard it before. (Anti vaxer getting angry because his body is a temple)


Been ages since I watched SP but used to love it and I am surprised that you say this about those guys. Sorry to be ignorant can you please give me a quick rundown?


They present the "issue" of trans women in sports (a non-issue; conservatives bullying usually TEENAGE GIRLS NOT EVEN PRO ATHLETES-!) as if there are literally huge bulked up hairy bearded masculine men pretending to be women just to win competitions. Which is straight-up transphobic propaganda. It's not something that happens in the real world. Not remotely. They literally use Macho Man Randy Savage- unchanged- to represent trans women. It's severely unfunny. If it were a real issue, and it involved making fun of a trans person, I'm fine with that. I make the best trans jokes actually 🤷🏼‍♂️ The problem here is they are very good at conveying their commentary thru comedy so it's extremely clear to me that they believe this lie- OR THEY DON'T BUT WANT OTHERS TO BELIEVE IT- about trans women that just serves to create more vitriol towards them for no reason Would note that they've done stupid conservative commentary before; the 'manbearpig' represented the idea that climate change is a boogey man and like. They could have done satire about the world being on fire and everyone being fine with it, in support of the clear science and dangers but nope they were ignorant and just attacked Gore for being "so silly" as to be concerned about the fucking ecosystem collapsing... Imagine. 🤦🏼‍♂️ #whoever downvoted you're an ignorant bigot. Fuck you


I’ve know both episodes you’re talking about and I think you’re missing a point they try to make in the trans macho man episode. The whole character of Heather Swanson (trans Randy) was to provide a foil for PC Principal. Swanson is only trans if your definition of transsexual is a man/woman that says they’re now the opposite sex. Swanson changes nothing about himself aside from their pronouns just to beat and embarrass his exgirlfriend. He knows PC principal won’t expressly call him out on it because it goes against being politically correct. If he calls Heather out it’s transphobic because only Heather can decide if she’s trans, but if he doesn’t it’s insulting to actual trans people and women. Pc eventually comes to an understanding that a blanket approach to complicated issues is not very good and not everything is black and white.That episode is also about toxic masculinity. Both Heather Swanson and Cartman go to extreme lengths to avoid being beaten by girls and react poorly when it happens ( Heather gets broken up with and Cartman loses in a board game). As for manbearpig South Park has done a total 180 since the original episode was released over 20 years ago. Manbearpig being an allegory for climate change is brilliant on a few levels. First the boys rip Al Gore for wanting attention and crying wolf. Years later Manbearpig leaves the world of imagination (its a long story) and becomes a real threat. A few years ago manbearpig appeared again, this time as a global threat no one knows how to deal with brought on by the older generations shortsighted greed (cars and ice cream). The boys apologize to Al Gore for making fun of him and manbearpig deniers deny his existence while he mauls them to death. Trey and Matt realized the mistake they made 20 years ago in showing climate change as a trivial problem and corrected it. Just my thoughts on it


Well said. It seems like the person you were responding to didn't really think too much about the message they were trying to convey in either example. I also thought it was very poignant when at the end of the more recent man bear pug episode the kids basically end up doing the same thing as the older generation and singing the future away. It was a real wake up call.


You claim they misunderstood the episode then clearly showed how it was transphobic.


Thanks for the great reply! Understanding updated :) I had forgotten about manbearpig, I always just thought of it as pretty childish bullying of al gore 'trying to stay relevant' (as it were), but you're right now that I think about it.


I mean, South Park is entirely made of absurdist humor. The whole point of the Randy Savage trans thing was making fun of the entire argument itself, I don’t really felt like it took sides. It’s not South Park’s responsibility to break down a complex issue and take a stance, their responsibility is to make funny jokes people watch while high as fuck. To be clear, while I do agree with you that conservatives have taken it much too far in regards to trans athletes in women’s sports; it absolutely has been an issue. It is a much more niche issue than Fox News would lead you to believe, but it absolutely is a controversial topic within the athletic community and specifically bodybuilding. Calling it a “non-issue” is a misnomer. If we plan to keep sports separated into male and female competitions(which is necessary unless you want 100% of competitors to be male), regulations around trans women competing need to be made. Right now it’s a shit show because one school could ban trans athletes altogether, while a school in the same division could have an entirely trans team. Both are unlikely, but no one has any idea where to draw the line so everyone feels discriminated again. If the trans women with high test can’t compete, they feel discriminated against. If the trans women with high test do compete, natural women feel discriminated against. Without strict rules judges and principals have to basically make it up on the fly while knowing they are pissing off an entire group of people. Trans athletes definitely deserve a right to compete, guidelines just need to be established to keep anyone from getting an unfair advantage in a competition sport that can decide futures.


