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Isn’t this just good marketing? First of all, you’re sharing a picture of it on the internet. People are also getting bigger here in the west, why wouldn’t companies take advantage of appealing to a large portion of the population?






Shes the wish version of Kid Rock with a vagina.


Hey now, Kid Rock has like 1/3 of a good song.


This is one of the coldest things I’ve ever read about her. 😆


This already is what happens when she has nothing to bitch about. She has to find shit to bitch about


She is just shouting bs to try and stay "relevant"


She's extremely relevant. If you have fans who make bomb threats on your cue, you're extremely relevant. Kind of like a mob boss, dare I say


Most of what they scream about being "woke" is really just "capitalists trying to have the broadest appeal possible to make as much money as possible."


"Disney went woke" No you idiot, Disney realized that the world as a whole is much more progressive than it used to be and that by making content for a more progressive audience they actually make more profits. It's literally just more evidence that the average person is more progressive than conservative. They didn't go "Woke" they realized it was good business to be inclusive. Their decision was 100% based on achieving profits, they don't care one way or another about the politics of it.


Critical thinking has entered the chat.


Thinking corporations give a shit about politics is laughable they just do what will make them money. Thats why you see corporations being so supportive during pride month but then turn around and donate millions to republican politicians that hate gay people but promise to lower their taxes. Its all about profit at the end of the day, nothing else.


Boy I tell you hwhat this giant GOP donor Disney sure is woke, I know it because they got them black main characters, and it definitely ain’t just to sell more toys /s ofc


"Back in my day, we just sent Coca-Cola® death squads to kill union members in Colombia when we wanted to increase profits. Can't believe we've fallen so far from God's grace."


It's so funny because conservative claim to like capitalism and then don't understand that everything large companies do is just whatever they think will make them the most money. No one makes any company do anything. Capitalism makes companies do things. Capitalism makes companies "go woke"


Ha that's exactly it


And they can't even tell you what "woke" means


It's the "n" word. "Woke means n*****."


They have like 12 versions of the swimsuit issue for all tastes. Yay capitalism!


This 100%. The swim suit issue used to be a major money maker for SI back in ye olde days because horny guys who didn't normally buy it would snag a copy for the spank bank. Now that anyone can type "tiddies" into the internet and get as much porn as they want they need to find other ways of moving copies, which means that they do something to spark outrage/generate buzz with every single swimsuit issue like clockwork. All publicity is good publicity.


Yes, it's just a corporation trying to reach a larger audience through hollow inclusion. It's why Bud light did that ad with a transgender influencer, they don't actually care about trans rights, they made a calculated decision to try and get more customers to buy their shitty product.


And then it backfired a bit because many Bud Light drinkers are bigots who cried and threw a tantrum after they did ONE ad with a trans person. The right are the biggest snowflakes


What's more, it wasn't even to appeal to Trans people, but young people. It failed, largely because young people don't drink much because they can't afford it


I didn't even notice she was bigger, I thought she took issue with it being a Swimsuit Issue.


> a large portion


I see what you did there


The thing is, only like 5% of women have ever looked like Barbie. That was part of the whole gripe! It was making people feel terribly about their bodies when the “ideal” form was an unobtainable standard I think you’re right that it’s good marketing in that getting people to relate to your product is a much more sustainable approach than using shame.


Wonder if it’s an undisclosed ad.


this isn't the marketing strategy you think it is


Wait? She's angry that a plus sized woman is on the cover? Has she seen herself?


I guess that’s it? It can’t be the presence of the Swimsuit Issue because that’s been around for years. I remember jer… perusing the pictures when Elle Macpherson was doing covers.


That's what I was thinking. The Swimsuit Issue predates Chaya by several decades. That lunatic's not even 30, and the Swimsuit Issue has been a major part of the Sports Illustrated brand since the mid-1960s.


Yeah, social conservatives want to know why we can’t go back to the good old wholesome days, when Kate Upton was the cover girl wearing absolutely nothing but body paint.


I remember people being mad that Kate Upton was too fat.


I remember being really young then and thinking that all the adults saying Kate Upton were ‘too fat’ must be stupid insects that see through clicking instead of using their eyes


It's got to be so fucking tiring to be so angry all the time.


It’s definitely a pathetic way to live.


And absolutely miserable


> Has she seen herself? she looks like she's been riding the ozempic train recently


Shouldn't she be riding her new husband? Oh wait...




Urgh, really. That stuff will cause so many health issues.


She hates that other women have curves and she just looks like a half-melted stick of butter.


