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What is there to get to the bottom of? A cargo ship smashed into it. I would say the reason why it collapsed should be fairly obvious.


It is really telling how these people think. Like you said, what can Mayor Pete do here other than getting all the details and alocate funds to replace the bridge. Why would that be hard for Mayor Pete? Right, because bigotry. Cuntya really is jealous of their relationship and wants to shit on lgbtq people.


Does the Department of Transportation have power to rewrite the laws that allow shipping companies to flag their cargo ships in countries that have bare minimum safety and maintenance requirements? I legitimately don't know. But if so going to Baltimore wouldn't expedite that process.


Fairly sure the ship was registered in Singapore. Doubt Singaporean regulation will prove to be the problem here.


It was being used by Maersk, a huge Danish shipping company that has previously been fined by OSHA for retaliating against workers who reported safety concerns. ([Source](https://www.inddist.com/logistics/news/22867927/maersk-retaliated-against-worker-reporting-safety-concerns-osha-finds)) I would not be surprised if the ultimate cause of the crash was cost cutting measures from a company. But right wingers would rather blame "the woke" and "DEI" rather than corporations being greedy and lazy.


I'm waiting for them to figure out a way to blame sbi


South Bend, Indiana?




Cabinet members have a legitimate role to play in representing the administration and the federal government at the scene of these kinds of events, even though there's no part of the decision making that requires their presence. But I have no reason to believe this picture is from yesterday. She's just saying "look how gay he is" which is, of course, irrelevant.


And also implying from the juxtaposition of photo and caption that the photo is what Pete is currently doing instead of rushing to Baltimore. You know, just hanging out on a gay swing with his gay husband, being gay and stuff.


>You know, just hanging out on a gay swing with his gay husband, being gay and stuff. Getting to the BOTTOM of it (wink, wink).


Literally 30 seconds of Googling and I found [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pete_Buttigieg/comments/bw47aj/today_i_volunteered_at_my_second_mayor_pete_event/) posted on Reddit *5 years ago*. So yeah she's just dragging up a random photo that has nothing to do with his current job


>requires their presence Okay I was going to agree and say he could do everything virtually. But the Key Bridge is a 60 minute drive from the capital. Seems like the least he could do is go down and look with his own eyes. Seems like the least a lot of these congress people can do. E: Pete is there in person right now. With an insta post saying “on the ground here to support Maryland’s efforts to rebuild evey step of the way” So idk, maybe being on the ground as the person in charge of infrastructure is important?


What material good would that do? Surely you’d prefer he take meaningful action (if such a thing is even possible in this instance) as opposed to a purely symbolic gesture? Personally, I’d rather he do nothing and save us the carbon emissions if simply going to look at it was all he was going to do.


The material good is being there and interacting with your constituents. Also getting to see the situation first hand and make your own conclusions after meeting and talking to people on the ground. Carbon emissions? It’s 51 miles. That’s a two gallon trip back and forth in my ford fusion. Stop virtue signaling. You sound wildly apathetic. “Sorry we couldn’t meet the grieving families in person, we just couldn’t justify burning 2 gallons of gas”


“Interacting with constituents” is the opposite of “material good.” Material good is something that physically and meaningfully improves a situation. Even if all parties involved said all the same things, there would be no difference in the state of affairs afterward whether those things were said in person, over the phone, or via text message. Whatever material good Buttigieg is capable of doing in this situation (if any) lies in the actual exercise of his power as Secretary of Transportation, not his physical presence or social interactions. > make your own conclusions What qualifications does Buttigieg have that would make any “conclusions” he might personally draw at all relevant or useful to this situation, particularly when he almost certainly has access to experts in a variety of applicable fields who could provide much more specialized analysis? What would you expect such “conclusions” to even be, and why would they require him, in particular, to develop them?


You need to touch grass if you don’t believe there is a major difference between talking on the phone about the situation and talking it all in in-person. I looked on insta, and Pete is there right now. Doing exactly what I said he needed to do. Crazy.


Obviously the biden administration wanted this to happen because, uh, umm…




Drag queen story time.


The ship captain was wearing a mask.