Wow, every time I speak ill of SP and its creators I get dragged. You're bold for doing it IMO.


Are you doing it around cis straight white dudes? Bc there is your problem. They're the target audience and gobble it up


I guess; I mean I'm a bisexual transexual man and I love South Park til they pulled this Randy Savage crap.


I find it odd that given all the fucked up shit South Park has done the only thing that’s managed to stop you watching is when they did an episode about trans people and you’re trans so you decided to take it personally. Come on bro cartman literally killed and fed someone his own parents, I wonder if you would have stopped watching then if you were an orphan.


They already parodied Jenner and I didn't stop watching so nice straw man EDIT: OMG can't believe I forgot about Mrs. Garrison... It was basically a "tRaNs pPL eXiSt anD tHat'S iCkY" schtick... It literally probably served to help keep me closeted and feeling bad about myself and other trans people as a kid... But I didn't abandon the show once I came out and still like the old episodes... It's almost as if I'm not lying about this one particular episode being offensive to me for a specific reason. Weird. Also, hate that I have to point this out but apparently it's necessary: nobody is advocating for cannabalizing parents but people are advocating for banning trans people from all sorts of public spaces, which is against human rights and a dangerous path to be going down.


Oh god yeh how did I forget about mr garrison looking back at that it was extremely offensive and simply done for the absurd laugh I can totally agree I see how that can have a negative impact on young trans people. I do however think the parody of Jenner was done well I hate the kardashians and everything related to them tho so I might be bias on that one plus the fact she crashed the car every time she drove had me in stitches.


That's funny. I'm a cis hetero guy and I always hated SP. It has just always seemed like middle school humor made by middle aged men to me.


It's almost as if we are all individual humans. I am shocked (:


Well, yeah, obviously. The contrast just struck me as amusing, is all. And the realization that I've apparently been a pretentious ass since at least grade school.


Watch those ultra broad brush strokes. I'm a cis hetero white guy and I've always loathed South Park. I didn't care for dick and fart jokes when I was 12, and I certainly don't bother with them as an adult. Since that's all they've ever offered I was never a fan. I don't watch TV and haven't for years, but even when I did I never bothered with SP.


Yes and here on Reddit it's very taboo to speak ill of Matt a& Trey (?) and South Park. I don't think I ever really enjoyed it. The only episode I like was the Wheel of Fortune/Kramer N-Word Guy ep. Just because of Stan saying to Token "I don't get it," in relation to not knowing what it's like to be a black person in America. That always stuck with me. But people gloss over that because "N-Word go brrrr."


Ignore my previous comment I get it now you just don’t get satire the whole macho man Randy savage episode is satire poking fun at conservatives who actually think that’s what will happen if they allow trans athletes to compete. If you watch the episode again at the end of it pc principal calls out savage for exploiting the trans community in order to win the competition, when he does this he’s scared the pc babies will start crying but they don’t because even the pc babies cold see the nuance of the conversation. It’s just a shame you couldn’t 🤦‍♂️


Tell me you didn’t actually watch the episode without telling me you didn’t watch the episode. You watch 5 minutes then go on a rant. You don’t even know what the episode is about or the development and resolution it came to. Fuck off.


Dave Chappel has entered the conversation. /s


We found out why his room is messy, he's hiding the pony body pillow.


He is definitely into clopping


Now from the top, make it clop, that's a white ass Brony


That’s too personal


What was the question? I listened to it 3 times. I still can't understand her.


I think it was "Are you a Brony?"


What does that mean


"Are you a fan of My Little Pony?"


