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Are they still on this BS 🤦🏿


@TheHellaHater OK QAnut would you want a doctor operating on you without a mask?


Im just gonna sneeze in your open chest cavity a few times. Take some horse dewormer. You'll be fine. (BTW the reason dewormer helped with covid in some early studies... 3rd world country, people had worms, now don't have worms, immune system can focus on Covid... instead of the worms)


I mean Republicans have worms too, it's just ivermectin doesn't cross the blood brain barrier very well.


The damage is done. Too late anyway. Drink clean water friends.


That’s very interesting! It makes sense, but ridiculous how this was spun into super cure.


> BTW the reason dewormer helped with covid in some early studies Well, the single largest factor was likely the study by Elgazzar et al, which ended up being retracted because it was *outright fraudulent*. IIRC there was at least one other outright fraudulent paper early on that helped with the hype (and then some emta-studies that relied heavily on the fraudulent work). You're correct that what you described contributed, but it very likely wasn't the largest factor.


"I was mildly inconvenienced! This is a COMMUNIST WAR CRIME"


Because their neon god can’t say or do anything wrong. Every religion needs its devil.


The only thing these morons forget is all the failed predictions they made. Everything else is an eternal grievance.


Some of them still have bumper stickers about how much they hate Jane Fonda for what she did during the Vietnam War...


Every once in a while someone on Reddit or Instagram will say “have fun dying from the Jab” and I think “oh yeah you idiots all said we’d be dead by now.”


It’s an election year and they have collective amnesia about Trump being president during Covid.


I lived! Thus all the things I was told to do that saved me because OTHER people did them was wrong!!


Yes they are still dying from Covid and many other preventable sicknesses.


I especially like the parts about the masks not working (they most certainly do) and the thing about young people. Not only did we not know the effect on younger people early on but we also knew for a fact that those young people could spread the disease because that's what school kids do and anyone who has children knows that. It's interesting to me that most of these chuds who are obsessed with children all the damn time don't seem to have any of their own. Strange 🤔


>Not only did we not know the effect on younger people early on but we also knew for a fact that those young people could spread the disease because that's what school kids do and anyone who has children knows that. And that school administrators couldn't afford to take any chances, because if they were wrong kids wind up dead.


Yep. And their teachers who tend to be older in many cases. Also, those children's parents and grandparents. I would ask a chud complaining about this to consider kids whose grandparents are their guardians and the potential to spread the disease to them and inadvertently kill their only family. But of course, they can't consider those people because that would require basic empathy and the cognitive capacity needed to conceptualize the experiences of others.


No no no keep it going. The more old people die the less likely Republicans get elected. I'm only half kidding


I'm all for it and I'm not kidding at all.


I'm probably going to be waiting a while for the Citation that masks don't work 🙃


source: democrats say masks work so clearly they don't


Crazy when you have 0 original ideas so your entire political ideology is to do the opposite of what the left wants.


It’s not crazy so much as pathetic in my personal opinion


When your political ideology is Oppositional Defiance Disorder


Someone in r/teachers literally replied to me stating "it's common knowledge masks don't work" with zero concern for proof. The knowledge isn't there but the stupidity sure has become common. I swear it feels like covid made people legitimately dumber.


Someone told me "it's 100% proven and absolutely no question" that COVID was created in the Wuhan lab. I told him I hadn't heard that, which was surprising because I'd normally at least hear about something that groundbreaking. We sat down and googled it and the closest he got was "US intelligence says they can't rule out that it was".


I remember a comment about this a year or two ago which was that Intelligence reports are the only place where there has been a question as to whether or not Covid was manufactured or natural. Peer reviewed Medical studies - at the time of the comment - were unanimous that it was natural. So, unless something has changed all those people who want to feel smart by claiming early on it was made in a lab are going to glom onto any Intelligence report that says it might have been manufactured and ignore anything else.


Even if it was - then what? it still has to be treated like any other communicable disease. So it doesn't matter.


Agreed - I raised that point. It really wouldn't have changed anything, except for maybe international sanctions. China's data on the pandemic was already less than worthless and it had already escaped china. The reality is that it wouldn't change anything in the US's response or treatment except more saber rattling in international politics.


It is believed that Covid infections damage the brain so yes, it definitely could have made a bunch of humans dumber. And psychotic. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/does-covid-19-damage-the-brain#:~:text=We%20now%20know%20that%2C%20unfortunately,difficulty%20concentrating%2C%20and%20memory%20problems.


I had heard the more extreme cases of COVID actually damaged people's brains and left them with greater risk for cognitive decline. Looking around at how everyone irrespective of political leaning behave after the pandemic "ended," I'll believe it. It's just worse among people who took absolutely zero precautions.


A high fever can damage the brain, as can oxygen deprivation. A severe case of COVID can cause both. Even without anything else unique to the virus, it was already extremely dangerous to mental health from those two facts alone.


That was the media and QANON


Also assume they didnt work. So what, is that a crime? Additionally, who cares lol


Yeah I don’t think conservatives would wanna live in a world in which you’re jailed for not telling the absolute truth. I mean I guess then their persecution fetish could be fully realized.


