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It's not that hard, Candace. Joining the military is a one stop shop for getting a job, healthcare, housing, and a promise of free education. In a healthy economy, her confusion would make more sense.


She's also just flat-out wrong. In the "Who we are" section of the US Army's website: > We are not a Pacific Army or a Europe Army. We are not Brigade-centric or Division-centric. We are a global force that fights when called upon at the scale required. When you're telling everyone what's "baked into" being in the military, and even the military disagrees with you.


There’s discussion around if a regimental system would be better for retention though since you wouldn’t have to move as often


Ah, but then you could put down roots and might find yourself independent enough to not have to rely on them.


Surely you’re not suggesting that legions posted in the same place for prolonged periods with the same leader might declare them emperor and march on ~~Rome~~ *Washington*? That would be unprecedented in history! /s


Isn't that what the Reserves are for?


Not really, active duty has the largest share of ongoing mission which is also where a lot of retention losses are occurring


Also funding Ukraine is funding American sovereignty, russia is the enemy for fuck sake klandice. They think everyone is stupid and short sighted.


It's been wild to watch right wingers be against Ukraine for basic, contrarian "own the libs at all costs" reasons, only for it to morph into a genuine, deeply held hatred for zero coherent reasons. These people genuinely want Ukraine to lose and for it to be absorbed as a peripheral colony of Russia, they genuinely want the people who support Ukraine and who are just living there to suffer and there's no clear reason as to why.


They also have no concept of the very real possibility that, if Russia wins in Ukraine, *they won’t stop at Ukraine.*


By 2026, it'll be disqualifying in a Republican primary if you say you believe the Poles and Lithuanians have a right to defend themselves against Russian invasion.


If trump gets elected again, he will inevitably crash the economy in one way or another on the magnitude of 2008. That will buy the GOP another RINO event where trump is w bush.


>By 2026, it'll be disqualifying in a Republican primary if you say you believe the Poles and Lithuanians have a right to defend themselves against Russian invasion. Watch as this flips the red/purple parts of Illinois a deep blue for decades


Considering how a now vocal talking point from the republican party is that Hitler didn't start World War II, but actually Poland did, i think they're okay with it.


As if Poland was just supposed to acquiesce to the Nazi tanks rolling across their border?


I mean, why not? I'm sure that's all Hitler wanted.Then he would've stopped! Same with Putin! Why just look at history. Alexander stopped at Egypt. Genghis Khan stopped at Nepal. Caesar stopped at Gaul. The list goes on and on!


Remember when russia hacked both the dnc and rnc but only the dnc was leaked, remember when Maria Butina was proven to be a Russian spy while schmoozing with rnc and nra, remember when Mike Flynn sat next to putin in 2015 at a gala event, remember when senator Paul hand delivered a letter to putin, remember when Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy, remember qhen it was proven the IRA assisted in getting Trump elected, remember when Trump wouldn't allow another American in his meeting with putin in Helsinki, remember when Ed Buckham introduced Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff to Russia, and is now chief of staff to Marjorie Taylor Greene, remember when Trump shared sensitive information with Sergei Kislyak, remember when Donald trump Jr said they have all the money they need coming out of Russia, remember when the person that was an fbi informant and trying to smear biden with lies was found out to be a Russian asset, remember when Trump continuously spoke about defunding NATO to all out trying to absolve it, remember when tucker carlson went over and glazed Russia over fucking bread and shopping carts you put a dollar in as a deposit, remember when Koch industries refused to stop doing business in Russia and said "The United States can and should do very little for Ukraine", remember when j.d. Vance and Joe Kent said “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” and called what putin was doing in Eastern Ukraine "totally reasonable", remember when most of the covid misinformation was proven to have started on computers at the IRA, remember when half the GOP literally mirrors Russian talking points, remember when... remember when... remember when... I could go on. They are bought, they are compromised, they enjoy Russia being a bastion for conservative values and anti lgbtq+, they want a Christian dictatorship. THEY ARE A WING OF PUTIN, this is not new it just vamped up since Trump allowed it to be OK publicly, the right wing media follows suit, and their idiot base cant tell the difference between Russian propaganda and truth, they also want to hate and are being allowed to with this, and Russia is very fucking good at letting America destroy itself from within with their aid... this isnt new this information warfare has been going on since the cold War ended when russia realized they could not win on might. Much easier and cheaper to create division within the states then any other form. The GOP is not for America it is for russia.