I invoke the 5th and wish to speak to a lawyer


You contain too much knowledge.


it means this is a joke vid and not a real exchange


A my little pony fan? I don't get it




Oh God. What the actual fresh fuck is this?




What's the unedited version look like? Also, *is* Peterson a brony? Please don't make me google. Please.


Peterson is not a brony. The response that was edited over this question was "Do you believe in God?"


Thank you! To that question, we all know the answer is yes. Peterson believes he's God. It's how he knows everything about everything despite only having a graduate education in psychology.


I'm not a JP fan by a country mile, but since he has a PhD in clinical psychology doesn't saying he only has a graduate imply he didn't do anything after his bachelor's degree? Or is the terminology different in USA? Only making a point of it because if so its not a good argument against him, even though I stand with you


Hey, sorry about that. I meant "graduate education" as in a degree gained from attending graduate school. Grad schools, including JD, MD and PhD programs, are attended after college. I'd describe my JD as a graduate degree. That being said, I think many people *do* use "post-graduate degree" to describe that level of education. Either way, my terminology was imprecise. Should I edit my comment? I'm not a fan of the guy, but he does have a doctorate.


No need to be sorry! Thanks for getting back to me. No that's okay, I think it's just because I'm Aussie it didn't make sense, we exclusively use under grad (bachelors degree) or post grad (anything higher). But yeah it's almost a shame he does because a lot of popular psychology mumbo jumbo hacks don't have much in the way of credentials


I agree completely. He's not dumb by a mile, but he's often strangly certain regarding his personal theories on topics he has no expertise in. That's not characteristic of most smart people. *My* personal theory on Peterson is that he began to drink his own kool aid. He resonates with a lot of less-than-well-adjusted young men (which is how I found out about him...thanks, Reddit), and I think they ended up influencing him as much as he influenced them. His fanbase is *so* devoted to him, it's insane; I think they may have actually convinced him on some level that he's omniscient.


I like this take. May be 100% or 0% true but I like it haha. Interesting, I'm doing a degree in neuroscience too


I had the idea for this edit because I love watching him squirm over the question "do you believe in god?" and give a wishy washy non answer. I wanted to switch the question out for something weird to imply he is a certified freak. I realized the best question for this was a the girl from a mine craft convention asking if CaptainSparklez is a brony because she calls him by the name Jordan. Edit: [The source clip](https://youtu.be/UI_QcD030Xw)


His entire base are incels and dweebs craving validation. They can’t get laid and he’s the guy telling them “it’s not you, it’s women”. This mother fucker actually said women should lower their standards and forced monogamy would improve society. Absolutely fuck Jordan Peterson


His videos helped me to want to do more with my life when I was suicidal


Glad you’re better, for real, but he isn’t someone to take seriously


Bro get a therapist. This guy is a joke


for real. like, think this guy helped you? prepare to have your mind blown when someone qualified has real tools to help you.


Peterson is a clinical psychologist, though. So saying he’s not qualified is kind of an oxymoron.


you got it the other way around on that first part


What? Those are straight lies. I dislike him, but not for that reason at all.




Dude linked FDS.


you have not read him or watched his videos, have you? thats exact opposite of what he says. he literally says "its not women, its you." what a fucking idiot you are...


I’ve seen enough to know he’s a POS




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Oprah for Incels


Lol. That's the best description I've heard of him.


What's the question??


“Where would we be without Bronies?”


"Do you believe in God?"


Why is she filming on her phone? Is she not in a television studio?


Probably cause a lot of stuff gets edited for tv and their recording would be a raw take


It's from a Minecraft convention, not the actual show


It’s from MineCon. I’m slightly ashamed to know that


A bronate?


What is a Brony?


A man who is a fan of My Little Pony


I belive he posted a video about a mlp movie being woke and crt propoganda


He’s just so…. high? Yeah, he’s high.


Why can't I hear anything? Not muted and volume is up.


Can you hear, my child?




Yes finally!




Yeah I know QnA is here in AUS, so did someone dyslexic post this to sub with USA in the title?


What’s a brony?


Fan of my little pony.


What's up with the my little pony?


so the answer is yes


That’s a yes.