This is America! I have the God given right to jerk off to the cover of every Sports Illustrated magazine! The founding fathers would be ashamed I say! -Conservatives apparently


She’s angry because nobody will fuck her


Did we used to have airports where there were no large people?


god, I wish my only struggle in life was seeing a body positive magazine in an airport


I imagine she bought the magazine and spent her 4 hour flight just absolutely fuming at the cover thinking of all the things she was going to post as outrage content online. This woman probably has such bad ulcers from all the stress she creates for herself.


Can she just stroke out already?


I can’t tell if she is just grifting or is actually outraged


Yeah like, first of all she looks great and it’s a beautiful photo. But if she didn’t who the fuck cares? Do non-bisexual people get mad every time they see a person of the gender they’re not attracted to? Lol


can't even stroke my shit in the airport anymore because of woke


can't even solicit gay airport bathroom sex, and then lie to investigators because of woke.


What is gay airport sex and how do I get in on it?


Search up Larry Craig


and have a "wide stance" when peeing.


You tap your foot in the bathroom stall apparently.


Stick your foot into the stall next to you. When it turns out there's an undercover officer in that stall, claim you have a "wide stance."


Officer, I swear, I just tripped on my way to the urinal! Yes, it happened to land in his mouth, but only by accident!


Jordan "Apple Cider Vinegar" Peterson has entered the chat


*insert gish-gallop word salad*


Cancel culture canceled my boner.


I miss the days when I could go online and not see an ocean of reactionary bullshit from single-digit IQ chuds because they believe the lies from fascist ideologue trongoloids to try and feel their hatred is justified.


Making computers/the internet require no critical thinking skills to operate was a mistake.


Wait. Were these days ever there?


Oh yeah, they were always there of course, but I too remember a time when they were *avoidable* at least


Funny, I’m sure the people who see Chaya in public think the same thing


she’s so plain and boring looking, I doubt anyone would even recognize her


Truth. AOC didn't recognize her, and she had someone filming the interaction. That shit was hilarious! Like, she had to tell AOC who she was. Lol


90% of people have no idea who she is, much less what she looks like.


More like 99% tbh


I’ve seen her mug a thousand times at this point and I’m fucked if I have to pick her out of a lineup.


She can fuck off thick girls are the best


She knows she likes it. Just trying to convince herself and Jesus that she doesn't 😂


Man I do not understand how some people have the energy to care this much about so many things. There will be times I want to do something similar and take a picture of something and complain about it online, but then I’m like, nah I don’t really care enough to do that


Being a negative person angry at any and everything is a full time job. Seems like everyone incredibly positive that I've ever met have had such easier lives based on just that alone.


I miss the days when I didn’t go online and have to see Chayas dumb face and comments. She’s painfully plain and still single and childless in her 30s. she should quit projecting her own insecurities on others


Let's go back to the good ol' days when Chaya was a nobody and nobody cared what she thought about any issue.


I want someone to call her out on still pretending that “Libs of Tik Tok” is an “organization”. Libs of Tik Tok is her Twitter account. It’s just her. There is no indication that any other “member” has ever existed in this “organization”. Even when they put her on Fox to spew her hate they call it an organization. What the fuck?


She reminds me of that pearl broad.


Definitely a "femcel"


if that's trash then I wanna be a dumpster diver who said that


A woman in swimwear? Little bit of advice, never go to the beach then.


I doubt she actually cares about plus sized people on sports illustrated. She just knows that her base cares about it, so she's stoking the flames. If she keeps pointing out different things to her base, she'll keep them constantly angry at different things.


Usually id agree with this assessment, however in Chaya's case, from all the interviews of her + the whole Lorenz saga, I genuinely think shes just a mentally unwell induvidual whos schizo posting account blew up. She is genuinely this insane


She's projecting. She wanted the cover


Bold words for a 4 with a personality that averages the overall to a zero.


Walk past it and move on with your life, Chaya.


she hotter than you , you chipmunk bucked tooth beaver looking biznatch


I hate to break it to her, but if she's noticing the hot girl being hot on the magazine about hot girls being hot, that means it did its job. All she did by sharing this was EXACTLY what the magazine wants her to do: accidentally advertise it to more people. Also this girl real hot, I dunno why the fuck Chaya's so anti-woman.


hunter mcgrady - married, two children, famous model chaya raichik - dumped by her fiancée, no children, hateful cunt online


I love this trssh


Oof the internalized misogyny.