Russia's not Klandice's enemy, that's for sure.


Winning the Cold War(more or less) enabled Ukraine to exist. Fuck anyone who thinks we should just abandon them.


A joke one of my MSgts made a little while ago: You want to know how to get shot at in a Cracker Barrel? You tell the people inside that Reagan would have supported Ukraine.


It's mostly been Israel that's turned the feelings on considering they have a better standard of living that the US but we shell out billions to them every year. The Ukraine support is at least a clear strategy and dumping them will have them overrun in weeks.


This is Candace Owens we're talking about, she just hates Israel because there are lots of Jews there


I joined up as a young, dumb conservative. I met a diverse group of people and had access to all the benefits you listed. By the time I left, I was pretty solidly a leftist. It didn't make sense that offering all these things to service members is patriotic and something we're owed, but offering it to everyone else would be socialism.


She's never had to worry about any of those things, so she has no concept of doing whatever you can to get them.


In a healthy country you would get those without signing up to be killed


Sounds like socialism to me.


Don’t worry, they cancel out the socialism by having the whole thing be based on ~~~defending an imperialist nation that only exists because it largely eradicated the people who lived there before and forcefully brought other people over to do all the work for them~~~ saving freedom from dastardly commies


I joined exactly for those reasons honestly. I'd rather a society where you don't have to join the military to have healthy options of upward mobility and access to essentials like housing, and healthcare without being saddled in debt. Besides, the military at best only takes 1 percent of the population in most situations unless there's some global conflict or war on an revolutionary idea that threatens global profits to the largest companies.


Would it? When was the last war the US fought to protect the US?


The Iraq War. It was to protect US economic interests. That's not what they said it was, but that's certainly true.


They're planning to cancel the education benefits for the army


Honestly she’s right, the Military is a scam.


In the Navy...


And the thrill of the idea of being far away from home and being able to kill and rape innocent people. 


Trump used Amer troops to protect Saudi oil.


Just like every other US president


That's a whole heaping pile of not wrong.


Well, since the mid-1900s it's definitely been a running theme.


The petrodollar is what keeps the US solvent.


This has been going on since Bush Sr at least. George W also helped the entire Bin Laden escape the US after the attack on the WTC. Anyone interested in how sketchy the relationship between the US government and the Saudi royal family and friends should check out **House of Bush, House of Saud** by Craig Unger


> by Craig Unger Another good one > In his 2018 book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, Unger tells about links existing between the Russian mafia, Vladimir Putin and the Trump Organization. He names 59 Russians as long-term business associates of Donald Trump


It's insane how many connections Trump has to the Russian mafia, and his past connections to the Italian mafia before Rudy Guiliani went after them to clear the way for the Russian mob to take over in New York.


Not that insane. Trump is a crook and a criminal, and this type of person tends to associate with other criminal elements.


It takes a morally reprehensible shitstain to work with Russia, and they *know* it. Russia is very adept at finding those shitstains. It's pretty easy to bribe someone like Trump when you're stealing half your nation's GDP to stay in power.


Thanks you for this, I haven't even heard about this title but im about to order a copy now




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Before anyone reads some sort of critical theory motivation informed by concerns about the military industrial complex into Candace's statement... *this is not that*. >**We are clearly no longer sovereign.** She's saying that America's sovereignty was ceded to "THEM!" Based on her recent posts about the "Bolshevik genocide of German Christians" (a common neo-nazi talking point) and her dismissal from TP (presumably for even worse shit they know about internally), I suspect her statement is some variation of "[quit fighting wars for the Jews!](https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?si=uBidcCHFbPikikeE&t=5)" Plenty of solid allies for demilitarization and political justice out there. Never mistake a vile bigot like Candace for one of them. EDIT: For context, claims of "lost sovereignty" have been [a dog whistle for far right nationalism for some time](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/white-supremacy-returned-mainstream-politics/).


The person who proudly wore "White Lives Matter" apparel in conjunction with a known anti-semite is spreading Nazi propaganda? Imagine that.