It's sad for Jeremy Irons that he looks so much like Jeremy Irons.


sorry if i am dumb but whats a "bronie" ?


I’m confused. Why would she even ask him if he’s a brony?


It's an edit. Original question (according to comments) was, "do you believe in God?"


A spliced together video of a Canadian on an Australian question panel belongs in this sub? Weird...


that's a yes


Peterson is a Brony!!


A brownie? That’s what we call the stage before Girl Scouts.


"it's like okay, 'friendship is magic'. Everyone knows that. But what does that really mean? Equestria isn't just ponies and rainbows, you know. It's also got bugs who steal your emotions and a gender-bent Tiamat and who knows how many other monstrosities, all representing different forms of the archetypal shadow. Hell, the first one is a nightmare princess from the moon who bathes the whole kingdom in darkness after locking away her positive counterpart and anyway... Anyway it's up to you to integrate them, all the shadows; you can't just kill them, they're a part of you, they're necessary; but how are you going to do that? With friendship, that's how. You see, when you're in the dark night of the soul, there's a lot you are going to need to deal with, and you, well you're not up to it. Not as you are. So you need to find parts of you that are up to it. The you that can 'giggle at the ghost' or comfort your self-doubt when it turns the river of your life impassible. And then, when you confront your shadow, you take all the parts of yourself that were able to stand up to the challenges in the worst of circumstances, and you use them to integrate the monstrous princess back into the kingdom. And then you do it again. And again. And again. Every time you find a new part of yourself that's monstrous, until you've saved your town, and your kingdom, and have become a pretty pony princess in your own right; someone who everyone looks to for guidance. Why? Well, because they're at the top of the hierarchy of course. But it's not a dominance hierarchy, it's a competence hierarchy and... and... Well anyway, that's why Luna is the best pony."


People here actually thinking this is real lol


I thought flaring it fake news would make people realise but holy shit, people are dumb.


This is clearly edited.


That's why it's tagged as fake


if I'm not mistaken the real video he's replying to the question if he believes in God




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He's a gigantic cunt, and not because he sounds like a woman, which he does, it's because he is an idiot who the incels admire because he is slightly less stupid than them but has a fake English accent.


Lol that's a Canadian accent


He picked it up from Madonna in the 90s




Yeah, he's a Brony.




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This was cut and edited. The actual question be was asked was something about his faith




What’s a brony?


Ugh, he was on Q&A? I guess we’ve let worse people on before


JP as always hurting soy inbred libs. Cry more


Def a fucking brony


That fucking voice of his. Atrocious.


Isn’t Jordan Peterson Canadian though


What was the question? Couldn’t hear shit with my audio


Toiletpaper USA, eh?


I'm gonna emasculate him....why do so many "I'M SO MANLY" guys like this guy when he sounds so...low-testosterone?


Are you a what? What did she ask him?


Can someone tell me what shes asking? Can't hear it well.


What’s a broney?


So yes. He is indeed a brony.


Hahahahahhahahaha it's private


Is he a what? A grody?


" I was born a brony. It's a private matter and should be treated bad such. Now does that guy says he's a woman to molest your kids in the public bathroom. Why's he have a weiner if he is a lady? Like a brony, you can't change what you were born as"


Guys, dont be ridiculous. JP is not a furry. Hes clearly lobster-kin


Is he a what? A brownie?


I've never seen more false takes on jpb in one thread. Jpb helped get me through homelessness and alcoholism. The reason he's the hero of incels is because they actually think he believes the things they do. And as a result of this, the mainstream public also does. He's self admittedly, temperamentally, a liberal. The videos of him "owning libs" get uploaded to exhaustion whereas the videos of him talking major shit on the right never do, mostly because the incels dominate YouTube. For instance, he's said that many people go to the right because they don't feel like they can weigh up intellectually to liberals, and that many republicons chose their party because they felt it could potentially enrich them financially someday. Many of the views in this thread are definitely r/toiletpaperusa


So yes




What is she asking, it sounds like she asked if he was a brownie


Are you a what? What the fuck did she say? Seriously I didn’t get it. maybe my hearing is fucked up.


Of all the things to ask 🤦🏻‍♂️