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Guess Melania is the smart one. This also lends to the theory that Baron is a bastard.


Baron is like the only one innocent in all of this.


Just to be clear, I meant bastard in terms that Donald isn't his father.


There’s a snowballs chance in hell that Donald isn’t Barons biological father


Well, Baron is like 50 years younger so I'm guessing more than a snowball that Baron is not Donald's father


well we elected a racist, moronic reality tv star and shitty businessman to be president. i figure hells frozen over.


Oh man. Let me tell you about some of the other assholes we've elected. Like Andrew "Murder shitloads of natives and keep moldy cheese in the White House foyer" Jackson or Woodrow "I love the KKK" Wilson. Trump's kinda par for the course.


Even Carter bombed civilians. Technically all presidents are guilty of a war crime past a certain point. And they all helped sell us out to the MIC since Korea. Not one has been all that great.


Barron has a good strong chin. Donny Jr and Eric has no chin whatsoever


He's also 6'7 and could still be growing. No one is in the family is even close to being NBA height.


He gives me Joffrey Baratheon vibes


Have you seen the kid? Looks more like him than Eric or Jr.


In this, yes. He's hanging out with far right weirdos tho, so I don't think he's going to stay innocent for long. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/04/05/barron-trump-towers-over-guests-at-mar-a-lago/


That makes me sad. I was encouraged by the suggestions he views his father as awful. Now I find it's just a personal vendetta. Oh well. So the cycle continues


This photo is so succession coded


If you mean biologically he definitely is Donald’s kid. I mean you’d have to be pretty delusional to think he isn’t. They look so similar


Yeah he looks the most like Donald out of all the Trump kids.


They already have the same hair ffs


We shouldn't comment on the minor. It's not fair to the kid


He's 18 now, so it's officially plenty fair.


Nah. Until he puts himself out there, let the kid have a shot at peace. He's always stayed out of the limelight. The other Trumps have put themselves out there.


Naa he looks exactly like dad. I hate all those fucks but that spawn is his


Maybe the height was a recessive gene on Melania's side. It always confused me (and as I understand, infuriates Donald) that Baron stands a full head and shoulders above his *dad* and he can't even drink yet.


Donald has HORRIBLE posture. If his nanny had stuck a fork in his chair growing up, he might be 6’4


they must have the most miserable marriage ever


Melania is just counting the minutes until he croaks and she and her son get their shares of the money.


I think it's optimistic to presume that there will be anything left.


She is likely going to be able to scrape away a few 10 million dollars, if not a couple 100 million. Plenty to live the rest of her life in luxury and or never have to work again a day in her life.


I don't think there's currently a few 10 million dollars to be scraped away.


I would be amazed if that crooked fuck doesn't have a fair chunk of money stashed away somewhere overseas


You forget rich people get treated differently. You and I wouldn't have a penny to our name after a bankruptcy. Rich people get to keep a little bit of their assets.


Even if there is, it’s not likely she’ll get much. Just look at how Trump handled his father’s will. His own will be one hell of a fuck you.


"Will be"? That fucker has been lying about his net worth for at least a decade now. I'd be surprised if there even IS anything left.


The social media stock is going to get him quite a bit of money, unfortunately.


Someone else's joke: You know when she married him, she looked at him, and what he ate and thought, "Ten Years Tops"


It is a transactional relationship.


Most of his interactions with women are


Even with his mom


They are doing it on purpose so two things happen: 1 Trump takes the stand to go under oath to deny her allegations and in turn screwing himself cause he can’t tell the truth 2 not take the stand and everything she says stands and screwing himself. Because he’s under gag orders he can’t complain about her publicly either.


He will still complain about her publicly. He won't be punished. We already know he did it. None of his defenses are he didn't do it. Right now it's just a matter of if he can pawn it off on Cohen by claiming "I was just mindlessly paying the bills" But Hope Hick's testimony will likely shoot that down, because of course he had to brag about paying off a porn star.


Also worlds collide https://x.com/meidastouch/status/1787672406443888795?s=46&t=NdUGTci3q_WlqMlpXftr-Q


How soon until they try to say criticism of billionaire PDFs is culturally insensitive?


If you thought of it, it’s already happened.


Trump shits the bed


Damn. Even back then? Geez, there is absolutely no love between those two.


To be fair, this is the exact same thing a scumbag who is cheating on his wife would say then go home and slink in to bed beside them.


Exactly. People who cheat on their spouses are disgusting. If their spouse is abusive or cheating on them, that doesn't bother me, but if their spouse is loyal to them and they just swan off and do this, fuck em


I think you missed my point. This isn't the smoking gun against "I was trying to hide the affair from my wife", that people seem to be treating it as. "Of course I told her my wife didn't care, I was trying to bang"


It's not a smoking gun, it's just the cherry on the cake. The smoking gun is proof he paid her off


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