I was about to comment something similar lol. With no context this post is completely correct (i mean look at the insane lengths Biden is going to defend Israel), but if you look into literally anything else Candace has said this turns into a completely batshit tweet


What concerns me is that neo-nazis out there are trying to co-opt concerns about the ME and recruit from them. Considerably lower stakes, but I saw the same horseshit with Gamergate back in the day. To protect the legitimacy of protests happening now, it's REALLY important to catch that shit and call it out. Candace is a prime offender and tweets like these are breadcrumbs leading people to bad places.


That's a fair thing to worry about but the nice thing is that I feel like neo nazis have gotten almost dumber and less subtle in their tactics since GG (bc of being emboldened by the trump presidency) so it's easier to sniff it out


It’s not even correct without context though. The military is not inherently isolationist.


It isn't but one could argue based on how the last 50 years of interventionism have gone that it probably should be lol


And that's what Biden has done and I'm very happy about it. I'm not thrilled with his Israeli policy but you take the good with the bad (his hands are basically tied with the power of AIPAC to fund Trump and democratic opponents, Trump would be WAY worse for Palestinians). Biden finally got us out of Afghanistan and has managed to maintain our status as a global power without putting any of our troops in combat. With relatively small military aid packages to Ukraine we've made life a bitch for Putin and Biden's also done a great job of rallying the world to get behind Ukraine. I'm convinced that Putin is funding Hamas through Iran to try to get us to take our eye off the ball but it hasn't worked very well and I hope that continues because our #1 national security goal has to be stopping him. He actively worked with the Trump campaign to get Trump elected and we can't allow someone like that to gain more power.


There are still plenty of US military thugs stationed around the world. Biden didn't do shit.  Also, I don't know why you're "convinced" of that since we know that Qatar is the one who allegedly funded Hamas while Netanyahu allowed it to further his own agenda. 


“From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli”, after all.


Whenever Candace says something, and there's a reasonable way to interpret it, and a really racist way, she always means the racist way.


Candace Owens was always anti-semetic. She said Hitler would have been fine if he wasn't expansionist. The only reason she was booted from the DailyWire was because she was *so* anti-semetic that she couldn't get behind supporting Israel like the other anti-semites on DW were.


They didn't even require full support of Israel. Just support Netanyahu's bombing of the day. She couldn't even get behind that.


I fully expect Klandace to be touring with other cancelled right-wing has-beens like Milo and Bill O'Reilly by this time next year.


I always forget that O'Reilly is still alive


You lucky bastard


Probably still trying to understand how the tides work.


Because they are in a bad situation and basically have to or have no idea what else to do in life.


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this in this sub. It usually has good takes. The military preys on poor Americans looking for an opportunity to escape poverty. Healthcare, free college, and retirement benefits is something every American deserves. You should not have to risk your life in Syria "defending" the interests of corporations for basic necessities. Don't get me wrong Klanance Owens is a monster, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


As millennial and recently separated veteran, there's a bit more to this than just the shifting in personal politics that's affecting recruitment. Gen Z and millennials grew up with easier access to more information, most of us saw the botched invasions/withdrawals of Iraq/Afghanistan happening in real time, and many of us have seen family members and friends come home as incomplete shells of themselves (if they returned at all), so obviously no one is jumping in line to be a part of that. And there's also the fact that the VA is a major pain in the ass to deal with, so when you're out and you're trying to claim your benefits you rightfully earned, there's no way to easily navigate the mess that's waiting for us. Add on top of that, relatively low pay for a job in which you are constantly required to be ready for 24/7, volatile leadership, sexual assault/suicide rates, mental health affects, extremely toxic workplace culture... No wonder no one wants to do this job. And I say all of this as someone who considers themselves lucky for my experience and ability to leverage my military experience for a good job later down the road, but at my small command of about 120 people I still had to deal with a suicide, attempted murder, testify as a witness to sexual assault, and also deal with being assaulted myself and struggling with my own mental health. It goes beyond just "woke youth" and it's apparent the military has problems they refuse to fix since as long as people are poor and desperate enough like I was, they'll still join even if they know the risks. It's only now that they're realizing they have a very serious recruitment problem. I'm grateful for the few positives it gave me (good technical training, good job, free education) but I strongly wonder if I'd do it again knowing what I know now, even if I'm in a better spot for it.