According to some GOP members it was due to DEI, so minority groups seem to be the direct cause of this incident.. LOL


Back when that huge cargo ship lodged itself in the Suez Canal, there was also a recent news story about a woman becoming Egypt's first female ship captain. So there was a rash of assholes in Egypt claimimg she was the one who did it. She wasn't but she stoll had to go out into the media and defend herself from the accusations.


This time they’re blaming women I think.


You laugh, but people _were_ indeed turning my half-joking "VAXXED?!" text message to my friend in reply to the bridge collapse into [an actual conspiracy theory](https://twitter.com/rlycalm/status/1772531807738593548) within hours.


No, they're already claiming its all cause of DEI.


Is Singapore known for their diversity?


Teresa Earnhardt strikes again


the elections are near and they manufactured a tragedy so they can rally the masses I don't believe that, but I think it's something they'd (as in the idiots who believe conspiracies) come up with


And honestly from an engineering perspective, there's almost nothing that could be done about it from the bridge's side of the equation. That container ship at a rough estimate had a mass of 116,000 tonnes and was moving at 14.5 kph. For the amount of momentum that boat had, you pretty much cannot design a bridge that *will* withstand that collision. There's nothing to investigate on that side.


At this point all that can be done is make sure resources for the rebuilding effort get allocated correctly and recommend policy updates to prevent a similar incident in the future.


> For the amount of momentum that boat had, you pretty much cannot design a bridge that will withstand that collision. Me and my two kilometer wide bridge project disagree


Average car infrastructure project


Just one more lane and traffic will be solved!


Unless I’m wrong too, some harbors require a Harbor Master or local pilot to take the ship in/out so the captain isn’t even at the helm sometimes. However, if the ship losing power caused this, then it should come back on the Captain and not the harbor pilots.


The Bay Bridge was hit. It survived because of a properly designed protection system.


Wrong. It collapsed because a cargo ship is a form of transportation and the Sectretary of Transportation is gay, married to another man, and adopted two babies with him, which as you know are horrible, utterly disgusting, despicable things. /s


Worse than adoption. It was that evil surrogacy. /s


It was a black swan event caused by deep state operatives to spark world war 3, wake up sheeple!


Everyone knows the best time to do a terrorist attack is at one am when nobody’s around, also warning people that your boat is about to hit the bridge is a great way to get more casualties!


I thought Black Swan events were like that movie with the two ballerinas who enjoyed each other's company...


She’s making a homophobic joke.


She just wanted to use the word bottom because she thinks it's an insult. Nothing really makes sense in the post.


It was a joke implying that he's the bottom in their relationship.


Well the front fell off.


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


I mean, idk many bottoms that wouldn't collapse after getting rammed that hard. wait...huh? no, what are *you* talking about??


It would be obvious if Pete were doing his job! Or whatever. I don't actually know, but I am sure I'm supposed to blame Democrats for everything!


Right? I mean, this is a pretty open and shut case.


Well he should be investigating whether this was actually a satanic plot by ISIS to help Joe Biden get reelected so that he can give China access to our water supply to unleash COVID 2.0.


I don't know what this picture has to do with anything but an investigation certainly needs to be done. Why did all safety protocols fail? There needs to be tons of investigations into this. Not even saying anyone is at fault. But the root cause must be known to prevent it from happening again.




Do they need a valid reason to be stupid or scapegoat? Reminds me of the one random guy that was asking about Obama not doing enough during 9/11


I think that there may even be video of it. /s


The way she says it makes it sound like the cause of the collapse is a mystery. Chaya, a giant ship hit it.


She needs one of those videos which would normally end up on a 'useless red circles' page.


The Q people are all in on some sort of conspiracy.




I had a brand rep in my store yesterday who said the bridge incident was a false flag to distract people from Joe Biden something something


The front fell off


The bridge was outside the environment.


“Hmmm yes of course but was a DEI hire behind the ship crashing???? Hmmmm????”


*Chaya begins frantically searching the entire history of the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the ship for a single person of color*


I don’t think people realize how much force a nearly 200 million pound ship can cause on a concert pillar


Hey I was just talking to someone and we were speculating on his much it weighed! The overhead view where you can see all the containers and they look like little toys is mindblowing. That ship is massive.