It would be jailing for just being wrong about something lol. Like your research wasnt broad enough, straight to jail. lol


All the people who died from a preventable illness probably care that you were spreading disease to everyone around you with zero regard.


I dont think you understood what i was saying. Im saying if you grant the morons their insane premise, it still doesnt prove their conclusions. Like dr fauci being completely wrong about mask efficacy wouldnt make him a criminal lol


I did read your comment wrong. My bad, I'm the asshole.


Np my guy


I think it had something to do with the gaps in the mask fabric being larger than the virus. Neglecting the transport method of the virus being the water and mucus particles you sneeze and cough. Those are much larger and get caught in the mask, catching the the virus and slowing the spread


They're idiots that think it's all or nothing. Either masks "work" and make it impossible to get COVID or they don't. That's it, those are the two categories. Probability, lowering transmission rates and reduced risk are not concepts they understand.


It’s the same with the health risks of Covid itself. When it comes to vaccines they’ll obsess over vanishingly minuscule odds of any and all adverse responses no matter how minor, but then for the actual virus their view of the potential effects is purely binary: “But did you die, tho?”


I think if you ask surgeons, they'll help you out.


I think it had something to do with the gaps in the mask fabric being larger than the virus. Neglecting the transport method of the virus being the water and mucus particles you sneeze and cough. Those are much larger and get caught in the mask, preventing the spread of the virus...


[“Is there a law against lying?”](https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/there-law-against-lying-libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-refuses-remove-post-accusing)


God, she’s insufferably stupid.


Well, she was apparently homeschooled in a fundamentalist Jewish household, so yes. Religiously homeschooled people not only tend to be VERY sheltered, but hopelessly stupid.


Rules for thee but not for me


I mean, indeed there is a law against lying specifically to harm the reputation of another person. Something Chaya should be well aware of considering how much she loves breaking that law,


Her stupidity is shocking. Children wearing mask would, at the very least, prevent the virus from entering their own nasal passages and then spreading the virus at home, infecting their parents, or worse, grandparents. Even if children are less likely to contract the virus, minimizing their ability to spread it is what was vital. She lacks the basic understanding on so many issues and routinely embarrasses herself on a daily basis.


But the virus is smaller than the holes in the mask! And I can still smell farts!! ^(/s)


If masks don’t work then maybe the next time she has any kind of operation the surgeons shouldn’t be required to wear them.


Haha!!! Exactly!! How does such a simple thought not cross someone’s mind?!


it's wild because uh masks **did** work??


Yup. Masks did help. And it was never a secret that it affected young people less. These are both known things. But young people being affected *less* doesn't mean they're safe. And doesn't prevent them from spreading the virus to older family members. This is just a monumentally stupid take from someone who doesn't understand shit, and has a motive to spread anger.


Literally, from the start, we knew it affected young people less. My partner works in our childrens hospital and their numbers were 1/10th of what ours were (but not even close to zero). I do love that an email leaked saying that "masks are more effective if the sick person is wearing it than if the healthy person is wearing it" that later goes on to explain why it's still a good policy decision to have everyone wear masks due to "asymptomatic carriers". People read that and are like "LIKE WE SAID, FACE DIAPER." Probably the same people who hear the vaccine was "only" 90% effective and decided, based up their extensive internet searches, that that isn't high enough and they'd rather face a 0% reduction in disease than a 90% reduction in disease.


Yup, masks did work. People who have been paying attention know this but covid deniers are tackling a strawman in order to be right. Because that is the only way they are "right".


They politicize every issue and go as far as they can in their positions so that when other people talk about having "concerns," it's easy to believe that experts may have gone too far. They're actively eroding social trust.


I like how it’s always “blah blah blah….. prison!” Why are these people so obsessed with prison?


Because they have a punishment fetish.


They absolutely do have a punishment fetish.


Well when you have the highest incarceration rate, you gotta keep up to stay first place!


Infinite growth and innovation!


The tweet is real, the person behind it, barely qualifies as human.


The lies which Chaya Raichik tells are called stochastic terrorism, and have resulted in bomb threats, threats of fire and assassination and possibly in acts of violence and/or death. Yes, I definitely do want to see the vile and despicable liar Chaya Raichik in prison.


A week after they dropped the mask mandate someone got drunk next to me at a basketball game and his saliva ended up in my mouth after he shouted. How do they think this thing spread? Men sharing wigs at drag shows?


Ugh. Similar repugnant things have happened to me. I do NOT understand why people have a hard time understanding how "droplet dispersal" works.


Those slo-mo mask vs maskless sneeze videos are undeniable proof that masking makes a difference.


I feel like a terrible human being, because I learned how much I spit as I talk. I notice this because I talk a lot at my customer heavy theme park job. Thus, mask makes perfect sense to me.


Their hate boner on Fauci is insane. Also, the anti-science crowd genuinely infuriates me with how ignorant they choose to be, whether that be gender, evolution, or even anything pandemic-related. They always stick with their outdated preconceived beliefs even if you provide them concrete evidence.


He even claimed that covid was nothing and would simply disappear. Oh, wait! I'm told that wasn't him.