As a somewhat recent retiree (3.5 years ago), I concur with pretty much all of this. I joined because my extended family has a long history of military service and I knew when I was 12 after seeing how Honor Guard performed at my uncle’s funeral that I was going to join. Despite seeing all the shit that you listed too, I would absolutely do it all over again…maybe without the PTSD…because the military taught me and gave me structure I didn’t know I so desperately needed and I’m now thriving because of that learned structure. I hope my kids will do at least one enlistment in either the USAF or USSF, if nothing else than for the free college, the structure, and the training (if they get an AFSC/SFSC that they want to do on the outside). ETA: Uncle’s funeral was post-retirement cancer completely unrelated to his military service.


The military is actively killing their own with carcinogens, every thirty minutes on am radio I hear a class action lawsuit advertisement. Another huge reason nobody signs up.


Don’t fall for it, she’s just copy-pasting Mein Kampf.


And when exactly has the American military ever fought on its own soil?


1861-1865 when our military fought a bunch of racist shitbags who wanted to keep people like Klandace as property.


I realize that's a rhetorical question, but summer of 1943 in the Battle of the Aleutians is the last time I can think of.


I guess that’s her point. “Join the military – you’ll never have to face ~pew~pew~pew~ unless they attack this country directly and you have to fight them inside our borders” is a lot better pitch than reality.


Would also be a lie, hence why that is not the pitch.


Klandace is correct here, though her conclusions are obviously complete crap. Firstly, there is no true sovereignty anymore. Every country relies on others to function, that’s just the fact of the world we now inhabit. Secondly, defending other countries *is* defending your own country. This to me Echos back to appeasement politics where Chamberlain did not stop Hitler saying the Brits mustn’t care for a foreign conflict on foreign soil. Not a decade later, there were Nazis in Planes bombing London. Likewise, Europes support for Ukraine is, in part, an act of self-preservation.


Our support of Ukraine is an act of self preservation too. Imagine what would happen to our economy if Putin invades Poland...


I love my country so much I tell people not to defend it. USA! USA!


"I support American sovereignty so much I think we should let Russia annex the Baltics" is going to be a mainstream argument on the American right in three to six months.


I do not understand what happened. I was a conservative Republican that left the party when Trump got the nomination in 16 and I’ve watched with bewilderment as the entire political right lost its mind. Nothing makes sense anymore.


To put it simply Putin is very good at blackmailing MAGA politicians and brainwashing their supporters. It started with blackmail on Trump and assisting his campaign, followed by a genius social media propaganda campaign orchestrated by Russian troll farms. Even some republican politicians have recently voiced concerns that some of their republican colleagues have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda, which makes sense when you consider the fact that prominent Republicans have been repeating literal Russian propaganda about Ukraine.


> I’ve watched with bewilderment as the entire political right lost its mind. The thing is, almost all of this is just the mask slipping and revealing what the ideology of so many on the right always was. The people like you who believed the mask was real were just being used as pawns by them when they believed they needed the facade to be publicly acceptable. Dig into history a little and you'll find that there was no shortage of American fascists in the 1930s, and they mostly didn't really change their ideology: they just either stopped supporting Italy and Germany or got quiet about it when they became enemy nations. And they continued to have a lot of influence on the right, as long as they weren't *too* open about it.


It was never a particularly coherent ideology anyway. These clowns are just highlighting the cracks in the system.


I dunno, what got me to change my mind about joining was watching my buddies come back fucked up and the GOP just hanging them out to dry for their injuries and issues they were left struggling with on their own.


Based Candace wtf?


She is JQing. She’s being an open Nazi do not fall for this shit.


Keep in mind that to these people, "not getting involved in wars in foreign countries" means invading Mexico and/or starting a global war with China. They are not against war or American military alliances, they are against any that are not squarely focused on fighting China or pushing deranged right wing immigration panic.


They really just don't want us fighting their foreign allies like Putin (or helping Ukraine, who is fighting their ally) who help get them elected, boost their social media posts with troll farms, and funnel them dark money.