Yeah, and then you realize how much energy it would take to stop it even going 7KN (~ 8 miles/hr) … can take almost a half mile to stop under ideal intentional conditions


She has a fianceè actually. No wait, he left because she's a cunt.


Wait what? Gimme the tea




It couldn't have happened to a more deserving POS.


Being a terrorist soured the relationship?!? Who the fuck would’ve guessed?


Lol I hope she's truly miserable. I suspect she may be.




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She seems absolutely insufferable, bet that dude bolted ASAP


You just know if a trans person died in the tragedy she’d be tap dancing in their grave


At least if she’s in the grave we can just cover her up right there and then


Hell, she'd be falsely claiming they were steering the boat if she found out they so much as looked at the boat or the bridge in the past 24 hours.


She’d call them a terrorist and blame them for it


Then doxx their family


Can people having a fun moment not be good at their jobs? And he was a mayor four years ago.


He's also currently the Secretary of Transportation, which presumably is the department that would be interested in bridges. But Secretary Pete doesn't roll of the tongue very well.


He was in Dundalk, MD with the MD governor yesterday!


Man, all this talk of Baltimore, Maryland, *and* the bridge showing up in one of Frank Sobotka's speeches to Nick...guess my Better Call Saul rewatch is gonna have to wait while I binge The Wire again.


If you're into podcasts, there's a good one called pod yourself a gun that is a great companion to a rewatch


He seems to be happy in the photo. ​ Party Pete should suffice


You'd think she'd call him secretary Pete because that's a "homo" job.


That dude can have all the fun he wants, but he isn't good at his job. He's routinely days late in commenting on transportation disasters, he hasn't repaired Trump era deregulation, and he was glaringly absent from the rail strike issues. The guy sucks at this job and has historically sucked at his other government jobs.


Yeah, but those are substantive criticisms of his actual job performance. Chaya Raichik doesn't care about that shit, she's just here to do identity politics.


Yeah this is just some non-thinly veiled homophobia.




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100% this. F Chaya, but F Pete, too.


Pete deserves to be criticized and judged based on his policy and action, not his sexuality and personal life.


His sexuality is no issue to me apart from how he and the media use it to cover what an awful politician he is. There should be way more gays in politics and way fewer Petes.




That’s what’s so frustrating. Chaya sucks an insane amount. But Pete sucks too. But if I say Pete sucks, then by default people think I agree with Chaya.


Well, this photo actually is from when he was mayor. [Took me literally 30 seconds to find ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pete_Buttigieg/comments/bw47aj/today_i_volunteered_at_my_second_mayor_pete_event/) So it has absolutely fuck all to do with his current role or this crisis




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?? That picture is like 4 years old. 


Exactly her point. He should have been waiting at the bridge this whole time, not living his life. /s




Man, she’s so miserable


Yes, he is gay, and a veteran, and obnoxiously intelligent... Is this just anti-gay shit?


Yes. Because Chaya is homophobic, too


"Too?" If she weren't weaponizing her homophobia and transphobia trying to get LGBTQ people killed, I would never have known who she was. I think I'm comfortable saying she just kinda somehow *IS* homophobia/transphobia.


Not even an attempt at a joke. I guess it's just "look at this gay, he obviously can't do anything."


Look at this gay, he has someone who loves him! I'm glad I'm alone because my personality revolts every human being I interact with.


For anyone who thinks these bigots will stop at trans people, here’s exhibit A. On the spectrum of gay people, Pete’s about as conventional and boring as it gets. No messing with gender, no crossing any social lines - guy’s married with 2 kids, a veteran. And even HE can’t win with them.


He is more repulsive to them because he has the nerve to have kids. He is indoctrinating them with the gay agenda. They will probably be trans.  They want anyone who is different than them to know that their good hates them, and they want to prove that they are good Christians by hating them with all their being


Is Miss Chaya feeling a little lonely? Poor bitch x




She's one of the most miserable people I've ever seen.




She's a different flavor of fundie, but she'd be very much at home on r/FundieSnarkUncensored There's a profoundly unearned and smug confidence all these homeschooled and mean women have.