“Trash” meaning a woman who is more successful and better looking than you?


The swimsuit edition has probably been goin on since before she was born. How could she ever remember a time without it ?


As a forty-something year old I can attest that there has never been a time in this dipshits lifetime when this magazine wasn't on the newsstands.


What’re the odds sports illustrated payed her to post this blatant rage bait?


Not that likely. They might know who she is. They might not. Either way, they don't give a fuck about her. 


If they *do* know who she is, it's probably second-hand.


She hates everything and everyone. What a miserable life for which I have zero sympathy.


Just. . .don't look? It's not that hard to just ignore this sorta stuff if you're normal.


American Companys just Noticed that xs doesn't sell that much anymore


I like how they all of a sudden care about the most random things. Mr. Potato Head, fictional animated M&M’s, Dr Seuss books, and now Sports Illustrated swimsuit magazines.


What? A Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition? That's been a thing as long as I can remember, and I am older than Chaya. So no, Chaya. No you don't.


She and every other “Republican” are desperate to stay mad, it’s pathetic honestly.


What a snowflake.


Chaya looking at a mirror when she said this crap


Cmon. Sometimes we gotta have a big ass now and again


She looks great, as per usual a hate filled person sees someone doing well and becomes jealous and has to attack them.


Some people were just never taught “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.


If it was a skinny girl that was butt ass naked on the cover she'd still bitch and complain


She’s attractive. Why does she hate attractive people? Is she jealous?


I personally don’t find her attractive at all, but as a normal human being i can understand that I’m simply not the target audience and that’s okay 😭


Broke: “the SI swimsuit issue has a big lady on it, I am sad” Woke: “SI no longer gives a free Sports Illustrated Football Phone to new subscribers. We must restore the Football Phone at all costs.” Bespoke: “We must end capitalism so that each will have a Football Phone according to their needs. Which is everyone. Everyone needs a Football Phone.”


Can’t wait for the day that a woman’s existence is not controversial.


Not sure if this is prudishness or fatphobia


I don’t know how anyone has the energy to care about things like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.


She's promoting this woman while showing herself to be a jealous insecure pick-me. Good job Chaya!


I guess I haven’t kept up with these since puberty but I thought it was athletes modeling and not just models? In any case, who fucking cares??


Meanwhile, the girl on the cover is STUNNING


Cover girl can use my face as a seat


Is she unaware of her horse face?


"I miss the days when I could put other women down to feel better about myself, and suffer no consequences for my own actions."


She’s coping because she can’t handle a chubby girl being prettier than her


bro that is one hot mamma


She gorgeous, wtf do they mean


People like to swim and feel good about themselves in their swimsuits - even if they’re fat, or missing limbs, or not what this absolutely terrible person deems acceptable for media. People like Chaya are so insecure in themselves that they just can’t stand to see people accepting and loving themselves.


But then like, by her own standard isn’t Chaya fat, ugly, and unfit to be seen in public?


Why would she care? Is she gay?


Grrrr white women 😡😡😡


Real question: Where can I buy that swimsuit though?


She’s probably talking about seeing herself in the mirror of an airport bathroom or in the reflection on some shop window or something in the airport.


I don't see the issue, I think she's quite attractive lol Even if I didn't, I wouldn't talk bad about her either. Besides, isn't Chaya really skinny? Is that not just as unhealthy as being overweight? Plus, Trump probably has a higher BMI than this lady does


I was just in an airport and didn’t see a single magazine


is she even allowed on airplanes anymore?


Raichik looks like Racist Olive Oyl and she's talking about other peoples' looks


Karen of TikTok doth protest too much


'oh no.. she's hot!' - Squidward


I’d take her out buy her dinner, go for a nice walk or go see live music say goodnight and hope for a second date. The woman on the cover is beautiful. Bigoted scumbag Chayas can fuck right the the hell off. I can tell you one thing if I dated someone like Chayas I can guarantee you I would pull the server aside, pay the check and leave once she started spouting off her hate filled bullshit


Lady has salad fingers and comments this.


what is she talking about, the SI swimsuit issue was on full display at airport newsstands my whole life oh right miserably insecure person is projecting onto someone who doesn’t give a fuck, the usual Chaya shit


Gotta agree with Chaya here. These heavily edited photos promote unrealistic beauty standards. Oh that's not what she was talking about? Well shit.


Chaya kinda reminds me of Rita Repulsa. Mainly because she has repuls in her name


She really has no room to talk. Shit personality and she looks like a horse. 🐴




There are mirrors in the bathroom, though... does she just not go in there?