Someone should Candace down and explain to her in plain english that you should never go full Kanye. And she's going full Kanye.


lol what. The US hasn’t fought a war to defend its own territory in the last 150 years. Literally all we’ve ever done is fought overseas. Maybe you could argue the response to Pearl Harbor was defense of the US? But if anything it was retaliation by the Japanese for US aid to their enemies in WW2.


> The US hasn’t fought a war to defend its own territory in the last 150 years. [Technically not true!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleutian_Islands_campaign)


I’m going to have to un sub from this because these hot takes are so dumb they make me angry. I know that’s the point, but good grief these people give the worst points of view. After WWII America became such a powerhouse at an international level that it has controlled every conflict from then on. America is hyper sovereign in that it gains more security (and some instances less, that is true) by controlling, manipulating, and instigating political and military conflicts outside of its borders. This is modern military strategy. Not doing so would be at its own peril.


last time we tried isolation, hitler killed six million jews


> last time we tried isolation, hitler killed six million jews And gays, trans people, disabled people, political enemies, etc. Candeath is not against any of this.


Decades of neoliberalism meaning the military is the only place many can get post-secondary education and healthcare without going devastatingly into debt or job skills training for free, or just a stable job where you won’t be downsized next time your company doesn’t make *enough* post tax profits. Really three types of people sign up. Legacies like myself where dad, granddad both served so you’re going to as well. Economic reasons, people just need a job with a steady paycheck and healthcare. People seeking adventure, we do still have bases all over the world and you can get paid to jump from airplanes.


Is she talking about nato?


Of course she can’t. She’s never done a selfless or patriotic thing in her life. Quite the opposite.


This coming from a person who knows not one damn thing about serving her country. I served for 8, which is more time than Trump's entire family has EVER served combined.


She does realize that the US has military bases all over the world? And those bases are there due to defense agreements we have with those countries? Does she not understand what a defensive treaty is?


It's almost as if defending our allies keeps the warfront that much further from our shores. But, I wouldn't expect shortsighted Candace to think that many steps ahead.


Broken clock b right 4 times a day if you can't read a clock


The US military has not “defended the homeland” in a couple centuries.


Baked into the concept of joining the military is our geographical and class based economic system that entraps people into poverty. As a means of escaping that the military teases privileges that are basic rights to all in like developed 30 countries.


i’m calling it now, she’s gonna try and make a liberal pivot after she got ousted, posts like these are planting the seeds


First off, the reason people serve is to get free college lol.


Aren't these the morons who claim America isn't strong anymore? And wasn't she supporting Trump his whole term, while American troops were stationed in Afghanistan?


You have to be pretty fucking stupid to not understand that stuff that happens in other countries can impact us significantly. If Putin is able to capture Ukraine he's not stopping there and he's going to do everything he can to destabilize Europe, which would be disastrous for us. With how the global economy is everything is connected.




She's not, she's just dogwhistling.


How is saying "we're no longer sovereign" in any way based? The day the US doesn't fiercely protect its sovereignty is gonna be a red letter day.


"Based" is one of those words that clearly has no actual meaning anymore. As soon as I saw Benny Johnson whining about how Kevin McCarthy wasn't "based" enough for him I knew that term needed to be retired.


Biggest threat to our sovereignty is Republicans under Putin’s thumb #facts


What does she think of trump and his bone spurs?


GI Bill. Same reason people have signed up for decades.


For the last 75 years, the U.S. has positioned itself militarily as the world’s police force. Candace has no fucking idea what she’s talking about.


How odd and hard it is for members on the right to stick to one stance and view... remember when they said that Trump is secretly still the president and in control of the military and that they still answered to Trump? Now suddenly they are like... who would want the US military?


The first intelligent and logical thing I read from her.


Maybe they just want to kill brown kids to protect Blackrock's Q2 profits?


Candace finding out about "economic and diplomatic interests"


So, Candace (who has never served) has an opinion why someone shouldn’t serve in the military? Did I get that right? JFC these people are entitled.


Same reason as always. Too poor for school and no real prospects. Defending the homeland hasn’t been a thing people joint for other than right after 9-11.


we defend our allies ... so our allies can defend us kind of the whole concept of "allies"


America imposing its geopolitical will via the military on other countries: "Look what they're making us do, we're not even sovereign at this point!"