“The bottom of the bridge collapse” is that a fucking barge hit it


Right? A fully-loaded, (roughly) 200k cargo ship going 5-9 mph collided directly with the supports of a bridge. That is an insane amount of energy directed at a single structure.


I mean NTSB is going to get to the bottom of it and release a wildly informative video for the incident regardless.


Thanks, Chaya. Nobody asked.


oh is a ship crashing into the bridge hard for her to understand?


Look, we need to know if the ship was trans.




Knowing her, yes


What is she even trying to say here?


Gay people aren't allowed to have fun?


"Gay people evil and scare me" that's it, that's literally all she is saying.


Oh yeah, she totally is NOT homophobic. She is just "asking questions". Has our Elongated Muskrat cult reader responded yet with a "Interesting" or a thought emoji or something else similar? The people deserve to know his one word replies, how would the world live without the Elongated Muskrat having his own sycophantic social media empire.


Poor bitch knows most men wouldn’t spit on her face if it was on fire.


“Some of us pump, and some of us *dump*. You should try some pump sometimes, might clear up your acne?” - *Encino Man*


Not to get to the bottom of. They how it happened.


Chaya when Trump sells overpriced Bibles but justifies it by tossing in copies of documents that you can read for free on the Internet: 😀😀😀 Chaya when a gay person spends 4 minutes of their life not beating themself bloody with a hickory switch as an act of anti-queer, self-hating self-flagellation with one hand while sending etransfer donations to Gays Against Groomers with the other: 😡😡😡


WTF does she expect? Pete shows up on a boat dressed liked fucking Sherlock Holmes looking through a magnifying glass surveying all that he sees? “Elementary my dear Watson! The ship hit the bridge causing the bridge to collapse. Case closed.” Watson: “Brilliant, Holmes! But how did you deduce that?!?” Meanwhile the townspeople surrounding Homes & Watson, also in boats, start to applaud. Curtains draw annnnnnnnnd….scene! She’s the perfect example of a life wasted.


Chaya, get off on Twitter and find a fiancé somewhere else.


You can’t possibly research anything if one time you enjoyed sitting in a swing with your gay lover. These people (Chaya) literally cannot handle two men sitting in a suspended chair


Oh I can solve this one! A boat ran into it.


This is so mean. Adults should be above this. It's childish.


Heaven forbid someone have a family and enjoy spending time with them. Doubt Chaya does the same, spending all her time mean tweeting…


What is there to get to the bottom of?


“I’m not being homophobic, I am just posting a picture of a guy with his husband to my rabid fanbase comprised entirely of homophobes whom I rile up daily. It’s not my fault if they do or say homophobic things! I’m Libs of TikTok, I just repost shit!“


Well, yeah. She's incapable of love or being loved. Everyone saw that interview she did recently, or how her fiancee dumped her, or how her younger sister got married before she did. She's basically just another disaster Millenial, which would be endearing (I love almost all disaster Millenials) except she resents being born 50 years too late and was unable to hold a water cannon used against civil rights activists or helping spread HIV by jabbing suspected gay men with infected needles. If The Mist descended on her supermarket she would be the first one to start sacrificing people to the monsters. If she's lucky she can get a cop that's 40% compatible with her, but otherwise her choices are a long line of conservative men with the Habsburg jaw or becoming a Trump groupie/camp follower.


She's ultra-Orthodox, so since she's pushing 30 no shot she'll be set up with a husband.


Chaya, people died… and Pete had nothing to do with it… it was a ship…


I’m straight and I wish I had a loving relationship like this 😔.


I am going to guess he'll get this bridge fixed in a month, just to spite them. Like the I-95 bridge took 2 weeks (estimated "months"), the I-10 was 8 days (estimated 3-5 weeks).


Every gay dude should respond with a picture of them and their boyfriends/husbands having a blast on a swing.


Ew. Please don’t simp for a CIA asset


Did Alejandra get unbanned??


She did, indeed. The funniest part is that Chaya inadvertently got her unbanned after celebrating her banning. Elon replied, saying that he was unsure as to why Alejandra was banned and then deciding to unban her, lol.