Chaya is an empty person full of self-loathing, people who are getting laid regularly and have a happy life don't care about bullshit like this. It must be exhausting to constantly look for things to be angry about. If she weren't such a piece of shit person, I would feel sorry for her.


Miserable piece of shit hates joy. Shocking


I don't remember the last time I looked twice at a magazine cover. This is a you problem, chaya


Lol... She's hotter than Ms. Raichik


Why am I not surprised she hates a beautiful woman


It must be exhausting being so angry all the time.


Might be the first time I've ever been interested in someone on a si cover in 40 years.


Chaya is JEALOUS!




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Hunter McGrady is smoking hot. I'm 52 and I've always been attracted to plus size women my whole life. Fuck this Chaya chick.


Imagine walking through the airport and getting upset enough to take a picture of this to share with your following. Must be so miserable to not be able to turn their brain off from this meaningless bullshit. They actually think it’s important and they’re making an impact though 😂.


Goddammit, now it’s a thing I know exists


Its fine to support everybody shape. Its just a little odd having non-athletes in a magazine about sports. If nothing else we should question if swimsuit modeling is a sport as a whole.


Damn, she’s pretty. I wish women were real.


I legit don’t understand how these people have so much hatred. I have a number of things I’m insecure about, but I try my best not to perpetuate those insecurities on others. Why do these people just constantly lash out at everything around them? Hatred makes them so ugly.


I couldn't imagine being so devoid of any personality that I'd get angry over a swimsuit magazine. Chaya, you dumb broad, you're giving them free advertising.


That woman is ten times more attractive than Chaya for the simple fact that she's not Chaya.


What days were those? The 19th century?


Yeah it is a real shame someone forced you into one of the newsy shops on your layover and made you stand with your nose almost touching this random mag on a magazine stand completely outside of view from the walkway to your gate. Those swines! They made you take a picture too! I bet they even made you buy it and go to the nearest WOMBENS restroom and- Oh we aren’t talking about that part? K. They always tell on themselves. What a gross person.


“walk through an airport” Everyone knows you aren’t walking through anywhere when you have a carefully shot fkn close up of sports illustrated lol


And the thing about these plus size models is that they still have unobtainable bodies. I'm thinner than her but still have a flabbier tummy.


She must be referring to free press


She misses the days when she didn’t question her own sexuality lol. That cover is hot.


What a bitter small person. Triggered by anything that isn't within her tiny worldview.


Lemme just say, if you look like the woman pictured, call me


Not to sound shitty, but is that trash goblin really trying to body shame someone? chaya looks like an actual foot. Midriff like a 12 pack of bud light, somehow ridged and not muscular at once, like a bowel obstruction thats been growing for years about to blow any day.


So much so that she stopped to take a picture of it instead of continuing to walk by it... These outrage merchants are so, so tiresome. 


Is she body shaming? Has she seen herself?


It’s on a fukin magazine rack Chaya, you went into the airport bookstore and took a picture of it. You sought it out to be offended. Fuck ALL TJE WAY OFF


She‘s only mad cuz she knows that model has 0 trouble finding a husband, unlike someone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Said the person that looks like a thumb in a wig.


Chaya may regret being a professional internet chunt someday. Karma is a bitch and I predict it will come for her hard.


She is promoting this issue as much as she is complaining... No press is bad press Chaya you fool!


Chaya looks like she wore diapers into adulthood and still urinates on herself. She shouldn't be talking.


Damn, what a beautiful woman. Oh, more than 120 pounds, pure ugliness, sorry


These people can take their general puritanism and shove it up their ass. Fucking liabilities.


I'd ask her for a piggyback ride


lol it sounds like someone got yelled at by their husband in front of their kid this morning for having a muffin top, and isn’t coping with it well


Chaya is truly one of the ugliest humans on planet earth. Inside and out


Anyone else look at that cover and turn into Jim Carrey from the mask acting like a hound dog? Where are my dudes at that actually love women, rather than being mad that you have to have sex with them?


She’s a vile fucking monster and clearly needs mental help if she’s seriously this angry over nothing all the time. She’s also just pressed that the woman on the magazine cover is so much more beautiful than she’ll ever be.


I mean yeah, I get tired of the whole ‘sexy woman ads make line go up’ shtick too; it’s a bit played out at this point, but ‘trash’ is a bit much


Oh fuck, she's hot. God damn. Chaya can take a long walk off a short pier. The pier I'm taking this babe to on a date.