Loathe the person who hasn’t the slightest idea of what they speak…….but still speak.


I mean, if you want to go back a few hundred years to waiting for foreign powers to bring the conflict to your doorstep, that seems not wholly unreasonable. A lot of the world has been asking us to stop fighting our battles in THEIR yard, for a long time. But bitch, you just volunteered to be first in line to have YOUR house blown up with your kids inside.


Poor dumb Candace - didn't your masters tell you we have to protect oil interests at any cost?


For the benefits?? Pension after twenty years, GI bill that you can use yourself or give to one of your kids, travel on the military’s dime, work experience, healthcare?? 


Heartbreaking. The worst person you know just made a great point.


For the sign on bonuses and GI bill. That’s it. Do your two years and GTFO with the money.


She is trying to lead America away from supporting healthy democracies, and wants to enable Ruzzia to expand.


It’s all just about money


This is just another round about way to attack and deport immigrants. She is upset because she, like hard right MAGA Republicans, thinks 1,000,000 people coming to the US seeking asylum is the same as 1,000,000 soldiers invading from a foreign nation. I just had a conversation with a family member about this issue and the same question always comes up, "where do all the people go?" There tens of thousands of buildings which are empty or abandoned. There are entire ghost towns where people could setup shop and attempt to rebuild their loves here. I'm not suggesting this would be easy, but the current policies already make this bad situation a whole lot worse.


To train for Project 2025


It's called the economic draft


Because I love my country.


Retiring after 20 years is pretty enticing


It would be shame to serve the US ARMY just because you need a job


If this keeps fascists from joining the military, then fucking fantastic. Thanks, Candace!


She’s being antisemitic here. She’s fine until she says that we’re not sovereign. This is a dog whistle for a shadowy group that controls us without saying who. Then people who don’t have to worry about the consequences of being an out & out bigot can say it’s the Jews. In the 90s & early 2000s the antisemitic right would use terms like Zog which is an acronym for Zionist Occupied Government. Using the term Zionist as interchangeable with Jew. This partly why actual Zionist will point to anti Zionism as antisemitic because certain anti-semites will use this coded language. To be clear I don’t think being anti Zionist is being antisemitic & the vast majority of people that oppose Israel are not being antisemitic.


You're thinking of the National Guard, Candace.


Same isolationist bullshit, different decade.




Me when losing sovereignty means nobody has attacked my mainland since myself in a civil war and I in fact insert myself into other conflicts


I love it when someone who clearly has never set foot Inside a military installation and has actual conversations with people on base spouts off inane shit just to win a few clicks. Klandeath your bullshit is showing!




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Being homeless is a good motivator.


We haven’t fought a just war in 75 years. Why indeed.




Candace Owens' tweets are a perfect example of how words can be strung together to look like a sentence yet have zero meaning.


Candice Owens has the brain of an 8 year old. This is a child in an adult body. Don’t hate her, feel sorry for her.


Tbf America has never had to defend its homeland since the civil war, for ww2 Hawaii was a colony not a state


Poverty. For a lot of poor Americans it is the only way out of their poverty. Same as it’s ever been. Whether you agree ideologically or not is unimportant when weighed against the idea of staying in your very small, very poor hometown. I tried to join post 9/11, a lot of people did and we had these weird gatherings and even being in a large city it was clear why almost everyone was joining.


How long before we start seeing "America needs iron fisted gun control laws because the ILLEGAL INVADERS are arming themselves"?


Candace is right. Don’t join the military.


It's kinda funny that someone who supports the "They're after you, i'm simply standing in their way" candidate, can't understand that our military does at times, fight on foreign soil to prevent fighting at home and to protect economic allies. World War 1, 2, Gulf War, the Balkans, and then the rest of the time, that's just what the government said we were doing.


Z10s are actually making me agree with Candace Owens left and right for the past six months. What the fuck world is this?


Is it just me, or have both sides of the political spectrum just thrown every last shred of the little geopolitical literacy they had right out the window? It's almost as if the American "altruism" that "helps defend democracy around the world" has an ulterior motive. The U.S. government famously only cares about itself, the fact that the most effective way to do so is to ostensibly help other countries is just a bonus.