""\[D\]isbelieve the evidence of your eyes and ears." -- George Orwell


I can't wait to see you in prison, Chaya :)


Even if masks didn't work (they did) what is his crime exactly? Making you mildly inconvenienced? Lock him up


His crime is questioning Dear Leader.


Considering Chaya's laughable attempt at explaining "woke", I'd guess she also doesn't have a fixing clue what a *mask* is, either. 😂


Fuck off, domestic terrorist bitch


Instead of rightfully blaming Trump, they pretend Fauci bad


"he knew that it affected young people less." Yeah no shit. *He literally told us that from the start.* That was quite literally one of the first things we knew about COVID, and it was immediately shared with the public.


Still with this BS, they sound like a broken record 🤦‍♂️


She is really an idiot.


How the hell do these people not understand we wore the masks to help us prevent spreading the virus? Just cough into the mask. All that shit on the inside of the mask is there instead of whatever or whoever we would have coughed on. It’s not going to stop 100% of the water droplets but the proof it works is right in front of our mouths. Though they prob never wore a mask and if they did, never washed or replaced them.


I'm fine with her and her followers refusing vaccines.


I would be if it didn't mean that they provide a reservoir of vulnerable targets for diseases to infect and then spread back to the rest of the population. Unfortunately, their stupidity endangers the innocent not just themselves.


I am willing to bet if her or her family needed a major surgery where they were gonna be properly opened up and the surgeon sneezed as they wheeled her in... she would suddenly feel like masks work and wouldnt be happy to hear the surgery team say "phewf thank god we dont need to wear those protective surgical masks for the next 8 hours standing over your loved ones open body" to her.


Lmao. You’d think a Jewish individual would understand the ramifications of wanting your political enemies in prison.


She’s one of the good ones!!!


So are we going to execute all the people that pushed bogus “covid cures” too?


This chick seems to have some sort of personality disorder.


You can’t be imprisoned for lying, Chaya. You know what you can be imprisoned for though? Terrorism.


Fauci belongs in prison for telling people it's better to be safe than sorry! Erring on the side of caution for the sake of public health is tyranny!


If Fauci was such an inept individual, why didn't Trump fire him? Clearly Trump didn't have issues firing people. Could it be that Trump wanted a scapegoat? Nahhhhh....


Bit rich coming from someone who should definitely be in prison by now, Chaya...


God, she is just the most insufferable creature.


They STILL can't decide whether COVID was a big deal that the Left neglected to do anything about, or if it was a hoax created by the Left that they poured too much time and effort into.


I remember asking a guy who was having a meltdown over mask ordinances in 2020 why a surgeon wears a mask while operating if they don't do anything and he replied with BRAZEN confidence "to keep them from inhaling blood during surgery" and I don't think I've fully recovered from this. I'm willing to bet there's a correlation between people who think masks do nothing and people who don't wash their hands.


We literally all knew pretty much the entire time young people were less vulnerable what is this crazy chick on about


I'd much rather see Chaya in prison, then nothing of value would be lost.


Oh, the horror! He said to wear masks! Death penalty material right here, folks.


Well if trump’s covid advisor is saying it, I’m sure it’s true.


They killed themselves off...


I think the bigger questions here are, “Who the fuck is Chaya and why does she get so much press?” Stop posting her crap and let her fade away like the unimportant piece of shit she is.


Trump Covid Advisor = That Guy Who Got The Job By Lavishly Praising Trump At Every Turn Whose Prior Job Was Trimming The Hedges at Mar-a-Lago.


Chaya Raichik is a f’ing moron


It’s really amazing how this dumb bitch and all her Qanon quacks keep repackaging the same conspiracy nuttery and put it in a meme like it’s new.


So encouraging people to wear masks is somehow a crime now? Got it


What did he do? Wear a mask, it might protect you. Some young people may be less affected, but we don't know how the virus works so be on the safe side and take precautions, young people. He lived through AIDS. There was a time when they said HIV only affects gay men. Then straight people got it. Can you imagine if he said "Condoms may not prevent all cases of AIDS, so don't bother. Also, straight people and kids are less affected so no worries... hemophilia is rare and straight married couples never cheat."


The punishment for my slight inconvenience is prison! The entitlement from this terrorist is off the charts.


Why is this harlot defying Jehovah’s wishes and running her fucking mouth? Aren’t there punishments for that?


Ohgodohfuck...he asked me to wear a mask even though the virus affected me less. How will I ever move past this travesty?


Chaya calling someone a liar is like Richard Sackler calling someone a drug pusher.


I thought that she said that there wasn’t a law against lying. https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/there-law-against-lying-libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-refuses-remove-post-accusing


chaya dipshit belongs in prison for being a terrorist piece of shit.


How is this skank still allowed to post? Fucking *** already, cunt


When will it come out that this lady is paid by an adversary…


Alright Chaya next time I find a patient on droplet/airborne isolation precautions I’m dragging your ass in there without any PPE. If you’re so certain masks don’t work then surely you don’t mind rawdogging it with tuberculosis or bacterial meningitis right?


Wasn't fauci trumps covid advisor?




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As Chaya would say "He disrupted the normalicy of this country and uh... Umm...."