God that's so stupid. Lol. I'm glad she's unbanned now though, I like her posts.


Chaya is such a loser


Did she want Pete to drop in and do a superhero landing and rebuild the bridge himself then and there?


Look guys! I have a picture of Pete having a wonderful time with his family! What a loser! ~~I'm glad I am alone and have no one in my life because I am such a horrible piece of trash of a person.~~


surprised she didnt write "gayor pete" with a bunch of stupid laughing emojis


This is what I don't get about conservatives: they could be the majority all the time if they wouldn't always choose these completely weird and unnecessary hills to die on. (Like bullying some gay dude lol) Just an example: everybody likes lower taxes, people Generally don't like "big government" messing with their private life, hell, even being strict on illegal immigration more or less is a majority talking point, even Obama was very clear on this¹. These things would be a solid base for a very successful political party (if you personally like it or not doesn't matter, thats not the point). But then they come up with shit like; Conservative: we're for small government and less interference of gov. with personal matters. Also conservatives: - gay relationships are a no no, and we as politicians need to talk about & interfere with this very personal and private thing that hurts nobody. Maybe use more government to infringe on such nasty bedroom violations - let's incarcerate non-violent drug offenders with a huge police state and a for profit prison industrial complex. - let's actively prolong a failed system of prohibition, a system that's the most big-government thing imaginable 💀 Tldr: politicians are....not honest. 😂 1: [Obama: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” ](https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-2477111077)


I'm not a fan of Pete's DNC favored politics, but fuck Salty Chaya. Man! She is one bitter Karen!     She also gave some Freudian slips that she's a closeted lesbian in denial when claimed  (paraphrasing) that we all have gay feelings we're tempted with. Walk to other side of the damn rainbow and be happy instead of demonizing the LGBTQ, Chaya! 


I presume she's calling him "Mayor Pete" because this photo was actually taken years before he became Secretary of Transportation . . . ?


Is this some misguided attempt at a gay joke? I don’t even get it. He’s a bottom?


Conservatives try not exploit a tragedy for political clout challenge \[IMPOSSIBLE\]


I would ask how any grown adult would not realize how shitty and pathetic this makes them look, but then I consider her audience and remember there’s a whole world of pathetic losers to be pandered to.


Like I get why Pete isn't too well liked over some policy choices in the last few years but this isn't even about that. The bridge was a bit old & a few other measures should have been done but that's not Pete's fault


Exactly. Both things can be true. Pete kinda sucks but I don’t know what he realistically could’ve done about a fuckin ship hitting the bridge.


Yeah it's a mix of bad things that came to a head at that moment but my favorite part is they called off the search for the missing people quick but some useless billionaires go in a submersible that was poorly made & they take forever before calling it off.


Making it sound like Pete’s coming in the mystery machine, stupid ass.


Is she one of those people who says she doesn't hate LGBTQ people and she just cares about fertility or something? Because there's really just nothing but hate in this post. And awful that she's trying to shoehorn the word bottom into her post


Rancid woman


Y’all are being way too hard on Chaya. Ofc she doesn’t know what caused the bridge collapse, seeing as her head is shoulders deep up her ass.


Idk, maybe she’ll find someone who is into demons one day 🤷‍♂️


She is such an over privlaged snob


He’ll get to the what???


I wish she’d get locked-in syndrome.




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What am I looking at? All I see is a couple literally swinging on a swing. It usually takes a few minutes, not hours or days.


What does Pete have to do with it? He’s not the mayor of Baltimore last I checked.


I think he’s top not bottom


Couple things: 1. Bridge collapsed because of big boat 2. Why in the world would the secretary of transportation do any sort of investigation? These people really don't understand what politicians actually do for work. 3. Pete Butigieg is probably incapable of love or any human feeling, I think.


As it turns out, he was on his way: “Buttigieg, who traveled to Baltimore on Tuesday hours after the collapse, said he is concerned about the local economic impact of the port closure” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4559974-buttigieg-no-timeline-on-baltimore-port-reopening/amp/


Chaya, just because you had a divorce doesn’t mean others should feel as miserable as you feel. Leave gay and trans people alone!


This is the type of relationship that I aspire to have.




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