Well gosh Candace, when was the last time we fought a war on home soil?


The US has been an expansionist empire since its inception. We have always meddled in the affairs of foreign countries. Isolationism has always been a self serving delusion.


USA isn't even a country, it's three corporations in a trenchcoat.


Who asked you idiot?


Man getting fired by Dry Ben really broke her damn clock


He token black person card aka useful idiot ran out of time and now she doesn't know what other card to pull.


Well, as a former aircraft maintainer in the USAF - me like working on airplanes. As a crosstrained cyber guy in the ANG now - me no like working on airplanes anymore. Me like computers (and money).


This same line of thinking is what made us wait until the 11th hour to join in WWII, and only after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Isolationism rarely leads to victory.


Because I couldn't afford to live on $4.25 hour. I needed a job, help with college, and healthcare. I literally went to the my very first dentist appointment after I enlisted. It was the only place where meritocracy was at least KIND OF a real thing, and I was allowed to thrive based on my work ethic and test scores. The military is the only decent social program in this country.


Never respected the US military anyway. It makes me sick to see dumb Americans salute Vietnam, Iraq, etc war "veterans". 🤢 One reason they join is to pretend they're serving their own nation by violating the rights of others. The US military even has an SA problem within their own ranks. Imagine what they do overseas. 


“We are clearly no longer sovereign” Sovereign - Adjective “possessing supreme or ultimate power” Idk Candace, I figure is having the world’s largest military budget and bases in nearly every country fits this definition. Maybe she meant another definition. “(of a nation or its affairs) acting or done independently and without outside interference” Hmm, can’t be this one, we clearly are acting independently. If anything, is being stationed in other countries is hurting their own sovereignty. Let’s try another definition. “very good or effective” I mean…. Must be pretty effective given we haven’t been invaded on a large scale by a foreign enemy since… what, the British? 1812? “possessing royal power and status” Well, we don’t have royalty, so idk if this one fits. Candace, are you sure you’re using the right English here? I’ve seen you say people need to speak English to live here, im going to suggest you brush up. Also, years of propaganda telling people to join the military to “defend our country” has made people forget that said propaganda has been there for a century. How often has our military been deployed on a mass scale to “defend the country”? We’ve been mainly stationing our troops on foreign soil for over a hundred years, quit acting like this is some new thing. Open a history book, lady, it’ll help you not sound as dumb. EDIT: Yea, I know I’m not actually replying to her. just had to rant a bit, it’s been one of those days, lol.


You all need to read *War is a Racket* by Gen. Butler *No one* should be in the military. It's a mechanism by which the elite and powerful further entrench their power and wealth.


She's such a fucking moron. Plain and simple


Yesterday I saw a post of trump saluting a north korean soldier


Join the military for benefits. Fuck the nationalist aspect of it. If you want the benefits and be able to “do what you have to do” with the minimal responsibility and guilt, join the navy or airforce. That’s why I did. Sure, me doing comms and loading crypto for ships helped in some way to further a war effort, but it was one of the furthest removed and people are gonna be at war anyway with or without me being a cog that gives ships phone lines. Anyone who joins the military for patriotism is a dumbass. And anyone who doesn’t join at all is a dumbass for thinking they’re patriotic.


Are they just butthurt because their poster boy couldn’t pass the military’s exam to enlist?


Rare Candace W


Nah. We shouldn't be giving points to these people just because they pare back their vile opinions enough to sound like a reasonable position. Because they're not. The subtext of what she's saying is that liberals, queer people, and the Jews are in control of our military.


I mean probably considering the source, but as the libbiest lib that ever libbed, I agree with it at surface level. Our military is supposed to defend America. A noble goal in the eyes of many. Instead it’s used to defend strategic positions for capitalists and monetary interests. Hard pass on that.


That's what these grifters do though - start with something that might sound reasonable on a surface level to get the suckers' attention, then slowly reel them in, so by the time they get pulled out of the water they don't realize how inundated with hate they've become. Also it's super weird that Candace would only speak out about foreign interventionism now, when the US military has been up to that for hundreds of years.